Employment, Labor, and Pensions
 Labor-Management Relations
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Abruzzo Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 20, 2021Floor Vote
Abruzzo Nomination -- Motion to Discharge. (in Sen.)Jul. 13, 2021Floor Vote
Agency for Consumer Advocacy (in Sen.) S 200May 12, 1975Floor Vote
Agency for Consumer Protection (in H.R.) HR 6805Feb. 8, 1978Floor Vote
Agency for Consumer Protection (in H.R.) HR 7575Nov. 6, 1975Floor Vote
Agency for Consumer Protection (in H.R.) HR 7575Nov. 6, 1975Floor Vote
Agricultural, Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in H.R.) HR 15472Jun. 21, 1974Floor Vote
Agricultural, Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in Sen.) HR 15472Jul. 22, 1974Floor Vote
Agriculture Department, Environment and Consumer Appropriations, Fiscal 1972 (in H.R.) HR 9270Jun. 23, 1971Floor Vote
Baseball Lockout/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 255Mar. 1, 1990Floor Vote
Becker Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Feb. 9, 2010Floor Vote
Campaign Finance Revisions/Soft Money Donations and Union Dues (in Sen.) S 1593Oct. 18, 1999Floor Vote
Campaign Financing (in Sen.) S 926Aug. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Committee Expenses and NLRB Rule Disapproval -- Previous Question. HRES152 SJRES8 HRES132Mar. 19, 2015Floor Vote
Committee Expenses and NLRB Rule Disapproval -- Rule. SJRES8 HRES132Mar. 19, 2015Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250Mar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250 CQ Key VoteMar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 24, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 5900Dec. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Jul. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 11, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 12, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 14, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 17, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 18, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 18, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 18, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 18, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 18, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Nov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900 CQ Key VoteNov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900Dec. 15, 1975Floor Vote
Congressional Compliance/Bridgestone Dispute (in Sen.) S 2Jan. 6, 1995Floor Vote
Conscientious Objection to Union Membership (in H.R.) HR 4774Feb. 12, 1980Floor Vote
Construction Industry Collective Bargaining (in H.R.) HR 9500Oct. 7, 1975Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952. (in H.R.) H R 8210 CQ Key VoteJun. 26, 1952Floor Vote
Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952. (in Sen.) S 2594 CQ Key VoteJun. 10, 1952Floor Vote
Disapprove EEOC Conciliation Rule -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) SJRES13May 18, 2021Floor Vote
Disapprove EEOC Conciliation Rule -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES13May 19, 2021Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Emergency Board/Veto Override (in H.R.) HR 1231Mar. 7, 1990Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Emergency Halt/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 1231Oct. 3, 1989Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Resolution/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 1231Oct. 26, 1989Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Resolution/Mitchell Substitute (in Sen.) HR 1231Oct. 26, 1989Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Resolution/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1231Mar. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Eastern Airlines Strike Resolution/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1231Mar. 15, 1989Floor Vote
Emergency Railroad Strike Legislation (in H.R.) S J Res 250Sep. 22, 1982Floor Vote
Emergency Railroad Strike Legislation (in H.R.) S J Res 250Sep. 22, 1982Floor Vote
Employee Polygraph Protection (in H.R.) HR 1524Mar. 12, 1986Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Republican Substitute. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Union Organization. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employee Union Card Check -- Union Solicitation. (in H.R.) HR800Mar. 1, 2007Floor Vote
Employment Retirement Income Security Amendments/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1036Nov. 9, 1993Floor Vote
Energy Mobilization Board (in Sen.) S 1308Oct. 4, 1979Floor Vote
ERDA Authorization -- Civilian Nuclear Energy Applications (in Sen.) S 1811Jul. 12, 1977Floor Vote
ERDA Authorization -- Civilian Nuclear Energy Applications (in Sen.) S 1811Jul. 12, 1977Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- Conference Report. (in Sen.) HR658Feb. 6, 2012Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- Conference Report. HR658Feb. 3, 2012Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- Employee Collective Bargaining. HR658Mar. 31, 2011Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- National Mediation Board Rule. HR658Apr. 1, 2011Floor Vote
FAA Reauthorization -- TSA Collective Bargaining. (in Sen.) S223Feb. 15, 2011Floor Vote
Family and Medical Leave/Binding Arbitration (in Sen.) S 5Feb. 3, 1993Floor Vote
Family and Medical Leave/Mediation (in Sen.) S 5Feb. 3, 1993Floor Vote
Farm Legislation (in Sen.) S 1888Jul. 31, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Legislation (in Sen.) S 1888Jul. 31, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 8860Jul. 19, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 8860Jul. 19, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 8860Jul. 19, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 8860Jul. 19, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) HR 8860Jul. 19, 1973Floor Vote
Farm Program Extension (in H.R.) S 1888Aug. 3, 1973Floor Vote
Federal Election Commission (in H.R.) HR 12406Apr. 1, 1976Floor Vote
Firefighters Collective Bargaining -- Cloture. (in Sen.) S3991Dec. 8, 2010Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Defense and Disaster Supplemental Appropriations/Davis-Bacon Regulations (in Sen.) HR 5620Sep. 15, 1992Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Agriculture Appropriations/Disagreement With Departmental Policies (in Sen.) HR 4554Jul. 20, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Defense Supplemental Appropriations/ Striker Replacement Cloture (in Sen.) HR 889Mar. 15, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Defense Supplemental Appropriations/Striker Replacement Executive Order (in Sen.) HR 889Mar. 9, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations/Legislative Riders (in H.R.) HR 2127Aug. 2, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/National Labor Relations Board (in H.R.) HR 2264Sep. 11, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Teamsters Election (in H.R.) HR 2264Sep. 16, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Teamsters Election (in Sen.) S 1061Sep. 11, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Wal-Mart Labor Agreement (in H.R.) HR3010Jun. 24, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Employment Standards Administration. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 17, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Union Recognition. (in H.R.) HR3043Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2011 Continuing Appropriations -- National Labor Relations Board. HR1Feb. 17, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Homeland Security Appropriations -- TSA Collective Bargaining. HR2017Jun. 2, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Secret Ballot Union Elections. HR5326May 9, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Defense Authorization -- Labor Agreements. HR4310May 17, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Military Construction-VA Appropriations -- Project Labor Agreements. HR5854May 31, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Representation-Case Procedures Rule Enforcement. HR3354Sep. 13, 2017Floor Vote
Food Stamp Amendments (in Sen.) S 3458May 21, 1974Floor Vote
Forced Arbitration -- Labor Organization Arbitration. HR1423Sep. 20, 2019Floor Vote
Government-Sponsored Enterprises/Rail Strike (in Sen.) S 2733Jun. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Hobbs Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 1774Apr. 16, 1986Floor Vote
Homeland Security/Union Membership. (in H.R.) HR 5005. CQ Key VoteJul. 26, 2002Floor Vote
Homeland Security/Union Membership. (in H.R.) HR5005Jul. 26, 2002Floor Vote
Hospital Employee Bargaining Rights (in H.R.) S 3203Jul. 11, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employee Bargaining Rights (in Sen.) S 3203Jul. 10, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in H.R.) HR 13678May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in H.R.) HR 13678May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in H.R.) HR 13678May 30, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in Sen.) S 3203May 2, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in Sen.) S 3203May 2, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Employees Bargaining Rights (in Sen.) S 3203May 7, 1974Floor Vote
Hospital Housestaff Unionization (in H.R.) HR 2222Nov. 28, 1979Floor Vote
Kaplan Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Aug. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Kaplan Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Aug. 2, 2017Floor Vote
Labor Department Fiduciary Proposal -- Allow Labor Department Rule. HR1090Oct. 27, 2015Floor Vote
Labor Department Fiduciary Proposal -- Passage. HR1090Oct. 27, 2015Floor Vote
Labor Department Fiduciary Proposal -- Previous Question. HR1090Oct. 27, 2015Floor Vote
Labor Department Fiduciary Proposal -- Rule. HR1090Oct. 27, 2015Floor Vote
Labor Disputes Act of 1946. (in Sen.) H R 4908 CQ Key VoteMay 25, 1946Floor Vote
Labor Disputes Act of 1946/Passage. (in H.R.) H R 4908 CQ Key VoteFeb. 7, 1946Floor Vote
Labor Disputes Act of 1946/Veto Override. (in H.R.) H R 4908 CQ Key VoteJun. 11, 1946Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 5, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 5, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 5, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in H.R.) HR 8410Oct. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in Sen.) HR 8410Jun. 8, 1978Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in Sen.) HR 8410Jun. 13, 1978Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in Sen.) HR 8410 CQ Key VoteJun. 14, 1978Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in Sen.) HR 8410Jun. 15, 1978Floor Vote
Labor Law Revision (in Sen.) HR 8410Jun. 22, 1978Floor Vote
Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)/Veto Override. (in H.R.) H R 3020 CQ Key VoteJun. 20, 1947Floor Vote
Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)/Veto Override. (in Sen.) H R 3020 CQ Key VoteJun. 23, 1947Floor Vote
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1958. (in H.R.) S 3974 CQ Key VoteAug. 18, 1958Floor Vote
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. (in H.R.) H R 8342 CQ Key VoteAug. 13, 1959Floor Vote
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. (in Sen.) S 1555 CQ Key VoteApr. 23, 1959Floor Vote
Labor-Relations Management Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 860Jan. 27, 1970Floor Vote
