Social Services & Disabilities |
Children, Youth, & Families |
Document Name
Date |
Document Type |
| Wyman v. James.: Brief Summary | | Jan. 12, 1971 | | Case Summary |
| Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Child Nutrition, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services v. Blumer | | Feb. 20, 2002 | | Case Summary |
| WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) | | 2008 | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Vaccine Compensation, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| United Nations (UN) Conference in Cairo on Stabilizing the World Population by 2015; "Gender Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women" | | Sep. 13, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Annual Comprehensive Review of Education in the United States | | Jul. 7, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| U.S. Department of Agriculture v. Murry: Brief Summary | | Jun. 25, 1973 | | Case Summary |
| U.S. Department of Agriculture v. Moreno: Brief Summary | | Jun. 25, 1973 | | Case Summary |
| Troxel v. Granville: Opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court on the Rights of Parents and Grandparents to Rear Their Children, Justices S.D. O'Connor, D.H. Souter, C. Thomas, J.P. Stevens, A. Scalia, A.M. Kennedy | | Jun. 5, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Troxel v. Granville: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 5, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Troxel v. Granville: Detailed Summary | | Jun. 5, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Troxel v. Granville: Brief Summary | | Jun. 5, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Transportation Authorizations, Fiscal Year 1986 | | 1985 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Tight WIC Budget Leads to Cutbacks | | Dec. 17, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Thompson v. Thompson: Brief Summary | | Jan. 12, 1988 | | Case Summary |
| TANF Grants Extended Through 2010 | | 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Suter v. Artist M.: Brief Summary | | Mar. 25, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Benefits, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| State of Black America: Annual Report of the National Urban League | | Jan. 16, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Senate Ratifies International Adoption Pact | | 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Vouchers, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Milk and Lunch Funds Fight, 1966 Legislative Chronology | | 1966 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Lunches: A Debate Served Hot | | Jun. 23, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Lunches, Milk, 1970 Legislative Chronology | | 1970 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Lunches, 1971 Legislative Chronology | | 1971 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Lunch Payments, 1973 Legislative Chronology | | 1973 | | Legislative Analysis |
| School Lunch Extension, 1975 Legislative Chronology | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Santosky v. Kramer: Ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court on the New York State Law Governing Child Custody and the Deprivation of Parental Due Process: Justices H.A. Blackmun, W.H. Rehnquist | | Mar. 24, 1982 | | Primary Source |
| Rose v. Rose: Brief Summary | | May 18, 1987 | | Case Summary |
| Resolutions Approved by the National Women's Conference on Equal Treatment and End to Sex Discrimination in Economic, Social, Cultural and Political Arenas | | Nov. 19, 1977 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics: "America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1999" | | Jul. 8, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the Eisenhower Foundation on Inner Cities: "Investing in Children and Youth, Reconstructing Our Cities: Doing What Works to Reverse the Betrayal of American Democracy" | | Feb. 28, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Center for the Study of the States: "The States and the Poor" | | Dec. 11, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the Census Bureau: "Extending Measures of Well-Being: Meeting Basic Needs" | | Jul. 9, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the American Association of University Women (AAUW): "How Schools Shortchange Girls" | | Feb. 12, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Reno, Attorney General v. Flores: Brief Summary | | Mar. 23, 1993 | | Case Summary |
| Reauthorization of the Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) and Other Food Programs, Fiscal Years 1999-2003 | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Post-Foster Care Aid, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Pickett v. Brown (462 U.S. 1): Brief Summary | | Jun. 6, 1983 | | Case Summary |
| Pediatric Drug Exclusivity, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Palmore v. Sidoti: Brief Summary | | Apr. 25, 1984 | | Case Summary |
| Osborne v. Ohio: Brief Summary | | Apr. 18, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Orr v. Orr: U.S. Supreme Court Decision Extending Alimony Payments to Husbands As Well As Wives | | Mar. 5, 1979 | | Primary Source |
| Orphaned Immigrant Siblings, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Ohio v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Ohio v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health: Brief Summary | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Nutrition Programs Five-Year Reauthorization, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| No Place to Call Home. Report by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, Describing the Plight of Nearly 500,000 Children in the United States | | Dec. 11, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| No Child Left Behind | | May 27, 2005 | | CQ Researcher |
| Nguyen v. Immigration and Naturalization Service | | Jun. 11, 2001 | | Case Summary |
| New Push for Old Idea: Two Parents | | Jan. 24, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Native American Adoption, 1995-1996 Legislative Chronology | | 1995 - 1996 | | Legislative Analysis |
