Business, Banking, Commerce, and Economics
 Small and Disadvantaged Business
 Floor Votes
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
1993 Budget Reconciliation/Expensing Allowance (in Sen.) S 1134Jun. 24, 1993Floor Vote
1993 Budget Reconciliation/Paperwork Reduction (in Sen.) S 1134Jun. 25, 1993Floor Vote
1993 Budget Reconciliation/Small Business (in Sen.) S 1134Jun. 23, 1993Floor Vote
1993 Budget Reconciliation/Small Business Exemptions (in Sen.) S 1134Jun. 24, 1993Floor Vote
Access to Care for the Uninsured/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2990Oct. 6, 1999Floor Vote
Adoption Tax Credit/Small Business Expensing. (in Sen.) HR622Jan. 29, 2002Floor Vote
Age Discrimination; Access to Contraception; LGBTQ-Owned Businesses; Congressional Disapproval Measures -- Rule. HR2062 HR239 HR1443 SJRES13 SJRES14 SJRES15 HRES485Jun. 23, 2021Floor Vote
Age Discrimination; Veterans' Contraception Access; LGBTQ-Owned Businesses; Congressional Disapproval Measures -- Previous Question. HR2062 HR239 HR1443 SJRES13 SJRES14 SJRES15 HRES485Jun. 23, 2021Floor Vote
Alleviate ‘Marriage Penalty’ Tax/Health Insurance (in H.R.) HR 4810Jul. 17, 2000Floor Vote
Americans With Disabilities Act/Phase-In (in H.R.) HR 2273May 17, 1990Floor Vote
Americans With Disabilities Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2273May 17, 1990Floor Vote
Bank Investments in SBICs -- Passage. HR400Jan. 25, 2023Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Small Businesses (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul -- Small Business Provisions (in Sen.) S256Mar. 8, 2005Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Passage (in H.R.) HR 833May 5, 1999Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Small Business. (in Sen.) S420Mar. 7, 2001Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Small Business. (in Sen.) S420Mar. 8, 2001Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Small Businesses (in H.R.) HR 3150Jun. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Small-Business Exemptions (in H.R.) HR 833May 5, 1999Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Substitute (in H.R.) HR 833May 5, 1999Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Reform/Passage (in Sen.) S 1985Jun. 17, 1992Floor Vote
Boots to Business Entrepreneurship Program -- Passage. HR1606Jun. 20, 2023Floor Vote
Budget Reconciliation (in Sen.) S 1377Jun. 25, 1981Floor Vote
Budget Reconciliation Instructions (in Sen.) S Con Res 9Apr. 1, 1981Floor Vote
Carranza Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jan. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Carranza Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jan. 7, 2020Floor Vote
Charitable Giving and Small Business Tax Extenders -- Previous Question. HR644 HR636Feb. 12, 2015Floor Vote
Charitable Giving and Small Business Tax Extenders -- Rule. HR644 HR636Feb. 12, 2015Floor Vote
Charitable Giving Tax Extension -- Passage. HR644Feb. 12, 2015Floor Vote
Civil Litigation/Small Businesses (in H.R.) HR 988Mar. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Reauthorization/Small Business Assistance (in Sen.) S 1630Mar. 21, 1990Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1986 (in H.R.) HR 2965Jul. 17, 1985Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) HR 5161Jul. 17, 1986Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/SBA Loans (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Competitiveness Package -- Hassan Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) HR4521May 4, 2022Floor Vote
Coordinated Information Exchange/Passage. (in H.R.) HR2733Jul. 11, 2002Floor Vote
Copyright Term Extension/Music Licensing Fees (in H.R.) HR 2589Mar. 25, 1998Floor Vote
Copyright Term Extension/Small Business (in H.R.) HR 2589Mar. 25, 1998Floor Vote
Corporate Disclosures -- Small Business ESG Study. HR1187Jun. 16, 2021Floor Vote
Crime Control/Passage (in H.R.) S 3266Oct. 27, 1990Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) HR 4428Aug. 14, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Laser Experiment (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Department of the Environment/Small-Business Ombudsman (in Sen.) S 171Apr. 29, 1993Floor Vote
Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Classification -- Passage. HR499Nov. 13, 2019Floor Vote
Disapprove CFPB Small Business Lending Rule -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES32Oct. 18, 2023Floor Vote
Disapprove CFPB Small Business Lending Rule -- Passage. SJRES32Dec. 1, 2023Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 9005Oct. 4, 1977Floor Vote
Economic Development -- Small-Business Regulations. (in Sen.) S782Jun. 9, 2011Floor Vote
Economic Development Administration Reauthorization/Computer Data Base (in H.R.) HR 2442May 11, 1994Floor Vote
Economic Development Administration Reauthorization/Federal Regulations (in H.R.) HR 2442May 12, 1994Floor Vote
Economic Stabilization Act Extension (in Sen.) S 2891Dec. 1, 1971Floor Vote
Economic Stabilization Act Extension (in Sen.) S 2891Dec. 1, 1971Floor Vote
Economic Stabilization Act Extension (in Sen.) S 2891Dec. 1, 1971Floor Vote
EIDL Program Fraud Statute of Limitations -- Passage. HR7334Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Election Assistance, Regulatory Rulemaking Criteria and Small Business Regulations -- Previous Question. HR3010 HR527 HR3463Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Election Assistance, Regulatory Rulemaking Criteria and Small Business Regulations -- Rule. HR3463 HR3010 HR527Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Electronic Filing for Small Businesses/Passage (in H.R.) HR 439Feb. 9, 1999Floor Vote
Emergency Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) S 2308Jul. 29, 1971Floor Vote
Employer-Provided Health Care Flexibilities -- Flexible Health Insurance Notifications in Rural Areas. HR3799Jun. 21, 2023Floor Vote
Energy Conservation and Oil Policy Act (in H.R.) HR 7014Aug. 1, 1975Floor Vote
Energy Department (in Sen.) S 826May 18, 1977Floor Vote
