| |
| | Advanced Weather Model Computing Research -- Passage. HR1715 | May 9, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Generator Regulation -- Passage. S1934 | Dec. 21, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System Waivers (in H.R.) H J Res 341 | Dec. 8, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System Waivers (in H.R.) H J Res 341 | Dec. 9, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System Waivers (in H.R.) S J Res 115 | Dec. 10, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Oil and Gas Leasing -- Impact on Caribou. HR1146 | Sep. 12, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Oil and Gas Leasing -- Local Community Consultation. HR1146 | Sep. 12, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Oil and Gas Leasing -- Passage. HR1146 | Sep. 12, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Oil and Gas Leasing -- Recommit. HR1146 | Sep. 12, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaska Pipeline (in Sen.) S 1081 | Jul. 17, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaskan Pipeline (in H.R.) HR 9130 | Aug. 2, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | Alaskan Pipeline (in Sen.) S 1081 | Jul. 13, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | Alternative Energy Projects and ANWR Drilling/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 4513 HR 4529 | Jun. 15, 2004 | Floor Vote |
| | Alternative Energy Projects and ANWR Drilling/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4513 HR 4529 | Jun. 15, 2004 | Floor Vote |
| | Anderson Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.) | Sep. 29, 2021 | Floor Vote |
| | Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5429 | May 25, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR5429 | May 25, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR5429 | May 25, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Atlantic and Pacific Oil and Gas Leasing -- Passage. HR1941 | Sep. 11, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Automotive Research and Development (in H.R.) HR 13655 | Aug. 31, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Baxter Nomination/Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) | Nov. 27, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in H.R.) HR 4544 | Sep. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in H.R.) HR 4544 | Sep. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in H.R.) HR 4544 | Sep. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in H.R.) HR 4544 | Sep. 19, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in Sen.) S 1538 | Jul. 21, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in Sen.) S 1538 | Jul. 21, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in Sen.) S 1538 | Jul. 21, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Black Lung Benefits (in Sen.) S 1538 | Jul. 24, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Budget Reconciliation Instructions (in Sen.) S Con Res 9 | Mar. 30, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Budget Reconciliation Instructions (in Sen.) S Con Res 9 | Mar. 31, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Budget Reconciliation Instructions (in Sen.) S Con Res 9 | Mar. 31, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Carbon and Energy Regulations -- Previous Question. SJRES23 SJRES24 HR8 | Dec. 1, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Carbon and Energy Regulations -- Rule. SJRES23 SJRES24 HR8 | Dec. 1, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Chaco Lands Leasing Ban -- Continuing Oil and Gas Developments. HR2181 | Oct. 30, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Charter Schools -- 'Green' Building Practices. HR2218 | Sep. 13, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | China Trade/Energy Technology (in H.R.) HR 4444 | Sep. 7, 2000 | Floor Vote |
| | Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 3219 | Jul. 28, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Clean Water Act Revisions/Hydropower Exemption (in H.R.) HR 961 | May 11, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Coal Waste Buffer-Zone Rules -- 1983 Rule Implementation. HR2824 | Mar. 25, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Coal Waste Buffer-Zone Rules -- Passage. HR2824 | Mar. 25, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Coal Waste Buffer-Zone Rules -- Recommit. HR2824 | Mar. 25, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Coal Waste Buffer-Zone Rules -- State Exemption. HR2824 | Mar. 25, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Congressional Approval of Federal Regulations -- Carbon Tax. HR367 | Aug. 2, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Disapproval of Affordable Clean Energy Rule -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES53 | Oct. 17, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Endangered Species Protection Cooperative Program Funding -- Passage. HR4465 | Mar. 13, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy and Permitting Package -- Passage. HR1 | Mar. 30, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy and Permitting Package -- Permitting Civil Service Outreach. HR1 | Mar. 30, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy and Permitting Package -- Wind Energy Impact Study. HR1 | Mar. 30, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy and Water Development Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4144 | Jul. 23, 1981 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/ANWR Drilling (in H.R.) HR 6 | Apr. 10, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/ANWR Drilling Ban. (in H.R.) HR 4. | Aug. 1, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/ANWR Limit (in H.R.) HR 6 | Apr. 10, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/CAFE Standards. (in H.R.) HR4 | Aug. 1, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 517. | Apr. 18, 2002 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 6 | Apr. 11, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Plan/Renewable Programs. (in H.R.) HR4 | Aug. 1, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy -- ANWR Leasing (in H.R.) HR6 | Apr. 20, 2005 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy -- Environmental Justice (in H.R.) HR6 | Apr. 21, 2005 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy -- EPA Corn Corp Assessments. (in Sen.) HR6 | Jun. 20, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy Overhaul -- Land and Water Conservation Fund. (in Sen.) S2012 | Apr. 19, 2016 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy Overhaul -- Land and Water Issues. (in Sen.) S2012 | Apr. 19, 2016 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 6 | Oct. 15, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 6 | Nov. 7, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Policy/Off-Shore Drilling (in H.R.) S 14 | Jun. 12, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy R&D Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in Sen.) HR 14434 | Jun. 12, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Regulatory Policy, Homeland Security Department Reauthorization, and King Cove Access Road -- Previous Question. HR2910 HR2883 HR2825 HR218 | Jul. 19, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Regulatory Policy, Homeland Security Department Reauthorization, and King Cove Access Road -- Rule. HR2910 HR2883 HR2825 HR218 | Jul. 19, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Regulatory Revisions -- Recommit. HR3409 | Sep. 21, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Carbon Impact Report. HR8 | Dec. 3, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Cross-Border Infrastructure Permitting. HR8 | Dec. 2, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Passage. HR8 | Dec. 3, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Recommit. HR8 | Dec. 3, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Vegetation Management. HR8 | Dec. 3, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Security and Infrastructure -- Wood Heaters Efficiency Standards. HR8 | Dec. 3, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Supply and Coordination (in H.R.) HR 14368 | May 1, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Taxes (in H.R.) HR 6860 | Jun. 12, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Taxes (in H.R.) HR 6860 | Jun. 12, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Taxes (in H.R.) HR 6860 | Jun. 12, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Taxes (in H.R.) HR 6860 | Jun. 12, 1975 | Floor Vote |
| | Energy Transportation Security (in Sen.) HR 8193 | Sep. 5, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Carbon Emission Rules -- Passage. HR2042 | Jun. 24, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Carbon Emission Rules and Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Previous Question. HR2042 HR2822 | Jun. 24, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Carbon Emission Rules and Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Rule. HR2822 HR2042 | Jun. 24, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Energy Regulations -- Passage. HR1582 | Aug. 1, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Energy Regulations -- Recommit. HR1582 | Aug. 1, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Energy Regulations -- Regulation Impact. HR1582 | Aug. 1, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Energy Regulations -- Social Costs. HR1582 | Aug. 1, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Democratic Substitute. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Effect on National Security. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Oil Demand. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Passage. HR910 | Apr. 7, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Previous Question. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Public Health Risk Exception. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Recommit. HR910 | Apr. 7, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Regulation Process Modification. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Rule. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Scientific Findings. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- State Assistance. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Study on Gas Leakage and Competitiveness. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Study on Long-Term Impact. HR910 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Regulations -- Effective Date. HR3826 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Regulations -- Foreign Pollution Control Technology. HR3826 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Regulations -- Greenhouse Gas Impacts. HR3826 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | EPA Regulations -- Passage. HR3826 | Mar. 6, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Exec. G, 92nd Congress, Second Session (in Sen.) | Sep. 20, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Exec. G, 92nd Congress, Second Session (in Sen.) | Sep. 20, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Expanded Oil and Gas Production -- Passage. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Exploration -- Oil Spill Estimate. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- California Oil and Gas Drilling. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Domestic Construction of Keystone XL Pipeline. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Domestic Use of Oil from Keystone XL. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Drilling Off California Coast. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- East Coast Offshore Drilling. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Geothermal Exploration. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Keystone XL Eminent Domain Restriction. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of oil and gas production -- Keystone XL pipeline review. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Natural Gas Export. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Recommit. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Renewable Energy Projects. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Revenue Sharing Cap Increase. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Royalties. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Safety Standards. HR3408 | Feb. 16, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Expansion of Oil and Gas Production -- Shale Oil Leasing Program. HR3408 | Feb. 15, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Agency Coordinating Authority -- Conservation and Recreation Exemption. HR2910 | Jul. 19, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Agency Coordinating Authority -- Supplemental Environmental Reports. HR2910 | Jul. 19, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1989 Energy and Water Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4567 | May 17, 1988 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1990 Energy and Water Appropriations/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2696 | Sep. 12, 1989 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1991 Energy and Water Appropriations/Environmental Protection Reimbursements (in Sen.) HR 5019 | Aug. 2, 1990 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1995 VA-HUD Appropriations/Ethanol Mandate. (in Sen.) HR 4624. | Aug. 3, 1994 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution/Arctic Oil Drilling (in Sen.) S Con Res 13 | May 24, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 1996 Budget-Reconciliation/Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling (in Sen.) S 1357 | Oct. 27, 1995 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2000 VA-HUD Appropriations/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 2684 | Sep. 9, 1999 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2001 Budget Resolution/ANWR (in H.R.) S Con Res 101 | Apr. 6, 2000 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2002 Interior Appropriations/Oil and Gas Development Moratorium. (in Sen.) HR2217 | Jul. 12, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2002 Interior Appropriations/Oil and Gas Exploration in National Monuments. (in Sen.) HR2217 | Jul. 11, 2001 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/ANWR Oil Drilling (in Sen.) S Con Res 23 | Mar. 19, 2003 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2007 Budget Resolution -- Republican Study Committee Substitute. (in H.R.) HCONRES376 | May 18, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2007 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling. (in H.R.) HR5386 | May 18, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2008 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2641 | Jul. 17, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Park Service Operations. (in H.R.) HR2643 | Jun. 26, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) SCONRES70 | May 15, 2008 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) SCONRES70 | May 15, 2008 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution -- motion to instruct. SCONRES70 | May 14, 2008 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) SCONRES13 | Apr. 23, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) SCONRES13 | Apr. 23, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) SCONRES13 | Apr. 23, 2009 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2015 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Climate Change. HR4923 | Jul. 10, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2015 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Climate Model Development. HR4923 | Jul. 10, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2015 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Off-Shore Drilling Permits. HR4923 | Jul. 10, 2014 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- BLM Natural Gas Flaring Rules. HR3354 | Sep. 8, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Hydraulic Fracturing Permits. HR3354 | Sep. 8, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2019 Interior-Environment and Financial Services Appropriations Package -- Emissions Standards Enforcement. HR6147 | Jul. 18, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2020 Five-Bill Appropriations Package -- EPA Emission Standards Rule. HR3055 | Jun. 20, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2020 Five-Bill Appropriations Package -- Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing. HR3055 | Jun. 20, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2020 Five-Bill Appropriations Package -- Prohibit Oil and Gas Exploration. HR3055 | Jun. 20, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2021 Six-Bill Appropriations Package -- Passage. HR7617 | Jul. 31, 2020 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Decrease Advanced Research Projects Agency Funding. HR4394 | Oct. 26, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Eliminate Energy Efficiency Funding. HR4394 | Oct. 26, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Funding Increase for Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Programs. HR4394 | Oct. 26, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Reduce Appalachian Regional Commission Funding. HR4394 | Oct. 26, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations -- Reduce Clean Energy Demonstrations Funding. HR4394 | Oct. 26, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Fiscal 2024 Energy-Water Appropriations and Fiscal 2024 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act -- Rule. HR4394 HR4364 | Oct. 3, 2023 | Floor Vote |
| | Foreign Aid Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 14260 | Jun. 29, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Gas-Price Decontrol/Environmental Costs (in Sen.) HR 1722 | Jun. 13, 1989 | Floor Vote |
| | Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Leasing -- Passage. HR205 | Sep. 11, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (in H.R.) HR 14231 | Jul. 20, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12932 | Aug. 8, 1978 | Floor Vote |
| | Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12932 | Aug. 8, 1978 | Floor Vote |
| | Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1984. (in Sen.) HR 3363. | Sep. 20, 1983 | Floor Vote |
| | International Emissions Reduction Plan -- Energy Technology Inclusion. HR9 | May 2, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | International Emissions Reduction Plan -- U.S. Impacts. HR9 | May 2, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | International Marine Pollution (in H.R.) HR 188 | Jun. 5, 1978 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Claims Deadline. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Domestic Usage. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Health Impacts Study. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Impact Findings. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Oil Reliance. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Passage. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Pipeline Approval. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Pipeline Spill Impact Study. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Previous Question. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Recommit. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Rule. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- Threat Assessment. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Keystone XL Pipeline -- TransCanada Oversight. HR3 | May 22, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Legislative Vehicle for Fiscal 2019 Energy-Water, Legislative Branch, Military Construction-VA Appropriations -- Energy-Water Reduction. HR5895 | Jun. 7, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Legislative Vehicle for Fiscal 2019 Energy-Water, Legislative Branch, Military Construction-VA Appropriations -- One Percent Reduction. HR5895 | Jun. 7, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Mining Permitting -- Recommit. HR1937 | Oct. 22, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Mining Permitting -- Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act. HR1937 | Oct. 22, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | National Energy Emergency Act (in Sen.) S 2589 | Nov. 19, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | National Energy Policy/Cloture. (in Sen.) S 1220. | Nov. 1, 1991 | Floor Vote |
| | National Energy Policy/NRC Hearings. (in Sen.) S 2166. | Feb. 6, 1992 | Floor Vote |
| | National Energy Policy/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 776. | May 27, 1992 | Floor Vote |
| | National Landscape Conservation System -- Energy Development. HR2016 | Apr. 9, 2008 | Floor Vote |
| | New River Power Project (in H.R.) HR 13372 | Aug. 10, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Nuclear Waste/Motion to Consider. (in H.R.) HJRES87 | May 8, 2002 | Floor Vote |
| | Nuclear Waste/Passage. (in H.R.) HJRES87 | May 8, 2002 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling -- 125-Mile Offshore Ban. (in H.R.) HR4761 | Jun. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling -- Continue Current Offshore Drilling Ban. (in H.R.) HR4761 | Jun. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) S953 | May 18, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4761 | Jun. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR4761 | Jun. 29, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Executive Bonus Disclosure. HR1231 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Military Operations. HR1231 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Moratorium in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Passage. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Previous Question. HR1231 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Prohibition of Drilling in Northern California. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Recommit. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore drilling expansion and goals -- royalty fee renegotiation. HR1231 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Rule. HR1231 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- Spill Containment and Clean-Up Plan. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Expansion and Goals -- State-Level Approval for Drilling. HR1231 | May 12, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases -- Environmental and Safety Reviews. HR1230 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases -- Military Operations. HR1230 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases -- Passage. HR1230 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases -- Recommit. HR1230 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases and Permitting -- Previous Question. HR1230 HR1229 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Leases and Permitting -- Rule. HR1230 HR1229 | May 5, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Attorney's Fees. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Budget and Staffing Adequacy. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Civil Action Jurisdiction. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Compliance with Current Law. HR1229 | May 10, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Emergency Plan and Capability. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Independent Safety Review. HR1229 | May 10, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Passage. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Permit Review Timeline. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Production Estimates. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Recommit. HR1229 | May 11, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Drilling Permitting -- Safety, Environmental and Performance Standards. HR1229 | May 10, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Plan -- Alaska Oil and Gas Leases. HR2231 | Jun. 28, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Plan -- Environmental Impact Statement. HR2231 | Jun. 27, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Plan -- National Ocean Policy Expenditure Report. HR2231 | Jun. 27, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Plan -- Seismic Testing. HR2231 | Jun. 27, 2013 | Floor Vote |
| | Oil and Gas Leasing -- Previous Question. HR205 HR1146 HR1941 | Sep. 10, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Oil and Gas Leasing -- Rule. HR205 HR1146 HR1941 | Sep. 10, 2019 | Floor Vote |
