Business, Banking, Commerce, and Economics
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
1992 Tax Bill/House Bank Scandal (in Sen.) HR 4210Mar. 12, 1992Floor Vote
Accounting Industry Overhaul/Labor Organizations. (in Sen.) S2673Jul. 10, 2002Floor Vote
ADA Infraction Notification, Financial Institution Assessment Requirements and Interest Rate Regulation -- Previous Question. HR3299 HR3978 HR620Feb. 14, 2018Floor Vote
ADA Infraction Notification, Financial Institution Assessment Requirements and Interest Rate Regulation -- Rule. HR3299 HR3978 HR620Feb. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Aid to New York City (in Sen.) HR 10481Dec. 4, 1975Floor Vote
America Saves Week -- Adoption. HRES180Feb. 25, 2009Floor Vote
Asian Development Bank (in H.R.) S 749Feb. 1, 1972Floor Vote
ATM Fee Disclosures -- Passage. HR4367Jul. 9, 2012Floor Vote
Audit of Federal Banking Agencies (in H.R.) HR 2176Oct. 14, 1977Floor Vote
Bachus Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)May 7, 2019Floor Vote
Bachus Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)May 8, 2019Floor Vote
Bank and Thrift Holding Companies -- Motion to Table. HR3791Apr. 14, 2016Floor Vote
Bank and Thrift Holding Companies -- Passage. HR3791Apr. 14, 2016Floor Vote
Bank and Thrift Holding Companies -- Underserved Communities. HR3791Apr. 14, 2016Floor Vote
Bank Customer Account Termination and Financial Institution Investigations -- Passage. HR766Feb. 4, 2016Floor Vote
Bank Customer Account Termination and Financial Institution Investigations -- Recommit. HR766Feb. 4, 2016Floor Vote
Bank Holding Companies Activities (in H.R.) HR 2255Jun. 12, 1980Floor Vote
Bank Holding Companies Activities (in H.R.) HR 2255Jun. 12, 1980Floor Vote
Bank Holding Companies Activities (in H.R.) HR 2255Jun. 12, 1980Floor Vote
Bank Holding Companies and Financial Stability Oversight Council -- Previous Question. HR3791 HR3340Apr. 13, 2016Floor Vote
Bank Holding Companies and Financial Stability Oversight Council -- Rule. HR3340 HR3791Apr. 13, 2016Floor Vote
Bank Holding Company Act Amendment (in H.R.) HR 6778Nov. 5, 1969Floor Vote
Bank Holding Company Act Amendment (in H.R.) HR 6778Nov. 5, 1969Floor Vote
Bank Holding Company Activities (in H.R.) HR 2255May 30, 1980Floor Vote
Bank Regulation Thresholds -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2155Mar. 6, 2018Floor Vote
Bank regulation thresholds -- cloture. (in sen.) S2155Mar. 12, 2018Floor Vote
Bank regulation thresholds -- cloture. (in sen.) S2155 CQ Key VoteMar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Bank regulation thresholds -- motion to waive. (in sen.) S2155Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Bank Regulation Thresholds -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2155Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Bank Regulation Thresholds -- Passage. S2155 CQ Key VoteMay 22, 2018Floor Vote
Bank Regulation Thresholds -- Securities, Venture Capital and Loan Regulations. (in Sen.) S2155Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Bank Regulation Thresholds, Experimental Drugs for Terminal Illnesses and Fiscal 2019 Defense Authorization -- Previous Question. S2155 S204 HR5515May 22, 2018Floor Vote
Bank Reserve Requirements (in H.R.) HR 7Jul. 20, 1979Floor Vote
Bank Secrecy Act Reports -- Passage. HR7734Jul. 26, 2022Floor Vote
Banking Agency Audits (in Sen.) HR 2176May 10, 1978Floor Vote
Banking Committee Funds (in H.R.) H Res 536Feb. 28, 1980Floor Vote
Banking Deregulation (in H.R.) HR 4986Mar. 27, 1980Floor Vote
Banking Deregulation (in H.R.) HR 4986Mar. 27, 1980Floor Vote
Banking Overhaul/Conference Report (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 27, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Protections for Marijuana-Related Businesses -- Passage. HR1996Apr. 19, 2021Floor Vote
Banking Reconciliation (in H.R.) HR 6812Aug. 5, 1982Floor Vote
Banking Reform (in H.R.) HR 6Oct. 31, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/"Opt In" Interstate Branching (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 14, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/'Non-Bank Banks' (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 1, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/'Opt-In' Interstate Branching (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/'Opt-Out' Interstate Branching (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Adoption (in H.R.) S 543Nov. 23, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Bank Fees (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Brokered Deposits (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Charitable Exemptions (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Cloture (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 13, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Community Reinvestment (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 1, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Core Banking System (in H.R.) HR 6Oct. 31, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Deposit Insurance Coverage (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Failed Banks (in H.R.) HR 6Oct. 31, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Financial Services (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 19, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Foreign Deposits (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 18, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/House Preference (in H.R.) S 543Nov. 25, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Interstate Branching (in H.R.) HR 2094Nov. 14, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Interstate Branching (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Limit Credit Card Interest Rates (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 13, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/New Activities (in H.R.) HR 6Oct. 31, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2094Nov. 14, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3768Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 6. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Recommittal Motion (in H.R.) HR 3768Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Recommittal Motion (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Reduced Premiums (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 4, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2094Nov. 13, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Small Businesses (in Sen.) S 543Nov. 21, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Reform/Strike Enacting Clause (in H.R.) HR 6Nov. 1, 1991Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 10024Oct. 31, 1975Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 10024Oct. 31, 1975Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 10024Oct. 31, 1975Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 10024Oct. 31, 1975Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 14279Oct. 15, 1978Floor Vote
Banking Regulation (in H.R.) HR 14279Oct. 15, 1978Floor Vote
Banking Regulation Limitations -- Previous Question. HR4545 HR1116 HR4263Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Banking Regulation Limitations -- Rule. HR4545 HR1116 HR4263Mar. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Oct. 29, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Oct. 31, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Oct. 31, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Nov. 1, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Nov. 1, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulation/NOW Accounts (in Sen.) HR 4986Nov. 1, 1979Floor Vote
Banking Regulations -- Passage. HR6392Dec. 1, 2016Floor Vote
Banking Regulations -- Recommit. HR6392Dec. 1, 2016Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Extension and Overhaul/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) S1920Jan. 28, 2004Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Drug Penalties (in Sen.) S 625Nov. 10, 1999Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Predatory Lending. (in Sen.) S420Mar. 8, 2001Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Predatory Loans. (in Sen.) S420Mar. 13, 2001Floor Vote
Bankruptcy Overhaul/Short-Term Loans. (in Sen.) S420Mar. 14, 2001Floor Vote
Barr Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 12, 2022Floor Vote
Barr Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Barr Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Barr Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Bernanke Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jan. 28, 2010Floor Vote
Bernanke Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.) CQ Key VoteJan. 28, 2010Floor Vote
Bicentennial of the Congress Commemorative Coin/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3251Jun. 15, 1988Floor Vote
Bicentennial of the Congress Commemorative Coin/Risk-Based FSLIC Assessment (in Sen.) HR 3251Jun. 15, 1988Floor Vote