Energy Department Authorization-Civilian Programs (in H.R.) HR 3000Oct. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Energy Department Authorization-Civilian Programs (in H.R.) HR 3000Oct. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Energy Department Authorization-Civilian Programs (in H.R.) HR 3000Oct. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/College Tuition Tax Credit (in H.R.) HR 8Jul. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 8Jun. 9, 2000Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Education Funding (in H.R.) HR 8Jul. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/KidSave Accounts (in H.R.) HR 8Jul. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits (in H.R.) HR 8Jul. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Estate Tax/Family Business Exemption. (in Sen.) HR8Jun. 12, 2002Floor Vote
Excise Tax on Beer (in H.R.) HR 3605Aug. 2, 1976Floor Vote
Excise Tax on Beer (in H.R.) HR 3605Sep. 13, 1976Floor Vote
Excise Tax on Beer (in H.R.) HR 3605Sep. 13, 1976Floor Vote
Expanding Entrepreneurship Programs -- Passage. HR539Feb. 25, 2019Floor Vote
Export Administration Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 979Mar. 1, 1984Floor Vote
Export Trading Companies (in Sen.) S 2718Sep. 3, 1980Floor Vote
Export Trading Companies (in Sen.) S 734Apr. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Businesses Affected by Tariffs. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Federal Rulemaking Revisions -- Previous Question. HR50 HR527Feb. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Federal Rulemaking Revisions -- Rule. HR50 HR527Feb. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Federal Trade Commission Authorization (in Sen.) S 1991Feb. 7, 1980Floor Vote
Federal Trade Commission Reauthorization/Insurance (in Sen.) S 677Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
First Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1986 (in Sen.) S Con Res 32May 9, 1985Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Supplemental Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 9375Oct. 20, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Supplemental Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 9375Nov. 1, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1979 Supplemental Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 4289Jun. 26, 1979Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990-91 Defense Department Authorization/Section 1207 Extension (in H.R.) HR 2461Jul. 27, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Supplemental Defense Authorization/Small Business Loans (in Sen.) S 578Mar. 14, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5132May 14, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Supplemental Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2118May 26, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Supplemental Appropriations/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2118Jul. 1, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Supplemental Appropriations/Tree Planting (in H.R.) HR 2244May 26, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Agriculture Appropriations/Socially Disadvantaged Farmers (in H.R.) HR 2493Jun. 29, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Budget Resolution/Taxes on Small Businesses, Family Farms (in Sen.) S Con Res 18Mar. 23, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Budget Resolution/Taxes on Small Businesses, Farms (in Sen.) S Con Res 18Mar. 25, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 2519Jul. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget-Reconciliation/Estate Tax (in Sen.) S 1357Oct. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Office of Advocacy (in H.R.) HR 2076Jul. 26, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Budget Reconciliation - Revenue/Daschle Substitute (in Sen.) S 949Jun. 26, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Increase Funding for Small Business Loan Program (in H.R.) HR 4276Aug. 5, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Budget Resolution/Small Business Health Insurance. (in Sen.) HCONRES83Apr. 5, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Small Business Administration Funding (in H.R.) HR 4754Jul. 7, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Homeland Security Appropriations/State-Wide Security Guard Contracts (in H.R.) HR 4567Jun. 18, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Small Business Emergency Relief. (in Sen.) HR2862Sep. 15, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Small Business Loan Program (in H.R.) HR2862Jun. 14, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Defense Appropriations -- Small Business Procurement Policies (in H.R.) HR2863Jun. 20, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Supplemental Appropriations -- Loan Guarantee Interest Rates. (in H.R.) HR4939Mar. 16, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations -- Minimum Wage Increase. (in Sen.) HR3058Oct. 19, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Fairmont State University. (in H.R.) HR5672Jun. 28, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Small Business Loan Program. (in H.R.) HR5672Jun. 27, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Budget Resolution -- Unfunded Mandates. (in Sen.) SCONRES21Mar. 22, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Abraham Lincoln National Airport Commission. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Grace Johnstown Area Regional Industries Incubator. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Internal Control Report. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Mitchell County Development Foundation. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- San Francisco Planning and Urban Research. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Small Business Administration. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- West Virginia University Research Corporation. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Financial Services Appropriations -- Small Business Incubator Project. HR3170Jul. 16, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Homeland Security Appropriations -- Competitive Bidding Exemptions. (in Sen.) HR2892Jul. 9, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2015 Agriculture Appropriations -- Previous Question. HR4800Jun. 11, 2014Floor Vote
