Presidential Elections
 The Presidency and Presidential Electoral System
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“Return to normalcy” and the roaring twentiesEncyclopedia Entry
A Tale of Two Nations2000 - 2001Encyclopedia Entry
Advantages and Disadvantages of IncumbencyUnknown
Age of JacksonEncyclopedia Entry
Age of ReformEncyclopedia Entry
Age of RepublicanismEncyclopedia Entry
Alben W. Barkley's “Third Term” Speech to the Democratic National Convention of 19401940Primary Source
Anderson v. CelebrezzeApr. 19, 1983Case Summary
Appendix 1: Constitutional Provisions and Amendments on ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Articles of Impeachment against ClintonDec. 19, 1998Primary Source
Backgrounds of Presidential Candidates, 1960–1996 (percent)Facts & Figures
Breakup of ConsensusEncyclopedia Entry
Clinton EraEncyclopedia Entry
Constitution of the United StatesJun. 21, 1788Primary Source
Death or Resignation after Election DayUnknown
Delegate Allocation by State, 2004Facts & Figures
Direct Election of SenatorsEncyclopedia Entry
Direct ElectionEncyclopedia Entry
Diversity in CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
Early Experience, 1789–1828Unknown
Elections and the CourtEncyclopedia Entry
Electoral AnomaliesFacts & Figures
Emergence of the Electoral ProcessEncyclopedia Entry
Governors Who Became PresidentFacts & Figures
History of Campaign FinanceUnknown
How Primaries WorkFacts & Figures
Idea of a Party SystemEncyclopedia Entry
Impeachment of Andrew JohnsonMar. 2, 1868 - Mar. 3, 1868Primary Source
Inaugural AddressesUnknown
Incumbency and Its ImplicationsUnknown
Location and Size of National Party Conventions, 1932–2012Facts & Figures
Major Electoral Developments, 1828–2004Unknown
New Century, Old PartisanshipEncyclopedia Entry
New Conservative DiscourseEncyclopedia Entry
New Deal CoalitionEncyclopedia Entry
Nixon's “Smoking-Gun” TapeAug. 5, 1974Primary Source
Original Constitutional ProvisionsUnknown
Party Competition: Presidency, by State, 1992–2008Facts & Figures
Party Platform ComparisonEncyclopedia Entry
Percentage of Voting-Age Population that Voted for President, 1920-2008Unknown
Popular and Electoral Votes for President, 1789–2008Facts & Figures
Popular Vote Winners and Electoral College LosersFacts & Figures
Popular VoteEncyclopedia Entry
Postwar Politics: Kennedy and Nixon1960 - 1968Encyclopedia Entry
Postwar RadicalismEncyclopedia Entry
President, QualificationsEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Candidate CharacteristicsEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Candidates by Party and Type of Race, 1960–2004Facts & Figures
Presidential DisabilityEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Elections ChronologyEncyclopedia Entry
Presidential Nominating Campaign Lengths, 1968-2008Facts & Figures
Presidential Nominating ProcessFacts & Figures
Presidential Succession Act of 1947: House Debate1947Primary Source
Presidential Support by Party, House of Representatives, 1953–2006 (percent)Facts & Figures
Presidential Support by Party, Senate, 1953–2006 (percent)Facts & Figures
Presidents' Reelection ChancesFacts & Figures
Profile of National Convention Delegates, 1968–2008 (percent)Facts & Figures
Proposed Articles of Impeachment of Richard NixonJul. 27, 1974 - Jul. 29, 1974Primary Source
Slavery Divides the NationEncyclopedia Entry
Sophisticated VotingEncyclopedia Entry
Split-Level Realignment1968 - 1992Encyclopedia Entry
Stages in an ElectionEncyclopedia Entry
State Methods for Choosing Democratic and Republican National Convention Delegates, 2004Facts & Figures
State Methods for Choosing National Convention Delegates, 1968–2008Facts & Figures
Table 1-27 Location and Size of National Party Conventions, 1932–2012Unknown
Table 1-28 Profile of National Convention Delegates, 1968–2008 (percent)Unknown
Table 1-3 Party Competition: Presidency, by State, 1992–2012Unknown
Table 1-7 Popular and Electoral Votes for President, 1789–2012Unknown
Table 17-4 Presidential Support by Party, House of Representatives, 1953–2010 (percent)Facts & Figures
Table 17-5 Presidential Support by Party, Senate, 1953–2010 (percent)Facts & Figures
Table 5-8 “Minority” PresidentsFacts & Figures
The Constitutional Convention: Debates on Presidential Selection1787Primary Source
The Decision to CompeteUnknown
The Evolution of DebatesEncyclopedia Entry
The Exploratory StageUnknown
The Exploratory StageEncyclopedia Entry
The Federalist Papers on Presidential Selection1788Primary Source
The Federalist, No. 701787 - 1788Primary Source
The McGovern-Fraser Commission Report1971Primary Source
The Nominating System: From Primaries and Caucuses to the ConventionEncyclopedia Entry
The Political Environment and Presidential CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
The Twelfth Amendment: Senate Debate1803Primary Source
The Twentieth Amendment: Senate Debate1932Primary Source
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment: Senate Debate1965Primary Source
The Twenty-Second Amendment: House Debate1947Primary Source
The Virginia Plan of UnionMay 29, 1787Primary Source
Uniform Elections Bill, 1976 Legislative Chronology1976Legislative Analysis
Who Runs for PresidentEncyclopedia Entry