Legal Services Trust Funds (in H.R.) HR 77Jun. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Trust Funds (in H.R.) HR 77Jun. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Trust Funds (in H.R.) HR 77Jun. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Trust Funds (in H.R.) HR 77Jun. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Legal Services Trust Funds (in H.R.) HR 77Jun. 12, 1973Floor Vote
Maritime Collective Bargaining (in H.R.) HR 6613Apr. 15, 1980Floor Vote
Maudelle Shirek Post Office -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR438Sep. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Medicaid Block Grants; Organized Labor; Puerto Rico Supplemental Appropriations -- Previous Question. HRES826 HR2474 HR5687Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Medicaid Block Grants; Organized Labor; Puerto Rico Supplemental Appropriations -- Rule. HRES826 HR2474 HR5687Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Military Unionization (in Sen.) S 274Sep. 16, 1977Floor Vote
Military Unionization (in Sen.) S 274Sep. 16, 1977Floor Vote
Military Unionization (in Sen.) S 274Sep. 16, 1977Floor Vote
National Labor Relations Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 11357Aug. 7, 1972Floor Vote
NLRB Case Representation Procedures -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) SJRES8Mar. 3, 2015Floor Vote
NLRB Case Representation Procedures -- Passage. (in Sen.) SJRES8Mar. 4, 2015Floor Vote
NLRB Case Representation Procedures -- Passage. SJRES8Mar. 19, 2015Floor Vote
Objection to Union Membership (in H.R.) HR 3384Nov. 1, 1977Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill. (in Sen.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteJul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Adoption (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Adoption (in Sen.) HR 3Apr. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Gephardt Amendment. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteApr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Plant Closings. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteApr. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Veto Override. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteMay 24, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Veto Override. (in Sen.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteJun. 8, 1988Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Election -- NLRB Small Business Jurisdiction. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Employee and Employer Definitions. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Employee Voter Information. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Employee Voter Lists. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Employee Whistleblower Protections. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- En Bloc Amendments. HR842Mar. 9, 2021Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- En Bloc Amendments. HR842Mar. 9, 2021Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Mandatory Labor Organization Fees. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Mandatory Labor Organization Fees. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Passage. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Passage. HR842Mar. 9, 2021Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Recommit. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Recommit. HR842Mar. 9, 2021Floor Vote
Organized Labor Regulation and Elections -- Secret Ballot Election Requirement. HR2474Feb. 6, 2020Floor Vote
Organized Labor; Expanding Firearm Background Checks -- Previous Question. HR842 HR8 HR1446Mar. 8, 2021Floor Vote
Organized Labor; Measures Expanding Background Checks -- Rule. HR842 HR8 HR1446Mar. 8, 2021Floor Vote
Patients' Rights/Collective Bargaining Agreements. (in Sen.) S1052Jun. 29, 2001Floor Vote
Pizzella Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Pizzella Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Apr. 12, 2018Floor Vote
Plant Closing Notification. (in H.R.) HR 1616. CQ Key VoteNov. 21, 1985Floor Vote
Plant Closings and Omnibus Trade Bill/Rule (in H.R.) S 2527/HR 4848Jul. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Clarifications (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Consideration of the Bill (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 22, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Consideration of the Bill (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 22, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Labor Disruptions (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Labor Disturbances (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 24, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Layoffs (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Layoffs (in Sen.) S 2527Jul. 6, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Natural Disasters (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Notice Rules (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Passage (in H.R.) S 2527Jul. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Severance Pay (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 24, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Strike Exemption (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Strike Exemption (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Strikers' Notice (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 27, 1988Floor Vote
Plant Closings/Takeovers and Mergers (in Sen.) S 2527Jun. 28, 1988Floor Vote
Postal Service Overhaul -- Postal Service Board of Governors. (in H.R.) HR22Jul. 26, 2005Floor Vote
Prepaid Legal Services (in Sen.) S 1423May 16, 1973Floor Vote