Bowman Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Nov. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Bowman Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Sep. 11, 2019Floor Vote
Bowman Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Nov. 15, 2018Floor Vote
Bowman Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Sep. 12, 2019Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 26, 1976Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 27, 1976Floor Vote
Bretton Woods Amendments (in H.R.) HR 13955Jul. 27, 1976Floor Vote
Budget Reconciliation (in Sen.) S 1377Jun. 25, 1981Floor Vote
Business Checking Accounts -- Passage (in H.R.) HR1224May 24, 2005Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Troubled Asset Relief Program. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
CFTC Reauthorization/Bank Deposits (in Sen.) S 207Apr. 18, 1991Floor Vote
Chinese Financing Transparency -- Passage. HR5932Mar. 2, 2020Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantee Appropriation Fiscal 1980 (in Sen.) H J Res 467Dec. 21, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) HR 5860Dec. 21, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) S 2094Dec. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) S 2094Dec. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) S 2094Dec. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Clarida Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Aug. 28, 2018Floor Vote
Clarida Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Aug. 28, 2018Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1986 (in H.R.) HR 2965Jul. 17, 1985Floor Vote
Community Bank Appreciation/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 591Jun. 21, 2004Floor Vote
Community Development Banking/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3474Aug. 4, 1994Floor Vote
Compensation Payments -- Passage. HR1575Apr. 1, 2009Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/Non-Bank Banks (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/S&L Purchases (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Consumer Bankruptcy Revisions/Federal Reserve Interest Rates (in Sen.) S 1301Sep. 23, 1998Floor Vote
Consumer Bankruptcy Revisions/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 3150Sep. 28, 1998Floor Vote
Consumer Checking Account Equity Act (in H.R.) HR 4986Sep. 11, 1979Floor Vote
Consumer Credit Discrimination (in H.R.) HR 6516Mar. 9, 1976Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Disclosure. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Impact Analyses. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Override Requirement. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Passage. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Question of Consideration. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Recommit. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Recommit. HR3193Feb. 27, 2014Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Rule. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Time Limits. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Overhaul -- Transfer of Power to Treasury. HR1315Jul. 21, 2011Floor Vote
Contaminated Drywall Assistance -- Adoption. HCONRES197Dec. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Council on Wage and Price Stability (in H.R.) HR 6777Sep. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Council on Wage and Price Stability Extension (in Sen.) S 2352Jun. 2, 1980Floor Vote
Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (in H.R.) HR 5616Jul. 24, 1984Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR627May 19, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- College Student Credit Limit. HR627Apr. 30, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Firearms in National Parks. (in Sen.) HR627May 12, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Identity Check Requirements. (in Sen.) HR627May 13, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Motion to Concur. HR627May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Motion to Concur. HR627May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- National Credit Usury Rate. (in Sen.) HR627May 13, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- National Debt Disclosure. (in Sen.) HR627May 13, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Over Limit Fees. HR627Apr. 30, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR627 CQ Key VoteMay 19, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Passage. HR627Apr. 30, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Recommit. HR627Apr. 30, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Rule. HR627Apr. 30, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Company Regulations -- Rule. HR627May 20, 2009Floor Vote
Credit Card Surcharge (in Sen.) S 2335Feb. 28, 1984Floor Vote
Credit Card Surcharge (in Sen.) S 2336Feb. 28, 1984Floor Vote
Credit Card Surcharges (in H.R.) HR 10561Nov. 17, 1975Floor Vote
Credit Rating Agency Registration -- Democratic Substitute. (in H.R.) HR2990Jul. 12, 2006Floor Vote
Credit Rating Agency Registration -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR2990Jul. 12, 2006Floor Vote
Credit Rating Agency Registration -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR2990Jul. 12, 2006Floor Vote
Credit Rating Agency Registration -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR2990Jul. 12, 2006Floor Vote
Credit Reporting/Interest Rate Increases (in H.R.) HR 2622Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Credit Reporting/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2622Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Credit Reporting/Regional Credit Bureaus (in H.R.) HR 2622Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Credit Reporting/State Law Pre-Emption (in H.R.) HR 2622Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Credit Reporting/Sunset Provision (in H.R.) HR 2622Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Credit Union Membership Rules/Business Loans (in Sen.) HR 1151Jul. 27, 1998Floor Vote
Credit Union Membership Rules/Low-Income Loans (in Sen.) HR 1151Jul. 27, 1998Floor Vote
Credit Union Membership Rules/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1151Apr. 1, 1998Floor Vote
Credit Union Membership Rules/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1151Jul. 28, 1998Floor Vote
Credit Union Membership Rules/Small Bank Reinvestment Exemption (in Sen.) HR 1151Jul. 28, 1998Floor Vote
Credit Use Reporting (in H.R.) HR 6676Jun. 23, 1975Floor Vote
Credit Use Reporting (in H.R.) HR 6676Jun. 23, 1975Floor Vote
'Crowdfunding' Legalization -- Intermediary Compensation Disclosure. HR2930Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
'Crowdfunding' Legalization -- Passage. HR2930Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
'Crowdfunding' Legalization -- Recommit. HR2930Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
Cybersecurity and Student Loans -- Previous Question. HR3523 HR4628Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Cybersecurity and Student Loans -- Rule. HR3523 HR4628Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
D.C. Borrowing Authority (in H.R.) HR 6530Sep. 26, 1977Floor Vote
D.C. Revenue Bonds (in H.R.) HR 9544Nov. 2, 1977Floor Vote
Debt Collection Act of 1982 (in Sen.) HR 4613Sep. 28, 1982Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) H J Res 265Sep. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase (in Sen.) H J Res 265Sep. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Debt Obligations (in H.R.) HR 15928Sep. 11, 1974Floor Vote
Defense Production Act Extension (in Sen.) S 3302Jul. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Production Act Extension (in Sen.) S 3302Jul. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Defense Production Act Extension (in Sen.) S 3302Jul. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations, Fiscal 1984 (in Sen.) HR 3133Jun. 21, 1983Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance (in H.R.) HR 11221Feb. 5, 1974Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance (in H.R.) HR 11221Feb. 5, 1974Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance (in H.R.) HR 11221Feb. 5, 1974Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance (in H.R.) HR 11221Feb. 5, 1974Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance (in H.R.) HR 11221Oct. 9, 1974Floor Vote
Deposit Insurance/Passage (in H.R.) HR 522Apr. 2, 2003Floor Vote
Depository Institution Examination Improvement (in H.R.) HR 4917Sep. 29, 1986Floor Vote
Depository Institutions Aid (in H.R.) HR 4603Oct. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Depository Institutions Amendments (in Sen.) S 2879Sep. 24, 1982Floor Vote
Depository Reserves -- Passage. HR3240Dec. 2, 2014Floor Vote
Development Banks Authorizations (in Sen.) S 786Apr. 29, 1981Floor Vote
Development Banks Authorizations (in Sen.) S 786Apr. 29, 1981Floor Vote
Development Banks Authorizations (in Sen.) S 786Apr. 29, 1981Floor Vote