Fiscal 2015 Agriculture Appropriations -- Rule. HR4800Jun. 11, 2014Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Financial Services Appropriations -- Small Business Entrepreneurship. HR3351Jun. 26, 2019Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Financial Services Appropriations -- Small Business Entrepreneurship. HR3351Jun. 26, 2019Floor Vote
Fiscal 2021 Budget Resolution -- Limitation on Small Business Tax Increases. (in Sen.) SCONRES5Feb. 4, 2021Floor Vote
Fiscal 2021 Budget Resolution -- Restaurant and Bar COVID-19 Grant Program. (in Sen.) SCONRES5Feb. 4, 2021Floor Vote
Fiscal 2021 Budget Resolution -- Small Business Assistance Restrictions. (in Sen.) SCONRES5Feb. 5, 2021Floor Vote
Fiscal 2023 Six-Bill Appropriations Package -- En Bloc Amendments. HR8294Jul. 20, 2022Floor Vote
Fiscal 2024 Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Prohibit Funds for CASBLCP. HR4664Nov. 8, 2023Floor Vote
Fisheries Promotion (in H.R.) HR 7039Sep. 23, 1980Floor Vote
Fisheries Promotion (in H.R.) HR 7039Sep. 23, 1980Floor Vote
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination -- Small Business Exemption. HR7Mar. 27, 2019Floor Vote
Guzman Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Mar. 16, 2021Floor Vote
Guzman Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Mar. 16, 2021Floor Vote
Health Care Reconciliation -- Tax Credit Sunset Repeal. (in Sen.) HR4872Mar. 25, 2010Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses -- Democratic Substitute. (in H.R.) HR525Jul. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR525Jul. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR525Jul. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Adoption (in H.R.) HR 660Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4281May 13, 2004Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 660Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4281May 13, 2004Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Passage (in H.R.) HR 660Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 660Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4281May 13, 2004Floor Vote
Health Plans for Small Businesses/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 660Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Highway Funding for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses -- Passage. HR1694Nov. 17, 2015Floor Vote
Home Ownership Expansion/Eligibility (in H.R.) HR 1776Apr. 6, 2000Floor Vote
Job Training Reauthorization -- Small Business Loans (in H.R.) HR27Mar. 2, 2005Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 14232Jun. 24, 1976Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (in Sen.) S 1303Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
LGBTQ-Owned Business Loan Data -- Passage. HR1443Jun. 24, 2021Floor Vote
Limit Federal Funds for Migrant Housing; Sanctions on Iranian Funds; Disapprove CFPB Small Business Lending Rule -- Rule. HR5283 HR5961 SJRES32Nov. 29, 2023Floor Vote
Microloan Program Corrections/Passage (in H.R.) HR 440Feb. 9, 1999Floor Vote
Microloan Program Revisions -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3020Sep. 4, 2007Floor Vote
Minimum Wage Increase -- Appeal Ruling of the Chair. (in H.R.) HR2Jan. 10, 2007Floor Vote
Minimum Wage Increase -- Recommit. HR582Jul. 18, 2019Floor Vote
Minimum Wage Increase -- Regulation Compliance. (in Sen.) HR2Jan. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Minimum Wage Increase -- Small Business Expensing. (in Sen.) HR2Jan. 31, 2007Floor Vote
Minimum Wage Increase and Business Tax Package/Motion to Instruct Conferees (in H.R.) HR 3448Jul. 26, 1996Floor Vote
Minimum-Wage Increase/Small Business (in Sen.) HR 2710Nov. 8, 1989Floor Vote
Mining Law Overhaul/Small Miners (in H.R.) HR 322Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Minority Business Development Program/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1807Jul. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Multi-employer Pension Plans (in Sen.) HR 3904Jul. 29, 1980Floor Vote
Multi-employer Pension Plans (in Sen.) HR 3904Jul. 29, 1980Floor Vote
Multi-employer Pension Plans (in Sen.) HR 3904Jul. 29, 1980Floor Vote
National Competitiveness Bill/Motion To Instruct (in H.R.) HR 820Jul. 19, 1994Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Civilian Technology Program (in H.R.) HR 820May 12, 1993Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Regulatory Flexibility Act (in Sen.) S 4Mar. 10, 1994Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Venture Capital (in Sen.) S 4Mar. 16, 1994Floor Vote
National Development Investment Act (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 12, 1983Floor Vote
Native American Small Businesses -- Passage. HR1834Nov. 19, 2009Floor Vote
New-Business Tax Deductions -- Passage. HR6756Sep. 27, 2018Floor Vote
Omnibus Regulatory Overhaul/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 9. CQ Key VoteMar. 3, 1995Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Election -- NLRB Small Business Jurisdiction. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (in H.R.) HR 9179Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Paperwork Reduction/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2432May 18, 2004Floor Vote
Parental and Medical Leave/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2488Oct. 3, 1988Floor Vote
Parental and Medical Leave/Motion to Postpone (in Sen.) S 2488Sep. 30, 1988Floor Vote
Patients' Rights/Small Employers Liability Exemption. (in Sen.) S1052Jun. 27, 2001Floor Vote
Patients' Rights/Small-Business Exemption. (in Sen.) S1052Jun. 29, 2001Floor Vote
Paycheck Protection Program Modifications -- Passage. HR7010May 28, 2020Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Banks and Savings and Loans (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Clarifications (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Natural Disasters (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Supply Shortages (in Sen.) S 2527Jul. 6, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Takeovers and Mergers (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
PPP Program Fraud Statute of Limitations -- Passage. HR7352Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Product Liability/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2366Feb. 16, 2000Floor Vote
