Voters and Demographics
 Voter Turnout
 Voter Turnout in Specific Elections
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Bureau of the Census Survey of Voter Participation in November 1972 Elections1972Primary Source
Demographics of the 2012 Election2012Election Analysis
Early Voting and Unrestricted Absentee VotingEncyclopedia Entry
Figure 1-1 Voter Turnout Rates: Presidential and Midterm Elections, 1789–2012Unknown
Growing Franchise in the United States, 1930–2010Facts & Figures
Markle Commission on the Media and Voter Participation: "Electing a President," a Report on the 1988 Presidential Election1988Primary Source
No. 381. Members of Congress—Incumbents Reelected: 1964 to 20001964 - 2000Facts & Figures
No. 395. Participation in Elections for President and U.S. Representatives: 1932 to 20001932 - 2000Facts & Figures
No. 401. Voting-Age Population, Percent Reporting Registered, and Voted: 1980 to 20001980 - 2000Facts & Figures
No. 404. Resident Population of Voting Age and Percent Casting Votes— States: 1994 to 20001964 - 2000Facts & Figures
Table 8. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Age and Family Income: November 1998 1998Facts & Figures
Table 9. Reported Voting and Registration, by Age, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 1994 (excerpted)1994Facts & Figures
Table A-1. Reported Voting and Registration by Race, HIspanic Origin, Sex and Age Groups: November 1964 to 20001964 - 2000Facts & Figures
Table 1-1 Voter Turnout Rates: United States, South, and Non-South, 1789–2012 (percent)Unknown
Table 1. Characteristics of the Voting-Age Population Reported Having Registered or Voted: November 1994 1994Facts & Figures
Table 1. Percent Reported Voting and Registering in Congressional Election Years, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Gender: November 1966 to 19941966 - 1994Facts & Figures
Table 10. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 1994 (excerpted) 1994Facts & Figures
Table 10. November 1978 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1978Facts & Figures
Table 10. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 1996 (excerpted)1996Facts & Figures
Table 11. Voting and Registration of Employed Persons, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Major Occupation Group: November 1994 (excerpted)1994Facts & Figures
Table 11. November 1982 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1982Facts & Figures
Table 12. Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Age and Family Income: November 1994 1994Facts & Figures
Table 12. November 1986 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1986Facts & Figures
Table 12. Reasons for not Voting, by Sex, Age, Race and Hispanic Origin: November 1998 1998Facts & Figures
Table 12. Reasons for not Voting, by Sex, Age, Race and Hispanic Origin: November 2000 2000Facts & Figures
Table 12. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Age and Family Income: November 19961996Facts & Figures
Table 13. Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Family Income: November 1994 1994Facts & Figures
Table 13. November 1990 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1990Facts & Figures
Table 13. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Family Income: November 19961996Facts & Figures
Table 14. November 1994 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1994Facts & Figures
Table 15. Reported Time of Day and Method of Voting, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1994 1994Facts & Figures
Table 17. Reporting on Voting and Registration, for Specified Race Groups, by Selected Characteristics: November 19941994Facts & Figures
Table 2. Regions - Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1994 (excerpted)1994Facts & Figures
Table 2. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1996 (excerpted)1996Facts & Figures
Table 2. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States: November 1998 (excerpted)1998Facts & Figures
Table 2. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States: November 2000 (excerpted)2000Facts & Figures
Table 3. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age, for Divisions: November 1994 (excerpted)1994Facts & Figures
Table 3. Percent of Population Voting by Citizenship Status and Selected Demographic Characteristics: November 19941994Facts & Figures
Table 3. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age, for the United States, Regions, and Divisions: November 1998 (excerpted)1998Facts & Figures
Table 3. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age, for the United States, Regions, and Divisions: November 2000 (excerpted)2000Facts & Figures
Table 3. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age, for Divisions: November 1996 (excerpted)1996Facts & Figures
Table 5. Reported Voting and Registration, by Age, Sex, and Educational Attainment: November 1998 (excerpted) 1998Facts & Figures
Table 5. Reported Voting and Registration, by Age, Sex, and Educational Attainment: November 2000 (excerpted) 2000Facts & Figures
Table 6. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Educational Attainment: November 1998 (excerpted) 1998Facts & Figures
Table 6. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Educational Attainment: November 2000 (excerpted) 2000Facts & Figures
Table 7. November 1966 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1966Facts & Figures
Table 7. Reported Voting and Registration, by Age, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1994 (excerpted) 1994Facts & Figures
Table 7. Reported Voting and Registration, by Age, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1996 (excerpted)1996Facts & Figures
Table 7. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 1998 (excerpted) 1998Facts & Figures
Table 7. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 2000 (excerpted) 2000Facts & Figures
Table 8. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1994 (excerpted) 1994Facts & Figures
Table 8. November 1970 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1970Facts & Figures
Table 8. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Age and Family Income: November 2000 2000Facts & Figures
Table 8. Reported Voting and Registration, by Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex and Years of School Completed: November 1996 (excerpted)1996Facts & Figures
Table 9. November 1974 Congressional Election Voting & Registration1974Facts & Figures
Table 9. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Family Income: November 1998 1998Facts & Figures
Table 9. Reported Voting and Registration of Family Members, by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Family Income: November 2000 2000Facts & Figures
Table A-2. Reported Voting and Registration by Region, Educational Attainment and Labor Force: November 1964 to 20001964 - 2000Facts & Figures
The Nation's Voters, 1980–2010Facts & Figures
Turnout among Social Groups in 19801980Election Analysis
Voter Turnout among Social Groups in 19841984Election Analysis
Voter Turnout Among Social Groups in 19881988Election Analysis
Voter Turnout among Social Groups in 19921992Election Analysis
Voter Turnout among Social Groups in 19961996Election Analysis
Voter Turnout Rates, Presidential and Midterm Elections, 1789-2010Facts & Figures
Voter Turnout Rates: Presidential and Midterm Elections, 1789–2010Facts & Figures
Voter Turnout Rates: Presidential Elections, South and Non-South, 1789–2008Facts & Figures
Voter Turnout Rates: United States, South, and Non-South, 1789–2010 (percent)Facts & Figures
Voting Behavior in the 2000 Presidential Election: The Balance of Power in American Politics2000Election Analysis
Voting ControversiesCQ Researcher