| |
| | Administrative Operation of the House/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 423 | Apr. 9, 1992 | Floor Vote |
| | Administrative Operation of the House/Rule (in H.R.) H Res 423 | Apr. 9, 1992 | Floor Vote |
| | Confidence in Attorney General Gonzales -- Cloture. (in Sen.) SJRES14 | Jun. 11, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Congressional Adjournment (in Sen.) H Con Res 168 | Jul. 31, 1979 | Floor Vote |
| | Continuity of Congress -- Sixty-day Election Deadline (in H.R.) HR841 | Mar. 3, 2005 | Floor Vote |
| | Designation of Democratic Committee Members and Committee Chairmen (in Sen.) S Res 84 | Feb. 11, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Dick Armey Tribute/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 19 | Mar. 11, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Disapproval of Democratic Leadership -- Motion to Table. HRES1194 | Mar. 18, 2010 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 3, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 14, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 4, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 15, 1979 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 5, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 6, 1987 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jun. 6, 1989 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 3, 1991 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 5, 1993 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 4, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 6, 1999 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker (in H.R.) | Jan. 7, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- . (in H.R.) | Jan. 4, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 10th Ballot. | Jan. 5, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 11th Ballot. | Jan. 5, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 12th Ballot. | Jan. 6, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 13th Ballot. | Jan. 6, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 14th Ballot. | Jan. 6, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 15th Ballot. | Jan. 7, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 1st Ballot. | Oct. 17, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 2nd Ballot. | Oct. 18, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 3rd Ballot. | Oct. 20, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- 4th Ballot. | Oct. 25, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Eighth Ballot. | Jan. 5, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the speaker -- fifth ballot. | Jan. 4, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- First Ballot. | Jan. 3, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Fourth Ballot. | Jan. 4, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Ninth Ballot. | Jan. 5, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Second Ballot. | Jan. 3, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Seventh Ballot. | Jan. 5, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Sixth Ballot. | Jan. 4, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker -- Third Ballot. | Jan. 3, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker --. | Jan. 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker --. | Jan. 3, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker --. | Oct. 29, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker --. | Jan. 3, 2021 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the speaker -- | Jan. 3, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 91st Congress (in H.R.) | Jan. 3, 1969 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 92nd Congress (in H.R.) | Jan. 21, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker. (in H.R.) | Jan. 3, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker/Motion to Table (in H.R.) | Jan. 7, 1997 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker | Jan. 4, 2005 | Floor Vote |
| | Election of the Speaker | Jan. 6, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1994 Legislative Branch Appropriations/Former Speakers (in H.R.) HR 2348 | Jun. 10, 1993 | Floor Vote |
| | Idaho 2nd District Seat (in H.R.) H Res 2 | Jan. 3, 1985 | Floor Vote |
| | Lobbying Overhaul -- Secret Holds. (in Sen.) S2349 | Mar. 28, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Lute Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.) | Jun. 28, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Nedzi Resignation (in H.R.) | Jun. 16, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | O'Neill Year/Passage (in H.R.) H Res 329 | Apr. 20, 1994 | Floor Vote |
| | Provide for Election of Democratic Members to Standing Committees of the House (in H.R.) H Res 193 | Feb. 4, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Review of House Speaker's Statements -- Motion to Table. | May 21, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Review of House Speaker's Statements -- Motion to Table. | Jun. 16, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Rules of the House/Term Limits for Speaker and Chairmen (in H.R.) H Res 6 | Jan. 4, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Senate Rule XXIV (in Sen.) S Res 17 | Mar. 16, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Speaker Authorization To Declare Recesses/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 320 | Dec. 21, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Speaker Authorization To Declare Recesses/Previous Question (in H.R.) H Res 320 | Dec. 21, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Speaker Authorization To Declare Recesses/Rule (in H.R.) H Res 330 | Jan. 5, 1996 | Floor Vote |
| | Speaker's Access to Classified Information/Previous Question (in H.R.) H Res 268 | Nov. 14, 1989 | Floor Vote |
| | Vacate the Office of the Speaker of the House -- Passage. HRES757 | Oct. 3, 2023 | Floor Vote |