Product Liability/Small Business (in H.R.) HR 2366Feb. 16, 2000Floor Vote
Regulation of Crowdfunding -- Passage. HR4855Jul. 5, 2016Floor Vote
Regulatory Moratorium/Small Businesses (in H.R.) HR 450Feb. 24, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/$100 Million Threshold (in H.R.) HR 926Mar. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/$100 Million Threshold (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 11, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Cloture (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 17, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Cloture (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 18, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 343. CQ Key VoteJul. 20, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Disease Regulations (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Filing Deadline (in H.R.) HR 926Mar. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Food Safety Exemption (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 11, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Glenn Substitute (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 18, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Good Faith Exemption (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Mammography Exemption (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Meat and Poultry Inspection (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Occupational Safety Regulations (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Passage (in H.R.) HR 926Mar. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Proposed Rule Exemption (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Public Disclosure (in H.R.) HR 926Mar. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Safe Drinking Water (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Small-Business Cost-Benefit Analysis (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 10, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Small-Business Review (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 10, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Toxic Release Inventory (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Funding Elimination (in H.R.) HR 1340Sep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Restaurant and Small Business COVID-19 Aid -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S4008May 19, 2022Floor Vote
Restaurant and Small Business COVID-19 Aid -- Passage. HR3807Apr. 7, 2022Floor Vote
Restaurant and Small Business COVID-19 Aid -- Previous Question. HR3807Apr. 6, 2022Floor Vote
Restaurant and Small Business COVID-19 Aid -- Recommit. HR3807Apr. 7, 2022Floor Vote
Restaurant and Small Business COVID-19 Aid -- Rule. HR3807Apr. 6, 2022Floor Vote
Retirement Savings Plans -- Passage. HR1994May 23, 2019Floor Vote
Rural Disaster Assistance -- Passage. S1617Dec. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Rural Small Business Capital Access -- Passage. HR2409Jul. 9, 2019Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/"Junk Bonds." (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
SBA 504 Loan Program Modifications -- Passage. HR1490Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
SBA 504 Loan Program Oversight -- Passage. HR1482Apr. 16, 2021Floor Vote
SBA 7(a) Loan Agent Registration -- Passage. HR4481Nov. 2, 2021Floor Vote
SBA 7(a) Loan Agent Reports -- Passage. HR4531Nov. 2, 2021Floor Vote
SBA Business Development Centers for Native Americans -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2284Jun. 20, 2007Floor Vote
SBA Cyber Awareness -- Passage. HR3462Dec. 6, 2022Floor Vote
SBA Cybersecurity and IT Infrastructure -- Passage. HR3462Nov. 2, 2021Floor Vote
SBA Disaster Loan Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) H J Res 873May 8, 1978Floor Vote
SBA Disaster Loans (in H.R.) S 1306Nov. 1, 1977Floor Vote
SBA Disaster Loans Supplemental -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4745Feb. 15, 2006Floor Vote
SBA Entrepreneurial Development Programs -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2359Jun. 20, 2007Floor Vote
SBA HUBZone Price Evaluation Preference -- Passage. HR5879Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
SBA Loan Prepayment/Passage (in H.R.) S 437Oct. 3, 1988Floor Vote
SBA Microloan Program Modifications -- Passage. HR1502Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
SBA Microloan Program Reporting -- Passage. HR1487Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
SBIR and STTR Program Extensions -- Passage. S4900Sep. 29, 2022Floor Vote
Science and Education Competitiveness -- Small Business Exemption. (in Sen.) S761Apr. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Science and Education Competitiveness -- Small Business Regulations. (in Sen.) S761Apr. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Semiconductor Chip Protection/Trademark Clarification (in H.R.) HR 6163Oct. 9, 1984Floor Vote
Small Business Act (in H.R.) HR 8606Jul. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Act (in Sen.) S 2482Sep. 28, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 4604May 5, 1971Floor Vote
Small Business Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 4604May 5, 1971Floor Vote
Small Business Act Amendments (in H.R.) S 918Feb. 6, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 4316Sep. 18, 1970Floor Vote
