Law and Justice
 Crime Prevention
 Floor Votes
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Active Shooter Alert Network -- Passage. HR6538Jun. 22, 2022Floor Vote
Addressing Human Trafficking -- Passage. HR767Dec. 20, 2018Floor Vote
Anti-Crime Act (in H.R.) HR 5690Oct. 2, 1984Floor Vote
Anti-Crime Block Grants/Committee Substitute (in H.R.) HR 728Feb. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Anti-Crime Block Grants/Passage (in H.R.) HR 728Feb. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Armor-Piercing Bullets (in Sen.) S 104Mar. 6, 1986Floor Vote
Balanced-Budget Amendment/Law Enforcement (in Sen.) H J Res 1Feb. 23, 1995Floor Vote
CETA Amendments (in Sen.) S 2570Aug. 22, 1978Floor Vote
Child Abuse Prevention -- Passage. S2961Dec. 20, 2018Floor Vote
Child Sex Crimes Prevention/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1240Apr. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Colorado School Shootings/Adoption (in Sen.) H Con Res 92Apr. 27, 1999Floor Vote
Combat Narcotics Trafficking and Crime -- Passage. HR6028Jun. 10, 2008Floor Vote
Community Oriented Policing Services -- Passage. HR1139Apr. 23, 2009Floor Vote
Community Violence Intervention Grants -- Passage. HR4118Sep. 22, 2022Floor Vote
Comprehensive Crime Control Act (in Sen.) S 1762Feb. 2, 1984Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in Sen.) H J Res 648Oct. 3, 1984Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1985. (in H.R.) H J Res 648. CQ Key VoteSep. 25, 1984Floor Vote
COVID-19 Hate Crimes -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S937Apr. 14, 2021Floor Vote
COVID-19 Hate Crimes -- COVID-19 Restrictions on Religious Institutions. (in Sen.) S937Apr. 22, 2021Floor Vote
COVID-19 Hate Crimes -- Discrimination in Higher Education Admissions. (in Sen.) S937Apr. 22, 2021Floor Vote
COVID-19 Hate Crimes -- Passage. (in Sen.) S937Apr. 22, 2021Floor Vote
COVID-19 Hate Crimes -- Passage. S937May 18, 2021Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3371Nov. 27, 1991Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Handgun Waiting Period. (in Sen.) S 1241. CQ Key VoteJun. 28, 1991Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Death Penalty (in H.R.) HR 3371Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Recommittal Motion (in H.R.) HR 3371Nov. 27, 1991Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3371Nov. 27, 1991Floor Vote
Crime Control Funds Authorization (in H.R.) HR 17825Jun. 30, 1970Floor Vote
Criminal Code (in Sen.) S 1437Jan. 23, 1978Floor Vote
Criminal Recidivism Programs, Judicial and Prison System Modifications -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S756Dec. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Criminal Recidivism Programs, Judicial and Prison System Modifications -- Motion to Concur. (in Sen.) S756 CQ Key VoteDec. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Criminal Recidivism Programs, Judicial and Prison System Modifications -- Passage. S756 CQ Key VoteDec. 20, 2018Floor Vote
Criminalize Lynching -- Passage. HR55 CQ Key VoteFeb. 28, 2022Floor Vote
Dept. of Transportation Human Trafficking Prevention -- Passage. S1536Dec. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Drug Treatment Programs (in H.R.) HR 8389Sep. 18, 1972Floor Vote
Drug Treatment Programs (in H.R.) HR 8389Sep. 18, 1972Floor Vote
Drug Treatment Programs (in H.R.) HR 8389Sep. 18, 1972Floor Vote
Education Savings Accounts/Safe Schools (in H.R.) S 1134Mar. 2, 2000Floor Vote
Elder Abuse Prevention -- Passage. HR448Feb. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Executive Protective Service (in Sen.) HR 14944Feb. 24, 1970Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- China and Mexico Opioid Trafficking. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Opioid Trafficking Sanctions. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Family Violence Prevention -- En Bloc Amendments. HR2119Oct. 26, 2021Floor Vote
Family Violence Prevention -- En Bloc Amendments. HR2119Oct. 26, 2021Floor Vote
Family Violence Prevention -- Passage. HR2119Oct. 26, 2021Floor Vote
Fiscal 1977 Supplemental Housing Authorization (in H.R.) HR 3843Apr. 28, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1981 Supplemental Appropriations. (in Sen.) HR 3512. CQ Key VoteMay 21, 1981Floor Vote
