Environment and Natural Resources
 Water Pollution
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Clean Water Act Reauthorization. (in H.R.) HR 1. CQ Key VoteFeb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Reauthorization. (in Sen.) HR 1. CQ Key VoteFeb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Revisions/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 961. CQ Key VoteMay 16, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 VA-HUD Appropriations/Arsenic Standards. (in H.R.) HR 2620. CQ Key VoteJul. 27, 2001Floor Vote
Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization/Risk Assessment. (in Sen.) S 2019. CQ Key VoteMay 18, 1994Floor Vote
Stream Protection Rule Repeal -- Passage. (in Sen.) HJRES38 CQ Key VoteFeb. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Water Pollution Control (in H.R.) S 2770 CQ Key VoteOct. 18, 1972Floor Vote
Water Quality Act of 1965. (in Sen.) S 4 CQ Key VoteJan. 28, 1965Floor Vote