| National Governor's Association "National Education Goals" and Remarks by President George Bush to Governors | | Feb. 25, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Missing Children, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Missing Children, 1982 Legislative Chronology | | 1982 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Mills v. Habluetzel (456 U.S. 91): Brief Summary | | Apr. 5, 1982 | | Case Summary |
| Medicare, Medicaid and Children's Insurance, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Meals for Homeless Children, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Marriage and Divorce | | May 10, 1996 | | CQ Researcher |
| M.L.B. v. S.L.J: Brief Summary | | Dec. 16, 1996 | | Case Summary |
| Lyng v. Castillo: Brief Summary | | Jun. 27, 1986 | | Case Summary |
| Little v. Streater (452 U.S. 1): Brief Summary | | Jun. 1, 1981 | | Case Summary |
| Liparota v. United States: Brief Summary | | May 13, 1985 | | Case Summary |
| Lewis v. Martin: Brief Summary | | Apr. 20, 1970 | | Case Summary |
| Lehr v. Robertson (463 U.S. 248): Brief Summary | | Jun. 27, 1983 | | Case Summary |
| Latch-Key Children Aid, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Key Senate Vote of 2013: Farm and Nutrition Programs | | Feb. 3, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Key House Vote of 2013: Farm and Nutrition Programs | | Feb. 3, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Juvenile Violence, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Jones v. Helms (452 U.S. 412): Brief Summary | | Jun. 15, 1981 | | Case Summary |
| Jefferson v. Hackney: Brief Summary | | May 30, 1972 | | Case Summary |
| Is Restricting Food Stamps a Healthy Choice? | | Mar. 12, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Inmate Food-Stamps Benefits Restriction, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Infant Health, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| In re Clausen (DeBoer v. Schmidt) and DeBoer v. DeBoer: Michigan Supreme Court Upholding Iowa Court's Granting Custody of Adopted Child to Biological Parents | | Jul. 2, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Hunger in America: The Growing Epidemic. Report of the Physician Task Force on Hunger in America | | Feb. 26, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Human Services Funds, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Hodgson v. Minnesota, Minnesota v.Hodgson: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Hodgson v. Minnesota, Minnesota v. Hodgson: Detailed Summary | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Hodgson v. Minnesota, Minnesota v. Hodgson: Brief Summary | | Jun. 25, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Hicks v. Feiock: Brief Summary | | Apr. 27, 1988 | | Case Summary |
| Head Start, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Head Start, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Head Start, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Head Start Formula, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Head Start Five-Year Reauthorization, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Grocers Oppose Barring Food Stamp Recipients From Buying Junk Food | | Mar. 6, 2017 | | Legislative Analysis |
| GOP Unveils Foster Care Overhaul | | Jul. 31, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Gomez v. Perez: Brief Summary | | Jan. 17, 1973 | | Case Summary |
| Gardebring v. Jenkins: Brief Summary | | Apr. 19, 1988 | | Case Summary |
| Funding of Food Programs, 1967 Legislative Chronology | | 1967 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Foster Care, 1999 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Foster Care Reform | | Jan. 9, 1998 | | CQ Researcher |
| Food Program Funding, Fiscal Year 1968 | | 1968 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fiscal 2015 appropriations: Agriculture | | Apr. 7, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Final Report of National Commission on Children: "Beyond Rhetoric: A New American Agenda for Children and Families" | | Jun. 24, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| Fetal Protection, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fetal Protection, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Federal Leave Sharing, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Father's Day Springboard | | Jun. 18, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Relocation, 1970 Legislative Chronology | | 1970 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Preservation, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Planning, SIDS, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Planning Services, 1970 Legislative Chronology | | 1970 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Planning Program, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Family Planning Program, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Excerpts from the Economic Policy Institute Report, "The Impact of Health Care Financing on Family Budgets" | | Apr. 13, 1993 | | Primary Source |
| Excerpts from "Rape in America: A Report to the Nation" by the National Victim Center and the Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center | | Apr. 23, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Ex-Rep. Hyde, A Conservative Hero, Dead at 83 | | Dec. 3, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Enforcing Child Support Payments, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Education Vouchers for D.C. Schoolchildren, 1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Domestic Violence, 1980 Legislative Chronology | | 1980 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Domestic Violence, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Domestic Violence, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Domestic Violence | | Jan. 6, 2006 | | CQ Researcher |
| Day Care Standards, 1975 Legislative Chronology | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Day Care Centers, 1976 Legislative Chronology | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Dandridge v. Williams: Brief Summary | | Apr. 6, 1970 | | Case Summary |
| D.C. partners benefits | | 2007 - 2008 | | Legislative Analysis |
