National Security |
Emergency Preparedness |
Document Name
Date |
Document Type |
| 2000 Legislative Summary: Strategic Petroleum Reserve | | 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2003 Legislative Summary: Continuity of Congress | | Dec. 13, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2003 Legislative Summary: Fiscal 2003 Disaster Supplemental Appropriations | | Dec. 13, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2006 Legislative Summary: FEMA Restructuring | | Dec. 18, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2006 Legislative Summary: Port Security Enhancements | | Dec. 18, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2007 Legislative Summary: Homeland Security: Sept. 11 Commission Recommendations | | Jan. 7, 2008 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2009 Legislative Summary: 'Patriot Act' Reauthorization | | Jan. 4, 2010 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2010 Legislative Summary: 'Patriot Act' Extension | | Dec. 27, 2010 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2012 Appropriations -- Homeland Security: Concern Persists Over Disaster Readiness | | May 30, 2011 | | Legislative Analysis |
| A Legislative Drought for Farm Disaster Aid | | Jul. 10, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Adequacy of U.S. Marine Corps Security in Beirut, Report of the Investigations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee and Report of the Department of Defense Commission on the Beirut International Airport Terrorist Act, October 23, 1983 | | Dec. 19, 1983 | | Primary Source |
| America's Infrastructure at Risk: What Is the Federal Role? | | Sep. 29, 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| An Ounce of Disaster Prevention Can Be Worth Millions to FEMA | | Feb. 1, 2016 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Appropriations: Fiscal Year 1999, Supplemental Spending Bill | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Border Security Gets Funding Boost | | 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Brown Explains FEMA's Flaws | | Oct. 3, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Change in 'Posse' Law Unwise, Say Critics | | Sep. 26, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Communiqui and Plan Details from Leaders of the European Union Announcing Formation of a Defense Force to Respond to Crises | | Dec. 10, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Congress Moves On Hurricane Relief Measures | | Sep. 19, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Conservatives Challenge Rebuild | | Sep. 26, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Contingency Plans, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Contingency Plans, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Continuity Plans Enacted for House | | 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Coronavirus Crisis: Cybersecurity | | Mar. 23, 2020 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Coronavirus Fallout: Events Canceled in Droves | | Mar. 16, 2020 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Corps Controversy Builds on Gulf Coast | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Critical Materials Council, 1983-1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 - 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Debate on Sandy Aid Takes Two Tracks | | Jan. 7, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| DHS Stokes Anxieties Over Chemical Security Plan | | Mar. 12, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Disaster Preparedness | | Nov. 18, 2005 | | CQ Researcher |
| Disputes Delay Reauthorization Of Anti-Terrorism Act Provisions | | 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Emergency Plan Deemed a Disaster-in-Waiting | | Sep. 10, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Emergency Preparedness, 2001-2002 Legislative Chronology | | 2001 - 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Emergency Response Gets a Busy Signal | | Aug. 9, 2010 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Emergency Services, 1989-1990 Legislative Chronology | | 1990 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Energy Preparedness, 1983-1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 - 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Energy Security, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Federal Evacuation Role A Post-Katrina Focus | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| FEMA Failure a Perfect Storm of Bureaucracy | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| FEMA Overhaul, 2005-2006 | | 2005 - 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Few Options for New Strategy Against Islamic State | | Nov. 30, 2015 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Fire Administration, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Firms Find Biodefense Too Risky a Business | | Apr. 23, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| First-Responder Grants Cut, FEMA Disaster Fund to Gain | | Apr. 18, 2011 | | Legislative Analysis |
| First-Responders' Spectrum, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Formal Investigation into the Circumstances Surrounding the Attack on the USS Stark (FFG 31) on 17 May 1987: Report of the U.S. Navy and Excerpts from the "Navy Blue Ribbon Panel Report on FFG 7 Class Design Review" | | Oct. 15, 1987 | | Primary Source |
| Getting There Quickly Is Guard's Challenge | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Government as Insurer: A Role Re-Examined | | Mar. 20, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Gulf States Face Resistance to Tax Relief | | Oct. 3, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Health Emergency Fund, 1983 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Highlights of the $2.3 Trillion Relief Package | | Mar. 30, 2020 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Highlights of the Port Security Measure | | Oct. 9, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Hill Warning: Respect Level From White House Too Low | | Mar. 9, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeland Security Chairman Proposes First-Responder Bill In First Big Test for Committee | | Oct. 11, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeland Security Grants, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeland Security Provisions | | 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeland Security's Struggle to Steer Steady | | May 31, 2010 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Homeland security | | Feb. 13, 2009 | | CQ Researcher |
