 Internships, Fellowships, and Grants
 Floor Votes
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Bilingual Education Block Grants/Federal Law Compliance (in H.R.) HR 3892Sep. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Bilingual Education Block Grants/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3892Sep. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Bilingual Education Block Grants/State Law Compliance (in H.R.) HR 3892Sep. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Budget Reconciliation (in Sen.) S 1377Jun. 24, 1981Floor Vote
Budget Reconciliation -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) S1932Dec. 15, 2005Floor Vote
Claiborne Pell Tribute -- Adoption. HRES50Jan. 13, 2009Floor Vote
Close Up Foundation Grants (in H.R.) HR 3324Oct. 21, 1983Floor Vote
Close Up Foundation Grants (in H.R.) HR 3324Oct. 21, 1983Floor Vote
College Student Aid (in H.R.) HR 7048Sep. 22, 1982Floor Vote
College Student Loans -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5Jan. 17, 2007Floor Vote
College Student Loans -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR5Jan. 17, 2007Floor Vote
College Student Loans -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR5Jan. 17, 2007Floor Vote
College Student Loans -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR5Jan. 17, 2007Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in Sen.) HR 5712Jun. 28, 1984Floor Vote
Community Services Programs (in H.R.) HR 4421Apr. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Community Services Programs (in H.R.) HR 4421Apr. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Community Services Programs (in H.R.) HR 4421Apr. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Community Services Programs (in H.R.) HR 4421Apr. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Congressional Interns (in H.R.) H Res 420Sep. 18, 1973Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in Sen.) H J Res 357Nov. 19, 1981Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in Sen.) H J Res 370Dec. 10, 1981Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1984 (in H.R.) H J Res 403Nov. 4, 1983Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in Sen.) H J Res 648Sep. 29, 1984Floor Vote
Cybersecurity Programs -- Education and Training Programs. HR4061Feb. 3, 2010Floor Vote
Cybersecurity Programs -- Grant Collaboration. HR4061Feb. 3, 2010Floor Vote
Cybersecurity Programs -- Youth Education. HR4061Feb. 3, 2010Floor Vote
District of Columbia Resident College Access -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1124May 14, 2007Floor Vote
District of Columbia Resident College Access -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR1124Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
District of Columbia Resident College Access -- Private Colleges and Universities. (in Sen.) HR1124Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Education Block Grants/Class Size Reduction Substitute (in H.R.) HR 3248Sep. 18, 1998Floor Vote
Education Block Grants/Native Hawaiian Education Act (in H.R.) HR 3248Sep. 18, 1998Floor Vote
Education Block Grants/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3248Sep. 18, 1998Floor Vote
Education Funding/Loyalty Oath. (in Sen.) S 819 CQ Key VoteJul. 23, 1959Floor Vote
Education Programs/National Standards. (in Sen.) S 695. CQ Key VoteFeb. 6, 1990Floor Vote
Education Savings Accounts/Pell Grants (in H.R.) S 1134Mar. 2, 2000Floor Vote
Eisenhower College—Penny Composition (in H.R.) HR 16032Sep. 25, 1974Floor Vote
Eisenhower College—Penny Composition (in H.R.) HR 16032Sep. 25, 1974Floor Vote
Elementary and Secondary Education (in H.R.) HR 15Jul. 12, 1978Floor Vote
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1753Aug. 24, 1978Floor Vote
Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1969 (in Sen.) S 2721Aug. 12, 1969Floor Vote
Emergency Student Loan Bill (in H.R.) HR 13194Oct. 16, 1969Floor Vote
Emergency Student Loan Insurance Act of 1969 (in Sen.) S 2721Aug. 12, 1969Floor Vote
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1983/Jobs (in Sen.) HR 1718Mar. 14, 1983Floor Vote
Energy Policy -- Advanced Biofuels Grant Program. (in Sen.) HR6Jun. 20, 2007Floor Vote
Environmental Education Grant Program -- Passage. HR3036Sep. 18, 2008Floor Vote
ESEA Reauthorization/100 School Districts. (in H.R.) HR1May 22, 2001Floor Vote
Expand Teacher Education Grants -- Passage. S848Sep. 28, 2021Floor Vote
