International Trade and Development
 Bilateral and Regional Trade
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Date Sort ascending Sort descending Type Sort by document type
“Normal Trade Relations” Status for China Disapproval/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 121Jul. 22, 1998Floor Vote
1994 China MFN Disapproval/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 373Aug. 9, 1994Floor Vote
Adherence to SALT II Agreements (in H.R.) H Con Res 350Jun. 19, 1986Floor Vote
Africa, Caribbean Trade/Cloture (in H.R.) HR 434May 11, 2000Floor Vote
Africa, Caribbean Trade/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 434May 4, 2000Floor Vote
Africa, Caribbean Trade/Conference Report (in H.R.) HR 434May 11, 2000Floor Vote
Africa, Caribbean Trade/Motion to Proceed (in H.R.) HR 434May 10, 2000Floor Vote
Africa, Caribbean Trade/Rule (in H.R.) HR 434May 4, 2000Floor Vote
African Trade and Myanmar Sanctions -- Substitute Amendment. (in Sen.) S3326Aug. 2, 2012Floor Vote
Agricultural Trade (in H.R.) S 3447Oct. 15, 1978Floor Vote
Aid to Poland and Hungary/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 3402. CQ Key VoteOct. 19, 1989Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3009Apr. 29, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3009May 21, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3009May 22, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Congressional Oversight Group. (in Sen.) HR3009May 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Disapproval Resolution. (in Sen.) HR3009May 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Expanded Conference. (in H.R.) HR3009Jun. 26, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Fast-Track Procedures. (in Sen.) HR3009May 14, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Foreign Investment. (in Sen.) HR3009May 21, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Human Rights. (in Sen.) HR3009May 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Investor Protection. (in Sen.) HR3009May 14, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Labor and Environmental Standards. (in Sen.) HR3009May 16, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Maritime Workers. (in Sen.) HR3009May 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) HR3009May 1, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/NAFTA Tribunals. (in Sen.) HR3009May 2, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Passage. (in Sen.) HR 3009. CQ Key VoteMay 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Privatization. (in Sen.) HR3009May 23, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Recommit. (in H.R.) HR3009Nov. 16, 2001Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Retaliatory Action. (in Sen.) HR3009May 15, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Rule. (in H.R.) HR3009Nov. 16, 2001Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Tariff Reduction. (in Sen.) HR3009May 22, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Textile Trading Authority. (in Sen.) HR3009May 15, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Trade Negotiating Authority. (in Sen.) HR3009May 15, 2002Floor Vote
Andean Trade/Wage Insurance. (in Sen.) HR3009May 16, 2002Floor Vote
ASEAN Support and Cooperation -- Passage. HRES311Sep. 27, 2017Floor Vote
Authorization of Coastwise Trading Privileges (in H.R.) HR 1797Nov. 17, 1981Floor Vote
Caribbean and Central American Trade/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 2644. CQ Key VoteNov. 4, 1997Floor Vote
Central American Free Trade Agreement -- Motion to Proceed (in Sen.) S1307Jun. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Central American Free Trade Agreement -- Passage (in Sen.) S1307 CQ Key VoteJun. 30, 2005Floor Vote
China MFN/Executive Order Codification (in H.R.) HR 4590Aug. 9, 1994Floor Vote
China MFN/State-Owned Enterprises (in H.R.) HR 4590Aug. 9, 1994Floor Vote
China Normal Trade Relations Denial/Discharge Motion (in Sen.) S J Res 27Jul. 20, 1999Floor Vote
China Trade (in H.R.) H Con Res 204Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
China Trade (in Sen.) S Con Res 47Jan. 24, 1980Floor Vote
China Trade/Motion to Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4444May 24, 2000Floor Vote
China Trade/Nonproliferation of Weapons. (in Sen.) HR 4444. CQ Key VoteSep. 13, 2000Floor Vote
