CQ Press Encyclopedia of American Government

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Images (meaning photos, charts, figures, and cartoons) in CQ Encyclopedia of American Government (EAG) that originate from the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Senate Historical Office, the Architect of the Capitol, or any of the presidential libraries (e.g., the Harry S. Truman Library or the Lyndon B. Johnson Library) are in the public domain and may be downloaded freely. Images credited to Congressional Quarterly also may be downloaded freely. Illustrations that are credited to sources other than those listed above may be copyrighted by the provider, and those illustrations should not be downloaded.

From the Image page, you can find images by either clicking on “Browse All,” to view an alphabetical index listing of all the images contained in EAG, or selecting one of the topical areas (Congress, Constitution, Elections, Presidency, Supreme Court) to look for images relating to a particular subject.