Law and Justice
 Abortion and Reproductive Issues
 Floor Votes
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"Partial Birth" Abortion Ban/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 3 CQ Key VoteOct. 2, 2003Floor Vote
"Partial Birth" Abortion Ban/Conference Report (in Sen.) S 3 CQ Key VoteOct. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Abortion Access Protections -- Passage. HR8296 CQ Key VoteJul. 15, 2022Floor Vote
Abortion Access Protections -- Recommit. HR8296Jul. 15, 2022Floor Vote
Abortion Assistance for Minors/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1218Jun. 30, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Assistance for Minors/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 1218Jun. 30, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Clinic Access/Conference Report. (in H.R.) S 636. CQ Key VoteMay 5, 1994Floor Vote
Abortion Clinic Access/Conference Report. (in Sen.) S 636. CQ Key VoteMay 12, 1994Floor Vote
Abortion Clinic Access/Defendant Attorneys' Fees (in H.R.) S 636May 5, 1994Floor Vote
Abortion Clinic Access/Rule (in H.R.) S 636May 5, 1994Floor Vote
Abortion for Minors/Recommit. (in H.R.) HR476Apr. 17, 2002Floor Vote
Abortion Medical Care -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S311Feb. 25, 2020Floor Vote
Abortion Notification -- Grandparent and Clergy Exemption (in H.R.) HR748Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Abortion Notification -- Passage (in H.R.) HR748Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Abortion Notification -- Previous Question (in H.R.) HR748Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Abortion Notification -- Professional Transportation and Medical Provider Exemption (in H.R.) HR748Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Abortion Notification -- Recommit (in H.R.) HR748Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Agreeing to Senate Amendments (in H.R.) HR 1122Oct. 8, 1997Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Daschle Substitute (in Sen.) HR 1122May 15, 1997Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Feinstein Substitute (in Sen.) HR 1122May 15, 1997Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Fetal Tissue Disclosure (in Sen.) S 1692Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3660Apr. 5, 2000Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Passage (in Sen.) S 1692Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Post-Viability Abortions (in Sen.) S 1692Oct. 20, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1122Oct. 8, 1997Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 3660Apr. 5, 2000Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Roe v. Wade (in Sen.) S 1692Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3660Apr. 5, 2000Floor Vote
Abortion Procedure Ban/Special Needs Children (in Sen.) S 1692Oct. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Abortion Procedures/Adverse Health Exception (in Sen.) HR 1833Dec. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Abortion Procedures/Life of Mother (in Sen.) HR 1833Dec. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Abortion Procedures/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1833Nov. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Abortion Procedures/Sense of the Senate Substitute (in Sen.) HR 1833Dec. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Abortion Procedures/Use of Exhibits (in H.R.) HR 1833Nov. 1, 1995Floor Vote
Abortion Provisions -- Passage. HR4712Jan. 19, 2018Floor Vote
Abortion Provisions -- Previous Question. HR4712Jan. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Abortion Provisions -- Rule. HR4712Jan. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Abortions for Minors/Passage. (in H.R.) HR476Apr. 17, 2002Floor Vote
Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods -- Passage. (in H.R.) S2754Jul. 18, 2006Floor Vote
Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2754Jul. 18, 2006Floor Vote
Anti-Abortion Amendment (in Sen.) S J Res 178Apr. 28, 1976Floor Vote
Anti-Crime Block Grants/Abortion Clinic Protection (in H.R.) HR 728Feb. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Abortion Clinics (in H.R.) S 625Feb. 2, 2000Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 6, 1979Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 6, 1979Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 11, 1979Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 11, 1979Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 11, 1979Floor Vote
China Trade/Forced Abortions (in H.R.) HR 4444Sep. 13, 2000Floor Vote
Civil Rights Act of 1984 (in H.R.) HR 5490Jun. 26, 1984Floor Vote
Civil Rights Commission (in H.R.) HR 12432Sep. 6, 1978Floor Vote
Civil Rights Restoration Act/Passage (in H.R.) S 557Mar. 2, 1988Floor Vote
Clinic Access/Commit to Judiciary (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Clinic Access/House Amendment (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Clinic Access/Insist on Amendments (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Clinic Access/Passage (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Clinic Access/Previous Question (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Clinic Access/Rule (in H.R.) S 636Mar. 17, 1994Floor Vote
