Communications and the Media
 Enforcement, Judicial, Legal, and Regulatory Action
 Floor Votes
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
"Do Not Call" Registry/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3161 CQ Key VoteSep. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Antitrust Exemption for TV Violence/Sexual Explicitness (in Sen.)May 31, 1989Floor Vote
Broadband Internet Access -- Blocking of Unlawful Content. HR1644Apr. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Broadband Internet Access -- Passage. HR1644Apr. 10, 2019Floor Vote
Broadcast Decency Enforcement -- Passage. (in H.R.) S193Jun. 7, 2006Floor Vote
Broadcast Indecency -- Passage (in H.R.) HR310Feb. 16, 2005Floor Vote
Broadcast Indecency -- Previous Question (in H.R.) HR310Feb. 16, 2005Floor Vote
Cable Television Regulation/Miscellaneous (in H.R.) HR 4850Jul. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Regulation/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4850Jul. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Regulation/Program Access (in H.R.) HR 4850Jul. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Regulation/Republican Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4850Jul. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Reregulation/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 12Sep. 17, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Reregulation/Rule (in H.R.) S 12Sep. 17, 1992Floor Vote
Cable Television Reregulation/Veto Override (in H.R.) S 12Oct. 5, 1992Floor Vote
Caller ID Protections -- Passage. HR1110Dec. 16, 2009Floor Vote
Communications Satellite Privatization/Fresh Look (in H.R.) HR 1872May 6, 1998Floor Vote
Communications Satellite Privatization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1872May 6, 1998Floor Vote
Communications Satellite Privatization/Takings (in H.R.) HR 1872May 6, 1998Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) H J Res 738Oct. 2, 1986Floor Vote
Cruise Ship Operations (in H.R.) HR 9552Apr. 11, 1972Floor Vote
Do Not Call Registry/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3161Sep. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Do Not Call Registry/Passage (in H.R.) HR 395Feb. 12, 2003Floor Vote
Electronic Communications Warrants -- Passage. HR699Apr. 27, 2016Floor Vote
FCC Equipment Authorization and National Security -- Passage. HR3919Oct. 20, 2021Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Baby Monitor Labeling Rules. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Passage. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Previous Question. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Recommit. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Rule. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Communications Commission Rulemaking -- Rural Broadband Access. HR3309Mar. 27, 2012Floor Vote
FISA Surveillance Authorities Reauthorization -- Passage. HR6172Mar. 11, 2020Floor Vote
FISA Surveillance Authorities Reauthorization -- Title Change. HR6172Mar. 11, 2020Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations/Dial-a-Porn Services (in Sen.)Nov. 16, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Cable Television Rates (in Sen.) S 2260Jul. 22, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/FCC Accounting Requirements (in Sen.) S 1217Jul. 22, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Budget Resolution -- News Packages (in Sen.) SCONRES18Mar. 17, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Electioneering Communications. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Fairness Doctrine. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 28, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2011 Continuing Appropriations -- Library Activity Surveillance. HR1Feb. 18, 2011Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Overhaul -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3356Aug. 3, 2007Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Motion to Reconsider. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Motion to Reconsider. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Motion to Table. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Passage. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Previous Question. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Extension -- Previous Question. HR5349Feb. 13, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Immunity from Civil Liability. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Immunity from Civil Liability. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Judiciary Committee Substitute. (in Sen.) S2248Jan. 24, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1927 CQ Key VoteAug. 3, 2007Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2011Aug. 3, 2007Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Statement of Exclusivity. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Substitute U.S. Government in Lawsuits. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Sunset. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 6, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Surveillance Targeting Procedures. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Surveillance Targeting Procedures. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 7, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Targeting Procedures. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Revisions -- Targeting Procedures. (in Sen.) S2248Feb. 12, 2008Floor Vote
High-Speed Internet Access/Higher Penalties. (in H.R.) HR1542Feb. 27, 2002Floor Vote
High-Speed Internet Access/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1542Feb. 27, 2002Floor Vote