| House Clears 10-Year Bioshield Authorization Bill | | Jul. 17, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| House Considers How To Fill Seats After a Disaster | | May 18, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| How to Resurrect Congress After a Debilitating Attack | | Apr. 6, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Hurricane Evacuation Timeline | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Hurricane Relief Accounting | | Oct. 3, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Insurance Extension Likely | | Sep. 15, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Katrina Aid Legislation Moves | | Oct. 10, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Katrina Panel Indicts Response | | Feb. 20, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Katrina's Lessons Seen In Response to Sandy | | Dec. 31, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Key House Vote of 2013: Superstorm Sandy Disaster Aid | | Feb. 3, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Key Senate Vote of 2013: Superstorm Sandy Disaster Aid | | Feb. 3, 2014 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Lawmakers Complete Homeland Bill | | Oct. 10, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Lawmakers Start Work on Measures To Protect Infrastructure, Population | | Oct. 6, 2001 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Lawmakers Weigh Creation Of 'Electronic Congress' For Emergency Legislating | | May 4, 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Letters about Defense Readiness, Rep. F. Spence (R-S.C.) to Deputy Secretary of Defense J. Deutch; Secretary of Defense W. Perry to Rep. R. Dellums (D-Calif.) and Other Congressional Leaders | | Nov. 14, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| Many Approaches to Homeland Security | | Sep. 6, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Maritime Authorization, Fiscal Years 1990-1991 | | 1989 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Military Enforcement of Civil Law | | Sep. 26, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| National Security Energy, 1977 Legislative Chronology | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| National Stockpiles, 1965 Legislative Chronology | | 1965 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Naval Oil Reserves, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Naval Petroleum Reserves, 1973 Legislative Chronology | | 1973 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Naval Petroleum Reserves, 1975 Chronology | | 1975 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Naval Petroleum Reserves, 1976 Legislative Chronology | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Naval Petroleum Reserves, 1981-1982 Legislative Chronology | | 1981 - 1982 | | Legislative Analysis |
| New Law Targets Bioterrorism | | 2002 | | Legislative Analysis |
| New Laws for a Safer Nation: Much Done, Much to Do | | Sep. 6, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Nuclear Bunker, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Panels Amend Homeland Bill; Rules Is Next | | Jun. 19, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Phase Two of Katrina: Rebuild | | Sep. 19, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Political Pressure on Disaster Relief | | Oct. 15, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Port Security Legislation Clears | | Oct. 9, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Preliminary Findings of House Appropriations Committee Regarding Management of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | | Jun. 22, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| President George Bush on Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait | | Aug. 2, 1990 | | Primary Source |
| Project Bioshield, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Public Health and Bioterrorism, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Raw Materials Stockpile, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Raw Materials Stockpile, 1979 Legislative Chronology | | 1979 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Rebuilding New Orleans | | Feb. 3, 2006 | | CQ Researcher |
| Regional Trauma Centers, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Report of the U.S. State Department by W.J. Perry, Former Defense Secretary: "Review of United States Policy Toward North Korea" | | Oct. 12, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Report to Congress of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (Rumsfeld Commission) | | Jul. 15, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| Searching for the Right Blueprint | | Sep. 12, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Seeking a Plan to Ensure a Safe Infrastructure | | Aug. 6, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Standby Oil Allocation Authority, 1981-1982 Legislative Chronology | | 1981 - 1982 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Materials Stockpile, 1976 Legislative Chronology | | 1976 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Materials Stockpile, 1981 Legislative Chronology | | 1981 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Materials, 1980 Legislative Chronology | | 1980 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Oil Reserve Law Expires, Limiting Clinton's Flexibility | | | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Oil Reserve, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Oil Reserves, 1977 Legislative Chronology | | 1977 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Oil Reserves, 1978 Legislative Chronology | | 1978 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1981-1982 Legislative Chronology | | 1981 - 1982 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1983-1984 Legislative Chronology | | 1983 - 1984 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1999-2000 Legislative Chronology | | 1999 - 2000 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Stuck With a Patchwork System | | Apr. 5, 2010 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Surplus Federal Property Donation, 1982 Legislative Chronology | | 1982 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Telecommunications and Emergency 911 Calls, 2003-2004 Legislative Chronology | | 2003 - 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The High Cost of Being a Good Neighbor | | Apr. 10, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The Next Big Disaster Could Get Ugly in Congress | | Feb. 1, 2016 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The Problem Starts at Home | | Jul. 30, 2007 | | Legislative Analysis |
| The Root of All Terror | | Dec. 4, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Top Computer Cop Hones Diplomat Skills | | Dec. 4, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Unpromising Prospects For First-Responders | | Nov. 14, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Unsold Spectrum Delays First-Responder Network | | Mar. 10, 2008 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Urban Aid, 1991-1992 Legislative Chronology | | 1991 - 1992 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Web Phones Complicate 9-1-1 Technology Needs | | Oct. 10, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| What won't be done: Homeland security | | Oct. 29, 2012 | | Legislative Analysis |
| When Disaster Strikes And the Response Fails | | Jul. 7, 2008 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Where There's a Wildfire, There's a Budget Fight | | Feb. 1, 2016 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Withstanding the Storm: Louisiana's Vulnerabilities | | May 22, 2006 | | Legislative Analysis |