Digital Checks/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1474Jun. 5, 2003Floor Vote
Digital Checks/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1474Jun. 5, 2003Floor Vote
Disapprove Community Banking Rule -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) HJRES90Oct. 19, 2020Floor Vote
Disapprove Community Banking Rule -- Passage. HJRES90Jun. 29, 2020Floor Vote
Disapprove True Lender Rule -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES15May 11, 2021Floor Vote
District of Columbia Borrowing Authority (in H.R.) HR 5537Nov. 27, 1979Floor Vote
Economic Development -- Debit Card Fees. (in Sen.) S782Jun. 8, 2011Floor Vote
Economic Emergency Agricultural Credit Extension (in H.R.) S 2269Mar. 27, 1980Floor Vote
Economic Stimulus -- Motion to Instruct. HR1Feb. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Educational Flexibility/Banking Regulation Implementation (in Sen.) S 280Mar. 5, 1999Floor Vote
Emergency Housing Assistance Act (in H.R.) HR 1983May 11, 1983Floor Vote
Emergency Housing Assistance Act (in H.R.) HR 1983May 11, 1983Floor Vote
Emergency Housing Assistance Act (in H.R.) HR 1983May 11, 1983Floor Vote
Emergency Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 8432Jul. 30, 1971Floor Vote
Emergency Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 8432Jul. 30, 1971Floor Vote
Enhanced Supervision Elimination -- Passage. HR3312Dec. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Enhanced Supervision Elimination and Tax Overhaul Conference Report -- Previous Question. HR3312 HR1Dec. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Enhanced Supervision Elimination and Tax Overhaul Conference Report -- Rule. HR3312 HR1Dec. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Executive Compensation Standards -- Compensation Definition. HR1664Apr. 1, 2009Floor Vote
Executive Compensation Standards -- Passage. HR1664Apr. 1, 2009Floor Vote
Executive Compensation Standards -- Payment Schedule. HR1664Apr. 1, 2009Floor Vote
Executive Compensation Standards -- Rule. HR1664Apr. 1, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Credit Card Company Exemption. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Credit Score Impact. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Enactment Date. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Fee Reduction Implementation. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Passage. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Previous Question. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Rate Increase Moratorium. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Recommit. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Credit Card Company Rules -- Rule. HR3639Nov. 4, 2009Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act (in H.R.) HR 2443Jan. 23, 1986Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act (in H.R.) HR 2443Jan. 23, 1986Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act (in H.R.) HR 2443Jan. 23, 1986Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act (in H.R.) HR 2443Jan. 23, 1986Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 28May 5, 1987Floor Vote
Export Administration Authorization/Monetary Policy (in Sen.) S 1112Nov. 10, 1981Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 1, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 1, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 1, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 2, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 2, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jun. 2, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jul. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 12157Jul. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 4510Jul. 15, 1986Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in H.R.) HR 4510Jul. 15, 1986Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in Sen.) S 581Apr. 5, 1971Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in Sen.) S 581Apr. 5, 1971Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank (in Sen.) S 581Apr. 5, 1971Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Businesses Affected by Tariffs. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- China and Mexico Opioid Trafficking. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Energy Efficiency Office. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Human Rights and Criminal Organization Sanctions. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Human Rights and Free Speech Sanctions. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Opioid Trafficking Sanctions. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Passage. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Previous Question. HR4863 HRES661 HRES693Nov. 14, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Recommit. HR4863Nov. 15, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization -- Rule. HR4863 HRES661 HRES693Nov. 14, 2019Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1370Oct. 6, 1997Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1370Sep. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization/Renaming the Bank (in H.R.) HR 1370Sep. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization/U.S. Business in China (in H.R.) HR 1370Sep. 30, 1997Floor Vote
Export-Import Extension/Passage. (in H.R.) S2248Apr. 30, 2002Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Farm Savings Accounts. (in Sen.) S1731Feb. 12, 2002Floor Vote
Farm Credit Bank Safety and Soundness Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3298Nov. 6, 1991Floor Vote
Farm Credit System Restructuring (in Sen.) S 1884Dec. 3, 1985Floor Vote
Farm Credit System Restructuring (in Sen.) S 1884Dec. 3, 1985Floor Vote
Farm Credit System Restructuring (in Sen.) S 1884Dec. 3, 1985Floor Vote
Farm Credit System Restructuring (in Sen.) S 1884Dec. 3, 1985Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3030Dec. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Farm Bank System (in H.R.) HR 3030Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3030Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3030Dec. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Programs Reauthorization, Fiscal 1986-90 (in H.R.) HR 2100Oct. 8, 1985Floor Vote
Federal Credit Union Act amendment (in H.R.) HR 2Jul. 28, 1969Floor Vote
Federal Deposit Insurance (in Sen.) HR 11221Jun. 13, 1974Floor Vote
Federal Deposit Insurance Limit -- Passage (in H.R.) HR1185May 4, 2005Floor Vote
Federal Deposit Protection/Passage. (in H.R.) HR3717May 22, 2002Floor Vote
Federal Financing Bank (in H.R.) HR 5874Nov. 6, 1973Floor Vote
Federal Financing Bank (in Sen.) S 925Jun. 22, 1973Floor Vote
Federal Home Loan Bank System -- Passage. HR3584May 6, 2014Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audit -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2232Jan. 12, 2016Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audit -- Passage. HR24Sep. 17, 2014Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audit -- Passage. HR459Jul. 25, 2012Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audits (in H.R.) HR 10265May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audits (in H.R.) HR 10265May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Audits (in H.R.) HR 10265May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Bank (in H.R.) S J Res 611Oct. 31, 1977Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Board Monetary Policies (in Sen.) S Res 132May 13, 1981Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Draw Authority (in H.R.) H J Res 816May 1, 1978Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Regulations -- Passage. HR3189Nov. 19, 2015Floor Vote
Federal Reserve Regulations -- Recommit. HR3189Nov. 19, 2015Floor Vote
Federal Reserve System Changes (in H.R.) HR 12934May 10, 1976Floor Vote
Federal Reserve System Changes (in H.R.) HR 12934May 10, 1976Floor Vote
Federal Reserve System Changes (in Sen.) HR 12934Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
Federally Insured Deposits (in H.R.) H Con Res 290Mar. 18, 1982Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Affordable Housing Fund. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2338Dec. 14, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Republican Substitute. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Lending Revisions -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR1852Sep. 18, 2007Floor Vote
FHA Manufactured Housing Loan -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4804Jul. 25, 2006Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Insurance Revisions -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR5121Jul. 25, 2006Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Cap on Insured Loans. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Down Payment Requirement. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Manager's Amendment. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Maximum Loan Limits. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Passage. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Pornography Violation. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Rule. HR5072Jun. 9, 2010Floor Vote
