Communications and the Media
 Media Professions and Resources
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Communication Technologies Supply Chain Report -- Passage. HR4028Oct. 20, 2021Floor Vote
Competitiveness Package -- Media and Entertainment Apprenticeships. HR4521Feb. 3, 2022Floor Vote
Copyright Law Revision (in Sen.) S 1361Sep. 9, 1974Floor Vote
Failing Newspaper Act (in Sen.) S 1520Jan. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Failing Newspaper Act (in Sen.) S 1520Jan. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Failing Newspaper Act (in Sen.) S 1520Jan. 30, 1970Floor Vote
Failing Newspaper Act (in Sen.) S 1520Jan. 30, 1970Floor Vote
Failing Newspaper Act (in Sen.) S 1520Jan. 30, 1970Floor Vote
Federal Register Publishing Requirements -- Passage. HR4195Jul. 14, 2014Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990 Budget Reconciliation/Fairness Doctrine (in H.R.) HR 3299Oct. 3, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Intelligence Authorization/Prohibit Use of Journalists as Agents (in H.R.) HR 3259May 22, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/Broadcast Indecency (in Sen.) S2400Jun. 22, 2004Floor Vote
Media Shield -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2035Jul. 30, 2008Floor Vote
NPR Federal Funding Ban -- Passage. HR1076Mar. 17, 2011Floor Vote
NPR Federal Funding Ban -- Previous Question. HR1076Mar. 17, 2011Floor Vote
NPR Federal Funding Ban -- Recommit. HR1076Mar. 17, 2011Floor Vote
NPR Federal Funding Ban -- Rule. HR1076Mar. 17, 2011Floor Vote
Public Broadcasting (in H.R.) HR 8538Jul. 20, 1973Floor Vote
Public Broadcasting (in Sen.) S 1090May 7, 1973Floor Vote
Public Broadcasting (in Sen.) S 1090May 7, 1973Floor Vote
Vocational and Technical Education -- Recommit (in H.R.) HR366May 4, 2005Floor Vote