Advocacy & Public Service |
Religion & Ethics |
Document Name
Date |
Document Type |
| Zelman v. Simmons-Harris | | Jun. 27, 2002 | | Case Summary |
| X and Others v. the Attorney General: Irish Supreme Court Ruling that Pregnant 14-Year-Old Could Travel to England to Get an Abortion | | Mar. 5, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Welsh v. U.S.: Brief Summary | | Jun. 15, 1970 | | Case Summary |
| Ways and Means Approves 'Faith-Based' Initiative Measure; Passage Imminent by House | | Sep. 13, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. v. Village of Stratton | | Jun. 17, 2002 | | Case Summary |
| Washington V. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill: Opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court on Physician-Assisted Suicide, Justices W.H. Rehnquist, R.B. Ginsburg, J.P. Stevens | | Jun. 26, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York: Brief Summary | | May 4, 1970 | | Case Summary |
| Vatican Document, "Observations Regarding Legislative Proposals Concerned with Discrimination Toward Homosexual Persons," and Statements by D. Pilarczyk and Vatican Spokesman J. Navarro-Valls | | Jul. 22, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Vatican Document and Papal Letter Announcing the Excommunication of Archbishop M. Lefebvre, of the Fraternity of St. Pius X and Archbishop-bishop Emeritus of Tulle, France for Unlawful Episcopal Consecration of Four Priests | | Jul. 1, 1988 | | Primary Source |
| Van Orden v. Perry, Governor of Texas | | Jun. 27, 2005 | | Case Summary |
| Turning the Stem Cell Argument | | Jun. 6, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Trump Blindsides Christians on Kurds | | Oct. 21, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The Faith-Based Higher Ed Exemption | | May 15, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Stem Cell Funding Fight Divides GOP | | May 30, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| States' and Localities' Power to Curb Religious Activities, 1999 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Statements by President R. Reagan, Cardinal H. Medeiros of Boston, Evangelist B. Graham and the First Public Message of Pope John Paul II Following the Shooting of the Pope | | May 13, 1981 | | Primary Source |
| Statement Issued to the Church and Ecumenical Letter by the Rt. Rev. E.L. Browning, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, on the Consecration of the First Woman Bishop | | Jan. 24, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| Statement by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Bioethics | | Mar. 10, 1987 | | Primary Source |
| Speeches by Pope John Paul II in Denver, Colorado, on World Youth Day | | Aug. 12, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Speeches and Remarks by Pope John Paul II during His 1982 Trip to Spain | | Oct. 31, 1982 | | Primary Source |
| Speeches and Homily by Pope John Paul II on Canadian Pilgrimage | | Sep. 10, 1984 | | Primary Source |
| Speeches and homilies of Pope John Paul II on His Second Visit to the United States | | Sep. 10, 1987 | | Primary Source |
| Speech of President R. Reagan to the National Association of Evangelicals, Orlando, FL | | Mar. 8, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Speech by U.S. Senator E.M. (Ted) Kennedy to the Moral Majority on Respect for the Rights of Others. Liberty Baptist College, Lynchburg, VA | | Oct. 3, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Social Concerns of the Church: Papal Encyclical Issued by Pope John Paul II | | Feb. 19, 1988 | | Primary Source |
| Sermon of Pope John Paul II on Openness and Religious Freedom in Cuba, Translated from Spanish by the Vatican, Havana, Cuba | | Jan. 25, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| Senate Debate on Human Cloning Likely to Focus on Ethical Boundaries Of Scientific Advancements | | Jan. 26, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Securing Access to Health Care. Report of the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical Research | | Mar. 28, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Section Added to the "Baptist Faith and Message" Concerning Women and the Family at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention | | Jun. 9, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| School Prayer Amendment, 1971 Legislative Chronology | | 1971 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Schiavo vs. Schindler: Florida Court Order, and Public Law 109-3, an Act Passed by Congress Giving Terri Schiavo's Parents Standing in Federal Court | | Feb. 25, 2005 | | Primary Source |
| Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 19, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe: Detailed Summary | | Jun. 19, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe: Brief Summary | | Jun. 19, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Rust v. Sullivan: U.S. Supreme Court Upholding Government Regulations Prohibiting Federally Funded Family-Family Planning Clinics from Giving Abortion Advice; Justices Rehnquist, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor | | May 23, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia; Capitol Square Review v. Pinette: Supreme Court Opinions on Religious Symbols and Publications: Justices A.M. Kennedy, A. Scalia, D.H. Souter, S.D. O'Connor, J.P. Stevens, R.B. Ginsburg | | Jun. 29, 1995 | | Primary Source |
| Resolution and Letter on the Moral Implications of Human Genetic Engineering | | Jun. 8, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Report to the Vatican's Synod Secretariat from Bishop J. Malone, President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Role of Minorities and Women in the Catholic Church | | Sep. 16, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Report to the U.S. Olympic Committee by the Special Bid Oversight Commission on Olympic Bribery Scandals | | Mar. 1, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the U.S. State Department on Religious Persecution: "United States Policies in Support of Religious Freedom: Focus on Christians" | | Jul. 22, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the U.S. Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad: "Interim Report to the Secretary of State and to the President of the U.S." | | Jan. 23, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the National Church Arson Task Force on Church Arson Cases: "First Year Report for the President" | | Jun. 6, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Report by the National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: "A Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States" | | Feb. 27, 2004 | | Primary Source |
| Report by Pope Benedict XVI Prohibiting Gay Seminarians | | Aug. 31, 2005 | | Primary Source |
| Renewed Push for 'Faith Based' Law Faces Hostile Democrats, Tight Calendar | | Mar. 1, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Remarks, Homily, and Speech of Pope John Paul II Made During His Trip to Great Britain and Remarks by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Robert Runcie | | May 28, 1982 | | Primary Source |
| Remarks of Pope John Paul II at the Former Mauthausen Concentration Camp in Austria and with P. Grosz, on Behalf of the Jewish Community, to the Leaders of the Austrian Jewish Community in Vienna, Austria | | Jun. 23, 1988 | | Primary Source |
| Remarks of Pope John Paul II and Polish Gen. W. Jaruzelski during Pope's Trip to Poland | | Jun. 16, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Remarks of Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan at the Million Man March, Washington, DC | | Oct. 16, 1995 | | Primary Source |
| Remarks by President George Bush and Sermon Preached in Iran by Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani Upon the Death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini | | Jun. 4, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| Remarks by Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council E. Wiesel, President R. Reagan, and U.S. Reps. W. Lehman and B. Green at the Commemoration of the Holocaust | | Apr. 30, 1981 | | Primary Source |
| Religious Worker Visas, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religious Right Lays Claim to Big Role in GOP Agenda | | Nov. 13, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religious Right Flexes Muscles On Foreign Policy Matters | | Jul. 13, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religious Persecution, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religious Persecution | | Nov. 21, 1997 | | CQ Researcher |
| Religious Expression, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religious Expression, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Religion in the Workplace | | Aug. 23, 2002 | | CQ Researcher |
| Religion in Schools | | Jan. 12, 2001 | | CQ Researcher |
| Religion and Politics | | Jul. 30, 2004 | | CQ Researcher |
| Press Release on Heaven's Gate Cult's Own Mass Suicide: "Heaven's Gate 'Away Team' Returns to Level Above Human in Distant Space" | | Mar. 22, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Presidential Council on Bioethics Report on Cloning: "Reproduction and Responsibility: The Regulation of New Biotechnologies" | | Apr. 1, 2004 | | Primary Source |
| Prayers in Government and Why They Rile | | Apr. 8, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Power to the Nonbelievers | | Oct. 7, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Pope John Paul II's Third Encyclical, Laborem Exercens (On Human Work), Re-Examining Roman Catholic Church's Basic Social Doctrine in Light of the Contemporary Technological Revolution | | Sep. 15, 1981 | | Primary Source |
| Pope John Paul II's Second Encyclical and Addresses to UNESCO, Bishops in Brazil and West Germany | | Dec. 2, 1980 | | Primary Source |
| Pope John Paul II's First Journey to the Far East | | Feb. 15, 1981 | | Primary Source |
| Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey: U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Upholding but Modifying the Right to Abortion; Justices O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter, Stevens, Blackmun, Rehnquist, Scalia | | Jun. 29, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy: Letter Prepared by a Committee of Roman Catholic Bishops | | Nov. 11, 1984 | | Primary Source |
| Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons: Letter of Joseph Cardinal Patzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | | Oct. 30, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| "Partial-Birth" Abortion, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1996 - 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Papal Encyclical on a "'Culture of Death"' by Pope John Paul II | | Mar. 30, 1995 | | Primary Source |
| Papal Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor (The Splendor of Truth)" of Pope John Paul II, Reaffirming a Traditional Catholic Basis for Moral Theology | | Oct. 5, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Papal Encyclical "Centesimus Annus (The Hundredth Year)" of Pope John Paul II, Addressing Economic Questions Raised by the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe | | May 1, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| Opinion Excerpts: Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District | | Dec. 20, 2005 | | Primary Source |
| On the Dignity and Vocation of Women: Apostolic Letter Issued in Rome by Pope John Paul II | | Sep. 30, 1988 | | Primary Source |
| Oestereich v. Selective Service System Board: Brief Summary | | Dec. 16, 1968 | | Case Summary |