| | Oil Pollution (in H.R.) HR 5451 | May 8, 1973 | Floor Vote |
| | Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation (in H.R.) HR 6803 | Sep. 12, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Oklahoma Oil and Gas Exploration (in H.R.) HR 7682 | Sep. 21, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jun. 4, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jun. 14, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jun. 14, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jun. 14, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jul. 21, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in H.R.) HR 6218 | Jul. 21, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in H.R.) S 521 | Sep. 28, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 14, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 14, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands (in Sen.) S 9 | Jul. 15, 1977 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Lands Development (in H.R.) S 521 | Sep. 28, 1976 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Resources (in Sen.) S 3221 | Sep. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Resources (in Sen.) S 3221 | Sep. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Resources (in Sen.) S 3221 | Sep. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Outer Continental Shelf Resources (in Sen.) S 3221 | Sep. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Petroleum Reserve Exploration (in H.R.) H Res 239 | Jun. 19, 1979 | Floor Vote |
| | Power Plant Emissions Standards -- Recommit. HR1119 | Mar. 8, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | Power Plant Regulations -- Passage. SJRES23 | Dec. 1, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Public Land Conservation Funds -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR1957 | Jun. 15, 2020 | Floor Vote |
| | Public Land Conservation Funds -- Motion to Concur. HR1957 | Jul. 22, 2020 | Floor Vote |
| | Public Land Conservation Funds -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR1957 | Jun. 17, 2020 | Floor Vote |
| | Public Land Conservation Funds -- Substitute Amendment. (in Sen.) HR1957 | Jun. 15, 2020 | Floor Vote |
| | Public Works Appropriation. (in H.R.) H R 9105 | Sep. 10, 1959 | Floor Vote |
| | Refinery Permit Process -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5254 | May 3, 2006 | Floor Vote |
| | Regulatory Revisions -- Climate Change Regulations. HR4078 | Jul. 26, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Regulatory Revisions -- Nuclear Power and Environmental Review Regulations. HR4078 | Jul. 26, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Regulatory Revisions and Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing -- Previous Question. HR4078 HR6082 | Jul. 24, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Regulatory Revisions and Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing -- Rule. HR4078 HR6082 | Jul. 24, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Renewable Energy -- Greenhouse-Gas-Emitting Vehicles. (in H.R.) HR3221 | Aug. 4, 2007 | Floor Vote |
| | Republican Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Plan -- Climate Change Impact. HR6082 | Jul. 25, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Republican Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Plan -- Drilling Safety Changes. HR6082 | Jul. 25, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization/Royalty Suspension (in Sen.) S 2019 | May 18, 1994 | Floor Vote |
| | Safety of Reclamation Bureau Dams (in Sen.) S 2820 | Jul. 28, 1978 | Floor Vote |
| | Science Programs Reauthorization -- Climate Science Initiatives. HR1806 | May 20, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Select Committee on Energy Resources (in H.R.) H Res 155 | May 26, 1971 | Floor Vote |
| | Small Conduit Hydropower Facility Licensing Requirement -- Passage. HR2786 | Jul. 18, 2017 | Floor Vote |
| | Small-Business Research -- Delay of EPA Regulations. (in Sen.) S493 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Small-Business Research -- EPA Automobile Regulations. (in Sen.) S493 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Small-Business Research -- Prohibition on EPA Regulations. (in Sen.) S493 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Small-Business Research -- Small Producer Exemption from EPA Regulations. (in Sen.) S493 | Apr. 6, 2011 | Floor Vote |
| | Standby Energy Emergency Authority (in H.R.) HR 13834 | May 21, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | State Emissions Regulations -- Passage. SJRES24 | Dec. 1, 2015 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 1150 | Jul. 17, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 18, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 22, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 22, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 23, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 24, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 25, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Mining (in H.R.) HR 11500 | Jul. 25, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Transportation Authorization -- Drilling Approval and Energy Tax Extensions. (in Sen.) S1813 | Mar. 13, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Transportation Authorization -- Keystone XL Pipeline. (in Sen.) S1813 | Mar. 8, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Transportation Authorization -- Keystone XL Pipeline. (in Sen.) S1813 | Mar. 8, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Surface Transportation Extension -- Motion to Instruct. HR4348 | May 18, 2012 | Floor Vote |
| | Suspending Kiln Emission Standards -- Recommit. HR1917 | Mar. 7, 2018 | Floor Vote |
| | TVA Pollution Control Costs (in H.R.) HR 11929 | Mar. 20, 1974 | Floor Vote |
| | WEB Rural Water Development Project/Increased Appropriations and Other Changes (in H.R.) HR 4267 | Oct. 4, 1988 | Floor Vote |
| | Wilderness Protection Act (in H.R.) HR 6542 | Aug. 12, 1982 | Floor Vote |