| D.C. Marriage Promotion | | 2005 - 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Crisis Nurseries, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Clark v. Jeter: Brief Summary | | Jun. 6, 1988 | | Case Summary |
| City of Mesquite v. Aladdin's Castle Inc. (455 U.S. 283): Brief Summary | | Feb. 23, 1982 | | Case Summary |
| Children's Defense Fund Report: "Vanishing Dreams: The Economic Plight of America's Young Families" | | Apr. 14, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Children in Crisis | | Aug. 31, 2001 | | CQ Researcher |
| Child-Protection Legislation to Include Anti-Drug Programs | | Oct. 2, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child-Care Options | | May 8, 1998 | | CQ Researcher |
| Child Welfare Veto, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Welfare Reform | | Apr. 22, 2005 | | CQ Researcher |
| Child Tax Credit, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support Payments, 1975 Legislative Chronology | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support Enforcement, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support Enforcement, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support Enforcement, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Support Enforcement, 1983 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Protection Treaty, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Poverty | | Oct. 28, 2011 | | CQ Researcher |
| Child Pornography, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Pornography, 1983 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Pornography, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Pornography, 1977 Legislative Chronology | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1981 Legislative Chronology | | 1981 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1980 Legislative Chronology | | 1980 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Programs, 1977 Legislative Chronology | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Nutrition Act, 1966 Legislative Chronology | | 1966 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Feeding Bill, 1968 Legislative Chronology | | 1968 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Development, 1972 Legislative Chronology | | 1972 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Care, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, Pornography, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, Adoption, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, Adoption, 1977 Legislative Chronology | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, `Baby Doe,' 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse, 1973 Legislative Chronology | | 1973 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse Programs, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Child Abuse Funds, 1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Chastity Program, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Carleson v. Remillard: Brief Summary | | Jun. 7, 1972 | | Case Summary |
| Budget Ups Federal Role In Promoting Marriage | | Jan. 16, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Bringing Up Father: Senate to Join Debate Over Outreach Efforts | | | | Legislative Analysis |
| Blum v. Bacon (457 U.S. 132): Brief Summary | | Jun. 14, 1982 | | Case Summary |
| Blessing, Director, Arizona Department of Economic Security v. Freestone: Brief Summary | | Apr. 21, 1997 | | Case Summary |
| Battle Over Nutrition Program Will Again Frame Farm Bill | | Jan. 30, 2017 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Batterton v. Francis: Brief Summary | | Jun. 20, 1977 | | Case Summary |
| Baltimore City Department of Social Services v. Bouknight, Maurice M. v. Bouknight: Brief Summary | | Feb. 20, 1990 | | Case Summary |
| Anti-Drug Bill, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Anderson, Director, California Department of Social Services v. Edwards: Brief Summary | | Feb. 22, 1995 | | Case Summary |
| Advocates for Hungry Kids Lobby Congress to Give Them More Flexibility to Feed Them | | Sep. 9, 2019 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adoption of Foster Children, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 - 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adoption of Foster Children, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adoption of American Indians, 1997 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adoption Controversies | | Sep. 10, 1999 | | CQ Researcher |
| Adoption Aid, 1980 Legislative Chronology | | 1980 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adoption Aid, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Administrative Actions on Food Programs, 1968 Legislative Chronology | | 1968 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Address by President George Bush on National Education Strategy; Plan to Revamp Educational System "America 2000" | | Apr. 18, 1991 | | Primary Source |
| ACTION Program Extension, 1976 Legislative Chronology | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Domestic Programs, 1973 Legislative Chronology | | 1973 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Authorization, Fiscal Years 1979-1981 | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| ACTION Authorization, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Abortion, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Abandoned Babies, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2016 ppropriations: Agriculture | | Apr. 27, 2015 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2013 Legislative Summary: Farm Bill | | Jan. 6, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2013 Legislative Summary: Agriculture Appropriations | | Jan. 6, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2012 legislative summary: Fiscal 2013 appropriations overview | | Jan. 14, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2012 Legislative Summary: Farm Policy | | Jan. 14, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2000 Legislative Summary: Foreign Adoptions | | 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2000 Legislative Summary: Child Support | | 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |