| |
| | Typical Day in the Senate | | | Facts & Figures |
| | Typical Day in the House | | | Facts & Figures |
| | Twenty-fifth Amendment | | | Image |
| | Truman, Harry S., Receiving Gold Medal for Distinguished Service in Congress | | | Image |
| | Truman, Harry S., Meeting Senate Colleagues | | | Image |
| | Truman, Harry S. | 1884 - 1972 | | Biography |
| | Treaty Power of Congress | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Treaties Killed by the Senate | | | Facts & Figures |
| | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, House | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Thurmond, Strom | | | Image |
| | Thurmond, Strom | | | Biography |
| | Thomas, Bill, and Charles B. Rangel | | | Image |
| | Thomas Nast Cartoon of the Republican Elephant | 1874 | | Image |
| | Thomas Nast Cartoon of the Democratic Donkey | 1874 | | Image |
| | Third Parties | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Third House of Congress | | | Image |
| | Terms and Sessions of Congress | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Term Limits | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Television | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Teapot Dome Cartoon | | | Image |
| | Teapot Dome | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Taxation Committee, Joint | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| | Taft, Robert A. | 1889 - 1953 | | Biography |
| | Table, Motion to | | | Encyclopedia Entry |