Environment and Natural Resources
 Animals and Plants
 Floor Votes
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Feb. 26, 2016Floor Vote
200-Mile Fishing Limit (in H.R.) H J Res 240Feb. 8, 1977Floor Vote
Agriculture Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 17923Jul. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Agriculture Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 13125Aug. 9, 1978Floor Vote
Alaska Lands (in Sen.) HR 39Jul. 22, 1980Floor Vote
Alaska Predator Control Disapproval -- Passage. (in Sen.) HJRES69Mar. 21, 2017Floor Vote
Alaskan Predator Hunting Disapproval -- Passage. HJRES69Feb. 16, 2017Floor Vote
American Eagle Day -- Adoption. HRES1409Jun. 14, 2010Floor Vote
Animal Cruelty/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1887Oct. 19, 1999Floor Vote
Animal Drug User Fees -- Passage. S622Jun. 3, 2013Floor Vote
Animal Health Research (in H.R.) HR 11873Feb. 7, 1974Floor Vote
Animal Health Research (in H.R.) HR 11873Feb. 7, 1974Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 5808Feb. 9, 1976Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 5808Feb. 9, 1976Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 5808Feb. 9, 1976Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 5808Feb. 9, 1976Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) S 1941Apr. 6, 1976Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1941Apr. 7, 1976Floor Vote
Arkansas Fish Hatchery/Fair Market Value (in H.R.) HR 535Jun. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Asian Elephants/Concur With Senate Amendment. (in H.R.) HR700Jan. 23, 2002Floor Vote
Asian Elephants/Passage. (in H.R.) HR700Jun. 12, 2001Floor Vote
Atlantic Fisheries Protocol (in H.R.) Exec C, 92nd Congress, Second SessionOct. 3, 1972Floor Vote
Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation (in H.R.) HR 5492Oct. 4, 1984Floor Vote
Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1658Jul. 8, 1997Floor Vote
Atlantic Tunas Conservation (in H.R.) HR 6205May 10, 1977Floor Vote
Bald Eagle Protection (in H.R.) HR 12186Feb. 7, 1972Floor Vote
Bass Conservation/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4408Jun. 26, 2000Floor Vote
Bird Conservation/Passage (in H.R.) S 148Jun. 26, 2000Floor Vote
Bird Hunting Licenses -- Passage. HR1206Jun. 3, 2013Floor Vote
California Drought -- Fish Screen. HR2898Jul. 16, 2015Floor Vote
Captive Primate Sale and Importation -- Passage. HR2964Jun. 17, 2008Floor Vote
Captive Primate Sale and Importation -- Passage. HR80Feb. 24, 2009Floor Vote
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge/Passage. (in H.R.) HR3937Jun. 24, 2002Floor Vote
Coastal Communities and Habitats -- Algal Bloom Projects. HR729Dec. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Coastal Communities and Habitats -- Chesapeake Bay Oyster Research. HR729Dec. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Coastal Communities and Habitats -- Modify Marine Mammal Protections. HR729Dec. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Commercial Fisheries Research Authorization (in H.R.) HR 6206May 10, 1977Floor Vote
Control of Predator Animals (in H.R.) HR 13152Jul. 17, 1972Floor Vote
Crane Conservation -- Passage. HR1771May 21, 2008Floor Vote
Crane Conservation -- Passage. HR388Apr. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Delisting Gray Wolves as Endangered Species -- Passage. HR6784Nov. 16, 2018Floor Vote
Delisting Gray Wolves as Endangered Species -- Rule. HRES1142Nov. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Disaster Supplemental -- Fish and Wildlife Service Construction. HR152Jan. 15, 2013Floor Vote
Dolphin-Safe Tuna/Dolphin-Safe Label (in H.R.) HR 2823Jul. 31, 1996Floor Vote
Dolphin-Safe Tuna/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2823Jul. 31, 1996Floor Vote
Drift Net Fishing Sanctions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2152Feb. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Driftnet Fishing Phaseout Grants -- Passage. S906Dec. 10, 2020Floor Vote
Eagles Nest Wilderness (in H.R.) HR 3863Apr. 6, 1976Floor Vote
Eagles Nest Wilderness (in H.R.) S 268Jun. 29, 1976Floor Vote
Electronic Duck Stamp -- Passage. HR3117Jan. 23, 2012Floor Vote
Electronic Duck Stamps -- Passage. (in H.R.) S1496Jul. 24, 2006Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in H.R.) HR 37Sep. 18, 1973Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 1983Jul. 24, 1973Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 1983Jul. 24, 1973Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 18, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 18, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 18, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 19, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 19, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species (in Sen.) S 2899Jul. 19, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act (in H.R.) HR 2218Oct. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act (in H.R.) S 1983Dec. 20, 1973Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 14104Oct. 14, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 14104Oct. 14, 1978Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Flood Waivers/Project Exemption Limitation. (in H.R.) HR 478. CQ Key VoteMay 7, 1997Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Flood Waivers/Rule (in H.R.) HR 478May 7, 1997Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Overhaul -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3824 CQ Key VoteSep. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Overhaul -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR3824Sep. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Overhaul -- Substitute. (in H.R.) HR3824Sep. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Reporting/Passage (in H.R.) S 1744May 3, 2000Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Leopard Darter (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Public Health and Safety (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Authorization/Consideration of the Bill (in Sen.) S 675Jul. 25, 1988Floor Vote
Endangered Species Authorization/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1467Jul. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Endangered Species Compensation (in H.R.) HR 14418Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Interior Department Data. HR4315Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Passage. HR4315 CQ Key VoteJul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Previous Question. HR4315Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Recommit. HR4315Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Rule. HR4315Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Designations -- Scientific and Commercial Data. HR4315Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Endangered Species Protection Cooperative Program Funding -- Passage. HR4465Mar. 13, 2018Floor Vote
Endangered Species Treaty (in Sen.) Exec H, 93rd Congress, First SessionAug. 3, 1973Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations, Fiscal 1980 (in Sen.) HR 4388 CQ Key VoteSep. 10, 1979Floor Vote
Energy Plan/ANWR Drilling Receipts. (in H.R.) HR4Aug. 1, 2001Floor Vote
Energy Plan/ANWR Size Limit. (in H.R.) HR4Aug. 1, 2001Floor Vote
Energy Policy -- EPA Corn Corp Assessments. (in Sen.) HR6Jun. 20, 2007Floor Vote
Environmental Reviews -- Recreational Opportunities and Endangered Species. HR348Sep. 25, 2015Floor Vote
Epizootics Agreement (in Sen.) Exec M, 93rd Congress, Second SessionMay 5, 1975Floor Vote
Family Planning Funding Disapproval and Alaskan Predator Hunting Disapproval -- Previous Question. HJRES43 HJRES69Feb. 15, 2017Floor Vote
Family Planning Funding Disapproval and Alaskan Predator Hunting Disapproval -- Rule. HJRES43 HJRES69Feb. 15, 2017Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Catfish. (in Sen.) S1731Dec. 18, 2001Floor Vote
Farm Programs -- Animal Fighting Prohibitions. HR2May 18, 2018Floor Vote
Farm Programs Reauthorization/Toxic Substances in Feed (in Sen.) S 2830Jul. 23, 1990Floor Vote
FDA User Fees -- Genetically Engineered Salmon. (in Sen.) S3187May 24, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Lands and Water Projects -- Federal Grazing Fees. HR2578Jun. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Interior Appropriations/Spotted Owl (in Sen.) HR 5769Oct. 23, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Interior Appropriations/Hunting at Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge (in H.R.) HR 5503Jul. 22, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Interior Appropriations/Northern Spotted Owl Habitat (in Sen.) HR 5503Aug. 6, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Interior Appropriations/Bureau of Land Management (in H.R.) HR 2520Oct. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Interior Appropriations/Land Acquisition (in H.R.) HR 2520Oct. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Defense Supplemental Appropriations/Decision of the Chair (in Sen.) HR 889Mar. 16, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Defense Supplemental Appropriations/Endangered Species Act (in Sen.) HR 889Mar. 16, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Interior Appropriations/African Conservation Fund (in H.R.) HR 1977Jul. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Interior Appropriations/Red Wolf (in Sen.) HR 1977Aug. 9, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Omnibus Appropriations/Endangered Species (in Sen.) HR 3019Mar. 13, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Agriculture Appropriations/Animal Damage Control Program (in H.R.) HR 3603Jun. 12, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Interior Appropriations/Fish and Wildlife Resource Management Funding Increase (in H.R.) HR 3662Jun. 19, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Interior Appropriations/Marbled Murrelet (in H.R.) HR 3662Jun. 19, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Agriculture Appropriations/Wildlife Service Livestock Protection Program (in H.R.) HR 4101Jun. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Agriculture Appropriations/Wildlife Service Livestock Protection Program (in H.R.) HR 4101Jun. 24, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Budget Resolution/Public Land Sales (in Sen.) S Con Res 86Apr. 2, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Agriculture Appropriations/Wild Predator Control (in H.R.) HR 1906Jun. 8, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (in H.R.) HR 2670Aug. 5, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations/Fisheries Management (in H.R.) HR 2466Jul. 14, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations/Jawed Leghold Traps (in Sen.) HR 2466Sep. 9, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations/Leghold Traps (in H.R.) HR 2466Jul. 14, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations/Wildlife Service (in H.R.) HR 2466Jul. 13, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Mohair Subsidies (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 11, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Wild Animals (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 11, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Budget Resolution/ANWR (in H.R.) S Con Res 101Apr. 6, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Interior Appropriations/Tree Harvesting (in H.R.) HR 4578Jun. 14, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Supplemental Appropriations/Motion to Instruct. (in H.R.) HR2216Jul. 12, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Agriculture Appropriations/Engineered Fish. (in H.R.) HR2330Jul. 11, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Agriculture Appropriations/Wool and Mohair. (in H.R.) HR2330Jul. 11, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Interior Appropriations/Klamath River Project. (in Sen.) HR2217Jul. 12, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Interior Appropriations/Recreational Fees. (in H.R.) HR2217Jun. 21, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Supplemental Appropriations/Coral Reef Mapping. (in Sen.) HR4775Jun. 6, 2002Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Agriculture Appropriations/Animal Fighting (in H.R.) HR 2673Jul. 14, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Defense Authorization/Endangered Species (in H.R.) S 1050May 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Defense Authorization/Inspector General Employees, Environmental Rules (in H.R.) HR 1588May 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Interior Appropriations/Bear Baiting on Federal Lands (in H.R.) HR 2691Jul. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Interior Appropriations/Bison in Yellowstone Park (in H.R.) HR 2691Jul. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Interior Appropriations/Klamath Wildlife Refuge (in H.R.) HR 2691Jul. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Agriculture Appropriations/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (in H.R.) HR 4766Jul. 13, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Agriculture Appropriations/Sudden Oak Death (in H.R.) HR 4766Jul. 13, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Interior Appropriations/Bison in Yellowstone Park (in H.R.) HR 4568Jun. 17, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Agriculture Appropriations -- Horse Slaughtering Ban. (in Sen.) HR2744Sep. 20, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Agriculture Appropriations -- Prevented Planting Payments. (in Sen.) HR2744Sep. 22, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Pesticide Testing (in Sen.) HR2361Jun. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Pesticide Testing (in Sen.) HR2361Jun. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations -- Bar Funds for Earmark Projects. (in Sen.) HR3058Oct. 20, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Agriculture Appropriations -- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. (in H.R.) HR5384May 23, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Agriculture Appropriations -- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. (in H.R.) HR5384May 23, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- ANWR Reserve Fund. (in Sen.) SCONRES83Mar. 16, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Lobster Institute. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Shellfish Research. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Anadromous Fish Research. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Mexican Wolf Recovery Program. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Polar Bears. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- National Mule and Packers Museum. (in H.R.) HR3074Jul. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2009 Omnibus Appropriations -- Polar Bear Regulations. (in Sen.) HR1105Mar. 5, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Interior-Environment -- Gray Wolves. HR2584Jul. 27, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Endangered Species Act. HR2584Jul. 27, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Asset Forfeiture Fund. HR5326May 9, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Sea Turtle Conservation. HR5326May 9, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Legislative Branch Appropriations -- Botanic Garden Funding. HR5882Jun. 8, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Migratory Birds. HR5972Jun. 29, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Budget Resolution -- Habitat Designations. (in Sen.) SCONRES11Mar. 27, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan. HR2578Jun. 3, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization -- Lesser Prairie Chicken. HR1735May 15, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Endangered Species Designations. HR2822Jul. 8, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Ivory Sales. HR2822Jul. 8, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Budget Resolution -- Endangered Species. (in Sen.) HCONRES71Oct. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Alaska Wildlife Management Rule. HR3354Sep. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Defense Appropriations and Predatory Marine Mammals Hunting Permits -- Previous Question. HR6157 HR2083Jun. 26, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Defense Appropriations and Predatory Marine Mammals Hunting Permits -- Rule. HR6157 HR2083Jun. 26, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Endangered and Threatened Species. HR6147Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Grazing Permit Qualifications. HR6147Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Lesser Prairie Chicken. HR6147Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Meadow Jumping Mouse. HR6147Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse. HR6147Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Five-Bill Appropriations Package -- Hunting Trophy Imports. HR3055Jun. 20, 2019Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Five-Bill Appropriations Package -- Right Whale Protection Status. HR3055Jun. 20, 2019Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Four-Bill Appropriations Package -- Wildlife Poaching and Trafficking. HR2740Jun. 18, 2019Floor Vote
Fish and Wildlife Administration (in H.R.) HR 2329Feb. 28, 1977Floor Vote
Fish and Wildlife Foundation Authorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2684Nov. 3, 1993Floor Vote
Fish and Wildlife Grants/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3671Apr. 5, 2000Floor Vote
Fish and Wildlife Programs (in H.R.) HR 5523May 3, 1976Floor Vote
Fisheries Law Reauthorization -- Rule. HR1335May 21, 2015Floor Vote
Fishermen's Protective Act (in H.R.) HR 10878Apr. 10, 1978Floor Vote
Fishing in the Bering Sea (in Sen.) S Res 396Mar. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Fishing Vessel Liability and Safety (in H.R.) HR 5013Aug. 13, 1986Floor Vote
Game Management (in H.R.) HR 11537Jan. 22, 1974Floor Vote
Golden Eagle Program (in H.R.) S 2315Jun. 22, 1970Floor Vote
Horse Protection (in H.R.) HR 13711Jun. 21, 1976Floor Vote
Horse Slaughter -- Horse Sanctuaries. (in H.R.) HR503Sep. 7, 2006Floor Vote
Horse Soring Prevention -- Passage. HR5441Nov. 14, 2022Floor Vote
Hunting and Fishing on Federal Lands -- Polar Bear Trophies. HR2406Feb. 26, 2016Floor Vote