Small Business Act amendments (in Sen.) S 918Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Act amendments (in Sen.) S 918Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Act amendments (in Sen.) S 918Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Act amendments (in Sen.) S 918Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 11445Apr. 10, 1978Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 11445Oct. 4, 1978Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 4011May 22, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 4011May 22, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 4011May 22, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 4011May 22, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in H.R.) S 2698Jun. 19, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) HR 11445Aug. 2, 1978Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) HR 11445Aug. 2, 1978Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) S 2698May 28, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) S 2698May 28, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) S 2698Jun. 17, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration (in Sen.) S 2698Jun. 17, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Authorizations, Fiscal 1986-88 (in Sen.) S 408Jul. 16, 1985Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Authorizations, Fiscal 1986-88 (in Sen.) S 408Jul. 16, 1985Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Authorizations, Fiscal 1986-88 (in Sen.) S 408Jul. 16, 1985Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Extension -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR434Jan. 17, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Lending -- Passage. HR7175Sep. 29, 2008Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Loans Financing -- Earmark Ban. HR3854Oct. 29, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Loans Financing -- Passage. HR3854Oct. 29, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Loans Financing -- Recommit. HR3854Oct. 29, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Microloan Program -- Passage. HR3737Nov. 7, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Pilot Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 861Feb. 15, 1983Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Programs Extension -- Passage. HR4508Jan. 27, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Programs/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2166May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4174Jul. 6, 1988Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4801Sep. 21, 1994Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Reauthorization/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4801Sep. 21, 1994Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4801Jul. 29, 1994Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4801Jul. 29, 1994Floor Vote
Small Business Advocate Paperwork Reduction Exemption -- Passage. HR1548Jul. 11, 2023Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in H.R.) HR 692Feb. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in H.R.) S 2498May 13, 1976Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in Sen.) S 2498Dec. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in Sen.) S 2498Dec. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in Sen.) S 2498Dec. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business Amendments (in Sen.) S 2498Dec. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business and Federal Procurement Competition Enhancement Act (in Sen.) HR 4209Aug. 7, 1984Floor Vote
Small Business Assistance Act (in H.R.) HR 5612Oct. 1, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Assistance/Passage (in H.R.) HR 205Apr. 8, 2003Floor Vote
Small Business Attorney's Fees -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR742Jul. 12, 2005Floor Vote
Small Business Attorney's Fees/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2731May 18, 2004Floor Vote
Small Business Authorization (in H.R.) HR 3020Mar. 14, 1984Floor Vote
Small Business Authorization (in H.R.) HR 3020Mar. 15, 1984Floor Vote
Small Business Authorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4793Oct. 28, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Bill of Rights -- Previous Question (in H.R.) HRES22Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Small Business Bill of Rights -- Recommit (in H.R.) HRES22Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Small Business Capital Formation Forum -- Passage. HR1312May 1, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Capital-Raising Resources -- Passage. HR2796May 30, 2023Floor Vote
Small Business Committee (in Sen.) S Res 104Apr. 29, 1976Floor Vote
Small Business Committee Funding (in H.R.) H Res 45Feb. 26, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Committee Funding (in H.R.) H Res 556Feb. 28, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Exempt General Contracts. (in H.R.) HR1873May 10, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Overseas Contracts. (in H.R.) HR1873May 10, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1873May 10, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Passage. HR190Jan. 16, 2019Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Raise Percentage of Procurement Goal. (in H.R.) HR1873May 10, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1873May 10, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracting -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR1873May 9, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Contracts -- Passage. HR226Jan. 9, 2019Floor Vote
Small Business Development Center Cyber Training -- Passage. HR4515Nov. 2, 2021Floor Vote
Small Business Development Center Grants -- Passage. HR1845Nov. 7, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Development Center Job Training -- Passage. HR7622Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Small Business Development Centers -- Passage. HR4406Oct. 21, 2019Floor Vote
Small Business Development/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1166Mar. 31, 2003Floor Vote
Small Business Disaster Loans -- Duplicate Benefits. (in H.R.) HR1361Apr. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Disaster Loans -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1361Apr. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Disaster Loans -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1361Apr. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Drug-free Workplace Programs/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3853Jun. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Small Business Entrepreneurial Programs -- Passage. HR2352May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Entrepreneurial Programs -- Previous Question. HR2352May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Entrepreneurial Programs -- Recommit. HR2352May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Entrepreneurial Programs -- Rule. HR2352May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Entrepreneurial Programs -- Rural Entrepreneurship Council. HR2352May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Expensing -- Passage. HR4457Jun. 12, 2014Floor Vote
