Business, Banking, Commerce, and Economics
 Coins and Currency
 Floor Votes
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Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2808Sep. 6, 2006Floor Vote
Audit of Federal Banking Agencies (in H.R.) HR 2176Oct. 14, 1977Floor Vote
Bicentennial Coinage (in H.R.) HR 8789Sep. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Bicentennial Coinage (in Sen.) S 1141Jul. 11, 1973Floor Vote
Bicentennial Coinage (in Sen.) S 1141Jul. 11, 1973Floor Vote
Bicentennial of the Congress Commemorative Coin/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3251Jun. 15, 1988Floor Vote
Bicentennial of the Congress Commemorative Coin/Risk-Based FSLIC Assessment (in Sen.) HR 3251Jun. 15, 1988Floor Vote
Boy Scouts of America Commemorative Coin -- Passage. HR5872May 15, 2008Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 26, 1976Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 27, 1976Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 27, 1976Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) H Con Res 337May 15, 1986Floor Vote
Carson City Silver Dollars/Textile Negotiations (in H.R.) HR 9937Oct. 15, 1978Floor Vote
China Trade Practices -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR3283Jul. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Coast Guard Bicentennial Medals/Passage (in H.R.) S 1091Mar. 20, 1990Floor Vote
Coin Composition Modifications -- Passage. HR7995Dec. 2, 2020Floor Vote
Coinage bill (in H.R.) HR 14127Oct. 15, 1969Floor Vote
Commemorative Coin Minting/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3548Nov. 21, 1993Floor Vote
Commemorative Coins -- Passage (in H.R.) HR902Apr. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Commemorative Coins/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3337Apr. 8, 1992Floor Vote
Commemorative Coins/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3337Apr. 28, 1992Floor Vote
Commemorative Coins/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2993Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Commemorative Quarters/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5010Sep. 18, 2000Floor Vote
Congress Bicentennial Coins/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5280Oct. 4, 1988Floor Vote
Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act (in H.R.) HR 5961Jul. 28, 1980Floor Vote
Currency Misalignment -- 'Dilatory' Motions. (in Sen.) S1619 CQ Key VoteOct. 6, 2011Floor Vote
Currency Misalignment -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1619Oct. 3, 2011Floor Vote
Currency Misalignment -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1619Oct. 6, 2011Floor Vote
Currency Misalignment -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1619Oct. 11, 2011Floor Vote
Devaluation of the Dollar (in H.R.) HR 13120Feb. 21, 1972Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in H.R.) HR 6912May 29, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in H.R.) HR 6912May 29, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in H.R.) HR 6912May 29, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in H.R.) HR 6912May 29, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in H.R.) HR 6912Sep. 6, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in Sen.) HR 6912Sep. 7, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in Sen.) S 929Apr. 4, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in Sen.) S 929Apr. 4, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in Sen.) S 929Apr. 5, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation (in Sen.)Mar. 29, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation Appropriations (in H.R.) H J Res 1174May 4, 1972Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation Appropriations (in H.R.) H J Res 748Oct. 4, 1973Floor Vote
Dollar Devaluation Appropriations (in H.R.) H J Res 748Oct. 4, 1973Floor Vote
Eisenhower College and Rayburn Library Grants (in H.R.) S 1264Aug. 3, 1973Floor Vote
Eisenhower College—Penny Composition (in H.R.) HR 16032Sep. 25, 1974Floor Vote
Eisenhower Dollar (in Sen.) S J Res 158Oct. 15, 1969Floor Vote
Fifty-State Commemorative Coin Program/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2414Sep. 23, 1997Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Interchange Fees. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Financial Services Appropriations -- Presidential $1 Coins. (in H.R.) HR2829Jun. 2007Floor Vote
Foreign Assistance Authorization, Fiscal 1986 (in Sen.) S 960May 15, 1985Floor Vote
Foreign Currency Production/Passage. (in H.R.) HR2509Mar. 19, 2002Floor Vote
Gold and Silver Articles (in H.R.) HR 8673Jul. 7, 1970Floor Vote
Gold Labeling Act of 1976 (in H.R.) S 3095Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
Gold Labeling Act of 1976 (in Sen.) S 3095Sep. 21, 1976Floor Vote
Health, Currency, and Intelligence Authorization Bills -- Previous Question. HR847 HR2701 HR2378Sep. 29, 2010Floor Vote
Health, Currency, and Intelligence Authorization Bills -- Rule. HR847 HR2701 HR2378Sep. 29, 2010Floor Vote
Hobby Protection Act (in H.R.) HR 5777May 16, 1973Floor Vote
Homeland Security Threat Assessment -- Passage. HR428Jan. 29, 2019Floor Vote
Increase in Price of Gold (in H.R.) S 3160Mar. 1, 1972Floor Vote
Intellectual Property Rights in China/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 576Jul. 14, 2004Floor Vote
International Monetary Fund (in H.R.) HR 13955Jun. 22, 1976Floor Vote
Lewis and Clark Expedition Commemorative Coin/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1560Sep. 9, 1998Floor Vote
Lewis and Clark/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1033Jul. 19, 1999Floor Vote
Lions Club Commemorative Coins -- Passage. HR2139Sep. 10, 2012Floor Vote
Mark Twain Commemorative Coin -- Motion to Concur. HR2453Nov. 15, 2012Floor Vote
Mark Twain Commemorative Coins -- Passage. HR2453Apr. 18, 2012Floor Vote
NASA 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coins -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2750Jul. 27, 2007Floor Vote
National Parks Coins -- Passage. HR627Apr. 29, 2014Floor Vote
National Parks Quarter Dollar Coins -- Passage. HR6184Jul. 9, 2008Floor Vote
New Mint Buildings (in H.R.) HR 5620Sep. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Nickel Redesign/Passage (in H.R.) HR 258Feb. 26, 2003Floor Vote
Olympic Coins (in H.R.) S 1230May 20, 1982Floor Vote
Omnibus Coin Act (in H.R.) HR 3337Feb. 19, 1992Floor Vote
Omnibus Commemorative Coin Bill/Recommit Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3337Apr. 1, 1992Floor Vote
Presidential Coin -- Passage. (in H.R.) S1047Dec. 13, 2005Floor Vote
Printing Foreign Documents/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3786Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Money Laundering (in Sen.) H J Res 668Jul. 31, 1986Floor Vote
Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle Coins -- Passage. HR5614May 15, 2008Floor Vote
Silver Coinage (in H.R.) HR 14127Oct. 6, 1969Floor Vote
Silver Coins/Passage. (in H.R.) HR4846Jun. 25, 2002Floor Vote
Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin (in H.R.) HR 12728Sep. 26, 1978Floor Vote
Thomas Edison Commemorative Coin/Passage (in H.R.) HR 678Sep. 9, 1998Floor Vote
U.S. Marshals Commemorative Coins -- Passage. HR886Dec. 15, 2011Floor Vote
Virtual Currency Use In Criminal Activities -- Passage. HR502Jan. 28, 2019Floor Vote
Yosemite National Park Centennial Medals/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3182Mar. 20, 1990Floor Vote