Hunting From Aircraft (in H.R.) HR 14731Jun. 5, 1972Floor Vote
Indian Buffalo Management -- Passage. HR2074Dec. 8, 2021Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in Sen.) HR 4035Oct. 26, 1981Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) HR 5234Sep. 16, 1986Floor Vote
Interior Department Appropriations, Fiscal 1976 (in H.R.) HR 8773Jul. 23, 1975Floor Vote
International Dolphin Conservation (in H.R.) HR 5419Sep. 24, 1992Floor Vote
International Dolphin Conservation Program/Passage (in Sen.) S 39Jul. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Kealia Pond Refuge/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3176Jun. 7, 2000Floor Vote
Keystone XL Pipeline -- ESA Legal Fees. (in Sen.) S1Jan. 21, 2015Floor Vote
Keystone XL Pipeline -- Lesser Prairie-Chicken. (in Sen.) S1Jan. 28, 2015Floor Vote
Lamprey Eel Control (in H.R.) HR 3472May 1, 1984Floor Vote
Land Conservation/CARA Fund Reduction (in H.R.) HR 701May 10, 2000Floor Vote
Land Conservation/Outreach Organizations (in H.R.) HR 701May 11, 2000Floor Vote
Liberty Ships (in H.R.) HR 5741Jul. 31, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Grants/Passage. (in H.R.) HR3389Jun. 19, 2002Floor Vote
Marine Mammal Protection (in H.R.) HR 10420Dec. 6, 1971Floor Vote
Marine Mammal Protection (in H.R.) HR 10730Apr. 10, 1978Floor Vote
Marine Mammals (in H.R.) S 2871Jul. 25, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Mammals (in H.R.) S 2871Jul. 25, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Mammals (in H.R.) S 2871Jul. 25, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Mammals (in H.R.) S 2871Jul. 26, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Mammals (in H.R.) S 2871Jul. 26, 1972Floor Vote
Marine Mammals Fishing Exemption Extension/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3049Sep. 21, 1993Floor Vote
Marine Turtle Conservation -- Passage. HR509Jul. 28, 2009Floor Vote
McKinney Lake National Fish Hatchery -- Passage. HR1160Oct. 24, 2011Floor Vote
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2863Sep. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Migratory Birds Conservation -- Passage. HR2188Jul. 16, 2009Floor Vote
Minnesota Wildlife Refuge (in H.R.) HR 13374Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Non-Federal Property (in H.R.) HR 1845Oct. 26, 1993Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Non-Federal Property. (in H.R.) HR 1845. CQ Key VoteOct. 6, 1993Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1845Oct. 26, 1993Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1845Oct. 6, 1993Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Volunteers (in H.R.) HR 1845Oct. 6, 1993Floor Vote
National Biological Survey/Volunteers (in H.R.) HR 1845Oct. 26, 1993Floor Vote
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation/Passage (in H.R.) S 2095Oct. 12, 1998Floor Vote
National Fish Hatcheries Conveyance -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5061Jul. 10, 2006Floor Vote
National Heritage Areas -- Previous Question. HR1483Oct. 23, 2007Floor Vote
National Heritage Areas -- Recommit. HR1483Oct. 24, 2007Floor Vote
National Heritage Areas -- Rule. HR1483Oct. 23, 2007Floor Vote
National Landscape Conservation System -- Grazing Rights. HR2016Apr. 9, 2008Floor Vote
National Pollinator Week -- Adoption. HRES1460Jul. 1, 2010Floor Vote
National Wildlife Refuge Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1675Apr. 24, 1996Floor Vote
National Wildlife Refuge Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5493May 16, 1977Floor Vote
National Wildlife Refuge System/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1420Sep. 23, 1997Floor Vote
North Pacific Fur Seals Conservation (in Sen.) Exec S, 96th Cong, 2nd Sess.Jun. 11, 1981Floor Vote
Nutria Eradication/Passage (in H.R.) HR 273Apr. 8, 2003Floor Vote
Ocean Mammal Protection (in H.R.) HR 10420Mar. 9, 1972Floor Vote
Pactola Reservoir Reallocation Authorization -- Passage (in H.R.)Nov. 13, 2006Floor Vote
Pesticide Regulation (in H.R.) HR 7073Oct. 31, 1977Floor Vote
Plant Varieties Protection (in H.R.) S 3070Dec. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Polar Marine Research (in H.R.) HR 12668Jun. 6, 1978Floor Vote
Predatory Sea Lions and Salmon Fish Stock -- Passage. HR2083Jun. 26, 2018Floor Vote
Private Property Rights/Passage (in H.R.) HR 925Mar. 3, 1995Floor Vote
Private Property Rights/Value, Scope Limits (in H.R.) HR 925Mar. 2, 1995Floor Vote
Rare Cat and Dog Conservation Programs -- Passage. HR1464May 20, 2008Floor Vote
Rare Cat and Dog Conservation Programs -- Passage. HR411Apr. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Rat Control and Extermination Act of 1967. (in H.R.) H R 11000 CQ Key VoteJul. 20, 1967Floor Vote