China Trade/Passage. (in H.R.) HR 4444. CQ Key VoteMay 24, 2000Floor Vote
China Trade/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4444May 24, 2000Floor Vote
China's MFN Status/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 182Jun. 27, 1996Floor Vote
Chinese Prison Labor/Table Appeal of Ruling of Chair (in H.R.) HR 2195Nov. 5, 1997Floor Vote
Conditional MFN for China in 1992/Passage. (in Sen.) HR 2212. CQ Key VoteJul. 23, 1991Floor Vote
Conditional MFN for China in 1992/Restrictions (in Sen.) S 1367Jul. 22, 1991Floor Vote
Disapprove Normal Trade Relations with China/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 57Jul. 27, 1999Floor Vote
Drug Patents/Drug Reimportation. (in Sen.) S812Jul. 17, 2002Floor Vote
Drug Patents/Reimportation Certification. (in Sen.) S812Jul. 17, 2002Floor Vote
Export Controls/Arab Boycott (in H.R.) HR 15377 CQ Key VoteSep. 22, 1976Floor Vote
Farm Bill/Motion to Instruct. (in H.R.) HR2646Apr. 23, 2002Floor Vote
Fiscal 1990 State Department Authorization/Cuba (in Sen.) S 1160Jul. 20, 1989Floor Vote
Fiscal 1991 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Foreign Trade Zone (in Sen.) HR 5021Oct. 24, 1990Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994–95 State Department Authorization/China MFN (in Sen.) S 1281Feb. 1, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1994–95 State Department Authorization/Former Soviet Union Collateral (in Sen.) S 1281Jan. 28, 1994Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 Defense Authorization/Business Interests (in H.R.) HR 3616May 20, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Cuban Gift and Humanitarian Donations (in H.R.) HR2862Jun. 15, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Immigration and Trade Agreements (in H.R.) HR2862Jun. 16, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Trade Promotion Authority Enforcement. (in Sen.) HR2862Sep. 15, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Interior-Environment Appropriations -- Family Travel to Cuba (in Sen.) HR2361Jun. 29, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2006 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations -- Cuba Economic Embargo (in H.R.) HR3058Jun. 30, 2005Floor Vote
Fiscal 2009 Omnibus Appropriations -- Iran Business. (in Sen.) HR1105Mar. 5, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Defense Authorization -- Iran Sanctions. (in Sen.) S3254 CQ Key VoteNov. 30, 2012Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Appropriations. (in Sen.) H R 12130 CQ Key VoteJul. 24, 1956Floor Vote
Foreign Aid Authorization (in Sen.) S 1196Oct. 22, 1981Floor Vote
Foreign Military Aid/Sales (in H.R.) HR 11963Mar. 3, 1976Floor Vote
FTC Act Amendments (in H.R.) HR 3816Feb. 28, 1978Floor Vote
Hills Nomination (in Sen.)Jan. 31, 1989Floor Vote
India Nuclear Fuel (in H.R.) H Con Res 367 CQ Key VoteSep. 18, 1980Floor Vote
India Nuclear Fuel (in Sen.) H Con Res 432 CQ Key VoteSep. 24, 1980Floor Vote
Interest and Dividend Tax With holding/Caribbean Basin Initiative (in H.R.) HR 2973Jul. 28, 1983Floor Vote
Iran Trade and Nuclear Sanctions -- Previous Question. HR4992 HR5119 HR5631Jul. 12, 2016Floor Vote
Iran Trade and Nuclear Sanctions -- Rule. HR4992 HR5119 HR5631Jul. 12, 2016Floor Vote
Irish Economic Development/Adoption. (in H.R.) HRES513Sep. 10, 2002Floor Vote
Japan-U.S. Trade (in H.R.) H Con Res 376Nov. 17, 1980Floor Vote
Maritime Programs Authorization (in H.R.) HR 4963Jul. 13, 1977Floor Vote
Miscellaneous Tariffs/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1594Apr. 24, 1990Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With Belgium/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-16Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With Canada/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-14Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With Mexico/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-13Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With Thailand/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-18Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With the Bahamas/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-17Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Mutual Legal Assistance With the United Kingdom/Adoption (in Sen.) Treaty Doc. 100-8Oct. 24, 1989Floor Vote
Myanmar Sanctions/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 97Jun. 14, 2004Floor Vote