Expanding Education Savings Accounts/After-School Programs (in Sen.) HR 2646Apr. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Expanding Education Savings Accounts/School Drop-Out Prevention (in Sen.) HR 2646Apr. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Federal Student Grant Assistance -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3668Sep. 8, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 1980 Binding Budget Levels (in H.R.) H Con Res 186Sep. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations/Religious Liberty and Academic Freedom (in H.R.) HR 4776Sep. 30, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Defense Appropriations/Roybal Foundation (in H.R.) HR 5504Jul. 2, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Budget Act Waiver (in Sen.) HR 5677Sep. 16, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 District of Columbia Appropriations/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2546Jan. 31, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 District of Columbia Appropriations/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 2546Jan. 31, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Pell Grants (in Sen.) S1061Sep. 3, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Pell Grants and Child Literacy (in Sen.) S 1061Sep. 10, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/State Student Grants (in Sen.)Sep. 8, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Budget Resolution/Pell Grants (in H.R.) S Con Res 101Apr. 7, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4577Jun. 14, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Special Education Funding (in H.R.) HR 4577Jun. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Title I Funding. (in Sen.) HR3061Nov. 1, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Financial Aid Eligibility (in H.R.) HR 2660Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 2660Nov. 20, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Pell Grant Funding (in Sen.) S Con Res 95Mar. 11, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Budget Resolution -- Education Funding (in Sen.) SCONRES18Mar. 17, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Pell Grant Increase. (in Sen.) HR3010Oct. 25, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Title I Funding. (in Sen.) HR3010Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- Community Development Block Grants. (in Sen.) SCONRES83Mar. 15, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- Community Development Block Grants. (in Sen.) SCONRES83Mar. 15, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- Education Funding. (in Sen.) SCONRES83Mar. 14, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- Title I Grants. (in Sen.) SCONRES83Mar. 16, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Federal Financial Aid. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Grants. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Grants. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Motion to Recede and Concur. (in Sen.) HR3043Nov. 7, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Student Financial Assistance. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 18, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2011 Continuing Appropriations -- Recommit. HR1Feb. 19, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Narcotics Control. HR3354Sep. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Fiscal 2019 Defense Authorization -- McCain Strategic Defense Fellowship. (in Sen.) HR5515Jun. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 2020 Four-Bill Appropriations Package -- Special Education Program Grants. HR2740Jun. 13, 2019Floor Vote
Fiscal 2021 Budget Resolution; National Apprenticeship Programs; Security Screening Fines -- Previous Question. HRES73 HCONRES11 HR447Feb. 2, 2021Floor Vote
Fiscal 2021 Budget Resolution; National Apprenticeship Programs; Security Screening Fines -- Rule. HRES73 HR447 HCONRES11Feb. 2, 2021Floor Vote
Funding Pell Grant Program/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 88May 4, 1999Floor Vote
George Bush Fellowship Program/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3803Sep. 17, 1996Floor Vote
GI Bill Amendments (in Sen.) HR 8701Oct. 19, 1977Floor Vote
GI Bill Amendments (in Sen.) S 457Oct. 19, 1977Floor Vote
GI Bill Amendments (in Sen.) S 457Oct. 19, 1977Floor Vote
Guaranteed Student Loans (in H.R.) HR 12253Apr. 4, 1974Floor Vote
Head Start Reauthorization -- Recompete for Grants. (in H.R.) HR1429May 2, 2007Floor Vote
Health Loans and Scholarships (in H.R.) HR 7736Jun. 18, 1971Floor Vote
Health Professions (in H.R.) HR 7203Sep. 3, 1980Floor Vote
Heart, Lung and Blood Diseases (in H.R.) HR 7988Apr. 12, 1976Floor Vote
Higher Education (in Sen.) HR 5192Jun. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Higher Education (in Sen.) S 1839Jun. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Higher Education (in Sen.) S 1839Jun. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 12851May 10, 1976Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1965Jun. 3, 1986Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1965Jun. 3, 1986Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1965Jun. 3, 1986Floor Vote
Higher Education Act of 1971 (in H.R.) HR 7248Oct. 28, 1971Floor Vote