FHA Mortgage Rates Revisions -- Sex Offenders. HR5072Jun. 10, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Fraud -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S386Apr. 27, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Fraud -- Obligation Definition. (in Sen.) S386Apr. 22, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Fraud -- Passage. (in Sen.) S386Apr. 28, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Fraud -- Passage. S386May 6, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Fraud -- Passage. S386May 18, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Conflicts of Interest. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Consumer Financial Protection Council. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Credit Rating Agency Exemptions. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Credit Rating Agency Lawsuits. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- End User Swap Margins. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- External Audit Requirements. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Major Swap Participant Definition. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Manager's Amendment. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Mortgage Loans Modification. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Passage. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Recommit. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Registered Swap Facilities. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Republican Substitute. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Reverse Mortgage Transactions. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Rule. HR4173Dec. 9, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Rule. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Same-Day Consideration. HRES962Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Swap Regulation and Invalidation. HR4173Dec. 10, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Industry Regulation Overhaul -- Unrecovered TARP Funds. HR4173Dec. 11, 2009Floor Vote
Financial Institution Appeals -- Appeals Process Limitation. HR4545Mar. 15, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Institution Appeals -- Passage. HR4545Mar. 15, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Institution Assessment Requirements -- Passage. HR3978Feb. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Institution Disclosure -- Passage. HR5606Jul. 11, 2016Floor Vote
Financial Institution Liability Protection -- Passage. HR5783Jun. 25, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Institution Protection -- Passage. HR758Mar. 11, 2019Floor Vote
Financial Institutions Act (in Sen.) S 1267Dec. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Financial Institutions Act (in Sen.) S 1267Dec. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Financial Regulation Restructuring -- Passage. HR10Jun. 8, 2017Floor Vote
Financial Regulation Restructuring -- Rule. HR10Jun. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Bankruptcy. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Budgetary Treatment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (in Sen.) S3217May 17, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Cloture. (in Sen.) HR4173Jul. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S3217May 19, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S3217May 20, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Community Bank Supervision. (in Sen.) S3217May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Conference Report. (in Sen.) HR4173 CQ Key VoteJul. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Conference Report. HR4173 CQ Key VoteJun. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Consumer Credit. (in Sen.) S3217May 19, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Consumer Protection. (in Sen.) S3217May 6, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Credit Default Swaps. (in Sen.) S3217May 18, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Credit Ratings Agencies. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Derivatives. (in Sen.) S3217May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund Premiums. (in Sen.) S3217May 6, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Federal Pre-emption. (in Sen.) S3217May 18, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Federal Pre-emption. (in Sen.) S3217May 18, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Federal Reserve Audit. (in Sen.) S3217May 11, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Federal Reserve Audits. (in Sen.) S3217May 11, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Government-Sponsored Enterprises Conservatorship. (in Sen.) S3217May 11, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Government-Sponsored Enterprises. (in Sen.) S3217May 6, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Initial Credit Ratings. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Inspector General Independence. (in Sen.) S3217May 18, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Interchange Fees. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- International Monetary Fund. (in Sen.) S3217May 17, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Limitation on Financial Institution Size. (in Sen.) S3217May 6, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Liquidation of Failed Companies. (in Sen.) S3217May 5, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Mortgage Broker Pay Restrictions. (in Sen.) S3217May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Mortgage Underwriting Standards. (in Sen.) S3217May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) HR4173May 24, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Instruct. (in Sen.) HR4173May 24, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Instruct. HR4173Jun. 9, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Recommit. HR4173Jun. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Waive. (in Sen.) HR4173Jul. 15, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Motion to Waive. (in Sen.) S3217May 20, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Office of Service Member Affairs. (in Sen.) S3217May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR4173May 20, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Receivership. (in Sen.) S3217May 5, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Rule. HR4173Jun. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- State Bailouts. (in Sen.) S3217May 18, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Study on Government-Sponsored Enterprises. (in Sen.) S3217May 11, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Overhaul -- Sunset Provision. (in Sen.) S3217May 13, 2010Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Revisions -- Passage. HR37Jan. 7, 2015Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Revisions -- Passage. HR37Jan. 14, 2015Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Revisions, Fiscal 2015 Homeland Security Spendings and Rulemaking Overhaul -- Previous Question. HR37 HR185 HR240Jan. 13, 2015Floor Vote
Financial Regulatory Revisions, Fiscal 2015 Homeland Security Spendings and Rulemaking Overhaul -- Rule. HR37 HR185 HR240Jan. 13, 2015Floor Vote
Financial Service Measure Package -- Passage. S488Jul. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 10, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 11, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 12, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 13, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 13, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Competitive Equity Act (in Sen.) S 2851Sep. 13, 1984Floor Vote
Financial Services Equity -- Banking Services in Underbanked Areas. HR2543Jun. 15, 2022Floor Vote
Financial Services Equity -- Passage. HR2543Jun. 15, 2022Floor Vote