Regional Fishery Management -- Passage. HR200Jul. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Regional Fishery Management -- Previous Question. HR200Jul. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Regional Fishery Management -- Recommit. HR200Jul. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Regional Fishery Management -- Rule. HR200Jul. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Regulatory Moratorium/Migratory Bird Hunting (in H.R.) HR 450Feb. 23, 1995Floor Vote
Restore Salton Sea/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3267Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Salmon Restocking/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1157Jun. 13, 2001Floor Vote
Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge (in H.R.) HR 10310Jun. 5, 1972Floor Vote
Shark Finning/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3535Jun. 6, 2000Floor Vote
Skipwith Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Dec. 11, 2019Floor Vote
Skipwith Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Dec. 12, 2019Floor Vote
Southern sea otters -- passage. HR556Jul. 28, 2009Floor Vote
Sportsmen's Land Access -- Polar Bear Trophy Importation. HR4089Apr. 17, 2012Floor Vote
Surface Water Storage Permitting -- Commercial Fisheries Protection. HR1654Jun. 22, 2017Floor Vote
Tinicum Environmental Center (in H.R.) HR 2817May 10, 1977Floor Vote
Treaties (in Sen.) Ex R, 92-2Mar. 27, 1973Floor Vote
Treaties (in Sen.)Sep. 15, 1976Floor Vote
Tribute to Jane Goodall -- Adoption. HRES1543Jul. 28, 2010Floor Vote
Trinity River Basin/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2243Dec. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Tuna-Dolphin Protection (in H.R.) HR 6970Jun. 1, 1977Floor Vote
Tuna-Dolphin Protection (in H.R.) HR 6970Jun. 1, 1977Floor Vote
Tuna-Dolphin Protection (in H.R.) HR 6970Jun. 1, 1977Floor Vote
U.S. 200-Mile Fishing Zone (in H.R.) HR 3753Mar. 1, 1977Floor Vote
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Volunteers/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2408Mar. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Virginia Wilderness Protection -- Previous Question. HR1011Oct. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Virginia Wilderness Protection -- Recommit. HR1011Oct. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Walter B. Jones Center for the Sounds/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2961Sep. 21, 1993Floor Vote
Wetlands Resources (in H.R.) HR 3082Sep. 19, 1984Floor Vote
Wetlands Resources (in H.R.) HR 3082Sep. 20, 1984Floor Vote
Whale Study (in H.R.) HR 15445Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
Whale Study (in Sen.) HR 15445Sep. 28, 1976Floor Vote
Whaling Moratorium/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 34Feb. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Wild Animals/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1006Nov. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros -- Previous Question. HR1018Jul. 17, 2009Floor Vote
Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros -- Republican Substitute. HR1018Jul. 17, 2009Floor Vote
Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros -- Rule. HR1018Jul. 17, 2009Floor Vote
Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros -- Passage. HR1018Jul. 17, 2009Floor Vote
Wild Horse Preservation/Passage (in H.R.) HR 765Jul. 22, 1997Floor Vote
Wild Horse Sale Ban -- Cost Offset. (in H.R.) HR249Apr. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Wild Horse Sale Ban -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR249Apr. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Wild Horse Sale Ban -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR249Apr. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Wildfire Funding and Environmental Reviews -- Endangered Species Act Procedures. HR2936Nov. 1, 2017Floor Vote
Wildlife Refuge Revenue Sharing (in H.R.) HR 8394Jun. 6, 1978Floor Vote
Wildlife Refuge System (in H.R.) HR 5512Nov. 14, 1975Floor Vote
Wildlife Refuge System Centennial/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4442Jul. 11, 2000Floor Vote
Wildlife Refuges/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1420Jun. 3, 1997Floor Vote
Wildlife Shooting From Aircraft (in H.R.) HR 5060May 17, 1971Floor Vote
Winter Run Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2457Nov. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Wolff National Wildlife Refuge -- Passage. HR6064Nov. 13, 2018Floor Vote