Advocacy & Public Service |
Philanthropy, Public Service, & Voluntarism |
Document Name
Date |
Document Type |
| 2030 Center, Advocacy Group | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Carter, Jimmy, and his Humanitarian Efforts | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Challenges with Welfare Privatization Policies | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Free Community Services for the Elderly | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Gore, Al, and the Environment | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Modern Maturity | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| National Senior Service Corps | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Nonprofit Organizations in Welfare-to-Work Services | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Sierra Club, Advocacy Group | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Silent Spring, the Book That Galvanized the Environmental Movement | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Think Tanks | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Third Millennium, Advocacy Group | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| United Nations Year of Older Persons | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| What Next for Businesses and Nonprofits in Welfare Reform? | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| White House Conference on Aging | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Tax Exempt Foundations, 1965 Legislative Chronology | | 1965 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1970 | | 1969 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1971 | | 1970 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps, 1971 Legislative Chronology | | 1971 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Valedictory Address at Notre Dame by W. McElroy Jr. Urging Classmates to Take up the Pursuit of Honor | | May 21, 1972 | | Primary Source |
| ACTION Domestic Programs, 1973 Legislative Chronology | | 1973 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps, 1974 Legislative Chronology | | 1974 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1976 | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Repatriation Assistance Authorization for Americans, Fiscal Year 1976 | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Program Extension, 1976 Legislative Chronology | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1977 | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1978 | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Authorization, Fiscal Years 1979-1981 | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Peace Corps Authorization, Fiscal Year 1979 | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Authorization, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Authorization, Fiscal Years, 1984-1986 | | 1983 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Authorization, Fiscal Years 1984-1986 | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Volunteer Programs, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Volunteer Programs, 1989-1990 Legislative Chronology | | 1989 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Community Service, 1989-1990 Legislative Chronology | | 1990 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Report to the Board of Governors of United Way (UWA) of America on Former UW President W. Aramony's Personal Spending Habits | | Apr. 2, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| National Service, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Speech of President B. Clinton on Political Discourse and Citizenship, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1995 | | Jul. 6, 1995 | | Primary Source |
| New Military Culture | | Apr. 26, 1996 | | CQ Researcher |
| Volunteer Protection, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeless Programs, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Legal Protection of Volunteers, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Supreme Court Volunteers, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Summit Declaration and Statements Made at the Presidents' Summit for America's Future (Volunteerism Summit): President B. Clinton, C. Powell | | Apr. 28, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Charity Postal Stamps, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Police Athletic League Chapters, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Patriotism in America | | Jun. 25, 1999 | | CQ Researcher |
| As Foreign Aid Budgets Tighten, Private Wealth Playing Larger Public Role | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Bush Plan to Promote Faith-Based Charities Creates Dilemma for Both Parties | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Bush's Early Push to Aid the Disabled Bolsters | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Highlights of Faith-Based Initiative Proposals | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| House GOP Bets on Passing Aid to Faith-Based Groups; Senate Keys on Tax Incentives | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 'New Freedom' Initiative | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Private Group Tries to Ease Toughest Welfare-to-Work Cases | | 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Faith-Based Charities, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| House Subcommittee Approves AmeriCorps Reauthorization | | Jun. 8, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Charitable Giving, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Private Foundations Crying Foul Over Move to Force More Giving | | Aug. 9, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fall Agenda: Philanthropy | | Aug. 30, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Trying to Hold On for the Family Foundation | | Nov. 7, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Shift in Nonprofits Keeps Contributions Flowing | | Apr. 3, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Community Service Programs | | 2007 - 2008 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize | | Oct. 9, 2010 | | Primary Source |
| 9/11 First Responder Health Bill Signed into Law | | Dec. 20, 2010 | | Primary Source |
| Grass Roots Outgrown | | Apr. 15, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Advocacy Groups Bypass Congress to Get Things Done | | Jun. 27, 2016 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Weinstein Campaign Cash Being Diverted to Aid Women's Groups | | Oct. 23, 2017 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Charities Say Tax Bill Will Cost Them Billions | | Dec. 11, 2017 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 18 to Watch in '18: David Mitchell | | Mar. 5, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 18 to Watch in '18: Kay Coles James | | Mar. 5, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 18 to Watch in '18: Shon Hopwood | | Mar. 5, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 18 to Watch in '18: Todd Schulte | | Mar. 5, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Call Me a Lobbyist, but Don't Call Me a Foreign Agent | | Mar. 19, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| CBO: 31 Million Fewer Will Itemize in 2018, Hurting Charities | | Apr. 23, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Turmoil in Trade Groups in the Trump Era | | Jun. 4, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Charities Feeling Flush Despite Tax Law Change | | Dec. 10, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| People to Watch in 2019: Sayu Bhojwani | | Feb. 4, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Citing Sluggish Donations, Charities Push for Expanded Tax Deduction | | Mar. 11, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The Slow Decline of the Government's Charitable Fundraising Drive | | May 20, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Ideas to Boost Charitable Giving Pose Costs to the Treasury | | Jul. 22, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |