Law and Justice
 Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Child Abuse Prevention/Abuse Definition (in H.R.) HR 764Oct. 5, 1999Floor Vote
Child Health (Medicaid) (in H.R.) HR 4962Dec. 6, 1979Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in H.R.) HR 8059Oct. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in H.R.) HR 8059Oct. 25, 1977Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in H.R.) S 1585Jan. 24, 1978Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in Sen.) S 1585Oct. 10, 1977Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in Sen.) S 1585Oct. 10, 1977Floor Vote
Child Pornography (in Sen.) S 1585Oct. 10, 1977Floor Vote
Child Protection and Safety -- Passage. (in Sen.) S2613May 23, 2016Floor Vote
Crimes Against Children and the Elderly/Repeat Serious Sexual Assault Crimes (in H.R.) HR 2974May 7, 1996Floor Vote
Criminal Code (in Sen.) S 1437Jan. 25, 1978Floor Vote
'Date Rape' Drugs/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2130Oct. 12, 1999Floor Vote
Date-Rape Drugs/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2130Jan. 31, 2000Floor Vote
District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law (in H.R.) H Res 208Oct. 1, 1981Floor Vote
District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law (in H.R.) H Res 208Oct. 1, 1981Floor Vote
District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law (in H.R.) H Res 208Oct. 1, 1981Floor Vote
District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law (in H.R.) H Res 208Oct. 1, 1981Floor Vote
District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law (in H.R.) H Res 208Oct. 1, 1981Floor Vote
DNA Evidence Backlog -- Passage. HR777Oct. 23, 2019Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in H.R.) HR 2977Dec. 6, 1979Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in H.R.) HR 2977Dec. 12, 1979Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in H.R.) HR 2977Dec. 12, 1979Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in H.R.) HR 2977Dec. 12, 1979Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in H.R.) HR 2977Oct. 1, 1980Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in Sen.) HR 2977Aug. 26, 1980Floor Vote
Domestic Violence (in Sen.) HR 2977 CQ Key VoteSep. 4, 1980Floor Vote
Domestic Violence Assistance Act (in H.R.) HR 12299May 23, 1978Floor Vote
Domestic Violence Awareness Month -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HCONRES209Sep. 27, 2005Floor Vote
Equal Rights Amendment (in H.R.) H J Res 208Mar. 22, 1972Floor Vote
Equal Rights Amendment (in H.R.) H J Res 208Mar. 22, 1972Floor Vote
Expanding Firearm Background Checks -- Imminent Danger Exemption. HR8Feb. 27, 2019Floor Vote
Expansion of Wiretaps/Passage. (in H.R.) HR1877May 21, 2002Floor Vote
Extend Additional Fines for Trafficking and Sex Crimes -- Passage. S4785Sep. 13, 2022Floor Vote
Federal Rulemaking Revisions -- Recommit. HR50Feb. 4, 2015Floor Vote
Fetal Protection/Domestic Violence Leave Extension (in Sen.) HR 1997Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Financial Services Overhaul/State Transfers (in H.R.) HR 10Jul. 1, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 6, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1978 Continuing Resolution (in H.R.) H J Res 662Dec. 7, 1977Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution/Congressional Campaign Funds and Sexual Harassment (in Sen.) S Con Res 13May 24, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution/Domestic Violence (in Sen.) S Con Res 13May 25, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution/Executive Branch and Congressional Sexual Harassment Charges (in Sen.) S Con Res 13May 24, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution/Sexual Harassment Settlements (in Sen.) S Con Res 13May 24, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1996 Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations/Violence Against Women (in Sen.) HR 2076Sep. 29, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Treasury-Postal Appropriations/Domestic Violence Gun Ban (in Sen.) HR 3756Sep. 12, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations/Domestic Violence (in Sen.) S 1061Sep. 10, 1997Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/Sexual Assault Policy (in H.R.) HR 4200May 20, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Law Enforcement Programs Funding. (in Sen.) HR2862Sep. 13, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2007 Supplemental -- Sex Offenders. (in Sen.) HR1591Mar. 29, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. (in H.R.) HR3093Jul. 25, 2007Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Motion to Reconsider Office on Violence Against Women. HR2847Jun. 18, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. HR2847Jun. 17, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Office on Violence Against Women. HR2847Jun. 18, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Revote on Office on Violence Against Women. HR2847Jun. 18, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Defense Appropriations -- Sexual Assault Arbitration Settlements. (in Sen.) HR3326Oct. