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July 26, 2024
CQ Press Encyclopedia of American Government

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 # 1824 Presidential Election: Popular and Electoral Vote Results – 2000 Popular Vote Summary, Presidential
 & "Hail to the Chief"
 A Adams, Abigail – Assassinations and Assaults
 B Background of Presidents – Buzz Aldrin Walks on the Moon, 1969
 C Cabinet of George Washington – Curtis, Charles
 D Daily and Family Life – Dukakis, Michael S.
 E Eagleton, Thomas F. – Explosion of the Battleship Maine
 F Fair Deal – Frequency of Press Conferences by President
 G Garfield Assassination – Guantanamo Bay
 H Hamdan v. Rumsfeld – Hurricane Katrina
 I Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha – Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
 J Jackson Cartoon – Justice Department
 K Kemp, Jack – Korean War
 L La Follette, Robert M., Sr.: Presidential Candidate – Lyndon Johnson's Polling Numbers on Display
 M Madison, Dolley – Myers v. United States
 N Nancy Reagan's Anti-Drug Campaign – Nuclear Command Procedures
 O Oath of Office, Presidential – Organization Chart of the Government of the United States
 P Panama Invasion – Public Opinion and the Presidency
 Q Qualifications of the President and Vice President – Quayle, Dan
 R Reagan Campaigns in 1984 – Rumsfeld, Donald H.
 S Salary and Perquisites – Supreme Court Nominations Rejected by the Senate
 T Taft Throwing First Baseball of 1910 Major League Season – Tyler, John
 U U.S. Currency Manufacturing – USA Today/Gallup Poll of the Public
 V Van Buren, Martin – Votes on Articles of Impeachment against Andrew Johnson
 W Wallace, George C. – World War II
 Y Yellowstone Geyser – Youth Suffrage
 Z Zapruder Film – Zapruder Film

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