Agriculture and Nutrition
 Livestock and Poultry
 Floor Votes
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1993 Budget Reconciliation/Bovine Growth Hormone (in Sen.) S 1134Jun. 24, 1993Floor Vote
Agency for Consumer Advocacy (in Sen.) S 200May 15, 1975Floor Vote
Agriculture Catfish Rule -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) SJRES28May 24, 2016Floor Vote
Agriculture Department Rule Disapproval -- Passage (in Sen.) SJRES4Mar. 3, 2005Floor Vote
Animal Disease Control (in H.R.) HR 10458Oct. 18, 1971Floor Vote
Animal Welfare Act Amendments (in H.R.) S 1941Apr. 6, 1976Floor Vote
Anticipated Legislative Vehicle for Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment, Fin Serv, Agriculture, Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Dairy Grants. (in Sen.) HR6147Aug. 1, 2018Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in H.R.) HR 7656Oct. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in H.R.) HR 7656Dec. 15, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in H.R.) HR 7656May 3, 1976Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Beef Research and Information (in Sen.) HR 7656Dec. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Bureau of Land Management Authorization/Grazing Fees (in H.R.) HR 1096Jul. 23, 1991Floor Vote
California Desert Protection/Livestock Grazing (in H.R.) HR 518Jul. 12, 1994Floor Vote
Cattle Contract Library Act -- Passage. HR5609Dec. 8, 2021Floor Vote
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (in Sen.) S 2045Sep. 24, 1986Floor Vote
DES Control (in Sen.) S 963Sep. 9, 1975Floor Vote
DES Control (in Sen.) S 963Sep. 9, 1975Floor Vote
DES Control (in Sen.) S 963Sep. 9, 1975Floor Vote
DES Control (in Sen.) S 963Sep. 9, 1975Floor Vote
Discretionary Spending Offsets/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3085Oct. 19, 1999Floor Vote
Egg Industry Adjustment (in H.R.) S 2895Mar. 24, 1972Floor Vote
Emergency Livestock Credit Act (in H.R.) S 1236May 6, 1975Floor Vote
Export Administration (in H.R.) HR 4034Sep. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Extend livestock reporting requirements -- passage. HR5290Dec. 8, 2021Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- Animal/Meat Facility Drone Restrictions. HR3935Jul. 19, 2023Floor Vote
Farm Bill Reauthorization -- Meatpacking Price Controls. (in Sen.) HR2419Dec. 13, 2007Floor Vote
Farm Bill/EQIP Funds. (in Sen.) S1731Feb. 6, 2002Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Livestock Handling. (in Sen.) S1731Dec. 13, 2001Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Livestock Producers. (in Sen.) S1731Feb. 6, 2002Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Meat Packers. (in Sen.) S1731Feb. 12, 2002Floor Vote
Farm Programs -- Animal Fighting Prohibitions. HR2May 18, 2018Floor Vote
Farm Programs -- Motion to Instruct. HR2Jul. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Farm Programs -- National Sheep Industry Improvement Center. HR1947Jun. 20, 2013Floor Vote
Farm Programs Reauthorization, Fiscal 1986-89 (in Sen.) S 1714Nov. 22, 1985Floor Vote
Federal Lands and Water Projects -- Federal Grazing Fees. HR2578Jun. 19, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Meat Inspection Act Amendments (in H.R.) S 3592Jul. 6, 1970Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in H.R.) HR 5769Oct. 15, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in Sen.) HR 2686Sep. 17, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees. (in H.R.) HR 2686. CQ Key VoteJun. 25, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in H.R.) HR 5503Jul. 22, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in Sen.) HR 5503Aug. 6, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Budget Resolution/Grazing Fees, Mining Royalties (in Sen.) S Con Res 18Mar. 23, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Budget Resolution/Revenues From Grazing, Mining, Recreation, Irrigation (in Sen.) S Con Res 18Mar. 23, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in H.R.) HR 2520Sep. 29, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in H.R.) HR 2520Oct. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Agriculture Appropriations/Bovine Growth Hormone Study (in H.R.) HR 1976Jul. 20, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Agriculture Appropriations/Livestock Feed Insurance (in H.R.) HR 1976Jul. 21, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Agriculture Appropriations/Poultry Regulation (in Sen.) HR 1976Sep. 19, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Agriculture Appropriations/Poultry Regulations (in H.R.) HR 1976Oct. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Fees (in Sen.) HR 3662Sep. 17, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Agriculture Appropriations/Livestock Price Reporting (in Sen.) S 2159Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Agriculture Appropriations/Wildlife Service Livestock Protection Program (in H.R.) HR 4101Jun. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Agriculture Appropriations/Wildlife Service Livestock Protection Program (in H.R.) HR 4101Jun. 24, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Agriculture Appropriations/Wild Predator Control (in H.R.) HR 1906Jun. 8, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Permits (in Sen.) HR 2466Sep. 9, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Pathogen Standards (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 20, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Pathogen Standards (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 20, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Wild Animals (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 11, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Interior Appropriations/Grazing Permits (in H.R.) HR 4578Jul. 12, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Agriculture Appropriations/Antibiotics. (in H.R.) HR2330Jun. 28, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Agriculture Appropriations/Meat and Poultry Products. (in Sen.) HR2330Oct. 25, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Agriculture Appropriations -- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (in H.R.) HR2744Jun. 8, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Agriculture Appropriations -- Japanese Beef Importation. (in Sen.) HR2744Sep. 20, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Agriculture Appropriations -- Dairy Education. (in H.R.) HR5384May 23, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Agriculture Appropriations -- National Animal Identification System. (in H.R.) HR5384May 23, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Defense Appropriations and Country of Origin Labeling -- Rule. HR2685 HR2393Jun. 10, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Grazing Permits For Displaced Ranchers. HR2822Jul. 8, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2024 Agriculture Appropriations -- Cattle and Bison Electronic Identification Ear Tags. HR4368Sep. 27, 2023Floor Vote
Food and Agriculture Act of 1981 (in H.R.) HR 3603Oct. 22, 1981Floor Vote
Food and Fuel Costs -- Passage. HR7606Jun. 16, 2022Floor Vote
Food Industry Lawsuits/Downed Animal Meat (in H.R.) HR 339Mar. 10, 2004Floor Vote
Food Labeling Uniformity -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR4167Mar. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Grazing Fee Moratorium (in H.R.) HR 9757Feb. 24, 1978Floor Vote
Grazing Fee Moratorium (in H.R.) HR 9757Feb. 24, 1978Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Animal Unit Months Definition (in H.R.) HR 2493Oct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Bingaman Substitute (in Sen.) S 1459Mar. 21, 1996Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Grazing Fee State Floor (in Sen.) S 1459Mar. 21, 1996Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Large Producer Fees (in H.R.) HR 2493Oct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2493Oct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Passage (in Sen.) S 1459Mar. 21, 1996Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2493Oct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Grazing Fees and Rangeland Management/State Equivalent Fees (in H.R.) HR 2493Oct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Hay Transportation Reimbursement (in H.R.) HR 5208Aug. 19, 1980Floor Vote
Horse Soring Protections -- Passage. HR693Jul. 25, 2019Floor Vote
Indemnities for Ranchers (in H.R.) HR 14163Jun. 29, 1972Floor Vote
Kansas City Animal Health Corridor -- Adoption. HRES317Sep. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Meat Import Act (in H.R.) HR 11545Oct. 12, 1978Floor Vote
Meat Import Act (in H.R.) HR 2727Nov. 13, 1979Floor Vote
Meat Import Act (in H.R.) HR 2727Nov. 14, 1979Floor Vote
Meat Import Act (in H.R.) HR 2727Nov. 14, 1979Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in H.R.) S 1316Oct. 4, 1972Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in H.R.) S 1316Oct. 4, 1972Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in H.R.) S 1316Oct. 4, 1972Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1021Apr. 2, 1973Floor Vote
Meat Inspection (in Sen.) S 1316Jul. 29, 1971Floor Vote
Meat Labeling -- Passage. HR2393Jun. 10, 2015Floor Vote
Metropolitan Washington Airports Transfer (in Sen.) S 1017Apr. 10, 1986Floor Vote
Mississippi Poultry Losses (in Sen.) S 3231Apr. 23, 1974Floor Vote
Mississippi Poultry Losses (in Sen.) S 3231Apr. 23, 1974Floor Vote
Mississippi Poultry Losses (in Sen.) S 3231Apr. 23, 1974Floor Vote
National Landscape Conservation System -- Grazing Rights. HR2016Apr. 9, 2008Floor Vote
Packers and Stockyards Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 8410May 5, 1976Floor Vote
Packers and Stockyards Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 8410Aug. 30, 1976Floor Vote
Public Lands -- Legal Fees. HR2954Feb. 6, 2014Floor Vote
Public Lands -- Passage. HR2954Feb. 6, 2014Floor Vote
Regulatory Moratorium/Food and Water Safety (in H.R.) HR 450Feb. 23, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Moratorium/Sheep Promotion (in H.R.) HR 450Feb. 24, 1995Floor Vote
Regulatory Overhaul/Meat and Poultry Inspection (in Sen.) S 343Jul. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Stock-Raising Homestead Amendments (in H.R.) HR 450Jul. 28, 1992Floor Vote
Stock-Raising Homestead Amendments/Passage (in H.R.) HR 239Mar. 30, 1993Floor Vote
Tax Reconciliation/Poultry Waste Conversion Credit (in Sen.) S 1429Jul. 30, 1999Floor Vote
USDA Catfish Rule -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES28May 25, 2016Floor Vote
Wage-Price Controls Extension (in Sen.) S 398Mar. 20, 1973Floor Vote
World Veterinary Year -- Adoption. HRES1531Dec. 8, 2010Floor Vote