Federal Tax Policy
 Tax Policy, 2003-2004
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
Adoption Tax Credit/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1057Sep. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Alternative Minimum Tax/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4227May 5, 2004Floor Vote
Alternative Minimum Tax/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4227May 5, 2004Floor Vote
Alternative Minimum Tax/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 4227May 5, 2004Floor Vote
Charitable Contributions/Land Sales (in H.R.) S 476Apr. 9, 2003Floor Vote
Charitable Contributions/Passage (in H.R.) S 476Apr. 9, 2003Floor Vote
Charitable Giving/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 7Sep. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Charitable Giving/Passage (in H.R.) HR 7Sep. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Charitable Giving/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 7Sep. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jun. 12, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 16, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 17, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 18, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Jul. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 5, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 30, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Oct. 1, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Oct. 15, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Oct. 28, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Nov. 6, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1308Jun. 12, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1308Jun. 12, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4359May 20, 2004Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit/Motion to Proceed (in H.R.) S 1162Jul. 9, 2003Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4359May 20, 2004Floor Vote
Child Tax Credit/Tax Credit Extension (in H.R.) HR 1308Jun. 5, 2003Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 4520Oct. 10, 2004Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Conference Report (in Sen.) HR 4520 CQ Key VoteOct. 11, 2004Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Outsourcing (in Sen.) S1637Mar. 4, 2004Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Passage (in Sen.) S1637May 11, 2004Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Research and Development Credit Extension (in Sen.) S1637Mar. 3, 2004Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 8Jun. 18, 2003Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Passage (in H.R.) HR 8Jun. 18, 2003Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 8Jun. 18, 2003Floor Vote
Estate Tax Repeal/Rule (in H.R.) HR 8Jun. 18, 2003Floor Vote
Family and Corporate Tax Breaks/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 1308 CQ Key VoteSep. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Family and Corporate Tax Breaks/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Family and Corporate Tax Breaks/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Family and Corporate Tax Breaks/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1308Sep. 23, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 95 CQ Key VoteMar. 20, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Child Tax Credit (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 26, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Child Tax Credit (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 26, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Conference Report (in H.R.) H Con Res 95Apr. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Estate Tax Repeal (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 20, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Long-Term Care (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Short-Term Stimulus (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Social Security Benefits Tax (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Superfund Tax (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Tax Cut (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Tax Cut Cap (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Tax Cut Reduction (in H.R.) S Con Res 23Mar. 21, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Budget Resolution/Tax Cut Reduction. (in Sen.) S Con Res 23 CQ Key VoteMar. 25, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan/Tax Cut Suspension (in H.R.) S 1689Oct. 2, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 393Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Budgetary Point of Order (in Sen.) S Con Res 95Mar. 11, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) H Con Res 393Mar. 25, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Motion to Instruct (in H.R.) S Con Res 95May 5, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Reconciliation Instructions (in Sen.) S Con Res 95Mar. 10, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Veterans' Health Care (in Sen.) S Con Res 95Mar. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Fiscal 2005 Defense Authorization/Tax Rate Increase (in Sen.) S2400Jun. 17, 2004Floor Vote
Income Tax Reduction/Previous Question. (in H.R.) HR3Mar. 8, 2001Floor Vote
Marriage and Job Tax Credits/Passage. (in H.R.) HR4626May 21, 2002Floor Vote
'Marriage Penalty' Relief/Rangel Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4181Apr. 28, 2004Floor Vote
'Marriage Penalty' Relief/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4181Apr. 28, 2004Floor Vote
Military and Assorted Tax Breaks/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1307Mar. 20, 2003Floor Vote
Military Tax Breaks/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3365Nov. 5, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Code Overhaul/Adoption (in H.R.) H Con Res 141Apr. 10, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Filing Changes/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 1528Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Filing Changes/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1528Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Filing Changes/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 1528Jun. 19, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Child Tax Credit (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Child Tax Credit (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2 CQ Key VoteMay 22, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 2May 23, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Consideration of Rule (in H.R.) HR 2May 22, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Corporate Life Insurance Policies (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Dayton Substitute (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Dividend Tax Cut Acceleration (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Dividend Taxation (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Elimination of Tax Cuts (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Elimination of Tax Cuts (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Family Caregivers (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Flat Tax Study (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Graham Substitute (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Higher Education (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Landrieu Substitute (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Marriage Penalty (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/National Guard and Reserves (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/On-Budget Surplus (in H.R.) S 1054May 14, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Overseas Income (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Overseas Workers (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2May 9, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Prescription Drug Benefit (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2May 9, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2May 22, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2May 22, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Private Debt Collectors (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 2May 9, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Research and Development Tax Credit (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2May 9, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Ruling of the Chair (in H.R.) HR 2May 9, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Rural Medicare Payments (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Social Security Tax (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Social Security Tax Repeal (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/State Aid (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/State Aid (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Sunset on Tax Increases (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax Reductions/Unemployment Insurance (in H.R.) S 1054May 15, 2003Floor Vote
Tax-Cut Reconciliation/Estate Tax. (in Sen.) HR1836May 21, 2001Floor Vote
Ten Percent Tax Bracket/Democratic Substitute (in H.R.) HR 4275May 13, 2004Floor Vote
Ten Percent Tax Bracket/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4275May 13, 2004Floor Vote