Presidential Elections
 Presidential General Elections: By Year
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1995–1997: The 104th Congress1995 - 1997Encyclopedia Entry
1996 Democratic Convention BallotsFacts & Figures
1996 Electoral VotesFacts & Figures
1996 Republican Convention BallotsFacts & Figures
Analysis of the 1996 Presidential Election1996Election Analysis
Clinton's 1996 State of the Union AddressJan. 23, 1996Primary Source
Clinton's Reelection: 19961996Encyclopedia Entry
Clinton, Bill: Presidential Biography Aug. 19, 1946Biography
Electoral Votes, by State, 1992 and 1996Facts & Figures
Gore, Al: Vice-Presidential Biography Mar. 31, 1948Biography
How Social Groups Voted in 19961996Election Analysis
Issues and Themes in the 1996 Presidential Election: Economics, Culture, and “Small-Party” Politics1996Election Analysis
News Conference of Attorney General J. Reno on Investigation of Fund-Raising Telephone Calls by President B. Clinton, Vice President A. GoreDec. 2, 1997Primary Source
Party Loyalties, Policy Preferences, and the Vote, 1952–19961952 - 1996Election Analysis
Percentage of Popular Votes for President, by State, 1992 and 1996Facts & Figures
Postelection Statement of President-elect B. Clinton and Concession Speech of R. DoleNov. 5, 1996 - Nov. 6, 1996Primary Source
Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates of the 1996 Presidential Campaign1996Primary Source
Presidential Candidates and Popular Vote Totals, 19961996Facts & Figures
Presidential General Election, Alabama, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Alaska, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, All States, 1996 Summary1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Arizona, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Arkansas, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, California, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Colorado, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Connecticut, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Delaware, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, District of Columbia, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Florida, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Georgia, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Hawaii, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Idaho, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Illinois, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Indiana, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Iowa, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Kansas, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Kentucky, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Louisiana, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Maine, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Maryland, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Massachusetts, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Michigan, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Minnesota, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Mississippi, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Missouri, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Montana, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Nebraska, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Nevada, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, New Hampshire, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, New Jersey, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, New Mexico, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, New York, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, North Carolina, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, North Dakota, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Ohio, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Oklahoma, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Oregon, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Pennsylvania, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Rhode Island, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, South Carolina, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, South Dakota, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Tennessee, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Texas, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Utah, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Vermont, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Virginia, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Washington, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, West Virginia, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Wisconsin, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Presidential General Election, Wyoming, 1996 All Counties1996Election Returns
Report by Attorney General J. Reno Declining to Recommend an Independent Counsel to Investigate Fundraising by A. Gore in 1996Nov. 24, 1998Primary Source
The 1996 Presidential Election: Turbulence and Tranquillity in Contemporary American Politics1996Election Analysis
The Clinton EraEncyclopedia Entry
The Political Year, 19961996Election Analysis
Voter Turnout among Social Groups in 19961996Election Analysis