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2012 Defense Authorization -- Motion to Instruct. HR1540Dec. 7, 2011Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Recommit. HR5326May 10, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2015 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Recommit. HR4660May 30, 2014Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Recommit. HR2578Jun. 3, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2023 Defense Authorization -- Survivors Bill of Rights Incentives. HR7900Jul. 14, 2022Floor Vote
Gail Abarbanel Tribute -- Adoption. HRES716Nov. 16, 2010Floor Vote
HIV Testing/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3088Oct. 2, 2000Floor Vote
Human Trafficking/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 3244Oct. 6, 2000Floor Vote
Increased Time for Background Checks -- Recommit. HR1112Feb. 28, 2019Floor Vote
Indian Health Care Reauthorization -- Rape and Sexual Assault Victims. (in Sen.) S1200Feb. 14, 2008Floor Vote
Injury Prevention and Control/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2201Jun. 14, 1993Floor Vote
Justice Department Reauthorization -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3402Sep. 28, 2005Floor Vote
Justice Department Reauthorization/Motion to Instruct. (in H.R.) HR2215May 1, 2002Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Domestic Violence (in Sen.) S 254May 18, 1999Floor Vote
Juvenile Crime/Sex Offender Notification (in H.R.) HR 3May 8, 1997Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Sep. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Oct. 13, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in H.R.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Aug. 4, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Oct. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 3, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Labor-HEW Appropriations, Fiscal 1978 (in Sen.) HR 7555Nov. 29, 1977Floor Vote
Limit nondisclosure agreements -- passage. S4524Nov. 16, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Assault Investigations -- Passage. HR1864Jun. 27, 2013Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Claims Training -- Passage. HR6961May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Examination Review -- Passage. HR6064May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Information -- Passage. HR7335May 18, 2022Floor Vote
Military Sexual Trauma Peer Support -- Passage. HR2724May 18, 2022Floor Vote
National Crime Victims' Rights Week -- Adoption. HRES109Apr. 29, 2009Floor Vote
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES590Sep. 25, 2007Floor Vote
National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month -- Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES289Apr. 24, 2007Floor Vote
Omnibus Appropriations; One-Week CR; Omnibus Enrollment; Rideshare Safety Study; Motocyclist Profiling; Condemn White Supremacy -- Rule. HRES366 HRES1382 HR2617 HR4373 HR1082 SCONRES51Dec. 23, 2022Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Bill/Motion To Instruct (in H.R.) HR 3355Jun. 30, 1994Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime Bill/Motion To Instruct (in H.R.) HR 3355Jul. 13, 1994Floor Vote
Omnibus Crime/Sex Crimes (in Sen.) S 1607Nov. 5, 1993Floor Vote
Online Identifiers of Sex Offenders -- Passage. HR719Nov. 14, 2007Floor Vote
Parental Notification -- Incest Exceptions. (in Sen.) S403Jul. 25, 2006Floor Vote
Partial Birth Abortion Ban/Emergency Contraceptives (in H.R.) S 3Mar. 11, 2003Floor Vote
Peace Corps Sexual Assault Prevention -- Passage. S1280Nov. 1, 2011Floor Vote
Promoting Pro Bono Legal Services -- Passage. S3115Dec. 1, 2022Floor Vote
Protection of Minors/Passage. (in H.R.) HR5422Oct. 8, 2002Floor Vote
Protections for Children/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 151Apr. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Repeat Child Sex Offenders/Impact Study. (in H.R.) HR2146Mar. 14, 2002Floor Vote
Repeat Child Sex Offenders/Passage. (in H.R.) HR2146Mar. 14, 2002Floor Vote
Repeat Offender Penalties -- Passage. HR1842May 22, 2017Floor Vote
Rohypnol Control/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4137Sep. 26, 1996Floor Vote
Sex Offender Data Base/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3456Sep. 26, 1996Floor Vote
Sex Offender Registration -- Hate Crimes. (in H.R.) HR3132Sep. 14, 2005Floor Vote