Higher Education Act of 1971 (in H.R.) HR 7248Nov. 3, 1971Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization -- Democratic Substitute. (in H.R.) HR609Mar. 30, 2006Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR609Mar. 30, 2006Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Achievement Awards (in H.R.) HR 6May 5, 1998Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Allow Pell Grants to Prisoners (in H.R.) HR 3553Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 1150Jul. 8, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Information Technology (in H.R.) HR 6May 5, 1998Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3553Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Prohibit Pell Grants to Prisoners (in H.R.) HR 3553Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Recipient Requirements (in H.R.) HR 3553Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Act Reauthorization/Sallie Mae (in H.R.) HR 3553Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
Higher Education Energy Programs -- Passage. HR957Apr. 22, 2009Floor Vote
Higher Education Funding -- Passage. HR5363Dec. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Audit of Federal Family Education Loan Program. HR4137Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Bankruptcy Options. HR4137Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Federal Family Education Loan Program. HR4137Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Federal Supplemental Loan Program. (in Sen.) S1642Jul. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Motion to Recommit. HR4137Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1642Jul. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Higher Education Reauthorization -- University Lobbying. (in Sen.) S1642Jul. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship (in H.R.) HR 10392May 1, 1978Floor Vote
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship (in H.R.) HR 10392May 15, 1978Floor Vote
Immigration Overhaul -- NSF Scholarship. (in Sen.) S1348May 24, 2007Floor Vote
Indochinese Refugee Education Aid (in H.R.) HR 7897Jan. 19, 1976Floor Vote
Internet Education/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1992Oct. 10, 2001Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 15931Feb. 28, 1970Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 15931Feb. 28, 1970Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations (in Sen.) HR 15931Feb. 28, 1970Floor Vote
Library Programs and Institute of Peace Extension/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4416Oct. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Middle-Income Student Assistance (in H.R.) HR 11274Mar. 20, 1978Floor Vote
Military Education Benefits/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1291Jun. 19, 2001Floor Vote
Military Medicine Foundation (in H.R.) S 653May 9, 1983Floor Vote
National Apprenticeship Programs -- En Bloc Amendments. HR447Feb. 5, 2021Floor Vote
National Apprenticeship Programs -- Grant Eligibility Requirement. HR447Feb. 5, 2021Floor Vote
National Apprenticeship Programs -- Passage. HR447Feb. 5, 2021Floor Vote
National Apprenticeship Programs -- Substitute Amendment. HR447Feb. 5, 2021Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Passage (in H.R.) HR 820May 19, 1993Floor Vote
National Health Service Corps Scholarships (in H.R.) HR 16077Aug. 5, 1974Floor Vote
National Science Foundation Authorization (in H.R.) HR 4991Mar. 24, 1977Floor Vote
National Sea Grant Colleges (in H.R.) HR 13035May 3, 1976Floor Vote
National Service/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 2010Aug. 8, 1993Floor Vote
No Child Left Behind Overhaul -- Native American Education Grant Programs. (in Sen.) S1177Jul. 8, 2015Floor Vote
No Child Left Behind Overhaul -- Site Resource Coordinators. (in Sen.) S1177Jul. 9, 2015Floor Vote
Office of Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1971 (in Sen.) HR 16916Jun. 25, 1970Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Bill/Police Corps and Scholarships (in H.R.) HR 4092Apr. 20, 1994Floor Vote
Passage of the Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1969 (in Sen.) S 2721Aug. 12, 1969Floor Vote
Pell Grant Disaster Relief -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3169Sep. 7, 2005Floor Vote
Responsible Fatherhood/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3073Nov. 10, 1999Floor Vote
School Diversity -- Enrollment Process for Diversity. HR2639Sep. 15, 2020Floor Vote
School Diversity -- Passage. HR2639Sep. 15, 2020Floor Vote
School Diversity -- Substitute Amendment. HR2639Sep. 15, 2020Floor Vote
School Diversity; Disparate Impact Lawuits; Employment Accommodations for Pregnancy; Condemning Anti-Asian Bias -- Previous Question. HR2639 HR2574 HR2694 HRES908Sep. 15, 2020Floor Vote
School Diversity; Disparate Impact Lawuits; Employment Accommodations for Pregnancy; Condemning Anti-Asian Bias -- Rule. HR2639 HR2574 HR2694 HRES908Sep. 15, 2020Floor Vote
Science and Education Competitiveness -- NOAA Grants. (in Sen.) S761Apr. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Science and Education Competitiveness -- Scholarship Grants. (in Sen.) S761Apr. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Science and Engineering Research -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR363Apr. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Science and Technology Scholarship Program -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1657Sep. 17, 2007Floor Vote