Small Business Expensing -- Recommit. HR4457Jun. 12, 2014Floor Vote
Small Business FCC Disclosures -- Passage. HR4596Mar. 16, 2016Floor Vote
Small Business Health Plans -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1955May 9, 2006Floor Vote
Small Business Health Plans -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1955May 11, 2006Floor Vote
Small Business Identity Theft Exemptions -- Passage. HR3763Oct. 20, 2009Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 17, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 17, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 17, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 17, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 22, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 22, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 23, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Development Act (in H.R.) HR 4326Jun. 23, 1982Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Programs (in H.R.) HR 4260Aug. 13, 1986Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Research Act (in Sen.) S 881Dec. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Research Act (in Sen.) S 881Dec. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Research Act (in Sen.) S 881Dec. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Small Business Investment -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3567Sep. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Investment -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR3567Sep. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Investment -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR3567Sep. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Investment -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR3567Sep. 27, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Act (in Sen.) S 918May 16, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 2613Sep. 27, 1976Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 68Feb. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Companies -- Passage. HR4256Nov. 2, 2021Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Company Thresholds -- Passage. HR116Jan. 14, 2019Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Incentives (in H.R.) HR 7554Sep. 23, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Investments -- Passage. HR6427Dec. 5, 2016Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Loans to Construction Firms. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Oil Spill Impact. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Passage. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Previous Question. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Recommit. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Rule. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Veteran- and Women-Owned Businesses. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending and Tax Relief -- Rule. HR5297 HR5486Jun. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending Fund Certification -- Passage. HR5551Jun. 23, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Leverage Amount -- Passage. HR6504Dec. 18, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Loan Authority (in H.R.) HR 13567Jun. 7, 1976Floor Vote
Small Business Loan Ceiling (in H.R.) S 2482Dec. 17, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loan Disclosures -- Passage. HR6782May 28, 2020Floor Vote
Small Business Loan Guarantees/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4111May 14, 1992Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in H.R.) HR 2647Mar. 14, 1977Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in Sen.) S 1672May 17, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in Sen.) S 1672May 17, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in Sen.) S 1672May 17, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in Sen.) S 1672May 17, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loans (in Sen.)Sep. 25, 1973Floor Vote
Small Business Loans -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1332Apr. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Loans -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR1332Apr. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Loans -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1332Apr. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Loans/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3412Mar. 24, 1998Floor Vote
Small Business Loans/Passage (in H.R.) HR 923Jun. 24, 2003Floor Vote
Small Business Mentoring Program -- Passage. HR4407Oct. 21, 2019Floor Vote
Small Business Mergers Regulatory Exemption -- Passage. HR477Dec. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Mergers, Mortgage Relief, Children's Health Insurance Program and Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations -- Previous Question. HR3971 HJRES123 HR477Dec. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Mergers, Mortgage Relief, Children's Health Insurance Program and Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations -- Rule. HR3971 HJRES123 HR477Dec. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Minority Contracting (in H.R.) HR 5612Jun. 10, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments/Waiver Replacement (in H.R.) HR 391Feb. 11, 1999Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction/Agency Discretion (in H.R.) HR 3310Mar. 26, 1998Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction/Concur With Senate Amendments. (in H.R.) HR327Jun. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3310Mar. 26, 1998Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction/Passage. (in H.R.) HR327Mar. 15, 2001Floor Vote
Small Business Paperwork Reduction/State-Run Federal Programs (in H.R.) HR 3310Mar. 26, 1998Floor Vote
Small Business Pilot Programs (in H.R.) S 273Jun. 30, 1983Floor Vote
Small Business Procurement (in H.R.) H Res 599Oct. 2, 1984Floor Vote