Financial Services Exemptions -- Passage. HR5405Sep. 16, 2014Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul. (in H.R.) HR 10. CQ Key VoteMay 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Bank Holding Companies (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Bank Insurance Fund (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 10Oct. 5, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Communications (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Community Reinvestment (in Sen.) S 900May 5, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 900Nov. 4, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Conference Report. (in Sen.) S 900. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Consumer Provisions (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Democratic Substitute (in Sen.) S 900May 5, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Economic Impact (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Federal Savings Association (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Fee Disclosure (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/FICO Assessment and Financial Privacy (in Sen.) S 900May 6, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Financial Holding Companies (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Financial Holding Company (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Information Privacy (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Loan Loss Reserves (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) S 900Jul. 30, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Motion to Proceed (in Sen.) HR 10Oct. 7, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Motion To Rise (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/National Bank Subsidiaries (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 10. CQ Key VoteJul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Regulatory Oversight (in Sen.) S 900May 6, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Rule (in H.R.) HR 10May 13, 1998Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Rule (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Rule (in H.R.) S 900Nov. 4, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/State Transfers (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/Suspicious Activity (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulation/Impact of Bank Mergers (in H.R.) HR 1375Mar. 18, 2004Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulation/Interest Restriction Removal (in H.R.) HR 1375Mar. 18, 2004Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulation/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1375Mar. 18, 2004Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulation/Returned Checks (in H.R.) HR 1375Mar. 18, 2004Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulatory Relief -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3505Mar. 8, 2006Floor Vote
Financial Services Regulatory Revisions -- Passage. (in H.R.) S2856Sep. 27, 2006Floor Vote
Financial Stress Test Procedures -- Passage. HR4293Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Financial Stress Test Procedures -- Recommit. HR4293Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Fiscal 1982 Continuing Appropriations (in Sen.) H J Res 325Sep. 24, 1981Floor Vote
Fiscal 1982 Supplemental Appropriations/Commodity Credit Corporation (in Sen.) H J Res 389Feb. 10, 1982Floor Vote
Fiscal 1982 Supplemental Appropriations/Commodity Credit Corporation and Fiscal 1982 Supplemental Appropriations/Unemployment Compensation (in H.R.) H J Res 389/H J Res 391Feb. 9, 1982Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Delete Funds (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Foreign Aid (in Sen.) HR 1827May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Public Power Programs (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Budget Reconciliation Act/Budget Act Waiver (in Sen.) S 3209Oct. 19, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Budget Reconciliation/Budget Act Waiver (in Sen.) S 3209Oct. 18, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations/Savings and Loan Investigations (in H.R.) HR 5021Jun. 20, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 VA and HUD Appropriations/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 2519Jul. 18, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 VA, Housing and Urban Development, Independent Agencies Appropriations/Thrift Liability Claims (in Sen.) HR 5679Sep. 8, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1993 Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Independent Agencies Appropriations/RTC (in Sen.) HR 5679Sep. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994 Disaster Supplemental Appropriations/Instruct Conferees (in H.R.) HR 3759Feb. 10, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 VA, HUD Appropriations/Motion To Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4624Jun. 29, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Further Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 175Apr. 24, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Omnibus Appropriations/Conference Report. (in H.R.) HR 3610. CQ Key VoteSep. 28, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Treasury-Postal Appropriations/Bank Entry Into Insurance Business (in H.R.) HR 3756Jul. 17, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations -- Offshore Contracts (in H.R.) HR3058Jun. 30, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Foreign Operations Appropriations -- Export-Import Bank Loans. (in H.R.) HR5522Jun. 9, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Federal Reserve Banks. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Federal Reserve Banks. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Mortgage Relief Funds. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Mortgage Relief. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- National Usury Law. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (in Sen.) HR2112Oct. 20, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Transportation-HUD Appropriations -- Mortgage Loan Limits. (in Sen.) HR2112Oct. 20, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2014 Budget Resolution -- Bank Bailouts. (in Sen.) SCONRES8Mar. 22, 2013Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Small Dollar Credit Regulation. HR3354Sep. 14, 2017Floor Vote
Food labeling, mortgage fees and small bank asset thresholds -- previous question. HR772 HR1153 HR4771Feb. 6, 2018Floor Vote
Food Labeling, Mortgage Fees and Small Bank Asset Thresholds -- Rule. HR772 HR1153 HR4771Feb. 6, 2018Floor Vote
Foreign Bank Regulation (in H.R.) HR 13876Jul. 29, 1976Floor Vote
Foreign Bank Regulation (in H.R.) HR 13876Jul. 29, 1976Floor Vote
Foreign Economic and Humanitarian Aid Authorization (in Sen.) S 2820Nov. 10, 1971Floor Vote
Foreign Economic and Humanitarian Aid Authorization (in Sen.) S 2820Nov. 10, 1971Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue. (in H.R.) HR 27. CQ Key VoteMay 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/"Clean" FSLIC (in Sen.) HR 27May 14, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 27Aug. 3, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 27Aug. 4, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Direct Investments (in H.R.) HR 27May 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 27May 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Proxmire Substitute (in Sen.) HR 27May 14, 1987Floor Vote
Further Disclosure of House Bank Abuses/Adoption. (in H.R.) H Res 396. CQ Key VoteMar. 12, 1992Floor Vote
GAO Audits (in H.R.) S 213Sep. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Geithner Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jan. 26, 2009Floor Vote
GOP Student Loan Interest Plan -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1003Jun. 6, 2013Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Federal Housing Finance Agency. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Loan Limit. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Manager's Amendment. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- Systemic Risk. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises -- U.S. Treasury Borrowing. (in H.R.) HR1461Oct. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises/Passage (in Sen.) S 2733Jul. 1, 1992Floor Vote
Greenspan Nomination/Confirmation (in H.R.)Feb. 3, 2000Floor Vote
Greenspan Nomination/Confirmation (in Sen.)Jun. 20, 1996Floor Vote
Guaranteed Student Loans (in H.R.) HR 14070Aug. 25, 1976Floor Vote
Guaranteed Student Loans (in H.R.) HR 14070Aug. 25, 1976Floor Vote
Hamas Human Shield Sanctions -- Passage. HR3542Feb. 14, 2018Floor Vote
Hauptman Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Dec. 1, 2020Floor Vote
Hauptman Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Dec. 2, 2020Floor Vote
Herrnstadt Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Herrnstadt Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Homebuyers Assistance -- Passage. HR3192Oct. 7, 2015Floor Vote
Homebuyers Assistance -- Recommit. HR3192Oct. 7, 2015Floor Vote
Homebuyers Assistance -- Rule. HR3192Oct. 7, 2015Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development Programs (in Sen.) S 1523Jun. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act (in H.R.) HR 1Jul. 13, 1983Floor Vote
Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act (in H.R.) HR 1Jul. 13, 1983Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Comptroller General Audits. (in Sen.) S896May 6, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Conflict of Interest Rules. (in Sen.) S896May 5, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- FHA Solvency. (in Sen.) S896May 4, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Foreclosed Property Notification. (in Sen.) S896May 6, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Mortgage Relief Funds. (in Sen.) S896May 4, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Passage. (in Sen.) S896May 6, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Passage. S896May 19, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Safe Harbor. (in Sen.) S896May 5, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- Sale of Unused Federal Properties. (in Sen.) S896May 6, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- TARP Funds and Common Stock. (in Sen.) S896May 5, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Loans Modification -- TARP Funds. (in Sen.) S896May 5, 2009Floor Vote
Housing Programs Extension/Loan-Insurance Authority (in Sen.) S J Res 209Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Programs Reauthorization/Check-Cashing Services (in Sen.) S 566Jun. 27, 1990Floor Vote
Hurricane Katrina Financial Services Relief -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3945Oct. 27, 2005Floor Vote
IMF-Witteveen Facility (in H.R.) HR 9214Sep. 14, 1978Floor Vote
Imputed Interest Rules (in Sen.) HR 2475Jun. 26, 1985Floor Vote
Indirect Auto Lending Regulation -- Passage. HR1737Nov. 18, 2015Floor Vote
Inter-American Development Bank (in H.R.) S 748Feb. 1, 1972Floor Vote
Inter-American Development Bank -- Passage. (in H.R.) S676Jun. 11, 2007Floor Vote
Interest and Dividend Tax Withholding (in H.R.) HR 2973May 17, 1983Floor Vote
Interest and Dividend Tax Withholding/Caribbean Basin Initiative. (in Sen.) HR 2973. CQ Key VoteJul. 28, 1983Floor Vote
Interest Payments on Time and Savings Deposits (in H.R.) HR 6370May 9, 1973Floor Vote
Interest Payments on Time and Savings Deposits (in H.R.) HR 6370May 9, 1973Floor Vote
Interest Payments on Time and Savings Deposits (in Sen.) S 1798May 22, 1973Floor Vote
Interest Payments on Time and Savings Deposits (in Sen.) S 1798May 22, 1973Floor Vote
Interest Rate Ceilings (in H.R.) HR 3365Mar. 1, 1977Floor Vote
Interest Rate Ceilings (in H.R.) HR 9710Oct. 31, 1977Floor Vote
Interest Rate Regulation -- Passage. HR3299Feb. 14, 2018Floor Vote
International Banking Act (in H.R.) HR 10899Apr. 6, 1978Floor Vote
International Development Banks (in Sen.) S 662May 17, 1979Floor Vote
International Recovery and Financial Stability Act (in H.R.) HR 2957Jul. 26, 1983Floor Vote
International Recovery and Financial Stability Act (in H.R.) HR 2957Aug. 3, 1983Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Internet Gambling -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR4411Jul. 11, 2006Floor Vote
Internet Gambling/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2143Jun. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Internet Gambling/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2143Jun. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Internet Gambling/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2143Jun. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Internet Gambling/State-Licensed Wagers (in H.R.) HR 2143Jun. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Interstate Banking and Branching/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3841Sep. 13, 1994Floor Vote
Interstate Banking and Branching/Motion to Proceed (in Sen.) HR 3841Sep. 13, 1994Floor Vote
Limited Disclosure of Bank Abuses/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 393Mar. 12, 1992Floor Vote
Lower Interest Rates (in H.R.) H Con Res 133Mar. 4, 1975Floor Vote
Marijuana Banking Protection -- Passage. HR1595Sep. 25, 2019Floor Vote
Merchant Marine Program (in Sen.) HR 15424Sep. 17, 1970Floor Vote
Meyer Nomination/Confirmation (in Sen.)Jun. 20, 1996Floor Vote
Military Personnel Financial Services -- Passage. (in H.R.) S418Sep. 21, 2006Floor Vote
Monetary Policy (in H.R.) H Con Res 133Mar. 24, 1975Floor Vote
Monetary Policy (in Sen.) H Con Res 133Mar. 17, 1975Floor Vote
Monetary Policy and High Interest Rates (in H.R.) H Con Res 160Jul. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Money Laundering/Passage (in H.R.) H Con Res 288Jun. 22, 1998Floor Vote
Money-Laundering Enforcement/Passage (in H.R.) HR 26Jun. 11, 1991Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Actual Damages. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- HOEPA-Regulated Loans. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Passage. HR3915 CQ Key VoteNov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Previous Question. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Prime Loans Exemption. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Rebuttable Presumption. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Overhaul -- Recommit. HR3915Nov. 15, 2007Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Assignee and Securitizer Liability. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Elected Office Crimes. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Federal Reserve Certification. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Loan Restrictions. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Passage. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Lending Standards -- Rule. HR1728May 7, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage Records Disclosure -- Passage. HR2954Jan. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Mortgage Records Disclosure -- Recommit. HR2954Jan. 18, 2018Floor Vote
Mortgage Records Disclosure and World Bank Contribution -- Previous Question. HR2954 HR3326Jan. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Mortgage Records Disclosure and World Bank Contribution -- Rule. HR2954 HR3326Jan. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Mortgage Service Exemptions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 314Mar. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Federal Reserve Disclosures. HR384Jan. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Foreclosure Mitigation. HR384Jan. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- HOPE for Homeowners. HR384Jan. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Meeting Observation. HR384Jan. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Motion to Table. HR384Jan. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Passage. HR384Jan. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Previous Fund Usage Analysis. HR384Jan. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Recommit. HR384Jan. 21, 2009Floor Vote
Mortgage-Backed Securities Buyout Stipulations -- Rule. HR384Jan. 14, 2009Floor Vote
Multilateral Development Banks (in Sen.) S 1195Jun. 17, 1981Floor Vote
Muzinich Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Dec. 10, 2018Floor Vote
Muzinich Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Dec. 11, 2018Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1977Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Jul. 14, 1977Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Jul. 14, 1977Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Jul. 14, 1977Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Jul. 14, 1977Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in H.R.) HR 2777Aug. 9, 1978Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in Sen.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1978Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in Sen.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1978Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in Sen.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1978Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in Sen.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1978Floor Vote
National Consumer Cooperative Bank (in Sen.) HR 2777Jul. 13, 1978Floor Vote
National Service Act/Loan Cancellations (in H.R.) HR 4330Sep. 13, 1990Floor Vote
National Service Programs -- FDIC Borrowing Authority. (in Sen.) HR1388Mar. 25, 2009Floor Vote
Nelson Nomination -- Motion to Discharge. (in Sen.)Oct. 19, 2021Floor Vote
Net Worth Guarantee Act (in H.R.) HR 6267May 20, 1982Floor Vote
Net Worth Guarantee Act (in H.R.) HR 6267May 20, 1982Floor Vote
Net Worth Guarantee Act (in H.R.) HR 6267Oct. 1, 1982Floor Vote
New York City Aid (in H.R.) HR 12426Jun. 8, 1978Floor Vote
New York City Aid (in Sen.) HR 12426Jun. 29, 1978Floor Vote
Nonbank Financial Regulations and Federal Reserve Procedures -- Previous Questions. HR4061 HR4293Mar. 15, 2018Floor Vote
Nonbank Financial Regulations and Federal Reserve Procedures -- Rule. HR4061 HR4293Mar. 15, 2018Floor Vote
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) S 2706Sep. 19, 1986Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Package/Passage (in Sen.) S 1970Jul. 11, 1990Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Package/S&L Fraud (in Sen.) S 1970Jul. 11, 1990Floor Vote
Omnibus Drug Bill/Money Laundering (in Sen.) HR 5210Oct. 14, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Surplus Commodities (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 7, 1987Floor Vote