| New House Caucus Stands Up for Atheists | | May 14, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| New Heaven, New Earth | | Oct. 17, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Navy Rejects Humanist Chaplain | | Apr. 9, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| National Organization for Women, Inc. v. Scheidler: U.S. Supreme Court Upholding Use of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Law in Suits to Curb Antiabortion Protests; Justices Rehnquist, Souter | | Jan. 24, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 1990 Jefferson Lecture by Islamic Scholar B. Lewis: "Western Civilization: A View from the East" | | May 2, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Muslims Versus Muslim | | Apr. 30, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Mormon Church on Succession: Text of Blessing of Joseph Smith Jr., Shedding Light on How Church's Leader Was to Be Chosen | | Mar. 18, 1981 | | Primary Source |
| Memorandum from Department of Education: Directive on Religion in Public Schools | | Aug. 10, 1995 | | Primary Source |
| Madsen v. Women's Health Center, Inc.: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Creation of Buffer Zones around Abortion Clinics to Stop Protesters from Blocking Access to Clinics; Justices Rehnquist, Souter, Stevens, Scalia | | Jun. 30, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| Letter from Rabbi M. Hier to West German Chancellor H. Kohl and Kohl's Reply, on German Unification | | Feb. 9, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Letter from Pope John Paul II to U.S. Catholic Bishops on How to Deal with Priests Who Sexually Abuse Children | | Jun. 21, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Letter from Pope John Paul II to Catholic Bishops "Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone" | | May 30, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| Letter by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to Father C.E. Curran, and Father Curran's Response to the Declaration that Father Curran was not Suitable or Eligible to Teach Catholic Theology | | Jul. 25, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| Letter and Document Prepared by the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews: "We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah" | | Mar. 16, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| Lee v. Weisman; U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Declaring a Nonsectarian Prayer at a Public School Graduation Violates the Constitution's Separation of Church and State; Justice M. Kennedy | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Lee v. Weisman, personally and as a next friend of Weisman: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Lee v. Weisman, personally and as a next friend of Weisman: Detailed Summary | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| Lee v. Weisman, personally and as a next friend of Weisman: Brief Summary | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| Larkin v. Grendel's Den: Ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court on a Massachusetts Law Giving Churches the Power to Veto Liquor Licenses. Justices W.E. Burger, W.H. Rehnquist | | Dec. 13, 1982 | | Primary Source |
| Key Conservative Groups | | Nov. 13, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Journeys of Pope John Paul II: Excerpts from His Travels to Puebla, Mexico; Birkenau/Auschwitz, Poland; Drogheda, Ireland; UN General Assembly in New York; Philadelphia and Chicago; Istanbul, Turkey | | Oct. 2, 1979 | | Primary Source |
| Jones v. Wolf: Brief Summary | | Jul. 2, 1979 | | Case Summary |
| Islamic Fundamentalism | | Mar. 24, 2000 | | CQ Researcher |
| International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Inc. v. Lee, Superintendent of Port Authority Police: Brief Summary | | Jun. 26, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| International Persecution for Religious Beliefs, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Interim Report of the American Jewish Commission on the Holocaust: Role of U.S. Jews in the Holocaust | | Feb. 8, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation, by Cardinal J. Ratzinger and Issued by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | | Apr. 5, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation: Statement by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Response to Political Involvement of Clerics | | Sep. 3, 1984 | | Primary Source |
| Huntington Library Announcement that Photographic Copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls Would Become Available to Qualified Scholars | | Sep. 22, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| House Shoots Down Bill Allowing Religious Groups To Fund Political Campaigns | | Oct. 5, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homily of Archbishop W.H. Keeler Delivered at the United States Catholic Bicentennial Mass Celebrated in the Basilica of the Assumption, Baltimore, Maryland | | Nov. 5, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| Homily Delivered by Pope John Paul II Asking for Forgiveness for the Historical Sins Committed by Roman Catholics: "Day of Pardon" | | Mar. 12, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Homily by Cardinal Ratzinger at the Funeral Mass for Pope John Paul II | | Apr. 8, 2005 | | Primary Source |
| Homilies of Pope John Paul I and Pope John Paul II at their Installation | | Sep. 3, 1978 | | Primary Source |
| Hibbs v. Winn | | Jun. 14, 2004 | | Case Summary |
| GOP May Spread Faith-Based Legislation Over Several Social Policy Bills | | May 10, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Good News Club v. Milford Central School | | Jun. 11, 2001 | | Case Summary |
| Finding Faith In the Center | | Mar. 7, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Final Report of the 1985 Extraordinary Session of the Synod of Bishops | | Dec. 7, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Fifth World Synod of Catholic Bishops | | Sep. 26, 1980 | | Primary Source |
| Fetal Rights, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fetal Insurance Plan Proves Controversial | | Feb. 2, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fears that Anti-Bullying Efforts Could Lead to More Bullying | | Jan. 13, 2020 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Faithful in Front on Immigration Debate | | Nov. 18, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Faith-Based Offices an End Run Around Languishing Legislation | | Nov. 2, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Faith-Based Grants Available Now | | Nov. 2, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Faith-Based and Community Initiative Executive Orders, Signed by President George W. Bush | | Jan. 29, 2001 | | Primary Source |
