Law and Justice
 Separation of Powers
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Disclosing House Bank Records (in H.R.) H Res 471May 28, 1992Floor Vote
Executive Action Reviews; Gas Stove Protections; Disapprove ATF Firearm Brace Rule -- Previous Question. HJRES44 HR277 HR288 HR1615 HR1640Jun. 13, 2023Floor Vote
Expedited Rescissions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4600Jul. 14, 1994Floor Vote
Expedited Rescissions/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 4600Jul. 14, 1994Floor Vote
Expedited Rescissions/Solomon Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4600Jul. 14, 1994Floor Vote
Expedited Rescissions/Stenholm Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4600Jul. 14, 1994Floor Vote
Health Care Overhaul -- Constitutional Point of Order. (in Sen.) HR3590Dec. 23, 2009Floor Vote
Holder Contempt Resolution -- Adoption. HRES711 CQ Key VoteJun. 28, 2012Floor Vote
Holder Contempt Resolution -- Motion to Refer. HRES711Jun. 28, 2012Floor Vote
Holder Contempt Resolutions -- Rule. HRES706 HRES711Jun. 28, 2012Floor Vote
House Post Office Subpoenas (in H.R.) H Res 456May 14, 1992Floor Vote
Independent Counsel Law. (in H.R.) HR 2939. CQ Key VoteOct. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Judicial proceedings on Holder subpoena -- adoption. HRES706Jun. 28, 2012Floor Vote
Line-Item Veto/Conference Report. (in Sen.) S 4. CQ Key VoteMar. 27, 1996Floor Vote
Line-Item Veto/Passage. (in Sen.) S 4. CQ Key VoteMar. 23, 1995Floor Vote
Miers and Bolten Contempt Resolutions -- Rule. HRES979 HRES980Feb. 14, 2008Floor Vote
Recuse House Counsel in House Post Office Investigation (in H.R.) H Res 434Apr. 9, 1992Floor Vote
Supplemental appropriations (in Sen.) HR 15209Dec. 18, 1969Floor Vote
Supplemental appropriations (in Sen.) HR 15209Dec. 18, 1969Floor Vote
Timber Harvesting -- Judicial Review. HR1526Sep. 20, 2013Floor Vote
Timber Harvesting -- Wildfire Mitigation. HR1526Sep. 20, 2013Floor Vote