105th Congress
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Abortion Procedure Ban/Passage. (in Sen.) HR 1122. CQ Key VoteMay 20, 1997Floor Vote
Balanced-Budget Constitutional Amendment/Passage. (in Sen.) S J Res 1. CQ Key VoteMar. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Campaign Finance Overhaul/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 25. CQ Key VoteOct. 7, 1997Floor Vote
Caribbean and Central American Trade/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2644. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Chemical Weapons Treaty/Adoption. (in Sen.) S Res 75. CQ Key VoteApr. 24, 1997Floor Vote
Compensatory Time, Flexible Credit/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 4. CQ Key VoteMay 15, 1997Floor Vote
Education Savings Accounts/Cloture. (in Sen.) HR 2646. CQ Key VoteOct. 31, 1997Floor Vote
Election of the Speaker. (in H.R.) . CQ Key VoteJan. 7, 1997Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act Flood Waivers/Project Exemption Limitation. (in H.R.) HR 478. CQ Key VoteMay 7, 1997Floor Vote
Fast Track/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 1269. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Budget Reconciliation—Spending/Medicare Means Testing. (in Sen.) S 947. CQ Key VoteJun. 24, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Budget Resolution/Adoption. (in H.R.) H Con Res 84. CQ Key VoteMay 20, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Budget Resolution/Adoption. (in Sen.) H Con Res 84. CQ Key VoteMay 23, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Budget Resolution/Shuster Substitute. (in H.R.) H Con Res 84. CQ Key VoteMay 20, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Defense Authorization/Bosnia Troop Withdrawal Substitute. (in H.R.) HR 1119. CQ Key VoteJun. 24, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Foreign Operations Appropriations/Overseas Abortion Funding. (in H.R.) HR 2159. CQ Key VoteSep. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Interior Appropriations/NEA Funding. (in Sen.) HR 2107. CQ Key VoteSep. 18, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Interior Appropriations/Rule. (in H.R.) HR 2107. CQ Key VoteJul. 10, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Treasury-Postal Service Appropriations/Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR 2378. CQ Key VoteSep. 24, 1997Floor Vote
Interim Nuclear Waste Repository/Passage. (in Sen.) S 104. CQ Key VoteApr. 15, 1997Floor Vote
Internal Revenue Service Overhaul/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2676. CQ Key VoteNov. 5, 1997Floor Vote
Line-Item Veto Disapproval/Passage. (in Sen.) S 1292. CQ Key VoteOct. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Private Property Rights/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 1534. CQ Key VoteOct. 22, 1997Floor Vote
Private School Vouchers/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2746. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Public Housing System Overhaul/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2. CQ Key VoteMay 14, 1997Floor Vote
Reprimand of Rep. Newt Gingrich/Adoption. (in H.R.) H Res 31. CQ Key VoteJan. 21, 1997Floor Vote