100th Congress
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1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Budget Act Waiver Rule (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Corps of Engineers (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Enacting Clause (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Foreign Aid (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Highways (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Project Funding (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Adjournment Resolution (in H.R.) H Con Res 220Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Admiralty Island Monument/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2596Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Agriculture Committee Funding/Supplemental Appropriation (in Sen.) S Res 304Dec. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Aircraft Collision Avoidance/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1517Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Airline passenger protection/airline mergers (in Sen.) S 1485Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Airline Passenger Protection/Alcohol and Drug Testing (in Sen.) S 1485Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Airline Passenger Protection/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3051Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Airport and Airway Improvement Act/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 1184Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Airport and Airway Improvement Act/Essential Air Service Program (in Sen.) S 1184Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Airport and Airway Improvement Act/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2310Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Aviation Trust Fund (in H.R.) HR 2310Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Burbank Airport Runways (in H.R.) HR 2310Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2310Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Essential Air Service (in H.R.) HR 2310Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2310Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2310Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Airport Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2310Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Alaska Native Claims Settlement/Concurrence (in H.R.) HR 278Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Alternative Motor Fuels/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3399Dec. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Americans' Relatives in the Soviet Union/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 68Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Annex V of the MARPOL Treaty (in Sen.) Treaty Doc 100-3Nov. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (in H.R.) H Res 121Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Appliance Energy Standards (in Sen.) S 83Feb. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Arias Congratulations/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 200Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Arias Congratulations/Adoption (in Sen.) S Con Res 83Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Armenian Genocide Remembrance/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 132Aug. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Bahamas Certification (in Sen.) S J Res 90Apr. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Berlin Wall/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 186Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Bork Nomination. (in Sen.) . CQ Key VoteOct. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988 (in Sen.) H Con Res 93Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Administration Budget (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Apr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Congressional Black Caucus Budget (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Apr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Dannemeyer Budget (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Apr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Debt Ceiling Increase (in Sen.) H Con Res 93Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Finance Committee Referral (in Sen.) H Con Res 93Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Budget Resolution, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) H Con Res 93Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Burnley Nomination (in Sen.)Nov. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Canadian Agriculture Subsidies (in Sen.) S Con Res 27Mar. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Carlucci Nomination (in Sen.)Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill. (in H.R.) HR 2470. CQ Key VoteJul. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill/Brand-Name Drugs (in H.R.) HR 2470Jul. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill/Motion to Recommit (in H.R.) HR 2470Jul. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2470Jul. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2470Jul. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance/Drug Benefits (in Sen.) S 1127Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2470Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance/Tax Increase (in Sen.) S 1127Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Catastrophic Health Insurance/Voluntary Benefits (in Sen.) S 1127Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Central American Peace Initiative (in Sen.) S Con Res 24Mar. 12, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 1Jan. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 1Jan. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Reauthorization (in Sen.) HR 1Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Reauthorization (in Sen.) HR 1Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Reauthorization. (in H.R.) HR 1. CQ Key VoteFeb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Reauthorization. (in Sen.) HR 1. CQ Key VoteFeb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Coast Guard Authorization/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2342Jul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Coast Guard Authorization/Reflagging Kuwaiti Ships. (in H.R.) HR 2342. CQ Key VoteJul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Coast Guard Authorization/Reflagging Persian Gulf Ships (in H.R.) HR 2342Jul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Coast Guard Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2342Jul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Coast Guard Authorization/User Fees (in H.R.) HR 2342Jul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Cohen Recognition (in H.R.) H J Res 283May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cuts (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cuts (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Economic Development Administration (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Legal Services Corporation (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Legal Services Corporation (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/SBA Loans (in H.R.) HR 2763Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2763Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Commercial Fishing Vessel Anti-Reflagging/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2598Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Committee Funding (in H.R.) H Res 108Mar. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Committee Funding (in H.R.) H Res 108Mar. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Committee Funding (in Sen.) S Res 80Jan. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Commodity Distribution Reform Act/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1340Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/Highway Bill Veto (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/Non-Bank Banks (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987/S&L Purchases (in Sen.) S 790Mar. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Constitution Day/Legal Holiday (in H.R.) HR 157Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Constitution Day/Rule (in H.R.) HR 157Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/'Single Employer' Definition (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/'Single Employer' Definition (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/Effective Date (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/Employers' Bargaining Requirement (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/Labor Violence (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments/Labor-Racketeering Connections (in H.R.) HR 281Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Contra Aid Disapproval (in Sen.) S J Res 81Mar. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Credit-Card Disclosure/Interest Rate Cap (in H.R.) HR 515Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Credit-Card Disclosure/Passage (in H.R.) HR 515Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Credit-Card Disclosure/Rule (in H.R.) HR 515Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Crigler Nomination (in Sen.)Apr. 24, 1987Floor Vote
