Congressional Elections
 Congress and the Congressional Electoral System
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A Day on the Road in South Dakota Primary Source
Bates v. Jones: Opinion of the Federal Appeals Court on California Proposition 140 for Term LimitsDec. 19, 1997Primary Source
BicameralEncyclopedia Entry
Blacks in CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Changing Election Procedures of U.S. SenatorsEncyclopedia Entry
Characteristics of Members of CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Congress's Power to Judge Election ReturnsEncyclopedia Entry
Congress's Power to Regulate ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Constitution of the United StatesJun. 21, 1788Primary Source
Constitutional Provisions for House and Senate ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Demands for Popular Elections of U.S. SenatorsEncyclopedia Entry
Direct Election of SenatorsEncyclopedia Entry
Direct ElectionEncyclopedia Entry
Disputed House ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Election by State Legislatures of U.S. SenatorsEncyclopedia Entry
Election of Members: Evolving ProcessEncyclopedia Entry
Electoral AnomaliesFacts & Figures
Help America Vote Act of 2002Encyclopedia Entry
Hispanics in CongressEncyclopedia Entry
Incumbency Advantage in Reelection, 1946-2010Facts & Figures
Major Supreme Court Cases on RedistrictingEncyclopedia Entry
Midterm ElectionEncyclopedia Entry
Nominating Systems for U.S. House and Senate SeatsEncyclopedia Entry
Number of Unchallenged and Defeated House Incumbents, 1982–2002Facts & Figures
Party Control ShiftsEncyclopedia Entry
Popular VoteEncyclopedia Entry
Potential U.S. House Candidates' Reasons for Involvement in PoliticsFacts & Figures
Reelection Rates of Senate Incumbents, 1980–2004Facts & Figures
Seating DisputesEncyclopedia Entry
Second Midterm Elections (“The Six-Year Itch”)Encyclopedia Entry
Senate Campaigns: Implications for Representation and GovernanceEncyclopedia Entry
Senate Election Outcomes and Determinants of Voting BehaviorEncyclopedia Entry
Senate's Three ClassesEncyclopedia Entry
Senate, QualificationsEncyclopedia Entry
Sessions and TermsEncyclopedia Entry
Shifts between ChambersEncyclopedia Entry
Single-Member DistrictsEncyclopedia Entry
Special ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Special ElectionsEncyclopedia Entry
Stages in an ElectionEncyclopedia Entry
Term LimitsEncyclopedia Entry
The Legal and Political Context of U.S. Senate CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
The Modern SenateEncyclopedia Entry
The People's BranchEncyclopedia Entry
The Players in U.S. House CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
The Players in U.S. Senate CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
The Right to a Congressional Seat: Subject to ChallengeEncyclopedia Entry
The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution: Context and ExcerptsMay 31, 1913Primary Source
The Twentieth Amendment: Senate Debate1932Primary Source
The Virginia Plan of UnionMay 29, 1787Primary Source
Turnover in MembershipEncyclopedia Entry
U.S. Senate CampaignsEncyclopedia Entry
U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. ThorntonMay 22, 1995Case Summary
United States v. ClassicMay 26, 1941Case Summary
Women in CongressEncyclopedia Entry