Sex Offender Registration -- Mandatory Minimum Sentences. (in H.R.) HR3132Sep. 14, 2005Floor Vote
Sex Offender Registration -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR3132Sep. 14, 2005Floor Vote
Sex Offender Supervision/Passage. (in H.R.) HR4679Jun. 25, 2002Floor Vote
Sex Offenders Release Disclosure/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2137May 7, 1996Floor Vote
Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation -- Passage. HR5706Mar. 30, 2022Floor Vote
Sexual Assault Forced Arbitration -- Sexual Harassment Dispute Definition. HR4445Feb. 7, 2022Floor Vote
Sexual Assault Survivors' Rights -- Passage. HR5578Sep. 6, 2016Floor Vote
Sexual Assualt Forced Arbitration -- Passage. HR4445 CQ Key VoteFeb. 7, 2022Floor Vote
Sexual Offender Registration/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1683Sep. 23, 1997Floor Vote
Sexual Predator Punishment/National Hotline (in H.R.) HR 3494Jun. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Sexual Predator Punishment/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3494Jun. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Sexual Predator Punishment/Senate Amendments (in H.R.) HR 3494Oct. 12, 1998Floor Vote
Teen Violence Awareness -- Adoption. HRES103Feb. 3, 2009Floor Vote
Unfunded Mandates -- Recommit. HR50Jul. 13, 2018Floor Vote
Unfunded Mandates/Sexual Predators and Child Support (in H.R.) HR 5Jan. 24, 1995Floor Vote
VAWA Reauthorization and Fiscal 2013 Defense Authorization -- Previous Question. HRES656May 16, 2012Floor Vote
VAWA Reauthorization and Fiscal 2013 Defense Authorization -- Question of Consideration. HRES656May 16, 2012Floor Vote
VAWA Reauthorization and Fiscal 2013 Defense Authorization -- Rule. HR4970 HR4310May 16, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Anti-Trafficking Law Extension. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 12, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Duplicative Government Programs. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 12, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- En Bloc Amendments. HR1620Mar. 17, 2021Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Law Enforcement Grants to Prosecute Violence. HR1620Mar. 17, 2021Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 4, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Passage. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 12, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Passage. HR1620Mar. 17, 2021Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Passage. HR4970May 16, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Passage. S47 CQ Key VoteFeb. 28, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Previous Question. S47Feb. 27, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Recommit. HR4970May 16, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Republican Substitute. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 7, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Republican Substitute. S47Feb. 28, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Rule. S47Feb. 27, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- STD Tests. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 12, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Substitute to Reauthorize Funding Through Fiscal 2022. HR1620Mar. 17, 2021Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Trafficking Victim Assistance. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 12, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization -- Tribal Court Jurisdiction. (in Sen.) S47Feb. 11, 2013Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Act/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1248Sep. 26, 2000Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Common Languages for Resources. HR1585Apr. 3, 2019Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- DNA Backlog Grants. (in Sen.) S1925Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- DNA Backlog. (in Sen.) S1925Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Passage. (in Sen.) S1925Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Passage. HR1585Apr. 4, 2019Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Report On Grant Funding. HR1585Apr. 3, 2019Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Republican Substitute. (in Sen.) S1925Apr. 26, 2012Floor Vote
Violence Against Women Reauthorization -- Victim Interview Techniques. HR1585Apr. 3, 2019Floor Vote
Violence Against Women/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1133Nov. 20, 1993Floor Vote
Welfare Overhaul/Legal Alien Eligibility (in Sen.) HR 4Sep. 14, 1995Floor Vote
Workplace Violence Prevention -- Existing Legal Protections. HR1309Nov. 21, 2019Floor Vote