Condolences for George Tiller -- Adoption. HRES505Jun. 9, 2009Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in Sen.) H J Res 648Oct. 3, 1984Floor Vote
Continuing Resolution (in Sen.) H J Res 610Oct. 1, 1980Floor Vote
Contraception Access -- Passage. HR8373 CQ Key VoteJul. 21, 2022Floor Vote
Contraception Access -- Recommit. HR8373Jul. 21, 2022Floor Vote
Cord Blood Stem Cell Research -- Passage (in H.R.) HR2520May 24, 2005Floor Vote
Cord Blood Stem Cell Research -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2520Dec. 17, 2005Floor Vote
Criminal Penalties for Harming a Fetus/Assault on Pregnant Women (in H.R.) HR 2436Sep. 30, 1999Floor Vote
Criminal Penalties for Harming a Fetus/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2436. CQ Key VoteSep. 30, 1999Floor Vote
Criminal Penalties for Harming a Fetus/Surrogate Decision (in H.R.) HR 2436Sep. 30, 1999Floor Vote
D.C. Voting Representation (in Sen.) H J Res 554Aug. 21, 1978Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 13635Aug. 9, 1978Floor Vote
Defense Authorization/Military Abortions. (in Sen.) S2514Jun. 21, 2002Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1980 (in H.R.) HR 4580Jul. 17, 1979Floor Vote
Embryonic Stem Cell Research -- Passage (in H.R.) HR810 CQ Key VoteMay 24, 2005Floor Vote
Embryonic Stem Cell Research -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR810 CQ Key VoteJul. 13, 2006Floor Vote
Embryonic Stem Cell Research -- Veto Override. (in H.R.) HR810 CQ Key VoteJul. 19, 2006Floor Vote
Executive Action Reviews -- Abortion Major Rules. HR277Jun. 14, 2023Floor Vote
Family Planning Amendments/Veto Override. (in Sen.) S 323. CQ Key VoteOct. 1, 1992Floor Vote
Family Planning Reauthorization/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 3090. CQ Key VoteApr. 30, 1992Floor Vote
Fetal Harvesting Ban -- Passage. (in H.R.) S3504Jul. 18, 2006Floor Vote
Fetal Harvesting Ban -- Passage. (in Sen.) S3504Jul. 18, 2006Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1997Feb. 26, 2004Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Democratic Substitute (in Sen.) HR 1997Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Democratic Substitute. (in H.R.) HR503Apr. 26, 2001Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1997Feb. 26, 2004Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1997 CQ Key VoteMar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1981 Continuing Appropriations (in Sen.) H J Res 610Sep. 29, 1980Floor Vote
Fiscal 1981 Continuing Appropriations (in Sen.) H J Res 610 CQ Key VoteSep. 29, 1980Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations/Abortion Funding (in Sen.) HR 4776Sep. 30, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations/Abortion Spending Prohibition (in Sen.) HR 4776Jul. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations/Abortion Spending Prohibition (in Sen.) HR 4776Jul. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 District of Columbia Appropriations/Recommittal Motion (in H.R.) HR 4776Sep. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Birth Control, Abortion at School (in Sen.) HR 4783Jul. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Family-Planning Funds (in Sen.) HR 4783Jul. 25, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Rape and Incest (in Sen.) HR 4783Jul. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Use of Medicaid Funds for Abortions (in H.R.) HR 4783Sep. 9, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Use of Medicaid Funds for Abortions (in Sen.) HR 4783Sep. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations/Use of Medicaid Funds for Abortions (in Sen.) HR 4783Sep. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations/Abortion Funding. (in H.R.) HR 2990. CQ Key VoteOct. 11, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Defense Authorization/Abortion Services. (in H.R.) HR 4739. CQ Key VoteSep. 18, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations/Abortion. (in Sen.) HR 5257. CQ Key VoteOct. 12, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations/Parental Consent and Title X Facilities (in Sen.) HR 2707Sep. 11, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations/Parental Consent for Abortions (in Sen.) HR 2707Sep. 11, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2707. CQ Key VoteNov. 19, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations/Abortion Prohibition. (in H.R.) HR 2518. CQ Key VoteJun. 30, 1993Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 VA, HUD Appropriations/Abortion Clinics Attack (in Sen.) HR 4624Aug. 4, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget-Reconciliation/Abortion (in Sen.) S 1357Oct. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget-Reconciliation/Federal Funding of Abortions (in Sen.) S 1357Oct. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Abortion (in H.R.) HR 2076Jul. 26, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Prison Abortions (in Sen.) HR 2076Sep. 29, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Defense Appropriations/Overseas Military Facility Abortions (in H.R.) HR 2126Sep. