Campaign and Election Process
 Interest Groups
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2012 Election: Republican Super PAC Spending Doesn't Help2012Election Analysis
Buckley v. Valeo: Excerpts from Decision and Opinions1976Primary Source
Citizens United v. Federal Election CommissionJan. 21, 2010Case Summary
Club for GrowthEncyclopedia Entry
Contributions and Independent Expenditures, by Type of PAC, 1999–2010Facts & Figures
Distributing Resources and the Tax CodeEncyclopedia Entry
Examples of Major 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 527 OrganizationsFacts & Figures
Federal Election Commission v. AkinsJun. 1, 1998Case Summary
Federal Election Commission v. Massachusetts Citizens for LifeDec. 15, 1986Case Summary
Federal Election Commission v. National Right to Work CommitteeDec. 13, 1982Case Summary
Interest Group Activities and ResourcesEncyclopedia Entry
Introduction to Interest GroupsEncyclopedia Entry
Keller v. State Bar of CaliforniaJun. 4, 1990Case Summary
Limitations on PACs, 1977-1980 Legislative Chronology1977 - 1980Legislative Analysis
Money and Political SpeechEncyclopedia Entry
National Party Campaign Finance: “Soft” and “Hard” Money, 1995–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
Nature of RepresentationEncyclopedia Entry
Number of Political Action Committees, 1974-2004Facts & Figures
PAC Congressional Campaign Contributions, by Type of PAC and Incumbency Status of Candidate, 1995–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
PAC Contributions to Congressional Candidates, 1974-2004Facts & Figures
PAC Strategies and Decision MakingEncyclopedia Entry
Pattern of PAC Spending by Incumbents versus Nonincumbents and by Party, 2002 Senate Elections (percent)Facts & Figures
Pipefitters Local Union v. U.S.Jun. 22, 1972Case Summary
Political Action Committee (PAC) Contributions to 2002 Senate CampaignsFacts & Figures
Political Action Committees (PACs)Encyclopedia Entry
Political and Election Websites, 2012Facts & Figures
Political CampaignersEncyclopedia Entry
Public OpinionEncyclopedia Entry
Roles of Parties and Interest GroupsUnknown
Senior VotersEncyclopedia Entry
Single-Issue VotingEncyclopedia Entry
Spending, by Type of PAC, 1977–2010 (millions)Facts & Figures
Tea PartyEncyclopedia Entry
The Development and Functions of Interest GroupsEncyclopedia Entry
The Impact of Interest GroupsEncyclopedia Entry
The Rise of Political Action CommitteesEncyclopedia Entry
Top Twenty PACs in Overall Spending and in Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2009–2010Facts & Figures
Types of PACsEncyclopedia Entry