High-Speed Internet Access/Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR 1542. CQ Key VoteFeb. 27, 2002Floor Vote
High-Speed Internet Access/Rule. (in H.R.) HR1542Feb. 27, 2002Floor Vote
Immigration Overhaul -- English as National Language. (in Sen.) S1348Jun. 6, 2007Floor Vote
Immigration Overhaul -- Role of English. (in Sen.) S1348Jun. 6, 2007Floor Vote
International Telecommunications Competition Act (in Sen.) S 271Jun. 2, 1981Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Gambling Ban Exemptions. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Federal Filming Guidelines (in Sen.) S 254May 19, 1999Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Independent Film Commission (in Sen.) S 254May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Violent Programming Restrictions (in Sen.) S 254May 13, 1999Floor Vote
Long-Distance Phone Slamming/Passage (in Sen.) S 1618May 12, 1998Floor Vote
Media Ownership Rule Disapproval/Passage (in Sen.) S J Res 17 CQ Key VoteSep. 16, 2003Floor Vote
Online Freedom of Speech -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1606Nov. 2, 2005Floor Vote
Preventing Robocalls -- Passage. HR3375Jul. 24, 2019Floor Vote
Rao Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jun. 29, 2017Floor Vote
Rao Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 10, 2017Floor Vote
Regulatory Databases -- Duplicity and Overlap. HR1004Mar. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Regulatory Databases -- First Amendment Protected Communications. HR1004Mar. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Regulatory Databases -- Passage. HR1004Mar. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Regulatory Integrity Act -- Recommit. HR1004Mar. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Robocall Enforcement and Deterrence -- Passage. (in Sen.) S151May 23, 2019Floor Vote
Robocall Enforcement and Deterrence -- Passage. S151Dec. 4, 2019Floor Vote
Senior Scam Prevention and Resources -- Passage. HR446Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
Senior Scams and Fraud Prevention -- Passage. HR1215Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
Simington Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Dec. 8, 2020Floor Vote
Simington Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Dec. 8, 2020Floor Vote
State Department-USIA Authorizations (in H.R.) S 3526May 30, 1972Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Fairness Doctrine. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation (in Sen.) S 898Oct. 6, 1981Floor Vote
Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation (in Sen.) S 898Oct. 6, 1981Floor Vote
Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation (in Sen.) S 898Oct. 6, 1981Floor Vote
Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation (in Sen.) S 898Oct. 7, 1981Floor Vote
Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation (in Sen.) S 898Oct. 7, 1981Floor Vote
Telecommunications Overhaul -- Network Neutrality. (in H.R.) HR5252 CQ Key VoteJun. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Telecommunications Overhaul -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5252Jun. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Telecommunications Overhaul -- Question of Consideration. (in H.R.) HR5252Jun. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Telecommunications Overhaul -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR5252Jun. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Audience Reach (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Bell Long Distance Entry (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Broadcast Ownership Limits (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Broadcast Ownership Limits, Merger Restrictions (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 9, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Cable Rate Regulation (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 15, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Cable Regulation (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Cloture (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/FCC Public Interest Test (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 8, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Justice Department (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Justice Department Role (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Manager's Amendment (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Motion To Reconsider (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Radio Ownership (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 15, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Reconsideration of Broadcast Ownership Limits (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 13, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Rights of Way (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 4, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1555Aug. 3, 1995Floor Vote
Telecommunications/State Barriers to Entry (in Sen.) S 652Jun. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Telemarketing Consumer Protection/Passage (in H.R.) HR 868Mar. 2, 1993Floor Vote
Tribal Scam Prevention -- Passage. HR1762Apr. 15, 2021Floor Vote
Unlocked Cellphones -- Passage. HR1123Feb. 25, 2014Floor Vote
Unsolicited E-Mail/Passage (in H.R.) S 877Oct. 22, 2003Floor Vote
Video Rental Information Disclosure -- Passage. HR2471Dec. 6, 2011Floor Vote
Wireless Communication Infrastructure Strategy -- Passage. HR2881Jan. 8, 2020Floor Vote
Wireless Privacy/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2369Mar. 5, 1998Floor Vote