Fiscal 1989 Budget Resolution/DeConcini Amendment (in Sen.) S Con Res 113Apr. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Police Grants (in H.R.) HR 2076Jul. 25, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Social Crime Prevention (in Sen.) HR 2076Sep. 29, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Juvenile Crime (in H.R.) HR 2267Sep. 25, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Interior Appropriations/Bureau of Indian Affairs (in Sen.) HR 2107Sep. 18, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Transfer Funds From “Truth-In-Sentencing” Programs to Prevention Programs (in H.R.) HR 4276Aug. 4, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Crime Prevention (in H.R.) HR 2670Aug. 4, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Defense Authorization/Hate Crimes (in H.R.) S 2549Jun. 20, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Transportation-Treasury Appropriations/Identity Theft (in H.R.) HR 2989Sep. 4, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Budget Resolution -- COPS Program. (in Sen.) SCONRES21Mar. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2015 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- National Instant Criminal Background Check System. HR4660May 29, 2014Floor Vote
Handgun Waiting Period/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 7. CQ Key VoteMay 8, 1991Floor Vote
Human Trafficking by Federal Contractors -- Passage. S3470Sep. 29, 2022Floor Vote
Human Trafficking Prevention -- Passage. HR2200Dec. 21, 2018Floor Vote
Human Trafficking Prevention -- Passage. HR6552Jul. 26, 2022Floor Vote
Human Trafficking/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3244Oct. 6, 2000Floor Vote
Human Trafficking/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3244Oct. 6, 2000Floor Vote
IRS Information Technology Modernization -- Passage. HR5445Apr. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime Block Grants/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1818Jul. 15, 1997Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Community Policing (in Sen.) S 254May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Passage (in Sen.) S 254May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Prevention Grants (in H.R.) HR 3May 8, 1997Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Prevention Programs (in H.R.) HR 3May 8, 1997Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 3May 8, 1997Floor Vote
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention (in H.R.) HR 15635Jul. 17, 1972Floor Vote
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Extension (in H.R.) HR 2061Oct. 12, 1979Floor Vote
Law Enforcement Partnership Grants -- Motion to Concur. HR3249Jun. 6, 2018Floor Vote
Money Laundering for Human Trafficking -- Passage. HR2219Apr. 10, 2018Floor Vote
National Computer Forensics Institute Authorization -- Passage. HR1616May 16, 2017Floor Vote
National Stalking Awareness Month -- Passage. (in Sen.) SRES13Jan. 26, 2023Floor Vote
National Urban Crimes Awareness Week -- Adoption. HCONRES227Feb. 25, 2010Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Bill/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3371Oct. 16, 1991Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Package/Assault-Style Weapons. (in Sen.) S 1970. CQ Key VoteMay 23, 1990Floor Vote
Opioid Trafficking Task Force -- Passage. HR3722Sep. 27, 2019Floor Vote
Police and Community Alliances -- Passage. HRES285May 15, 2018Floor Vote
Prisoner Recidivism Risk -- Passage. HR5682May 22, 2018Floor Vote
Promoting Financial Literacy -- Passage. HRES328Apr. 30, 2019Floor Vote
School Background Checks -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4894Jun. 13, 2006Floor Vote
School Violence Prevention -- Passage. HR4909Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Senior Investor Task Force -- Passage. HR1876Apr. 30, 2019Floor Vote
Stalking Awareness -- Adoption. HRES82Feb. 3, 2009Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Immunity for Reporting Suspicious Behavior. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Taxpayer Identity Protection -- Passage (in H.R.) HR1677Apr. 17, 2007Floor Vote
Teen Violence Awareness -- Adoption. HRES103Feb. 3, 2009Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase. (in Sen.) H J Res 520. CQ Key VoteSep. 15, 1982Floor Vote
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR972Dec. 14, 2005Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12930Jun. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Violence Against Indians Commission -- Passage. S5087Dec. 22, 2022Floor Vote