Political Parties
 The Party System
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American Political Parties Since 1789Facts & Figures
An Introduction to Political PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
CaucusEncyclopedia Entry
Challenging the Two PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
Crossover VotingEncyclopedia Entry
DelegatesEncyclopedia Entry
DemocracyEncyclopedia Entry
Democrats Take Charge1932 - 1960Encyclopedia Entry
Demographic Differences between Democrats and Republicans: National Election Study, 2004 (percent)Facts & Figures
Electoral College and VotesEncyclopedia Entry
Figure 1-3 American Political Parties since 1789Unknown
Functions of PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
Henry A. Wallace Announces Candidacy for President1947Primary Source
Ideological and issue differences between Democrats and Republicans: National Election Study, 2004 (percent)Facts & Figures
Internal Party PoliticsEncyclopedia Entry
Lessons Learned from the 2012 ElectionsElection Analysis
MugwumpEncyclopedia Entry
National Party Chairs, 1848–2011Facts & Figures
National Party ConventionsEncyclopedia Entry
Partisan Change and RealignmentEncyclopedia Entry
Party Competition, by Region, 1860–2010 (percent)Facts & Figures
Party Endorsement of CandidatesEncyclopedia Entry
Party OrganizationsEncyclopedia Entry
Party System: Unforeseen DevelopmentEncyclopedia Entry
PlatformEncyclopedia Entry
Political Issues and the Emergence of PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
Political PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
Political Party Activity in CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
Political party development: IntroductionEncyclopedia Entry
Political Party DevelopmentEncyclopedia Entry
Political Socialization of the PublicEncyclopedia Entry
Popular VoteEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Party Leadership in CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Party Leadership in CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Realignments and DealignmentsEncyclopedia Entry
Republicans Start Fast1820 - 1932Encyclopedia Entry
Roles of Parties and Interest GroupsUnknown
Split and Straight-Ticket VotingEncyclopedia Entry
State and Federal Election ResponsibilitiesEncyclopedia Entry
Table 1-4 Party Competition, by Region, 1860–2012 (percent)Unknown
The End of Realignment?Encyclopedia Entry
The History and Development of the Nominating ProcessEncyclopedia Entry
The Party-Centered EraEncyclopedia Entry
Third Parties in CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Third PartiesUnknown
Third PartiesEncyclopedia Entry
Timmons, Acting Director, Ramsey County Department of Property Records and Revenue v. Twin Cities Area New PartyApr. 28, 1997Case Summary
Two-Party SystemEncyclopedia Entry
When and Why Did Parties Begin?Facts & Figures