| |
| | First Regular Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 4877 | Mar. 16, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1978 Defense Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5970 | Apr. 25, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1978 Defense Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5970 | Apr. 25, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1995 Defense Authorization/Military Sexual Misconduct (in Sen.) S 2182 | Jul. 1, 1994 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1996 Defense Authorization/Convict Pay (in Sen.) S 1026 | Aug. 4, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization -- Sexual Assault. (in Sen.) HR1735 | Jun. 16, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Human Trafficking Victims' Fund -- Military Sex Offender Registration. (in Sen.) S178 | Apr. 22, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Plane Crash Victims (in H.R.) H Res 345 | Dec. 18, 1985 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Prosecutions -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1752 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Sexual Assault Investigations -- Passage. HR1864 | Jun. 27, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Sexual Trauma Claims Training -- Passage. HR6961 | May 18, 2022 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Sexual Trauma Examination Review -- Passage. HR6064 | May 18, 2022 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Sexual Trauma Information -- Passage. HR7335 | May 18, 2022 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Tribunals -- Passage. (in H.R.) S3930 | Sep. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Tribunals, Appropriations and Eminent Domain -- Previous Question (in. H.R.) | Sep. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Military Tribunals, Appropriations and Eminent Domain -- Rule (in. H.R.) | Sep. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Patriot Guard Riders Tribute -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES731 | Jun. 20, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 14, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 14, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 24, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presidential Pardon for Draft Resisters (in Sen.) S Res 18 | Jan. 25, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Presumed Agent Orange Exposure and VA Home Loans -- Passage. HR299 | Jun. 25, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Relief of James B. Stanley/Passage (in H.R.) HR 808 | Sep. 21, 1993 | Floor Vote |
| | Relief of James B. Stanley/Third Reading (in H.R.) HR 808 | Sep. 21, 1993 | Floor Vote |
| | Sexual Assault Protections -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1917 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Sexual Assault Protections -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1917 | Mar. 10, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7556 | Jun. 24, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 627 | May 6, 2004 | Floor Vote |
| | U.S. Troop Support and Veterans -- Adoption. (in Sen.) SRES107 | Mar. 15, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | VA Inspector General Training -- Passage. HR6052 | May 18, 2022 | Floor Vote |
| | Vietnam-Era Veterans' Benefits (in Sen.) S 1307 | Sep. 8, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Wrongful Distribution of Intimate Images -- Passage. HR2052 | May 24, 2017 | Floor Vote |