Environment and Natural Resources
 Wetlands, Everglades, and Coastal Areas
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Submerged Lands Act. (in H.R.) H R 4484 CQ Key VoteJul. 30, 1951Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1985. (in H.R.) HR 2577. CQ Key VoteJun. 6, 1985Floor Vote
Tidelands. (in H.R.) H R 4198 CQ Key VoteApr. 1, 1953Floor Vote
Tidelands. (in Sen.) S J Res 13 CQ Key VoteMay 5, 1953Floor Vote
Tidelands. (in Sen.) S J Res 20 CQ Key VoteApr. 5, 1952Floor Vote
Tidewater Claims. (in H.R.) H J Res 225 CQ Key VoteAug. 2, 1946Floor Vote
Tidewater Claims. (in Sen.) H J Res 225 CQ Key VoteJul. 22, 1946Floor Vote