Prepaid Legal Services (in Sen.) S 1423May 16, 1973Floor Vote
Prouty Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 28, 2021Floor Vote
Rail Labor Dispute Settlement -- Cooling Off Period. (in Sen.) HJRES100Dec. 1, 2022Floor Vote
Rail Labor Dispute Settlement -- Passage. (in Sen.) HJRES100Dec. 1, 2022Floor Vote
Rail Labor Dispute Settlement -- Passage. HJRES100Nov. 30, 2022Floor Vote
Rail Strike Prohibition (in H.R.) H J Res 1413Dec. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Rail Strike Prohibition (in Sen.) H J Res 1413Dec. 9, 1970Floor Vote
Railroad Dispute (in H.R.) H J Res 1112Mar. 4, 1970Floor Vote
Railroad dispute (in Sen.) S J Res 180Mar. 4, 1970Floor Vote
Railroad Labor Dispute/30-Day Cooling-Off Period (in Sen.) H J Res 517Jun. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Railroad Labor Dispute/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 222Apr. 17, 1991Floor Vote
Railroad Labor Dispute/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 517Jun. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Railroad Labor Dispute/Passage (in Sen.) H J Res 517Jun. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Railroad strike (in Sen.) S J Res 190Apr. 8, 1970Floor Vote
Railroad Strike Prohibition (in H.R.) S J Res 100May 18, 1971Floor Vote
Railroad Strike. (in Sen.) S J Res 81 CQ Key VoteJul. 17, 1967Floor Vote
Rehiring of Former Air-Traffic Controllers/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3396Mar. 30, 1988Floor Vote
Right-to-Work Repeal. (in Sen.) H R 77 CQ Key VoteOct. 11, 1965Floor Vote
Ring Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Apr. 10, 2018Floor Vote
Ring Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Apr. 11, 2018Floor Vote
Science and Technology Programs Reauthorization -- Union Access to Information. HR5116May 12, 2010Floor Vote
Sept. 11 Commission Recommendations -- Collective Bargaining. (in Sen.) S4Mar. 7, 2007Floor Vote
Settlement of the Railway Labor Dispute. (in H.R.) S J Res81 CQ Key VoteJul. 17, 1967Floor Vote
Social Security Benefits (in Sen.) HR 3153Nov. 29, 1973Floor Vote
State Department Authorization/Grievance Filings (in Sen.) S 886Jun. 21, 1999Floor Vote
Striker Replacement Bill/Cloture (in Sen.) S 55Jun. 11, 1992Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/10-Week Moratorium (in H.R.) HR 5Jun. 15, 1993Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Cloture (in Sen.) S 55Jul. 12, 1994Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Cloture (in Sen.) S 55Jul. 13, 1994Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Invoke Cloture (in Sen.) S 55Jun. 16, 1992Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5Jun. 15, 1993Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Rule (in H.R.) HR 5Jun. 15, 1993Floor Vote
Striker Replacement/Union Workplaces (in H.R.) HR 5Jun. 15, 1993Floor Vote
Student Loans Reconciliation -- Labor Union Elections. (in Sen.) HR2669Jul. 19, 2007Floor Vote
Surface Transportation Reauthorization -- West Coast Ports Labor Contract Negotiations. HR22Nov. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Taft-Hartley Act Amendment. (in H.R.) H R 77 CQ Key VoteJul. 28, 1965Floor Vote
Tax Bill/Pilots' Pensions (in Sen.) HR 11Sep. 23, 1992Floor Vote
Teamwork For Employers and Managers/Employee Group Election (in H.R.) HR 743Sep. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Teamwork For Employers and Managers/Employer Team Alteration (in H.R.) HR 743Sep. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Teamwork For Employers and Managers/Passage (in H.R.) HR 743Sep. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Teamwork For Employers and Managers/Rule (in H.R.) HR 743Sep. 27, 1995Floor Vote
Teamwork For Employers and Managers/Substitute (in H.R.) HR 743Sep. 27, 1995Floor Vote
TSA Personnel Management System -- Passage. HR1140Mar. 5, 2020Floor Vote
TSA Personnel Management System -- Previous Question. HR1140Mar. 4, 2020Floor Vote
TSA Personnel Management System -- Rule. HR1140Mar. 4, 2020Floor Vote
Union Election Rules -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) SJRES36 CQ Key VoteApr. 24, 2012Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- 'Frivolous' Filing Sanctions. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Executive Bonuses Hearing Issue Limitation. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Labor Law Violation Hearing Issues Limitation. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Mandatory Waiting Period Elimination. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Motion to Rise. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Passage. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Recommit. HR3094Nov. 30, 2011Floor Vote
Union Representation Elections -- Rule. HR3094Nov. 18, 2011Floor Vote
VA Accountability -- Passage. S1094 CQ Key VoteJun. 13, 2017Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strike (in H.R.) H J Res 1025Feb. 9, 1972Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strike (in H.R.) H J Res 1025Feb. 9, 1972Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strike (in H.R.) S J Res 197Feb. 8, 1972Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strike (in H.R.) S J Res 197Feb. 8, 1972Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strikes (in Sen.) S 1566Jul. 14, 1974Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strikes (in Sen.) S 1566Jul. 17, 1974Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strikes (in Sen.) S 1566Jul. 17, 1974Floor Vote
West Coast Dock Strikes (in Sen.) S 1566Jul. 17, 1974Floor Vote
White House Travel Office Employee Reimbursement/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 2937May 9, 1996Floor Vote
Wilcox Nomination -- Cloture. (in Sen.)Jul. 28, 2021Floor Vote
Wilcox Nomination -- Confirmation. (in Sen.)Jul. 28, 2021Floor Vote