D.C. Prison Overcrowding/Discharge (in H.R.) H J Res 341Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Dairy Commission Extension/Panama Certification (in Sen.) S 410Apr. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2360May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase/Final Passage (in Sen.) HR 2360May 14, 1987Floor Vote
Debt Limit Increase/Permanent Raise (in H.R.) HR 2360May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Defence Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1174May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89 INF Treaty (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/AIDS Treatment Center (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Alliance Defense Efforts (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Arms Control (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/ASAT Testing (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Bigeye Bomb (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Chemical Weapons (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Closed Conference (in H.R.) HR 1748Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1174Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1174Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 1748Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 1748Nov. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Contra Aid (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Defense Against Iran (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Diplomatic Immunity (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Instruction of Conferees (in H.R.) HR 1748Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Iranian Imports (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Japanese Aid (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Maintenance Contracts (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Manual Typewriters (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Medical Research (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Minimum Wage (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Minuteman IIIs (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Monroe Doctrine (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/National Guard (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1748Oct. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Persian Gulf (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Persian Gulf Efforts (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Religious Apparel (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Religious Apparel (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1748Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Salt II Limits (in Sen.) S 1174Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/SALT II Treaty (in Sen.) S 1174Oct. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/SDI Funding (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/SDI Research (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/SDI Research (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Service Contract Wages (in Sen.) 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Soviet ABM Violation (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Soviet Embassy (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Soviet U.N. Personnel (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/State Department Role (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S. Policy Toward Panama (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S.-Soviet Negotiations Support (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S.-Soviet Negotiations Support (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/War Powers Act (in Sen.) S 1174Sep. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/ABM Treaty (in H.R.) HR 1748May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Aircraft Carrier Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Aircraft Carrier Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/American Work on SDI (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Arms Control (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/ASAT Testing (in H.R.) HR 1748May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Aspin Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1748May 5, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/B-1B Bomber (in H.R.) HR 1748May 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/C-17 Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Chemical Weapons (in H.R.) HR 1748May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Chemical Weapons (in H.R.) HR 1748May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1174May 15, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1174May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Contra Aid (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Contra Support (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Dickinson Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1748May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Laser Experiment (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Mark-48 Torpedoes (in H.R.) HR 1748May 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Medical Benefits (in H.R.) HR 1748May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Military Base Closing (in H.R.) HR 1748May 11, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Military Construction in Honduras (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/MX Missile Production (in H.R.) HR 1748May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/MX Missile Rail Basing (in H.R.) HR 1748May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Navy Overhaul Work (in H.R.) HR 1748May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Norfolk Navy Steam Plant (in H.R.) HR 1748May 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Nuclear Testing (in H.R.) HR 1748May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Overhaul Jobs (in H.R.) HR 1748May 11, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Overhaul Jobs (in H.R.) HR 1748May 11, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Partial SDI Deployment (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Polygraphs (in H.R.) HR 1748May 11, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Reserve Forces (in H.R.) HR 1748May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1748May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1748May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1748May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SALT II Compliance (in H.R.) HR 1748May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SALT II Compliance (in H.R.) HR 1748May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SDI Development (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SDI Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SDI Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SDI Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/SDI Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Soviet Violation of the ABM Treaty (in H.R.) HR 1748May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Space-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Trident II Missile Production (in H.R.) HR 1748May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Trident II Missiles on Converted Submarines (in H.R.) HR 1748May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/U.S. Troops in Central America (in H.R.) HR 1748May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/U.S. Troops in Korea (in H.R.) HR 1748May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Weapons Funding (in H.R.) HR 1748May 18, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1748Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Democracy in Panama (in Sen.) S Res 239Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Democracy in Panama (in Sen.) S Res 239Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Democracy in South Korea (in H.R.) H Con Res 141Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Democracy in South Korea (in Sen.) S Res 241Jun. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Department of Veterans' Affairs/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3471Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Displaced Salvadorans and Nicaraguans/Passage (in H.R.) HR 618Jul. 28, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 2713Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Abortion (in H.R.) HR 2713Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Abortion Funding (in Sen.) HR 2713Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/AIDS (in Sen.) HR 2713Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/D.C. School of Law (in H.R.) HR 2713Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2713Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