One-Bank Holding Companies (in Sen.) HR 6778Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
One-Bank Holding Companies (in Sen.) HR 6778Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
One-Bank Holding Companies (in Sen.) HR 6778Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
One-Bank Holding Companies (in Sen.) HR 6778Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
One-Bank Holding Companies (in Sen.) HR 6778Sep. 16, 1970Floor Vote
Operational Risk Capital Requirements -- Passage. HR4296Feb. 27, 2018Floor Vote
Operational Risk Capital Requirements -- Recommit. HR4296Feb. 27, 2018Floor Vote
Operational Risk Capital Requirements and Federal Financial Regulator Reviews -- Previous Question. HR4607 HR4296Feb. 27, 2018Floor Vote
Operational Risk Capital Requirements and Federal Financial Regulator Reviews -- Rule. HR4296 HR4607Feb. 27, 2018Floor Vote
Patent Litigation Overhaul -- Manager's Amendment. HR3309Dec. 5, 2013Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Banks and Savings and Loans (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Policing Overhaul; D.C. Statehood; Community Banking; Credit Reporting; State Health Insurance Funds; Emergency Housing Relief -- Previous Question. HR7120 HR51 HJRES90 HR5332 HR1425 HR7301Jun. 25, 2020Floor Vote
Policing Overhaul; D.C. Statehood; Community Banking; Credit Reporting; State Health Insurance Funds; Emergency Housing Relief -- Rule. HR7120 HR51 HJRES90 HR5332 HR1425 HR7301Jun. 25, 2020Floor Vote
Postal Savings System Statute of Limitations (in H.R.) HR 3922Nov. 16, 1983Floor Vote
Powell Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)May 17, 2012Floor Vote
Privacy Notice Requirement Exemption -- Recommit. HR2396Dec. 14, 2017Floor Vote
Pryor Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)May 7, 2019Floor Vote
Pryor Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)May 8, 2019Floor Vote
Qualified Mortgage Regulations -- Passage. HR1153Feb. 8, 2018Floor Vote
Quarles Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Oct. 4, 2017Floor Vote
Quarles Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Quarles Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Oct. 5, 2017Floor Vote
Quarles Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Reed Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)May 7, 2019Floor Vote
Reed Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)May 8, 2019Floor Vote
Regulatory Revisions -- Credit Reporting Regulations. HR4078Jul. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Regulatory Revisions -- Financial Reporting Requirements. HR4078Jul. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Regulatory Revisions -- Non-Resident Aliens. HR4078Jul. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Regulatory Revisions -- Recommit. HR4078Jul. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation Financing/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 714Nov. 23, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation Financing/Conference Report (in Sen.) S 714Nov. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation Funding/Binding Budget Totals (in Sen.) S 714May 13, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation Funding/Passage (in Sen.) S 714May 13, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation Funding/Statute of Limitations (in Sen.) S 714May 13, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Committee Amendments (in H.R.) HR 1340Sep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Committee Amendments (in H.R.) HR 1340Sep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Funding Elimination (in H.R.) HR 1340Sep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 1340. CQ Key VoteSep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Resolution Trust Corporation/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1340Sep. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Retirement Savings Accounts -- Passage. HR4365Aug. 1, 2012Floor Vote
Risk-Adjusted Derivatives Capital -- Passage. HR5749Jul. 10, 2018Floor Vote
Rivlin Nomination/Confirmation (in Sen.)Jun. 20, 1996Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Compromise Substitute (in H.R.) S 419Mar. 13, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 419Mar. 21, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Management Reforms Alternative (in H.R.) HR 1315Mar. 12, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Motion To Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4704Apr. 1, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Passage (in H.R.) S 419Mar. 13, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 1315. CQ Key VoteMar. 12, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 4704. CQ Key VoteApr. 1, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Pay-As-You-Go Alternative (in H.R.) HR 1315Mar. 12, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1315Mar. 12, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4704Apr. 1, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Rule (in H.R.) S 419Mar. 13, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Financing/Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1315Mar. 12, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Funding/'Clean Bill' (in Sen.) S 2482Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 2482Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Matching Funds (in Sen.) S 419Mar. 6, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3435Nov. 27, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Passage (in Sen.) S 2482Mar. 26, 1992Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Passage (in Sen.) S 419Mar. 7, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Restructuring (in Sen.) S 419Mar. 6, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Funding/Tax Offsets (in Sen.) S 419Mar. 6, 1991Floor Vote
RTC Oversight Board Elimination/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2343Sep. 23, 1997Floor Vote
Rule-Making Process Changes and SEC General Solicitation -- Previous Question. HR5 HR79Jan. 10, 2017Floor Vote
Rural Housing Loan Program Modifications -- Passage. HR5017Apr. 27, 2010Floor Vote
Russian Debt Forgiveness/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4118Jul. 19, 2000Floor Vote
Sam Brown Nomination (in Sen.)Sep. 21, 1979Floor Vote
Same-Day Consideration -- Previous Question. HR4173 HR4213Jun. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Same-Day Consideration -- Rule. HR4173 HR4213Jun. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Crime Bill/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5401Jul. 31, 1990Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Budget Act Waiver. (in Sen.) HR 1278. CQ Key VoteAug. 3, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Budget-Act Waiver (in Sen.) S 774Apr. 18, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Budget-Act Waiver (in Sen.) S 774Apr. 18, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Capital Standards. (in H.R.) HR 1278. CQ Key VoteJun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Civil Penalties (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/District of Columbia Prison (in Sen.) S 774Apr. 18, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Foreign Deposits (in Sen.) S 774Apr. 18, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Low-Income Housing (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Passage (in Sen.) S 774Apr. 19, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Redlining (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/RTC Board of Directors (in Sen.)Apr. 18, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loan Restructuring/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1278Jun. 14, 1989Floor Vote
Savings and Loans Company Registration Threshold -- Passage. HR801Jan. 14, 2014Floor Vote
SBA Disaster Loans (in H.R.) S 1306Nov. 1, 1977Floor Vote
SBA Loan Prepayment/Passage (in H.R.) S 437Oct. 3, 1988Floor Vote
SEC Annual Public Offering Threshold Increase -- Passage. HR1070Nov. 2, 2011Floor Vote
SEC Asset Value Threshold Increase -- Passage. HR1965Nov. 2, 2011Floor Vote
SEC Public Advertising Ban Repeal -- Bonus Disclosure. HR2940Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
SEC Public Advertising Ban Repeal -- Passage. HR2940Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
SEC Public Advertising Ban Repeal -- Recommit. HR2940Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
SEC Public Advertising Ban Repeal and 'Crowdfunding' Legalization -- Previous Question. HR2940 HR2930Nov. 3, 2011Floor Vote
Secondary Market Transactions -- Passage. HR1839Oct. 6, 2015Floor Vote
