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Calder v. Bull CQP Key Case, Case Summary
Aug. 8, 1798

Calder v. Bull The Connecticut legislature, which also served as the state's highest appellate court, set aside a probate court decision that “disapproved” of a will bequeathing property . . .

Hylton v. United States CQP Key Case, Case Summary
Mar. 8, 1796

Hylton v. United States This case was the first in which the Court considered the constitutionality of a federal statute. In 1794 Congress imposed a tax on all horse-drawn carriages in the United Sta . . .

Marbury v. Madison CQP Key Case, Case Summary
Feb. 24, 1803

Marbury v. Madison This case was the first in which the Court used the power of judicial review to overturn an act of Congress. The case stemmed from the presidential election of 1800 and the change, . . .

Stuart v. Laird CQP Key Case, Case Summary
May 2, 1803

Stuart v. Laird In the waning days of the Adams administration, Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1801, which reorganized the federal court system and established two terms for the Supreme Court, . . .

Ware v. Hylton CQP Key Case, Case Summary
Mar. 7, 1796

Ware v. Hylton In 1783 the Peace of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War against Great Britain, promised that British creditors would be able to sue American debtors and that the creditors could deman . . .

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