Business, Banking, Commerce, and Economics
 Contracts and Arbitration
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Airline Stock Acquisition Review/Review Limitations (in H.R.) HR 3443Nov. 1, 1989Floor Vote
Arbitration Language Correction/Passage. (in H.R.) HR861Mar. 14, 2001Floor Vote
CFPB Arbitration Rule Disapproval -- Passage. (in Sen.) HJRES111 CQ Key VoteOct. 24, 2017Floor Vote
CFPB Arbitration Rule Disapproval -- Passage. HJRES111 CQ Key VoteJul. 25, 2017Floor Vote
CFPB Arbitration Rule Disapproval -- Previous Question. HJRES111Jul. 25, 2017Floor Vote
CFPB Arbitration Rule Disapproval -- Rule. HJRES111Jul. 25, 2017Floor Vote
Consumer Financial Protection Reevaluation -- Prohibiting Arbitration Agreements. HR1500May 22, 2019Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1985 (in H.R.) H J Res 648Sep. 25, 1984Floor Vote
Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) H J Res 738Oct. 2, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 13635Aug. 8, 1978Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1979 (in H.R.) HR 13635Aug. 8, 1978Floor Vote
Defense Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in Sen.) HR 4995Dec. 2, 1981Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) S 2638Aug. 8, 1986Floor Vote
Defense Authorization/Defense Contracts. (in Sen.) S2514Jun. 25, 2002Floor Vote
Defense Department Authorization (in H.R.) HR 3519Jul. 15, 1981Floor Vote
Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (in H.R.) HR 13958Sep. 13, 1976Floor Vote
Defense Procurement Authorization (in Sen.) S 3486Sep. 26, 1978Floor Vote
Department of Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1986 (in Sen.) S 1160May 24, 1985Floor Vote
District Court Arbitration/Passage (in H.R.) S 996Sep. 23, 1997Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Contract Dispute Venues. (in Sen.) S1731Dec. 13, 2001Floor Vote
Federal Election Campaign Act (in H.R.) HR 15276Oct. 2, 1972Floor Vote
Fiscal 1976 Rescissions (in H.R.) HR 11665Feb. 10, 1976Floor Vote
Fiscal 1982 Defense Authorization (in Sen.) S 815May 14, 1981Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990-91 Defense Department Authorization/Section 1207 Extension (in H.R.) HR 2461Jul. 27, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 2002 Defense Authorization/Prison Labor. (in Sen.) S1438Sep. 25, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/War-Time Profiteering (in Sen.) S2400Jun. 16, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/War-Time Profiteering (in Sen.) S2400Jun. 16, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Transportation-Treasury Appropriations/Federal Contracts for Caribbean Companies (in H.R.) HR 5025Sep. 14, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Supplemental Appropriations -- Competitive Bidding Process. (in Sen.) HR4939May 2, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Defense Appropriations -- Lincoln Group Contracts. (in H.R.) HR5631Jun. 20, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Defense Authorization -- Contract Investigating Committee. (in Sen.) S2766Jun. 19, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations -- Offshore Contracts. (in H.R.) HR5576Jun. 14, 2006Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Agriculture Appropriations -- CFTC Swap Transaction Rules. HR2112Jun. 16, 2011Floor Vote
Forced Arbitration -- Labor Organization Arbitration. HR1423Sep. 20, 2019Floor Vote
Forced Arbitration -- Passage. HR1423Sep. 20, 2019Floor Vote
Forced Arbitration -- Previous Question. HR1423Sep. 18, 2019Floor Vote
Forced Arbitration -- Rule. HR1423Sep. 18, 2019Floor Vote
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1972 (in H.R.) S 3248Mar. 2, 1972Floor Vote
Indian Tribe Land Development Contracts/Passage (in H.R.) S 613Feb. 29, 2000Floor Vote
Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration/Passage (in H.R.) S 2204Oct. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Land Sovereignty/Biosphere (in H.R.) HR 883May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Land Sovereignty/Biosphere (in H.R.) HR 883May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Land Sovereignty/Commercial Use (in H.R.) HR 883May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Land Sovereignty/Rule (in H.R.) HR 883May 20, 1999Floor Vote
Managed Care Patient Protections/Goss-Coburn-Shadegg Substitute (in H.R.) HR 2723Oct. 7, 1999Floor Vote
Managed Care Patient Protections/Houghton Substitute (in H.R.) HR 2723Oct. 7, 1999Floor Vote
Military Construction Authorization (in H.R.) HR 6990Jun. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Milk Marketing Orders/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1402Sep. 22, 1999Floor Vote
Nuclear Power Reactors (in H.R.) HR 14655May 17, 1972Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Authorization (in Sen.) S 2405Sep. 24, 1986Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Private Sector Contracts (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Prohibit Forced Arbitration -- Passage. HR963 CQ Key VoteMar. 17, 2022Floor Vote
Prohibit Forced Arbitration -- Recommit. HR963Mar. 17, 2022Floor Vote
Prohibit Forced Arbitration -- Strike Collective Bargaining Exemption. HR963Mar. 17, 2022Floor Vote
Prompt Payment/Passage (in H.R.) S 328Jul. 26, 1988Floor Vote
Puerto Rico Debt Adjustment Case Disclosures -- Passage. HR1192Feb. 24, 2021Floor Vote
Railroad Labor Dispute/Passage (in Sen.) H J Res 517Jun. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Renegotiation Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 10680Jan. 29, 1976Floor Vote
Rent-to-Own Contracts/Loss and Damage Liability. (in H.R.) HR1701Sep. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Rent-to-Own Contracts/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1701Sep. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Rent-to-Own Contracts/Recommit. (in H.R.) HR1701Sep. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Rent-to-Own Contracts/Rule. (in H.R.) HR1701Sep. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Rent-to-Own Contracts/Total Cost Limit. (in H.R.) HR1701Sep. 18, 2002Floor Vote
Senate Computer Services Contracts (in H.R.) S 1124Jun. 24, 1981Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Invoke Cloture (in Sen.) S 55Jun. 16, 1992Floor Vote
Tax Cuts (in Sen.) H J Res 266Jul. 28, 1981Floor Vote
Treaties (in Sen.)Dec. 2, 1981Floor Vote
Unfair Billing Practices (in H.R.) S 652Apr. 27, 1972Floor Vote
Unfair Billing Practices (in H.R.) S 652Apr. 27, 1972Floor Vote
Unfair Billing Practices (in H.R.) S 652Apr. 27, 1972Floor Vote
Unfair Billing Practices (in H.R.) S 652Apr. 27, 1972Floor Vote
Unlawful Corporate Payments (in H.R.) S 305Dec. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Uranium Enrichment (in H.R.) HR 8401Aug. 4, 1976Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Cloture (in Sen.) S 96Apr. 26, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Cloture (in Sen.) S 96Apr. 29, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Cloture (in Sen.) S 96May 18, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 775Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Passage (in Sen.) HR 775Jun. 15, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability Limits/Small Business Exemptions (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 15, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability/Consumer Restitution (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 9, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability/Lawsuit Application Expiration (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 10, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability/Lawsuit Dates (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 10, 1999Floor Vote
Y2K Liability/Replacement Computers (in Sen.) S 96Jun. 10, 1999Floor Vote