Advocacy & Public Service |
Consumer Protection |
Tobacco |
Document Name
Date |
Document Type |
| Tobacco Settlement | | | | Encyclopedia Entry |
| Cigarette Advertising, 1969 Legislative Chronology | | 1969 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Cigarette Advertising Ban, 1970 Legislative Chronology | | 1970 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Excerpts from "The Health Consequences of Smoking, A Report of the Surgeon General: 1972," Warning that Non-Smokers Can Be Affected by Use of Tobacco Around Them | | Jan. 10, 1972 | | Primary Source |
| Public Health Service 1973 Report Relating to Smoking | | Jan. 16, 1973 | | Primary Source |
| Twelfth Annual Report on Smoking of the Surgeon General, Warning Lung Cancer Will Overtake Breast Cancer as Leading Cancer-Related Cause of Death Among Women | | Jan. 14, 1980 | | Primary Source |
| Health Consequences of Smoking: Cancer. Report of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Surgeon General | | Feb. 22, 1982 | | Primary Source |
| Nursing Education Funds, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Smokeless Tobacco Warnings, 1985-1986 Legislative Chronology | | 1985 - 1986 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Smoking-Related Deaths and Financial Costs, Report of the Office of Technology Assessment | | Sep. 21, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Health Consequences of Smoking: Cancer and Chronic Lung Disease in the Workplace: Report of the Department of Health and Human Services | | Dec. 19, 1985 | | Primary Source |
| Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, Report on Environmental Tobacco Smoke by Surgeon General C.E. Koop | | Dec. 18, 1986 | | Primary Source |
| Smoking on Airplanes Ban, 1987-1988 Legislative Chronology | | 1987 - 1988 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction. Report of U.S. Surgeon General C.E. Koop | | May 16, 1988 | | Primary Source |
| Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress. Report of the U.S. Public Health Service Released by Surgeon General L.L. Terry | | Jan. 11, 1989 | | Primary Source |
| Anti-Smoking Bills, 1989-1990 Legislative Chronology | | 1990 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc.: Brief Summary | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc.: Detailed Summary | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Case Summary |
| Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc.: Opinion Excerpt | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc.: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling that Health-Warning Labels on Cigarettes Do Not Protect Companies from Personal-Injury Claims if Companies Misled the Public About Risks; Justice Stevens | | Jun. 24, 1992 | | Primary Source |
| Tobacco Industry Investigation, 1993-1994 Legislative Chronology | | 1993 - 1994 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Helling v. McKinney: Brief Summary | | Jun. 18, 1993 | | Case Summary |
| Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Young People; Dr. J. Elders Calls for Ban on Tobacco Advertising Aimed at Youngsters | | Feb. 24, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| Testimony by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Before House Subcommittee on Health and Environment on the Addictive Nature of Tobacco; Testimony by Chief Executive of Philip Morris USA | | Mar. 25, 1994 | | Primary Source |
| Teens and Tobacco | | Dec. 1, 1995 | | CQ Researcher |
| Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Restricting the Sale and Distribution of Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco to Protect Children and Adolescents | | Aug. 23, 1996 | | Primary Source |
| Tobacco Settlement with the States, 1997 Overview | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Tobacco Settlement, 1997-1998 Legislative Chronology | | 1997 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Proposed Settlement of Tobacco Claims Brought by 40 States Against the Four Leading American Cigarette Manufacturers | | Jun. 20, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Presidential Statement: Clinton Remarks on the Tobacco Settlement | | Sep. 17, 1997 | | Primary Source |
| Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulation of Tobacco, 1998 Legislative and Court Chronology | | 1998 | | Legislative Analysis |
| News Releases from the National Association of Attorneys General on Tobacco Settlement | | Nov. 16, 1998 | | Primary Source |
| Findings of the 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse | | Aug. 18, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Civil Complaint by the U.S. Department of Justice Against Tobacco Manufacturers, Seeking to Recover Damages for Alleged Fraud | | Sep. 22, 1999 | | Primary Source |
| Closing In on Tobacco | | Nov. 12, 1999 | | CQ Researcher |
| Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.: Brief Summary | | Mar. 21, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.: Detailed Summary | | Mar. 21, 2000 | | Case Summary |
| Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.: Opinion Excerpt | | Mar. 21, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the World Health Organization (WHO): "Tobacco Company Strategies to Undermine Tobacco Control Activities at the World Health Organization" | | Aug. 2, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Report of the Surgeon General Providing Strategies for Deterring People from Starting to Smoke and Helping Smokers Quit the Habit | | Aug. 9, 2000 | | Primary Source |
| Surgeon General David Satcher's Report on Women and Smoking | | Mar. 27, 2001 | | Primary Source |
| Lorillard Tobacco Co. v. Reilly, Attorney General of Massachusetts | | Jun. 28, 2001 | | Case Summary |
| Tobacco Company Protests Farmer Buyout Bill | | Aug. 9, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Companies Differ on FDA Guidelines for New Products | | Sep. 27, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Senate Tobacco Alliance May Go Up in Smoke | | Sep. 27, 2003 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Thomas' Corporate Tax Bill Gambit Aims to Link Tobacco Buyout | | May 22, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| GOP's Point Man on Tobacco Finds Two Loyalties Tested | | Jun. 5, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Philip Morris, Tobacco Foes on Shaky Common Ground | | Jun. 5, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Top Billing in Southeastern Races Wins Tobacco Buyout New Allies | | Jun. 5, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| House Passes Agriculture Spending Bill; Tobacco and Drug Import Provisions Unlikely to Survive Conference | | Jul. 17, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Senate Bill Tightens Oversight of Tobacco and Tobacco Products | | Jul. 17, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Senate Passes Tobacco Regulation, But House Cool to Measure | | Jul. 17, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Opposition From Competitors Kills Philip Morris' FDA Bid | | Oct. 9, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| 2004 Legislative Summary: Tobacco Buyout | | Dec. 4, 2004 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Tobacco Industry | | Dec. 10, 2004 | | CQ Researcher |
| Loophole in Tobacco Pact Endangers 'Truth' Ads | | Mar. 21, 2005 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Activists See Smoke Screen | | Aug. 5, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |
| Indonesia: A Most-Flavored Nation | | Sep. 2, 2013 | | Legislative Analysis |