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Defense Appropriations/Overseas Military Facility Abortions (in H.R.) HR 2126Sep. 7, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Defense Authorization/Abortions at Defense Facilities (in H.R.) HR 1530Jun. 15, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Restrict U.S. Money for Overseas Abortions (in H.R.) HR 1868Jun. 28, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Abortions in Federal Prisons (in H.R.) HR 2267Sep. 25, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Fund Abortion Services for Women in Prison (in H.R.) HR 4276Aug. 4, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Abortion Services in Federal Prisons (in H.R.) HR 2670Aug. 4, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 District of Columbia Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3064Oct. 14, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Abortion (in H.R.) HR 2606Jul. 29, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Foreign Abortion Laws (in H.R.) HR 2606Jul. 29, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Agriculture Appropriations/Abortion Pill (in H.R.) HR 4461Jul. 10, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Prison Abortions (in H.R.) HR 4690Jun. 22, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Defense Authorization/Military Base Abortions (in H.R.) HR 4205May 18, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Morning After Pill (in H.R.) HR 4577Jun. 30, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Treasury Appropriations/Abortion Funding (in H.R.) HR 4871Jul. 20, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Abortion Ban. (in H.R.) HR2500Jul. 17, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Defense Authorization/Abortions Overseas. (in H.R.) HR2586Sep. 25, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Conference Report. (in H.R.) HR2506Dec. 19, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Abstinence Programs. (in H.R.) HR3061Oct. 11, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Treasury-Postal Appropriations/Conference Report. (in H.R.) HR2590Oct. 31, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/Abortion at Military Facilities (in H.R.) HR 4200May 19, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Defense Authorization -- Abortion at Military Facilities. (in H.R.) HR5122May 10, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations -- Abortion and Sterilization. (in Sen.) HR2764Sep. 6, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations -- Mexico City Policy. (in Sen.) HR2764Sep. 6, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations -- Mexico City Policy. (in Sen.) HR2764Sep. 6, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2023 Defense Authorization -- VA Fertility Treatments Awareness. HR7900Jul. 14, 2022Floor Vote
Fiscal 2024 Defense Authorization -- Repeal Military Abortion Services Policy. HR2670Jul. 13, 2023Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12931Sep. 22, 1978Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Civil Cause of Action (in H.R.) HR 796Nov. 18, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Free Speech (in Sen.) S 636Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Parental Exemption (in H.R.) HR 796Nov. 18, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Parental Exemption (in H.R.) HR 796Nov. 18, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Passage (in Sen.) S 636Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Penalties (in Sen.) S 636Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Rule (in H.R.) HR 796Nov. 18, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/State's Rights (in Sen.) S 636Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Substitute (in H.R.) HR 796Nov. 18, 1993Floor Vote
Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics/Substitute (in Sen.) S 636Nov. 16, 1993Floor Vote
Health Care Overhaul -- Abortion Funding Ban. (in Sen.) HR3590Dec. 8, 2009Floor Vote
Health Services Amendments (in H.R.) HR 12370Oct. 13, 1978Floor Vote
Health Services Programs (in Sen.) S 66Apr. 10, 1975Floor Vote
House Judiciary Committee Report -- Motion to Table (in H.R.) HRES253May 3, 2005Floor Vote
Human Life Federalism Amendment. (in Sen.) S J Res 3. CQ Key VoteJun. 28, 1983Floor Vote
