| |
| | Air Traffic Controller Furloughs -- Passage. HR1765 | Apr. 26, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Disaster Supplemental -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR152 | Jan. 28, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Disaster Supplemental -- Passage. HR152 | Jan. 15, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Employment Nondiscrimination -- Passage. (in Sen.) S815 | Nov. 7, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Farm Programs -- Passage. (in Sen.) S954 | Jun. 10, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Farm Programs -- Passage. HR1947 | Jun. 20, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2013 Continuing Appropriations -- Motion to Concur. HR933 | Mar. 21, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Budget Agreement -- Motion to Concur. (in Sen.) HJRES59 | Dec. 18, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Budget Agreement -- Passage. HJRES59 | Dec. 12, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Budget Resolution -- Adoption. (in Sen.) SCONRES8 | Mar. 23, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Continuing Appropriations and Debt Limit Suspension -- Motion to Concur. HR2775 | Oct. 16, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Continuing Appropriations and Debt Limit Suspension -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR2775 | Oct. 16, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Defense Appropriations -- NSA Phone Record Collection. HR2397 | Jul. 24, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Defense Authorization -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1197 | Nov. 21, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Nuclear Energy Programs. HR2609 | Jul. 9, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Homeland Security Appropriations -- Immigration Enforcement Discretion. HR2217 | Jun. 6, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2014 Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1243 | Aug. 1, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Grandfathered Health Care Plans -- Passage. HR3350 | Nov. 15, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Gun Policy Revisions -- Background Checks. (in Sen.) S649 | Apr. 17, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Hagel Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.) | Feb. 26, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Immigration Overhaul -- Passage. (in Sen.) S744 | Jun. 27, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Iran Sanctions -- Passage. HR850 | Jul. 31, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Judicial and Executive Branch Nominations -- Ruling of the Chair. (in Sen.) | Nov. 21, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Limited Abortion Ban -- Passage. HR1797 | Jun. 18, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Short-Term Debt Limit Increase -- Passage. HR325 | Jan. 23, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Student Loan Interest Rates -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR1911 | Jul. 24, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Passage. S47 | Feb. 28, 2013 | Floor Vote |