Small Business Programs Extensions -- Passage. S1082May 31, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Programs Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2261Sep. 29, 1997Floor Vote
Small Business Programs Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3843Mar. 15, 2000Floor Vote
Small Business Ratings -- Passage. HR6368Sep. 25, 2018Floor Vote
Small Business Reauthorization/Debenture Prepayments (in H.R.) HR 4793Sep. 25, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4793Sep. 25, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Reauthorization/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 4793Sep. 24, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4793Sep. 24, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Reauthorization/Tree Planting (in H.R.) HR 4793Sep. 25, 1990Floor Vote
Small Business Registration -- Passage. HR1723Jul. 14, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Cost-Effectiveness Study. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Food Safety Exemption. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Homeland Security Exemption. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Job Creation Exemption. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Passage. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Recommit. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulations -- Safety Exemptions. HR527Dec. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Small Business Regulatory Revisions -- Consumer Safety Exemptions. HR527Feb. 5, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Regulatory Revisions -- Small Business Designation Authority. HR527Feb. 5, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Relief (in Sen.) HR 5541Oct. 30, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business Relief Act (in H.R.) HR 5541Apr. 22, 1975Floor Vote
Small Business Sole Source Contracts -- Passage. HR6369Sep. 25, 2018Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- 'Crowdfunding' Restrictions. (in Sen.) HR3606Mar. 22, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Broker-Dealer Reports. HR3606Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3606Mar. 20, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3606Mar. 20, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3606Mar. 21, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Employer Disclosures. HR3606Mar. 8, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Executive Compensation. HR3606Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- IPO Report. HR3606Mar. 8, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Motion to Concur. HR3606 CQ Key VoteMar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Oil and Gas Price Speculation. HR3606Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR3606 CQ Key VoteMar. 22, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Passage. HR3606Mar. 8, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Previous Question. HRES572Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Qualifying Threshold. HR3606Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Recommit. HR3606Mar. 8, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Startups -- Rule. HRES572Mar. 7, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Subcontracting -- Passage. HR7694Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Breaks -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR976Jul. 30, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Breaks -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR976Feb. 16, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Breaks and Children's Health Insurance -- Leasehold Improvements. (in Sen.) HR976Aug. 2, 2007Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Credits -- Passage. HR4849Mar. 24, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Credits -- Previous Question. HR4849Mar. 23, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Credits -- Recommit. HR4849Mar. 24, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Credits -- Rule. HR4849Mar. 23, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Cuts -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2237Jul. 10, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Cuts -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2237Jul. 12, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Cuts -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2237Jul. 12, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Cuts -- Motion to Table. (in Sen.) S2237Jul. 12, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Deduction -- Capital Investment Deduction. HR9Apr. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Deduction -- Passage. HR9Apr. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Deduction -- Previous Question. HRES620Apr. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Deduction -- Recommit. HR9Apr. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Deduction -- Rule. HR9Apr. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Extenders -- Motion to Recommit. HR636Feb. 13, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Extenders -- Passage. HR636Feb. 13, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package-Minimum Wage Increase/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3448Aug. 2, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package-Minimum Wage Increase/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3448Aug. 2, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package-Minimum Wage Increase/Manager's Amendment (in Sen.) HR 3448Jul. 9, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package-Minimum Wage Increase/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3448Jul. 9, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package-Minimum Wage Vote/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3448May 22, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Package/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3448May 22, 1996Floor Vote
Small Business Tax Relief -- Passage. HR5486Jun. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Small business tax relief -- recommit. HR5486Jun. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Taxes/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4840Jul. 21, 2004Floor Vote
