99th Congress
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Aid to Nicaraguan Rebels. (in Sen.) S J Res 283. CQ Key VoteMar. 27, 1986Floor Vote
Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. (in Sen.) S J Res 225. CQ Key VoteMar. 25, 1986Floor Vote
Broadcast Coverage of Senate Proceedings. (in Sen.) S Res 28. CQ Key VoteFeb. 27, 1986Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1987. (in Sen.) S Con Res 120. CQ Key VoteMay 1, 1986Floor Vote
Commodity Credit Corporation Supplemental Appropriation, Fiscal 1986. (in Sen.) H J Res 534. CQ Key VoteMar. 13, 1986Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) H J Res 738. CQ Key VoteSep. 25, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) HR 4428. CQ Key VoteAug. 8, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) HR 4428. CQ Key VoteAug. 8, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) HR 4428. CQ Key VoteAug. 12, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) HR 4428. CQ Key VoteAug. 13, 1986Floor Vote
Department of Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in Sen.) S 2638. CQ Key VoteAug. 5, 1986Floor Vote
Department of Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in Sen.) S 2638. CQ Key VoteAug. 7, 1986Floor Vote
Federal Fire Protection/Daylight-Saving Time. (in Sen.) S 2180. CQ Key VoteMay 20, 1986Floor Vote
Firearms Law Reform. (in H.R.) HR 4332. CQ Key VoteApr. 10, 1986Floor Vote
Housing Act. (in H.R.) HR 1. CQ Key VoteJun. 5, 1986Floor Vote
Immigration Reform. (in H.R.) HR 3810. CQ Key VoteOct. 9, 1986Floor Vote
Intelligence Authorization, Fiscal 1987. (in H.R.) HR 4759. CQ Key VoteSep. 17, 1986Floor Vote
Manion Nomination. (in Sen.) . CQ Key VoteJun. 26, 1986Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1987/Aid to Nicaraguan Rebels. (in H.R.) HR 5052. CQ Key VoteJun. 26, 1986Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Bill. (in H.R.) HR 3129. CQ Key VoteAug. 6, 1986Floor Vote
Pesticide Control Reauthorization. (in H.R.) HR 2482. CQ Key VoteSep. 19, 1986Floor Vote
Pesticide Control Reauthorization. (in Sen.) S 2792. CQ Key VoteOct. 6, 1986Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Anti-Deficit Act. (in Sen.) H J Res 668. CQ Key VoteJul. 30, 1986Floor Vote
Rehnquist Nomination. (in Sen.) . CQ Key VoteSep. 17, 1986Floor Vote
Saudi Arms Sale. (in Sen.) S J Res 316. CQ Key VoteJun. 5, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions. (in Sen.) HR 4868. CQ Key VoteOct. 2, 1986Floor Vote
South African Sanctions. (in H.R.) HR 4868. CQ Key VoteSep. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Tax Overhaul. (in H.R.) HR 3838. CQ Key VoteSep. 25, 1986Floor Vote
Tax Overhaul. (in Sen.) HR 3838. CQ Key VoteJun. 11, 1986Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase. (in H.R.) HR 5395. CQ Key VoteAug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas. (in H.R.) HR 1562. CQ Key VoteAug. 6, 1986Floor Vote