District of Columbia Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Residency Requirement (in H.R.) HR 2713Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Economic Summit/U.S. Commitments (in Sen.) S Res 225Jun. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Election of Speaker (in H.R.)Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Elections in Haiti/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 336Dec. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization/Dial-a-Porn (in Sen.) S 373Dec. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization/Passage (in Sen.) HR 5Dec. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Elementary and Secondary School Aid/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 5May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Emigration of Soviet Spouses/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 376Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Leopard Darter (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Public Health and Safety (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Endangered Species Act/Turtle Excluder Devices (in H.R.) HR 1467Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 2700Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Spending Cut (in H.R.) HR 2700Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Appalachian Regional Commission (in H.R.) HR 2700Jun. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Nuclear Waste (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Corporate-Violations Court Ruling (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Nuclear Waste (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 12, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Nuclear-Waste Repository. (in Sen.) HR 2700. CQ Key VoteNov. 12, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Energy and Water Appropriations/Recommittal (in Sen.) HR 2700Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
EPA Research and Development/Acid Rain (in H.R.) HR 2355Jun. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Establishment of Select Committees (in H.R.) H Res 26Jan. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Ethical Campaign Conduct/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 279Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Expedited Funds Availability Act/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 28May 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fairness in Broadcasting/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1934Jun. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fairness in Broadcasting/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 742Apr. 12, 1987Floor Vote
Fairness in Broadcasting/Radio Exemption (in H.R.) HR 1934Jun. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fairness in Broadcasting/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1934Jun. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fairness in Broadcasting/Veto Message (in Sen.) S 742Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3030Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3030Dec. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Farm Bank System (in H.R.) HR 3030Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Indian Land Taxes (in Sen.) S 1665Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3030Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3030Dec. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Credit/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3030Sep. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Disaster Assistance (in H.R.) HR 1157Mar. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Disaster Assistance.. (in Sen.) HR 1157. CQ Key VoteApr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Farm Disaster Assistance/Deficit Neutrality (in Sen.) HR 1157Apr. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Farmland Wildlife Sanctuaries/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2752Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Pay Increase (in Sen.) S J Res 34Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Pay Increase (in Sen.) S J Res 34Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Pay Increase (in Sen.) S J Res 34Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Trade Commission Reauthorization/Agriculture (in Sen.) S 677Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Trade Commission Reauthorization/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 677Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Federal Trade Commission Reauthorization/Insurance (in Sen.) S 677Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
FHA Programs Temporary Extension/Permanent Extension (in Sen.) H J Res 404Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Across-the-Board Cut. (in H.R.) HR 1827. CQ Key VoteApr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/AIDS (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/AIDS Testing (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/AIDS Treatment (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Amtrak (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Angola (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Budget Act Waiver (in Sen.) HR 1827May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) HR 1827May 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Delete Funds (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Drug Testing (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Farm Payments (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Final Passage (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Foreign Aid (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Foreign Aid (in Sen.) HR 1827May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Homeless (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Immigration (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Immigration Penalties (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Inflation (in Sen.) HR 1827May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Jobs for the Elderly (in Sen.) HR 1827May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Jobs for the Elderly (in Sen.) HR 1827May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Meals on Wheels (in Sen.) HR 1827May 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Meals on Wheels (in Sen.) HR 1827May 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Minuteman Missiles (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Oil Shale Patents (in Sen.) HR 1827May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Persian Gulf Security (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Recommittal (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Southern African Aid (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Southern African Aid (in Sen.) HR 1827May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Spending Cuts (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Spending Offsets (in Sen.) HR 1827Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Summer Jobs (in Sen.) HR 1827May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/Texas Accelerator Center (in H.R.) HR 1827Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1987 Supplemental Appropriations/World Bank (in Sen.) HR 1827May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation. (in H.R.) HR 3545. CQ Key VoteOct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3545Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 3545Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Fairness Doctrine (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Farm Tax Deferral (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Points of Order (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3545Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3545Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3545Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Spending Freeze (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Spending Freeze (in Sen.) S 1920Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Reconciliation/Tax Cut, Spending Freeze (in H.R.) HR 3545Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution. (in H.R.) H Con Res 93. CQ Key VoteApr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution. (in Sen.) H Con Res 93 (S Con Res 49). CQ Key VoteMay 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/"Sequester" Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49Apr. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Biennial Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 7, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Chiles Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49Apr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Compromise Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Defense Cuts (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Domenici Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Domenici Objection (in Sen.) S Con Res 49Apr. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Medicare-Medicaid (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/President's Budget (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Public Power Programs (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Special Program Funding (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Tax Rates (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Budget Resolution/Veterans' Programs (in Sen.) S Con Res 49May 6, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Clean Air. (in H.R.) H J Res 395. CQ Key VoteDec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Conference Report (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Conference Report (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Contra Aid (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Contra Aid Requests (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Effective Date (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Fairness Doctrine (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Legal Services Corporation (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 362Sep. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 394Nov. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 425Dec. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 431Dec. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in Sen.) H J Res 362Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Passage (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Previous Question on the Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 431Dec. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Public-Works Contracts (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Recommittal (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 395Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 431Dec. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Continuing Appropriations/Separating Bills (in Sen.) H J Res 395Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Intelligence Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2112Jun. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Funding Cutback (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Funding Cutback (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Funding Cutback (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Funding Cutback (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Procedural Motion (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Procedural Motion (in H.R.) HR 3058Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988 Transportation Appropriations/In-Flight Smoking. (in H.R.) HR 2890. CQ Key VoteJul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988–89 Defense Authorization/Missile Tests. (in Sen.) S 1174. CQ Key VoteSep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988–89 Defense Authorization/Nuclear Testing. (in H.R.) HR 1748. CQ Key VoteMay 19, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988–89 Defense Authorization/Nuclear Testing. (in Sen.) S 1174. CQ Key VoteSep. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Fiscal 1988–89 Defense Authorization/SALT II Limits. (in Sen.) S 1174. CQ Key VoteOct. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Fishermen's Protective Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2893Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Florida Lands/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1205May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/African Debt Moratorium (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Aid to Mozambique (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Central American Peace Plan (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/GOP Substitute (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Indirect Aid to the Contras (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Indirect Aid to the Contras (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Military Aid to Guatemala (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Miscellaneous Provisions (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Police Aid to El Salvador (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Reforms in Nicaragua (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Southern Africa Aid (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Soviet-Backed Nations in Southern Africa (in H.R.) HR 3100Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Agricultural Exemption (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Conditions on Aid (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Economic Support Fund (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/International Organizations (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Military Assistance Program (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization/Weapon Sales (in H.R.) HR 3100Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue. (in H.R.) HR 27. CQ Key VoteMay 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/"Clean" FSLIC (in Sen.) HR 27May 14, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 27Aug. 3, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 27Aug. 4, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Direct Investments (in H.R.) HR 27May 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 27May 5, 1987Floor Vote
FSLIC Rescue/Proxmire Substitute (in Sen.) HR 27May 14, 1987Floor Vote
FTC Reauthorization/Airline Advertising (in H.R.) HR 2897Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
FTC Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2897Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Gas Royalty Payments/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3479Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
GI Bill/Educational Assistance Programs (in H.R.) HR 1085Mar. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Greenspan Nomination (in Sen.)Aug. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Groundwater Research/Passage (in H.R.) HR 791Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Hatch Act Revision/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3400Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Health Service Corps Amendments/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1327Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
High-Risk Occupational-Disease Notification/AIDS Exposure (in H.R.) HR 162Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
High-Risk Occupational-Disease Notification/GOP Substitute (in H.R.) HR 162Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
High-Risk Occupational-Disease Notification/Liability (in H.R.) HR 162Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