Secret Foreign Bank Accounts and Transactions (in H.R.) HR 15073May 25, 1970Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation -- Employee Ownership Plans Study. HR1675Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation -- Interactive Data Format Exemption Removal. HR1675Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation -- Interactive Data Format. HR1675Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation -- Passage. HR1675Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation -- Recommit. HR1675Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation and Federal Banking Regulator Authorities -- Previous Question. HR1675 HR766Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Securities Sold for Employee Compensation and Federal Banking Regulator Authorities -- Rule. HR1675 HR766Feb. 3, 2016Floor Vote
Service Industries Commerce Development (in H.R.) HR 2848Oct. 3, 1984Floor Vote
Shelton Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Nov. 17, 2020Floor Vote
Small Bank Asset Limit -- Passage. HR4771Feb. 8, 2018Floor Vote
Small Bank Examinations -- Passage. HR1553Oct. 6, 2015Floor Vote
Small Business Act Amendments (in H.R.) S 918Feb. 6, 1980Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Research Act (in Sen.) S 881Dec. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Small Business Innovation Research Act (in Sen.) S 881Dec. 8, 1981Floor Vote
Small Business Investment Act (in Sen.) S 918May 16, 1979Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Loans to Construction Firms. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Oil Spill Impact. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Passage. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Previous Question. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Recommit. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Rule. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Lending -- Veteran- and Women-Owned Businesses. HR5297Jun. 17, 2010Floor Vote
Small Business Mergers, Mortgage Relief, Children's Health Insurance Program and Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations -- Previous Question. HR3971 HJRES123 HR477Dec. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Small Business Mergers, Mortgage Relief, Children's Health Insurance Program and Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations -- Rule. HR3971 HJRES123 HR477Dec. 7, 2017Floor Vote
Small-Business Credit Efficiency/Passage (in H.R.) S 895Sep. 12, 1995Floor Vote
Social Security Act Amendments (in Sen.) HR 1900Mar. 21, 1983Floor Vote
Social Security Financing (in H.R.) HR 9346Oct. 26, 1977Floor Vote
Social Security Financing (in H.R.) HR 9346Oct. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Stein Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)May 17, 2012Floor Vote
Student Loan Guarantees and Forgiveness/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5186Oct. 7, 2004Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rate Extension -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S1238Jul. 10, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rate Extension -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S953Jun. 6, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Motion to Concur. HR1911Jul. 31, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR1911 CQ Key VoteJul. 24, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Passage. HR1911May 23, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Passage. HR4628 CQ Key VoteApr. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Previous Question. HR1911May 23, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Rate Caps. (in Sen.) HR1911Jul. 24, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Recommit. HR1911May 23, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Recommit. HR4628Apr. 27, 2012Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Rule. HR1911May 23, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loan Interest Rates -- Sunset Date. (in Sen.) HR1911Jul. 24, 2013Floor Vote
Student Loans -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S2343May 8, 2012Floor Vote
Student Loans -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2343May 24, 2012Floor Vote
Student Loans -- Republican Substitute. (in Sen.) S2343May 24, 2012Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1984 (in Sen.) HR 3959Nov. 17, 1983Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1984 (in Sen.) HR 3959Nov. 17, 1983Floor Vote
Supplemental Fiscal 1997 Appropriations/Credit Availability (in Sen.) S 672May 6, 1997Floor Vote
Support Home Ownership -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES526Jul. 11, 2007Floor Vote
Surface transportation reauthorization -- economic harm allegation. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Export-Import Bank Financing Distribution. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Export-Import Bank Foreign Company Financing. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Export-Import Bank Foreign Competition Standard. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Fair Value Accounting Principles. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Federal Reserve Surplus Funds. HR22Nov. 5, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Private Sector Financing Denials. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- State-Sponsor of Terrorism Prohibition. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- Treasury Loss Guarantee. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Swaps Dealer Bailout -- Passage. HR992Oct. 30, 2013Floor Vote
TAG Program Extension -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S3637Dec. 11, 2012Floor Vote
TAG Program Extension -- Motion to Waive. (in Sen.) S3637Dec. 13, 2012Floor Vote
TARP Funds Database -- Passage. HR1242Dec. 2, 2009Floor Vote
TARP Inspector General Authority -- Passage. S383Mar. 25, 2009Floor Vote
Tarullo Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jan. 27, 2009Floor Vote
Tax and Loan Accounts (in H.R.) HR 3035Dec. 15, 1975Floor Vote
Tax and Loan Accounts (in Sen.) HR 3035Sep. 20, 1976Floor Vote
Tax Revision (in Sen.) HR 10612Jul. 26, 1976Floor Vote
Tax-Exempt Housing Mortgage Bonds (in H.R.) HR 5741Mar. 19, 1980Floor Vote
Tax-Exempt Housing Mortgage Bonds (in H.R.) HR 5741Mar. 19, 1980Floor Vote
Terrorism Insurance/Frozen Assets. (in Sen.) S2600Jun. 14, 2002Floor Vote
Tigert Nomination/Cloture (in Sen.)Oct. 3, 1994Floor Vote
Tigert Nomination/Confirmation (in Sen.)Oct. 4, 1994Floor Vote
Title Loans/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 312Jun. 27, 2000Floor Vote
Treasury Department Geograhic Targeting -- Passage. HR5602Jul. 11, 2016Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12930Jun. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12930Jun. 27, 1978Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in Sen.) HR 12930Oct. 4, 1978Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 30, 1981Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 30, 1981Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 30, 1981Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 4121Jul. 30, 1981Floor Vote
Treasury-Postal Service Appropriations, Fiscal 1972 (in H.R.) HR 9271Jun. 28, 1971Floor Vote
Troubled Asset Relief Program Disapproval -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES5 CQ Key VoteJan. 15, 2009Floor Vote
Troubled Asset Relief Program Disapproval -- Passage. HJRES3Jan. 22, 2009Floor Vote
Truth-in-Lending Act. (in Sen.) S 5 CQ Key VoteJul. 11, 1967Floor Vote
Truth-in-Lending. (in H.R.) H R 11601 CQ Key VoteFeb. 1, 1968Floor Vote
Unclaimed Deposits/Passage (in H.R.) HR 890Mar. 2, 1993Floor Vote
Urgent Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1982. (in H.R.) HR 5922. CQ Key VoteMay 12, 1982Floor Vote
Urgent Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1982. (in Sen.) HR 5922. CQ Key VoteMay 27, 1982Floor Vote
Urgent Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1986 (in H.R.) HR 4515Jun. 12, 1986Floor Vote
Variable Rate Mortgages (in H.R.) HR 6209May 8, 1975Floor Vote
Variable Rate Mortgages (in H.R.) HR 6209May 8, 1975Floor Vote
Variable Rate Mortgages (in H.R.) HR 6209May 8, 1975Floor Vote
Variable Rate Mortgages (in H.R.) HR 6209May 8, 1975Floor Vote
Veterans' Housing Benefits Amendments (in H.R.) HR 2948May 24, 1983Floor Vote
Virtual Currency Use In Criminal Activities -- Passage. HR502Jan. 28, 2019Floor Vote
Volcker Rule Regulation and Exemption -- Previous Question. HR4790Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Volcker Rule Regulation and Exemption -- Rule. HR4790Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Volcker Rule Regulation Authority -- Passage. HR4790Apr. 13, 2018Floor Vote
Wage and Price Controls (in Sen.) HR 4246May 3, 1971Floor Vote
Wage-Price Controls Extension (in H.R.) HR 6168Apr. 16, 1973Floor Vote
Wage-Price Controls Extension (in Sen.) S 398Mar. 20, 1973Floor Vote
Waller Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Dec. 3, 2020Floor Vote
Women's Small Business Ownership/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5050Oct. 3, 1988Floor Vote
World Bank Contribution -- Human Trafficking. HR3326Jan. 17, 2018Floor Vote
World Bank Contribution -- Passage. HR3326Jan. 17, 2018Floor Vote
Youths and Money/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 127Apr. 7, 2003Floor Vote