Campaign and Election Process
 Campaign Finance
 Campaign Finance in Specific Elections
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2012 Election: Republican Super PAC Spending Doesn't Help2012Election Analysis
Contribution Limits for the 2011–2012 Election CycleFacts & Figures
Contributions and Independent Expenditures, by Type of PAC, 1999–2010Facts & Figures
Interview by W. Cronkite with C. Rebozo, Friend of President R. NixonDec. 19, 1973Primary Source
National Party Campaign Finance: “Soft” and “Hard” Money, 1995–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
News Conference of Attorney General J. Reno on Investigation of Fund-Raising Telephone Calls by President B. Clinton, Vice President A. GoreDec. 2, 1997Primary Source
Nonparty Outside Spending by Group, 2004-2010Facts & Figures
PAC Congressional Campaign Contributions, by Type of PAC and Incumbency Status of Candidate, 1995–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
PACs: Receipts, Expenditures, and Contributions, 1975–2010Facts & Figures
Presidential Campaign Receipts, 1996–2004 (in millions)Facts & Figures
Report by Attorney General J. Reno Declining to Recommend an Independent Counsel to Investigate Fundraising by A. Gore in 1996Nov. 24, 1998Primary Source
Richard Nixon's Checkers Speech1952Primary Source
Spending Limits in Presidential Elections, 1976–2004 (in millions)Facts & Figures
Spending, by Type of PAC, 1977–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
Table 2-10 PACs: Receipts, Expenditures, and Contributions, 1975–2012Unknown
Top Ten PACs by Total Expenditures, 2009–2010 Election CycleFacts & Figures
Top Twenty PACs in Overall Spending and in Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2009–2010Facts & Figures