National Energy Emergency Act (in H.R.) HR 11450 CQ Key VoteDec. 14, 1973Floor Vote
National Energy Emergency Act (in Sen.) S 2589 CQ Key VoteNov. 15, 1973Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill. (in Sen.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteJul. 21, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Gephardt Amendment. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteApr. 29, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Plant Closings. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteApr. 21, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Trade Relations With Angola (in Sen.) S 1420Jul. 9, 1987Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Veto Override. (in H.R.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteMay 24, 1988Floor Vote
Omnibus Trade Bill/Veto Override. (in Sen.) HR 3. CQ Key VoteJun. 8, 1988Floor Vote
Presidential Trade Authority. (in H.R.) H R 12591 CQ Key VoteJun. 11, 1958Floor Vote
Regarding U.S. Concerns with China/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 461Jun. 27, 1996Floor Vote
Research and Development Package -- Trade Policy Modifications. (in Sen.) S1260May 27, 2021Floor Vote
Romania Trade Status/Passage (in H.R.) HR 3161Jul. 17, 1996Floor Vote
Russia Trade Relations -- Passage. HR6156 CQ Key VoteNov. 16, 2012Floor Vote
Russia Trade Relations -- Previous Question. HR6156Nov. 15, 2012Floor Vote
Russia Trade Relations -- Rule. HR6156Nov. 15, 2012Floor Vote
Select Committee on National Security and China/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 463Jun. 18, 1998Floor Vote
Select Committee on National Security and China/Previous Question (in H.R.) H Res 463Jun. 18, 1998Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in H.R.) HR 4868Jun. 18, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in H.R.) HR 4868Jun. 18, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) HR 4868Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 13, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 14, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 14, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 14, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 14, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
South Africa Sanctions (in Sen.) S 2701Aug. 15, 1986Floor Vote
Soviet Economic Sanctions. (in H.R.) HR 6838. CQ Key VoteSep. 29, 1982Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce, Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1981 (in H.R.) HR 7584Jul. 23, 1980Floor Vote
State, Justice, Commerce, Judiciary Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in Sen.) HR 4169Nov. 12, 1981Floor Vote
Taiwan Relations (in H.R.) HR 2479 CQ Key VoteMar. 8, 1979Floor Vote
Taiwan Relations (in Sen.) S 245 CQ Key VoteMar. 8, 1979Floor Vote
Tax Bill/Income From Cuba (in Sen.) HR 11Sep. 25, 1992Floor Vote
Trade Preferences -- Motion to Concur. HR2832Oct. 12, 2011Floor Vote
Trade Promotion Authority/Budget Act Waiver. (in Sen.) HR3009Aug. 1, 2002Floor Vote
Trade Promotion Authority/Cloture. (in Sen.) HR3009Aug. 1, 2002Floor Vote
Trade Promotion Authority/Conference Report. (in Sen.) HR3009Aug. 1, 2002Floor Vote
Trade Promotion Authority/Motion to Proceed. (in Sen.) HR3009Jul. 30, 2002Floor Vote
Trade Ties With Vietnam/Passage (in H.R.) H J Res 58Aug. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Africa Trade Alternative (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Child Labor (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 434Oct. 29, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Dumping (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Environmental Side Agreements (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Human Rights and Worker Rights (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Labor Standards (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Passage (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 3, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Reciprocal Trade Agreements (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean/Transshipment (in Sen.) HR 434Nov. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 434Oct. 26, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with sub-Saharan Africa/Eligibility (in H.R.) HR 1432Mar. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Trade with sub-Saharan Africa/Morocco (in H.R.) HR 1432Mar. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Trade with sub-Saharan Africa/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1432Mar. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa/Passage (in H.R.) HR 434Jul. 16, 1999Floor Vote