Small Business Venture Capital -- Passage. HR1219Apr. 6, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Venture Capital -- Passage. HR4854Jul. 5, 2016Floor Vote
Small Business Venture Capital -- Previous Question. HR1219Apr. 5, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Venture Capital -- Rule. HR1219Apr. 5, 2017Floor Vote
Small Businesses Opportunities for CTE Graduates -- Passage. HR7664Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Small Businesses' Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments/Passage (in H.R.) HR 391Feb. 11, 1999Floor Vote
Small-Business Contracts -- Passage. HR3867Oct. 30, 2007Floor Vote
Small-Business Contracts -- Previous Question. HR3867Oct. 30, 2007Floor Vote
Small-Business Contracts -- Recommit. HR3867Oct. 30, 2007Floor Vote
Small-Business Credit Efficiency/Passage (in H.R.) S 895Sep. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Small-Business Lending Fund -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR5297Jul. 22, 2010Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Extension -- Passage. HR3614Sep. 23, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Committee Substitute. HR2965Jul. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Energy Efficiency. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Illegal Immigrants. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Motion to Table. HR2965Jul. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Passage. HR2965Jul. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Passage. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-business programs reauthorization -- Previous question. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Recommit. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Rule. HR2965Jul. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Rule. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Service-Disabled Veterans. HR5819Apr. 23, 2008Floor Vote
Small-Business Programs Reauthorization -- Space Shuttle Businesses. HR2965Jul. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Small-Business Regulations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3719Sep. 5, 1996Floor Vote
Small-Business Regulatory Overhaul/Passage (in Sen.) S 942Mar. 19, 1996Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S493Mar. 14, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S493May 4, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Government Contract Notification. (in Sen.) S493Mar. 16, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Senate Budget Reduction. (in Sen.) S493Mar. 16, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Small Producer Exemption from EPA Regulations. (in Sen.) S493Apr. 6, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Research -- Veterans Business Development. (in Sen.) S493Mar. 16, 2011Floor Vote
Small-Business Tax and Lending -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR5297Jun. 29, 2010Floor Vote
Small-Business Tax and Lending -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR5297Jul. 29, 2010Floor Vote
Solar Loan Program (in H.R.) HR 11713May 2, 1978Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce, Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1980 (in Sen.) HR 4392Jul. 24, 1979Floor Vote
Stewart Nomination (in Sen.)Jul. 18, 1978Floor Vote
Superfund Exemption/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5175Sep. 26, 2000Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1972 (in Sen.) HR 11955Dec. 3, 1971Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Export-Import Bank Small Business Set-Aside. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Minority Contractors (in Sen.) HR3May 9, 2005Floor Vote
Suspension Motions -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR976Feb. 16, 2007Floor Vote
Suspension Motions -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR976Feb. 16, 2007Floor Vote
Syed Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jun. 7, 2023Floor Vote
Syed Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jun. 8, 2023Floor Vote
Tax Bill/Passage (in Sen.) HR 11Sep. 29, 1992Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 16, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 16, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 17, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 23, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 27, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) Res 266Jul. 17, 1981Floor Vote
Tax Extenders -- Small Business Taxes. (in Sen.) HR4213Mar. 3, 2010Floor Vote
Tax Overhaul (in Sen.) HR 3838Jun. 19, 1986Floor Vote
Tax Reduction (in Sen.) HR 2166Mar. 19, 1975Floor Vote
University and Small Business Patent Procedure (in Sen.) S 414Apr. 23, 1980Floor Vote
University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act (in Sen.) S 414Feb. 6, 1980Floor Vote
Veteran Entrepreneurship Program -- Passage. HR3537Nov. 13, 2019Floor Vote
Veterans and Small Businesses/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1460Jun. 24, 2003Floor Vote
Veterans Small Business Task Force -- Passage. HR3734Nov. 13, 2019Floor Vote
Veterans' Business Assistance -- Adoption. HR4253Jan. 16, 2008Floor Vote
Veterans' Business Assistance -- Passage. HR4253Dec. 6, 2007Floor Vote
Veterans' Small Business Assistance -- Passage. HR3949Nov. 3, 2009Floor Vote
Water Pollution Control (in Sen.) S 2770Nov. 2, 1971Floor Vote
Water Resources Development Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 5314Sep. 24, 1990Floor Vote
Wildfire and Drought Package -- Limit Disaster Loan Collateral. HR5118Jul. 29, 2022Floor Vote
Women's Business Center Grants -- Passage. HR1838Nov. 7, 2009Floor Vote
Women's Business Center Program Authorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 774Mar. 16, 1999Floor Vote
Women's Small Business Ownership/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5050Oct. 3, 1988Floor Vote
Women-Owned Small Businesses Report -- Passage. HR7670Jun. 8, 2022Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Cloture (in Sen.) S 96Apr. 26, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Small Business Exemptions (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 15, 1999Floor Vote
Year 2000 Small-Business Loans/Passage (in Sen.) S 314Mar. 2, 1999Floor Vote