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in Sen.) HR 6028Sep. 25, 1984Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 14232 CQ Key VoteJun. 24, 1976Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 14232Aug. 10, 1976Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in Sen.) HR 14232 CQ Key VoteSep. 17, 1976Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in Sen.) HR 14232 CQ Key VoteSep. 30, 1976Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555 CQ Key VoteJun. 17, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Sep. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 13, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Aug. 4, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Aug. 4, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Oct. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555 CQ Key VoteNov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 12929Jun. 13, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 12929Jun. 13, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 12929Oct. 12, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 12929Oct. 14, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12929Sep. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12929Sep. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1980 (in H.R.) HR 4389Oct. 30, 1979Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1980/Abortion (in H.R.) H J Res 413Oct. 9, 1979Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 4577Sep. 19, 2000Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor/HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Jun. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Late Term Abortions/Motion To Commit (in Sen.) HR 1833Nov. 8, 1995Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (in H.R.) HR 3480Jun. 18, 1981Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (in H.R.) HR 7824Jun. 21, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (in H.R.) HR 7824Jun. 21, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Reauthorization/Abortion Cases (in H.R.) HR 2039May 12, 1992Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Reauthorization/Recommit With Instructions (in H.R.) HR 2039May 12, 1992Floor Vote
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Reauthorization/Restrict Litigation (in H.R.) HR 2039May 6, 1992Floor Vote
Live Births/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4292Sep. 26, 2000Floor Vote
National Institutes of Health Reauthorization/Fetal Tissue Research. (in Sen.) HR 2507. CQ Key VoteMar. 31, 1992Floor Vote
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S3275Feb. 25, 2020Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S403 CQ Key VoteSep. 29, 2006Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Incest Exceptions. (in Sen.) S403Jul. 25, 2006Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Passage. (in H.R.) S403 CQ Key VoteSep. 26, 2006Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Passage. (in Sen.) S403Jul. 25, 2006Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Rule. (in H.R.) S403Sep. 26, 2006Floor Vote
Partial Birth Abortion Ban/Disagree to House Amendment (in H.R.) S 3Sep. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Partial Birth Abortion Ban/Motion to Commit (in H.R.) S 3Mar. 12, 2003Floor Vote
Partial Birth Abortion Ban/Passage (in H.R.) S 3Mar. 13, 2003Floor Vote
Partial Birth Abortion Ban/Roe v Wade (in H.R.) S 3Mar. 12, 2003Floor Vote
'Partial Birth' Abortion Ban/Passage. (in H.R.) HR4965Jul. 24, 2002Floor Vote
'Partial Birth' Abortion Ban/Recommit. (in H.R.) HR4965Jul. 24, 2002Floor Vote
'Partial Birth' Abortion Ban/Rule. (in H.R.) HR4965Jul. 24, 2002Floor Vote
Pregnancy Disability (in Sen.) S 995Sep. 16, 1977Floor Vote
Presidential Tax Returns; National Heritage Areas; Radio Free Asia; FDA Reproductive Health -- Rule. HR9640 S1942 HRES693 HRES1434Dec. 21, 2022Floor Vote
Protect Interstate Travel for Abortion -- Passage. HR8297Jul. 15, 2022Floor Vote
Protect Interstate Travel for Abortion -- Recommit. HR8297Jul. 15, 2022Floor Vote
State Department Reauthorization/U.N. Population Fund (in H.R.) HR 2415Jul. 20, 1999Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1984 (in Sen.) HR 6040Aug. 8, 1984Floor Vote
Technical Tax Corrections/Abortion Funding (in Sen.) S 2238Oct. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Technical Tax Corrections/Tax-Exempt Status of Abortion Facilities (in Sen.) S 2238Oct. 6, 1988Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) H J Res 520Sep. 9, 1982Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) H J Res 520Sep. 13, 1982Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) H J Res 520Sep. 15, 1982Floor Vote
Title X Pregnancy Counseling/Prohibit Pregnancy Counseling (in Sen.) S 323Jul. 16, 1991Floor Vote
Transporting Minors for an Abortion/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3682Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Transporting Minors for an Abortion/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 3682Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Transporting Minors for an Abortion/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 3682Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Transporting Minors for an Abortion/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3682Jul. 15, 1998Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in H.R.) HR 5798Jun. 27, 1984Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 30, 1981Floor Vote
Twenty-Week Abortion Ban -- Passage. HR36 CQ Key VoteOct. 3, 2017Floor Vote
Twenty-Week Abortion Ban -- Previous Question. HR36Oct. 3, 2017Floor Vote
Twenty-Week Abortion Ban -- Recommit. HR36Oct. 3, 2017Floor Vote
Twenty-Week Abortion Ban -- Rule. HR36Oct. 3, 2017Floor Vote
Unfunded Mandates/Clinic Access (in Sen.) S 1Jan. 18, 1995Floor Vote