Military Personnel and Veterans
 Military Grievances and Discipline
 Floor Votes
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First Regular Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 4877Mar. 16, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Defense Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5970Apr. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Defense Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5970Apr. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Defense Authorization/Military Sexual Misconduct (in Sen.) S 2182Jul. 1, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Defense Authorization/Convict Pay (in Sen.) S 1026Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization -- Sexual Assault. (in Sen.) HR1735Jun. 16, 2015Floor Vote
Human Trafficking Victims' Fund -- Military Sex Offender Registration. (in Sen.) S178Apr. 22, 2015Floor Vote
Military Plane Crash Victims (in H.R.) H Res 345Dec. 18, 1985Floor Vote
Military Prosecutions -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1752 CQ Key VoteMar. 6, 2014Floor Vote
Military Sexual Assault Investigations -- Passage. HR1864Jun. 27, 2013Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Claims Training -- Passage. HR6961May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Examination Review -- Passage. HR6064May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Information -- Passage. HR7335May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Tribunals -- Passage. (in H.R.) S3930Sep. 29, 2006Floor Vote
Military Tribunals, Appropriations and Eminent Domain -- Previous Question (in. H.R.)Sep. 29, 2006Floor Vote
Military Tribunals, Appropriations and Eminent Domain -- Rule (in. H.R.)Sep. 29, 2006Floor Vote
Patriot Guard Riders Tribute -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES731Jun. 20, 2006Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 14, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 14, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 19, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 19, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 24, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18Jan. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Presumed Agent Orange Exposure and VA Home Loans -- Passage. HR299Jun. 25, 2018Floor Vote
Relief of James B. Stanley/Passage (in H.R.) HR 808Sep. 21, 1993Floor Vote
Relief of James B. Stanley/Third Reading (in H.R.) HR 808Sep. 21, 1993Floor Vote
Sexual Assault Protections -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1917Mar. 6, 2014Floor Vote
Sexual Assault Protections -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1917Mar. 10, 2014Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7556Jun. 24, 1977Floor Vote
Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 627May 6, 2004Floor Vote
U.S. Troop Support and Veterans -- Adoption. (in Sen.) SRES107Mar. 15, 2007Floor Vote
VA Inspector General Training -- Passage. HR6052May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Vietnam-Era Veterans' Benefits (in Sen.) S 1307Sep. 8, 1977Floor Vote
Wrongful Distribution of Intimate Images -- Passage. HR2052May 24, 2017Floor Vote