Federal Budget Policy
 FY1971 Budget Development
 Floor Votes
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Agriculture Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 17923 CQ Key VoteJul. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Agriculture Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 17923Jul. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Atomic Energy Commission Authorization (in Sen.) S 3818May 13, 1970Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Department of Transportation, fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) H J Res 1421Dec. 31, 1970Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Department of Transportation, fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) H J Res 1421Dec. 31, 1970Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) HR 17802Jun. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) HR 17802Jun. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) HR 17802Jun. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 19590Dec. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 19590Dec. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 19590Dec. 29, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 8687Jun. 16, 1971Floor Vote
Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 19590Oct. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 19590Oct. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 19590Dec. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 19590Dec. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 17755Dec. 19, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 17755Dec. 22, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Transportation Appropriations, fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) H J Res 468Mar. 18, 1971Floor Vote
Department of Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 17755Dec. 15, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 Department of Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 17755Dec. 15, 1970Floor Vote
Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 16916 CQ Key VoteAug. 13, 1970Floor Vote
Emergency Public Service Employment Act (in H.R.) HR 3613Jun. 2, 1971Floor Vote
Emergency School Aid and Quality Integrated Education Act (in Sen.) S 1557Apr. 26, 1971Floor Vote
First Fiscal 1971 Supplemental Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 19928Dec. 14, 1970Floor Vote
First fiscal 1971 Supplemental Appropriations Bill (in H.R.) HR 19928Dec. 10, 1970Floor Vote
First Fiscal 1971 Supplemental Appropriations Bill (in H.R.) HR 19928Dec. 10, 1970Floor Vote
Fiscal 1971 Supplemental Foreign Assistance (in Sen.) HR 19911Dec. 15, 1970Floor Vote
Fiscal 1971 Supplemental Foreign Assistance (in Sen.) HR 19911Dec. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Fiscal 1971 Supplemental Foreign Assistance (in Sen.) HR 19911Dec. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 17867Dec. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 17867Nov. 30, 1970Floor Vote
HUD and Independent Offices Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 17548 CQ Key VoteAug. 13, 1970Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Offices Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 19830Nov. 24, 1970Floor Vote
Independent Offices, HUD Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 17548Jul. 7, 1970Floor Vote
Independent Offices-HUD Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 17548Aug. 4, 1970Floor Vote
Independent Offices-HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 19830Dec. 7, 1970Floor Vote
Interior Department and Related Agencies Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 17619Jul. 1, 1970Floor Vote
Interior Department Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 17619Jul. 22, 1970Floor Vote
Labor and HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1970 (in H.R.) HR 13111 CQ Key VoteJan. 28, 1970Floor Vote
Labor Department Supplemental Appropriations, fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) H J Res 465Mar. 16, 1971Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 18515Jul. 23, 1970Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 18515Nov. 20, 1970Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 18515Dec. 30, 1970Floor Vote
Maritime Authorization (in H.R.) HR 15495Mar. 11, 1970Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 17970Jun. 11, 1970Floor Vote
Military Procurement Authorization (in H.R.) HR 17123May 6, 1970Floor Vote
Military Procurement Authorization (in Sen.) HR 17123 CQ Key VoteSep. 1, 1970Floor Vote
Military Procurement Authorization/Safeguard ABM Amendment (in Sen.) HR 17123 CQ Key VoteAug. 12, 1970Floor Vote
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Authorization, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 16516Apr. 23, 1970Floor Vote
National Aeronautics and Space Administration authorization (in Sen.) HR 16516May 6, 1970Floor Vote
National School Lunch Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 5257May 17, 1971Floor Vote
National Science Foundation Authorization (in H.R.) HR 16595May 11, 1970Floor Vote
National Science Foundation Authorization (in H.R.) HR 16595May 11, 1970Floor Vote
National Science Foundation Authorization (in H.R.) HR 16595Jul. 15, 1970Floor Vote
OEO authorization (in Sen.) S 3016Oct. 14, 1969Floor Vote
Office of Education Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 16916Jul. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Office of Education Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 16916Jul. 28, 1970Floor Vote
Office of Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 16916Jun. 25, 1970Floor Vote
Office of Education appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 16916Aug. 18, 1970Floor Vote
Peace Corps Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 16327Jul. 7, 1970Floor Vote
Public Works Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 18127Aug. 21, 1970Floor Vote
Public Works Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 18127Aug. 24, 1970Floor Vote
Public Works-AEC Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 18127Sep. 22, 1970Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 8190May 11, 1971Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 8190May 12, 1971Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 8190May 12, 1971Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 8190May 20, 1971Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Fiscal 1971 (in H.R.) HR 8190May 20, 1971Floor Vote
Standard Reference Data (in H.R.) HR 4284Jul. 10, 1969Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 17575May 14, 1970Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 17575Aug. 24, 1970Floor Vote
Supplemental Foreign Assistance Authorization (in H.R.) HR 19911Dec. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Treasury-Post Office Appropriations (in H.R.) HR 16900Apr. 13, 1970Floor Vote
Treasury-Post Office-Executive Office Appropriation (in H.R.) HR 16900Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Treasury-Post Office-Executive Office appropriations, fiscal year 1971 (in Sen.) HR 16900Sep. 1, 1970Floor Vote