Trade with sub-Saharan Africa/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 1432Mar. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Trade with sub-Saharan Africa/Rule (in H.R.) HR 1432Mar. 11, 1998Floor Vote
Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa/Rule (in H.R.) HR 434Jul. 16, 1999Floor Vote
U.S-Mexico Transboundary Agreement -- Passage. HR1613Jun. 27, 2013Floor Vote
U.S-Mexico Transboundary Agreement -- Recommit. HR1613Jun. 27, 2013Floor Vote
U.S-Mexico Transboundary Agreement -- States Rights. HR1613Jun. 27, 2013Floor Vote
U.S.-Australia Relations/Adoption. (in H.R.) HCONRES217Oct. 16, 2001Floor Vote
U.S.-Australia Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4759Jul. 14, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Australia Trade/Passage (in Sen.) HR 4759Jul. 15, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Australia Trade/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4759Jul. 14, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Canada Trade Agreement Implementation/Passage (in H.R.) HR 5090Aug. 9, 1988Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade and U.S.-Singapore Trade/Previous Question (in H.R.) HR 2738 HR2739Jul. 23, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade and U.S.-Singapore Trade/Previous Question Reconsideration (in H.R.) HR 2738 HR2739Jul. 23, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade and U.S.-Singapore Trade/Rule (in H.R.) HR 2738 HR2739Jul. 23, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade and U.S.-Singapore Trade/Rule Reconsideration (in H.R.) HR 2738 HR2739Jul. 23, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade/Motion to Reconsider (in H.R.) HR 2738Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2738Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2738Jul. 31, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Chile Trade/Question of Engrossment and Third Reading (in H.R.) HR 2738Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Hungarian Trade Agreement (in H.R.) H Con Res 555May 22, 1978Floor Vote
U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area (in H.R.)Oct. 3, 1984Floor Vote
U.S.-Morocco Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 4842Jul. 22, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Morocco Trade/Passage (in Sen.) S2677Jul. 21, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Morocco Trade/Rule (in H.R.) HR 4842Jul. 22, 2004Floor Vote
U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR3688Dec. 4, 2007Floor Vote
U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement -- Passage. HR3688 CQ Key VoteNov. 8, 2007Floor Vote
U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement -- Rule. HR3688Nov. 7, 2007Floor Vote
U.S.-Romania Trade Agreement (in H.R.) S Con Res 35Jul. 28, 1975Floor Vote
U.S.-Romania Trade Agreement (in Sen.) S Con Res 35Jul. 25, 1975Floor Vote
U.S.-Singapore Trade/Motion to Reconsider (in H.R.) HR 2739Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Singapore Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2739Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Singapore Trade/Passage (in H.R.) HR 2739Jul. 31, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-Singapore Trade/Question of Engrossment and Third Reading (in H.R.) HR 2739Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
U.S.-U.K. Tax Convention (in Sen.) Exec K, 94th Cong, 2nd Sess.Jun. 23, 1978Floor Vote
United State-Oman Free Trade Agreement -- Passage. (in Sen.) S3569Jun. 29, 2006Floor Vote
United States-Japan Trade (in Sen.) S Con Res 15Mar. 28, 1985Floor Vote
United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR5684Sep. 19, 2006Floor Vote
Vietnam NTR Disapproval/Adoption (in H.R.) H J Res 99Jul. 26, 2000Floor Vote
Vietnam Trade Relations Denial/Discharge Motion (in Sen.) S J Res 28Jul. 20, 1999Floor Vote
Vietnam Trade/Passage. (in H.R.) HJRES101Jul. 23, 2002Floor Vote
Violence in China/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 142Jun. 6, 1989Floor Vote
Wild Rivers-Energy Emergency Act (in H.R.) S 921 CQ Key VoteDec. 21, 1973Floor Vote