 Libraries and Educational Media
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
American Folklife Center (in H.R.) HR 5886Aug. 8, 1984Floor Vote
Biomedical Research Extension (in H.R.) HR 4975Mar. 31, 1977Floor Vote
Computer Equipment Contribution Act (in H.R.) HR 5573Sep. 22, 1982Floor Vote
Education Savings Accounts/Computer Donations (in H.R.) S 1134Mar. 1, 2000Floor Vote
Education Savings Accounts/Teacher Tax Credits (in H.R.) S 1134Feb. 29, 2000Floor Vote
ESEA Reauthorization/Community Technology Centers. (in Sen.) S1May 9, 2001Floor Vote
ESEA Reauthorization/School Libraries. (in Sen.) S1May 16, 2001Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Legislative Branch Appropriations/Library of Congress Exemption (in Sen.) HR 5399Oct. 25, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations/Public Library Services (in H.R.) HR 4606Jun. 28, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Internet Access For Minors (in H.R.) HR 4577Jun. 27, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2001 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Internet Access For Minors (in H.R.) HR 4577Jun. 27, 2000Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations/Library and Museum Program Funding (in H.R.) HR 2660Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Surveillance of Library Records (in H.R.) HR 4754 CQ Key VoteJul. 8, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Bremerton Public Library Restoration. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Maverick Concert Hall Preservation. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 23, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- St. Joseph's College Theatre Renovation. (in H.R.) HR2643Jun. 26, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2024 Defense Authorization -- Prohibit Pornographic Books in DOD Schools. HR2670Jul. 13, 2023Floor Vote
Law School Depository Libraries (in H.R.) HR 8358Oct. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Libraries Commission (in H.R.) HR 10666Apr. 20, 1970Floor Vote
Library Aid Extension (in H.R.) HR 11233Feb. 17, 1976Floor Vote
Library Construction (in Sen.) S 3318Sep. 21, 1970Floor Vote
Library Grants/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2742Feb. 27, 1990Floor Vote
Library of Congress (in H.R.) S 2910Mar. 5, 1970Floor Vote
Library of Congress (in H.R.) S 2910Mar. 5, 1970Floor Vote
Library of Congress (in H.R.) S 2910Mar. 5, 1970Floor Vote
Library Programs and Institute of Peace Extension/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4416Oct. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Library Services and Construction (in H.R.) HR 3712Mar. 21, 1977Floor Vote
Library Services and Construction Act (in H.R.) HR 2878Jan. 31, 1984Floor Vote
Medical Library Assistance (in H.R.) HR 11702Jul. 10, 1969Floor Vote
National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped (in H.R.) S 1611Aug. 4, 1969Floor Vote
National Library Week -- Adoption. HRES1222Apr. 13, 2010Floor Vote
Presidential Library Donations/Passage. (in H.R.) HR577Feb. 5, 2002Floor Vote
Smithsonian Museum Grant Program (in H.R.) S 1786Jun. 4, 1980Floor Vote
Student Internet Safety -- Passage. HR780Jun. 16, 2009Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1975 (in H.R.) HR 16900Oct. 2, 1974Floor Vote
Taft Institute Extension/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4585Oct. 13, 1988Floor Vote
Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Library/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3661Aug. 9, 1988Floor Vote
White House Conference on Libraries (in H.R.) S J Res 40Dec. 12, 1974Floor Vote
White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services (in H.R.) S J Res 40Jun. 4, 1974Floor Vote