Sea Grant Authorization (in H.R.) HR 5452May 8, 1973Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations Fiscal 1976 (in Sen.) HR 13172May 11, 1976Floor Vote
Second Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1976 (in H.R.) HR 13172Apr. 13, 1976Floor Vote
Star Schools Program/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 778Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization/National Endowment for Democracy (in Sen.) S 886Jun. 22, 1999Floor Vote
State Department Authorizations (in Sen.) S 1342Sep. 22, 1983Floor Vote
STEM Education Grants -- Passage. HR5509Dec. 20, 2018Floor Vote
STEM Minority Research and Education Effectiveness -- Passage. HR4375Dec. 18, 2017Floor Vote
'Straight A's' Education Overhaul/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2300Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Student Financial Aid (in Sen.) S 2539Aug. 16, 1978Floor Vote
Student Financial Aid (in Sen.) S 2539Aug. 16, 1978Floor Vote
Student Grant Information/Concur with Senate Amendments. (in H.R.) HR768Nov. 6, 2001Floor Vote
Student Loan Access -- Loan Qualifications. HR5715Apr. 17, 2008Floor Vote
Student Loan Access -- Motion to Rise. HR5715Apr. 16, 2008Floor Vote
Student Loan Access -- Passage. HR5715Apr. 17, 2008Floor Vote
Student Loan Access -- Previous Question. HR5715Apr. 16, 2008Floor Vote
Student Loan Access -- Rule. HR5715Apr. 16, 2008Floor Vote
Student Loan Counseling -- Passage. HR1635Sep. 5, 2018Floor Vote
Student Loan Counseling -- Recommit. HR1635Sep. 5, 2018Floor Vote
Student Loan Counseling and Natural Gas Exports -- Previous Question. HR1635 HR4606Sep. 5, 2018Floor Vote
Student Loan Counseling and Natural Gas Exports -- Rule. HR1635 HR4606Sep. 5, 2018Floor Vote
Student Loan Defaults (in H.R.) HR 4155Jun. 17, 1980Floor Vote
Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers/Rule (in H.R.) HR 438Jul. 9, 2003Floor Vote
Student Loans (in H.R.) HR 13194Sep. 15, 1969Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- College Access Partnership Grants. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Conference Report. (in H.R.) HR2669Sep. 7, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Conference Report. (in Sen.) HR2669Sep. 7, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2669Jul. 11, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 20, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Promise Grants. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR2669Jul. 11, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Republican Substitute. (in H.R.) HR2669Jul. 11, 2007Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR2669Sep. 7, 2007Floor Vote
Suicide Research Grants -- Passage. HR4704Jan. 27, 2020Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations (in Sen.) H J Res 496Apr. 17, 1973Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in Sen.) HR 16900Nov. 20, 1974Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in Sen.) HR 16900Nov. 20, 1974Floor Vote
Supplemental Loans for Students/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4639Jun. 8, 1988Floor Vote
Taft Institute Extension/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4585Oct. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Tax-Cut Reconciliation/HOPE Scholarship Tax Credit. (in Sen.) HR1836May 22, 2001Floor Vote
Tax-Cut Reconciliation/Motion To Commit. (in Sen.) HR1836May 22, 2001Floor Vote
Tax-Cut Reconciliation/Pell Grant Funding. (in Sen.) HR1836May 22, 2001Floor Vote
Teacher Corps, Teacher Education. (in H.R.) H R 10943 CQ Key VoteJun. 27, 1967Floor Vote
Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Library/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3661Aug. 9, 1988Floor Vote
Title I Reauthorization/Early Grade Vouchers (in H.R.) HR 2Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Title I Reauthorization/Portability Vouchers (in H.R.) HR 2Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Tribute to Albert Einstein Fellows -- adoption. HRES1322Jun. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Truman Memorial Scholarship (in H.R.) HR 17481Dec. 3, 1974Floor Vote
Truman Memorial Scholarship (in H.R.) HR 17481Dec. 16, 1974Floor Vote
Truman Memorial Scholarship (in H.R.) HR 17481Dec. 17, 1974Floor Vote
United States-Caribbean Educational Exchange -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR176Jul. 31, 2007Floor Vote
Urgent Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1972 (in H.R.) H J Res 1097Mar. 15, 1972Floor Vote
Veterans Benefits -- Motion to Instruct. HR3230Jul. 22, 2014Floor Vote
Veterans STEM Careers -- Passage. HR4323Dec. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Veterans' Education Benefits (in H.R.) HR 8701Sep. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Vocational Education Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 12835May 11, 1976Floor Vote
Voice of Democracy Scholarships -- Adoption. HRES1170Mar. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Washington Center Financial Assistance/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3859Jun. 19, 1990Floor Vote
White House Fellows Program Anniversary -- Adoption. SCONRES72Dec. 15, 2010Floor Vote