High-Risk Occupational-Disease Notification/Passage (in H.R.) HR 162Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development Act/Concurrence (in H.R.) S 825Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Budget Reconciliation (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 825Nov. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Budget Waiver. (in Sen.) S 825. CQ Key VoteNov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Collective Bargaining (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 825Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Elderly Rents (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Modular Housing Code (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Option to Buy (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Recommittal (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Reconsideration (in Sen.) S 825Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/Reduced Spending (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Housing and Community Development/UDAG Funds (in H.R.) HR 4Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Development Act/Committee Amendment (in Sen.) S 825Mar. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Development Act/Elderly Contribution (in Sen.) S 825Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Development Act/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 825Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Development Act/Nehemiah Grants (in Sen.) S 825Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Development Act/UDAG (in Sen.) S 825Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Programs Extension/Loan-Insurance Authority (in Sen.) S J Res 209Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Housing Programs Extension/Passage (in H.R.) S J Res 209Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/NASA-VA Funds Transfer (in Sen.) HR 2783Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2783Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/UDAG-VA Funds Transfer (in Sen.) HR 2783Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/UDAG-VA Funds Transfer (in Sen.) HR 2783Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
HUD Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/VA Medical Care (in Sen.) HR 2783Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Amendments en Bloc (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Housing Demolition (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Spending Freeze (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations/Two-Percent Cut (in H.R.) HR 2783Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Human Rights in Haiti/Soviet Embassy (in Sen.) S Res 248Jul. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Independent Counsel Law. (in H.R.) HR 2939. CQ Key VoteOct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent Counsel Law/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) S 1293Oct. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2939Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 2939Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Jurisdiction (in H.R.) HR 2939Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Length of Appointment (in H.R.) HR 2939Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Members of Congress (in H.R.) HR 2939Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Members of Congress (in Sen.) S 1293Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2939Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2939Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/State of Mind (in H.R.) HR 2939Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Independent-Counsel Law/Two-Year Reauthorization (in Sen.) S 1293Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Spending Cut (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Spending Cut (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Energy Conservation (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Fossil Energy Research and Development (in H.R.) HR 2712Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Interior Department Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2712Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
International Wheat Agreement (in Sen.) Treaty Doc 100-1Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Iran-Contra Report/Prosecution of Witnesses (in Sen.) H Con Res 195Nov. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Iran-Iraq Cease-Fire/Passage (in Sen.) H J Res 216Aug. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Iranian Import Ban/Passage (in Sen.) S 1748Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Iranian Trade Sanctions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3391Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Japanese-American Civil Liberties Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 442Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Japanese-American Civil Liberties Act/Restitution (in H.R.) HR 442Sep. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Jobs for Dependent Individuals (in Sen.) S 514Apr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Kern River Designation/Passage (in H.R.) S 247Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/AIDS Education (in Sen.) HR 3058Oct. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) HR 3058Oct. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Energy Assistance (in Sen.) HR 3058Oct. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Instruction of Conferees (in H.R.) HR 3058Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3058Oct. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Latvian Independence Day/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 209Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988 (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Architect of the Capitol (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Elevator Operators (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Ethics Commission (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/House TV Cameras (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Members' and Committees' Staff Cuts (in H.R.) HR 2714Jun. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2714Sep. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Lithuanian Religious Freedom/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 192Sep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Marine Science Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3017Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
McLaughlin Nomination (in Sen.)Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
McPherson Nomination (in Sen.)Aug. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Medicare/Medicaid Patient Protection Act/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1444Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Mexico Certification (in Sen.) S J Res 92Apr. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cut (in H.R.) HR 2906Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2906Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2906Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Military Construction Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2906Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Mineral Lands Leasing/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1039Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Mineral Lands Leasing/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1039May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Moratorium on Contra Aid (in H.R.) H J Res 175Mar. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Moratorium on Contra Aid (in H.R.) H J Res 175Mar. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Moratorium on Contra Aid (in Sen.) H J Res 175Mar. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Moratorium on Contra Aid (in Sen.) H J Res 175Mar. 24, 1987Floor Vote
Moratorium on Contra Aid (in Sen.) H J Res 175Mar. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Multiple Appeals Court Selection/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1162May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Murphy Reprimand (in H.R.) H Res 335Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization, 1988/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2782Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Administrator Qualifications (in H.R.) HR 2782Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Budget Resolution Limits (in H.R.) HR 2782Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
National Cemetery Improvements/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2957Aug. 3, 1987Floor Vote
National Commission on AIDS/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2881Aug. 4, 1987Floor Vote
National Oceans Policy/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1171Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
National Park Fee Increase/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1320Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
National Park Fee Increase/Golden Age Passport Fee (in H.R.) HR 1320Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
National Park Fee Increase/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1320Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
National Science Foundation Authorization/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2330Jun. 4, 1987Floor Vote
New GI Bill Continuation/Final Passage (in Sen.) HR 1085May 8, 1987Floor Vote
New Zealand Military Preference/Passage (in H.R.) HR 85Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
NOAA Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) S 1667Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
NOAA Reauthorization/Rule (in H.R.) S 1667Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1315Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization/Plant Licensing (in H.R.) HR 1315Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 1451Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 1451Nov. 12, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1451May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Funding Levels (in H.R.) HR 1451May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Home Care (in H.R.) HR 1451May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Influencing Elections (in H.R.) HR 1451May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1451Aug. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Older Americans Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1451May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in H.R.) HR 2Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in H.R.) HR 2Mar. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in H.R.) HR 2Mar. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in H.R.)Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in Sen.) HR 2Feb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in Sen.) HR 2Mar. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization. (in Sen.) HR 2. CQ Key VoteApr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Billboard Restrictions (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Highway Safety (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Imported Cement (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Private Sector Contracts (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Procedural Motion (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Reconsideration (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Speed Limit (in Sen.) S 387Feb. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Veto Override (in H.R.) HR 2Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Highway Reauthorization/Veto Override (in Sen.) HR 2Apr. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill. (in Sen.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteJul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/"Fast-Track" Approval (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Advanced Civilian Technology Agency (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Advanced Technology Materials (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Agricultural Commodities (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Antidumping Negotiations (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cigarette Tax (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cigarette Tax (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cigarette Tax (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cloture (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Commodity Credit Corporation (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Comprehensive Substitute (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Cuban Imports (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Domestic Wheat Gluten (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Duty Suspensions (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Exports to Cuba (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Foreign Investment Disclosure (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Foreign Investment Disclosure (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Gephardt Amendment (in H.R.) HR 3Nov. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Gephardt Amendment. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteApr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/International Debt (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/International Finance (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Japanese Agricultural Tariffs (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Japanese Fighter Plane (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Labeling Imported Food (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Market Initiatives (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Most-Favored Nation Status for Romania (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Most-Favored-Nation Status for Romania (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Most-Favored-Nation Status for Romania (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Most-Favored-Nation Status for Romania (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Negotiating Objectives (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Newsprint Tariff Exemption (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Non-Agricultural Subsidies (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Oil Imports (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Persian Gulf Policy (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Plant Closings and Layoffs (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Presidential Discretion (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Private Rights of Action Against Unfair Competition (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Recommittal (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Reduction of Trade and Budget Deficits (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3Apr. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Sanctions Against Toshiba and Kongsberg (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Sanctions Against Toshiba and Kongsberg (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Sugar Tariff Rebates (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Surplus Commodities (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Trade Adjustment Assistance (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Trade Relations With Angola (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Trade with Afghanistan (in Sen.) S 1420Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Trade with Iran (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Windfall Profits Tax Repeal (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Veterans' Benefits/AIDS Testing (in Sen.) S 9Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Veterans' Benefits/Ban on Hard-to-Detect Firearms (in Sen.) S 9Dec. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Veterans' Benefits/Drug Testing (in Sen.) S 9Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Veterans' Benefits/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2616Dec. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Opposition to European Community Tax (in Sen.) S Con Res 21Mar. 26, 1987Floor Vote
Ozone Layer Negotiations/Final Passage (in Sen.) S Res 226Jun. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Pacific Tuna Treaty (in Sen.) Treaty Doc 100-5Nov. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Panama Canal Commission Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2224Oct. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Panama Certification (in Sen.) S J Res 91Apr. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Park System Constitutional Interpretation/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 1939May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Permanent Debt-Limit Extension — Gramm-Rudman Revision/Conference Agreement (in Sen.) H J Res 324Sep. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Permanent Debt-Limit Extension - Gramm-Rudman Revision/Conference Agreement (in H.R.) H J Res 324Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Permanent Debt-Limit Extension - Gramm-Rudman Revision/Rule (in H.R.) H J Res 324Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Permission to Read (in H.R.)Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Persian Gulf Policy Report/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2533Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Philippines Support/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 260Sep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Philippines Support/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 282Sep. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Plastic Pollution Control/Passage (in H.R.) HR 940Oct. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Platt Nomination (in Sen.)Aug. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Criminal Investigations (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Drug Companies (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Employee Protection (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Employees of Financial Institutions (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Home-Based Services (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Nursing-Home Employees (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Polygraph Tests/Security Personnel (in H.R.) HR 1212Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Postal Employees' Appeal Rights/Substitute (in Sen.) HR 348Jul. 28, 1987Floor Vote
POW/MIA Negotiations/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 231Jul. 28, 1987Floor Vote
POW/MIA Negotiations/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 255Jul. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Price-Anderson Amendments. (in H.R.) HR 1414. CQ Key VoteJul. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Price-Anderson Amendments/Contractors' Penalties (in H.R.) HR 1414Jul. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Price-Anderson Amendments/Liability Limits (in H.R.) HR 1414Jul. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Price-Anderson Amendments/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1414Jul. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Mar. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Mar. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Apr. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Apr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Apr. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 11, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 18, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 20, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 21, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)May 28, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jun. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jun. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Jul. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Aug. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Sep. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Sep. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 28, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Oct. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Nov. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 11, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in H.R.)Dec. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Mar. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Apr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Apr. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Apr. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Apr. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Sep. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Nov. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Dec. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Dec. 2, 1987Floor Vote
Procedural Motion (in Sen.)Dec. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Prompt Payment/Passage (in Sen.) S 328Oct. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Public Buildings Management/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2790Dec. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Budget Procedures (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Public Debt Limit/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 23, 1987Floor Vote
Public Health Service Corps/Agreeing to Senate Amendment (in H.R.) S 1158Nov. 3, 1987Floor Vote
Public Works and Economic Development/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2686Aug. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Railroad Safety/Passage (in Sen.) S 1539Nov. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Railroad Unemployment Insurance and Retirement/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2167Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Raphel Nomination (in Sen.)May 1, 1987Floor Vote
Release of South African Children/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 141Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Ruder Nomination (in Sen.)Aug. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Rules of the House (in H.R.) H Res 5Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Rules of the House (in H.R.) H Res 5Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Rules of the House (in H.R.) H Res 5Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Runyon Nomination (in Sen.)Dec. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Santa Fe Trail (in H.R.) HR 240Mar. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Select Committee on Iran-Contra Affair (in H.R.) H Res 12Jan. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Select Committee on Iran-Contra Affair (in Sen.) S Res 23Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Semiconductor Chip Protection/Agreeing to House Amendments (in Sen.) S 442Nov. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance. (in Sen.) S 2. CQ Key VoteSep. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 17, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Jun. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Campaign Finance/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2Sep. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Senate Committee Funding/Supplemental Appropriations (in Sen.) S Res 306; S Res 311; S Res 319; S Res 321; S Res 322; S Res 325Dec. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Sentelle Nomination (in Sen.)Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Sentencing Guidelines/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3307Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Sessions Nomination (in Sen.)Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
Small Business Administration Programs/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 2166May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Soviet Human Rights (in Sen.) S Con Res 8Jan. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Soviet Human Rights Violations (in H.R.) H Con Res 34Mar. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Soviet Missile Tests/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 199Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 277Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Soviet Presence in Afghanistan (in Sen.) S Res 31Jan. 6, 1987Floor Vote
Speed Limit/Omnibus Highway Reauthorization (in Sen.) H Con Res 77/HR 2Mar. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Speed Limit/Omnibus Highway Reauthorization. (in H.R.) H Con Res 77/HR. CQ Key VoteMar. 18, 1987Floor Vote
St Germain Investigation/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 244Aug. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Star Schools Program/Final Passage (in Sen.) S 778Apr. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89 (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Funds for Consulates (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Goodwill Games (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Goodwill Games (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/National Endowment for Democracy (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Pan American Health Organization (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 23, 1989Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Recognition of Nicaraguan Contras (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Technology Transfer (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 16, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S. Citizens Aiding Nicaragua (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S. Citizens Aiding Nicaragua (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S. Citizens Aiding Nicaragua (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 23, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S. Embassy in Moscow (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 16, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/U.S.-Soviet Embassy Contract (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 16, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Voice of America Contracting (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988-89/Voice of America Contracting (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 18, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Chinese-Tibetan Relations (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/East Asian Refugees (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Immigration Act (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Official Residence (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 8, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Official Residence; Mozambique Policy (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Panama Canal Treaties (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1777Oct. 8, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Persian Gulf Costs (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Restrictions on Diplomats (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 7, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Soviet Missile Tests (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Soviet Missile Tests (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 6, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Soviet-Israeli Relations (in Sen.) S 1394Oct. 8, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 1777Dec. 15, 1987Floor Vote
State Department Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1777Jun. 11, 1987Floor Vote
State DepartmentAuthorization, Fiscal 1988-1989/Drug TestingJun. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriation for the Homeless, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) H J Res 102Jan. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriation for the Homeless, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) H J Res 102Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriation for the Homeless, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) H J Res 102Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriation for the Homeless, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) H J Res 102Jan. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) HR 1827Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1987 (in H.R.) HR 1827Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1987/Drug Testing (in H.R.) HR 1827Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations/Inflation and the Elderly (in Sen.) HR 1827Jul. 1, 1987Floor Vote
Support for the Government of the Philippines (in Sen.) S Res 103Feb. 19, 1987Floor Vote
Swan Falls Water Rights/Passage (in H.R.) HR 519Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3022Jul. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt Limit Increase/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3022Jul. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Adoption (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Budget Procedure (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Budget Waiver (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Conference (in H.R.) H J Res 324Aug. 4, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Deficit Targets. (in Sen.) H J Res 324. CQ Key VoteJul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Federal Pay Raises (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Federal Pay Raises (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Line-Item Veto (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Line-Item Veto (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Passage (in Sen.) HR 3190Aug. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Temporary Debt-Limit Increase/Time Limit (in Sen.) H J Res 324Jul. 31, 1987Floor Vote
Textile and Apparel Trade Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1154Sep. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Textile and Apparel Trade Act/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1154Sep. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cut (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cut (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Amtrak (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Coast Guard Funds (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Demonstration Projects (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Demonstration Projects (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Modernization (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2890Oct. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2890Jul. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cut (in H.R.) HR 2907Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Across-the-Board Cut (in H.R.) HR 2907Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2907Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Procedural Motion (in H.R.) HR 2907Jul. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Appropriations, Fiscal 1988/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2907Jul. 14, 1987Floor Vote
Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2907Sep. 25, 1987Floor Vote
U.N. Drug Abuse and Trafficking Conference (in Sen.) S Res 238Jun. 26, 1987Floor Vote
U.N. Resolution on Zionism/Passage (in H.R.) S J Res 205Nov. 9, 1987Floor Vote
U.S.-Japan Agreement on Semiconductors (in Sen.) S Res 164Mar. 19, 1987Floor Vote
U.S.-Japan Fishery Agreement/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3674Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
U.S.-Japan Fishery Agreement/Rule (in H.R.) HR 3674Dec. 18, 1987Floor Vote
U.S.-Soviet Arms Control Negotiations (in Sen.) S Res 94Feb. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Uniform Poll Closing/Disclosure of Results (in H.R.) HR 435Nov. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Uniform Poll Closing/Passage (in H.R.) HR 435Nov. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Uniform Poll Closing/Rule (in H.R.) HR 435Nov. 10, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless (in H.R.) HR 558Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless (in Sen.) HR 558Jun. 27, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/AIDS Testing (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/CCNV Shelter (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 558Apr. 7, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Deficit Control (in Sen.) HR 558Apr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Deficit Neutrality (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Deficit Neutrality (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Embassy Security (in Sen.) HR 558Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 558May 8, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Pay Raise (in Sen.) HR 558Apr. 8, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Senate Substitute (in Sen.) HR 558Apr. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Urgent Relief for the Homeless/Spending Delay (in H.R.) HR 558Mar. 5, 1987Floor Vote
Verity Nomination (in Sen.)Oct. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Verity Nomination/Cloture (in Sen.)Oct. 13, 1987Floor Vote
Veterans Administration Beneficiary Travel Program (in H.R.) HR 2327Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Veterans Administration Health Care (in H.R.) HR 2616Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
Veterans' Beneficiary Travel/Passage (in Sen.) HR 2327Oct. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Veterans' Beneficiary Travel/Readjustment Centers (in Sen.) S 1464Oct. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Veterans' Employment and Education (in H.R.) HR 1504Jun. 30, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance. (in Sen.) S J Res 194. CQ Key VoteOct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/"Freedom of the Seas." (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Cloture (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Commander in Chief (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Defense Against Iranian Aggression (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Reconsideration (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Reporting Requirements (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Requirements Trigger (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Tabling Motion (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 9, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/Tabling Motion (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 16, 1987Floor Vote
War Powers Compliance/U.S. Attack, Oct. 19 (in Sen.) S J Res 194Oct. 20, 1987Floor Vote
Water and Power Authorization/Passage (in H.R.) S 640Oct. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Water and Power Authorization/Reconsideration (in H.R.) S 640Oct. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Water and Power Authorization/Rule (in H.R.) S 640Oct. 22, 1987Floor Vote
Webster Nomination (in Sen.)May 19, 1987Floor Vote
Welfare Reform. (in H.R.) HR 1720. CQ Key VoteDec. 15, 1987Floor Vote
Welfare Reform/GOP Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1720Dec. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Welfare Reform/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1720Dec. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Welfare Reform/Reduced Funding, Child Support, Day Care (in H.R.) HR 1720Dec. 16, 1987Floor Vote
Wells Nomination (in Sen.)May 1, 1987Floor Vote
Wells Nomination (in Sen.)Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Wells Nomination/Cloture (in Sen.)Sep. 9, 1987Floor Vote
West Virginia River Conservation/Final Passage (in H.R.) HR 900May 27, 1987Floor Vote
Wisconsin Land Conveyance (in H.R.) HR 242Mar. 10, 1987Floor Vote