| Excerpts from "The Cardinal's Commission on Clerical Sexual Misconduct with Minors" and Statement by J.C. Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago, Implementing Commission Recommendations | | Jun. 15, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Evangelicals Split on LGBT Rights, Religious Freedom | | Jan. 22, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Evangelical Leaders Bringing the Message in Good Faith | | Oct. 17, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Evangelical Christians Stick With Trump Despite Transgressions | | Mar. 19, 2018 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Evangelical Christians | | Sep. 14, 2001 | | CQ Researcher |
| Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith: Opinion Excerpt | | Apr. 17, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith: Detailed Summary | | Apr. 17, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith: Brief Summary | | Apr. 17, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Effect of 'Moral Values' Voters Exaggerated, Say Analysts | | Nov. 13, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Devotees of a Different Sort | | Aug. 27, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Deciding to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment: Report of the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research | | Mar. 21, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Debate Over Revenue Offsets Appears Last Hurdle to Success For Trimmed Faith-Based Bill | | Sep. 20, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Davis v. United States: Brief Summary (Tax Law) | | May 21, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Restrictive Law on Euthanasia While Establishing Individual Rights; Justices Rehnquist, O'Connor, Scalia, Brennan, Stevens | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Crimes Against Religions, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Courts Rule Against Schiavo's Parents | | Mar. 28, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Courting the Christian Vote Can Be an Electoral Tightrope | | Sep. 4, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Constitutional Amendment on Religious Expression, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Constitutional Amendment on Prayer, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Congress and The Rule of Law | | Mar. 28, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church: Principal Canons as Approved by Pope John Paul II | | Jan. 25, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Cloning Debate Undiminished Despite House-Passed Ban | | Mar. 1, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Classic Conservative Creed Supplanted | | Mar. 28, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Catholic Bishops' Revised Policy on Sexual Abuse by Priests: Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests or Deacons | | Nov. 13, 2002 | | Primary Source |
| Catholic Bishops on Human Rights Abuses in Zimbabwe | | Apr. 5, 2007 | | Primary Source |
| Bush's Private School Tax Credit Reignites the Voucher Debate | | Feb. 16, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Bush Touts New 'Religious Charities' Plan But Critics Say it Does Not Go Far Enough | | Feb. 9, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Attempt to Ban Cloning Stalls | | 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Assisted Suicide, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Assisted Suicide, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Announcement of U.S. Army's First Muslim Chaplain, Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad | | Dec. 3, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Announcement of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that the Dalai Lama Had Been Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1989 and the Dalai Lama's Acceptance Speech, Oslo, Norway | | Oct. 5, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| Agreement between the Vatican and Israel on Measures Leading to the Establishment of Full Diplomatic Relations | | Dec. 30, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses of Pope John Paul II in Gdansk and Lodz, Poland | | Jun. 12, 1987 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses by Pope John Paul II on His South American Journey | | Jan. 29, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homily of Pope John Paul II in trip to Switzerland | | Jun. 12, 1984 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homilies of Pope John Paul II on Trip to Far East | | May 3, 1984 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homilies of Pope John Paul II on His Trip to India | | Feb. 1, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homilies of Pope John Paul II on a Visit to the Low Countries | | May 11, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homilies of Pope John Paul II in Lome, Togo; Yaounde, Cameroon; Casablanca, Morocco | | Aug. 8, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Addresses and Homilies of Pope John Paul II during Travels in Central America | | Mar. 2, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| Address of Pope John Paul II at the Central Synagogue in Rome | | Apr. 13, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| Address by Polish President L. Walesa to Israeli Knesset Asking for Reconciliation Between Poles and Jews, for Forgiveness of Poland's Role in Nazi-Era Killing of Polish Jews | | May 20, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| Access to Public Schools for Religious Groups, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| A History of the Voucher Debate | | Feb. 16, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |