Business, Banking, Commerce, and Economics
 Industrial Production and Manufacturing
 Floor Votes
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1993 Budget-Reconciliation/Domestic Tobacco Content (in Sen.) HR 2264Aug. 6, 1993Floor Vote
Air Bag Requirement (in Sen.) S Con Res 31Oct. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Anti-Terrorism Bill/Conference Report (in H.R.) S 735Apr. 18, 1996Floor Vote
Anti-Terrorism Bill/Previous Question (in H.R.) S 735Apr. 18, 1996Floor Vote
Anti-Terrorism Bill/Rule (in H.R.) S 735Apr. 18, 1996Floor Vote
Auto Domestic Content Requirement (in H.R.) HR 1234Nov. 3, 1983Floor Vote
Automobile Domestic Content Requirements (in H.R.) HR 5133Dec. 9, 1982Floor Vote
Automobile Domestic Content Requirements (in H.R.) HR 5133Dec. 10, 1982Floor Vote
Automobile Domestic Content Requirements (in H.R.) HR 5133Dec. 15, 1982Floor Vote
Automobile Domestic Content Requirements. (in H.R.) HR 5133. CQ Key VoteDec. 15, 1982Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Budget Revisions. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Emergency Designation. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Homebuyer Credit. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Passage. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Passage. HR3435 CQ Key VoteJul. 31, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Program Termination. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Qualification Restrictions. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Troubled Asset Relief Program. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Car Voucher Program Funding -- Vehicle Donation. (in Sen.) HR3435Aug. 6, 2009Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantee Appropriation, Fiscal 1980 (in H.R.) H J Res 467Dec. 20, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860Dec. 13, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860Dec. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860Dec. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860Dec. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860 CQ Key VoteDec. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 5860Dec. 20, 1979Floor Vote
Chrysler Loan Guarantees (in Sen.) HR 5860 CQ Key VoteDec. 19, 1979Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) HR 6161Jun. 10, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 9, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Amendments (in Sen.) S 252Jun. 10, 1977Floor Vote
Clean Air Act Reauthorization/Catalytic Converters (in H.R.) HR 3030May 23, 1990Floor Vote
Clean Water Act Revisions/Industrial Storm-Water Management (in H.R.) HR 961May 11, 1995Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in H.R.) HR 4250 CQ Key VoteMar. 23, 1977Floor Vote
Common-Site Picketing (in Sen.) HR 5900 CQ Key VoteNov. 19, 1975Floor Vote
Concrete Masonry Promotion -- Passage. HR985Nov. 14, 2016Floor Vote
Construction Labor Law Amendments (in H.R.) HR 281Apr. 17, 1986Floor Vote
Convention of Paris (in H.R.) HR 5237Jun. 21, 1971Floor Vote
Corporate Tax Overhaul/Manufacturing Tax Deduction (in Sen.) S1637May 11, 2004Floor Vote
Council on International Economic Policy (in Sen.) S 2986May 1, 1974Floor Vote
Crime Bill/Industry Production (in H.R.) HR 5269Oct. 4, 1990Floor Vote
Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure -- Recommit. HR2883Jul. 19, 2017Floor Vote
Cumulative Regulatory Analysis -- Cement Manufacturing Regulations. HR2401Sep. 23, 2011Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/American Work on SDI (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Authorization, Fiscal 1988/Partial SDI Deployment (in H.R.) HR 1748May 12, 1987Floor Vote
Defense Production -- Passage. HR4809Jul. 29, 2014Floor Vote
Defense Production Act (in H.R.) HR 10031Nov. 14, 1975Floor Vote
Disapproval of Fast-Track Procedures/Adoption (in Sen.) S Res 78May 24, 1991Floor Vote
Disapproval of Fast-Track Procedures/Adoption. (in H.R.) H Res 101. CQ Key VoteMay 23, 1991Floor Vote
E-Warranty Act -- Passage. S1359Sep. 8, 2015Floor Vote
Emergency Energy Conservation (in H.R.) S 1030Aug. 1, 1979Floor Vote
Emergency Natural Gas (in Sen.) S 2310 CQ Key VoteOct. 2, 1975Floor Vote
Emergency Natural Gas (in Sen.) S 2310 CQ Key VoteOct. 8, 1975Floor Vote
En bloc suspension measures -- passage. HR4275 HR5502 HR5721 HR6290 HR7277 HR7299 HR8416Nov. 17, 2022Floor Vote
Energy Conservation (in Sen.) S 2057Sep. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Energy Conservation (in Sen.) S 2057Sep. 12, 1977Floor Vote
Energy Conservation and Oil Policy Act (in H.R.) HR 7014 CQ Key VoteJul. 23, 1975Floor Vote
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (in Sen.) S 622 CQ Key VoteDec. 17, 1975Floor Vote
Enforcement of Steel Imports Laws/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 598Oct. 15, 1998Floor Vote
European Commission Merger Interference/Adoption (in H.R.) H Res 191Jul. 22, 1997Floor Vote
Export Administration (in H.R.) HR 4034Sep. 18, 1979Floor Vote
Fair Trade Repeal (in H.R.) HR 6971Jul. 21, 1975Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Office of Textiles and Apparel (in H.R.) HR 2608Oct. 3, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1992 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations/Small Business Administration (in H.R.) HR 2608Oct. 3, 1991Floor Vote
Fiscal 1995 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions/Technology Services and NOAA (in Sen.) HR 1158Apr. 6, 1995Floor Vote
Fiscal 1997 Treasury-Postal Appropriations/Explosives Tagging Study (in Sen.) HR 3756Sep. 12, 1996Floor Vote
Fiscal 1999 VA-HUD Appropriations/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 4194Jul. 29, 1998Floor Vote
Fiscal 2000 Foreign Operations Appropriations/OPIC (in H.R.) HR 2606Aug. 2, 1999Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations/Chemical Plant Security (in H.R.) HR 2555Jul. 23, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations/Maritime Security (in H.R.) HR 2555Jul. 24, 2003Floor Vote
Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution -- Auto Bailouts. (in Sen.) SCONRES13Apr. 2, 2009Floor Vote
Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia. HR5326May 8, 2012Floor Vote
Fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Manufacturing Extension Partnership. HR2578Jun. 2, 2015Floor Vote
Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- NIST Manufacturing Partnership. HR3354Sep. 13, 2017Floor Vote
Fishing Vessel Loan Guarantees (in H.R.) HR 9169Jan. 23, 1978Floor Vote
Highway Authorization (in Sen.) S 3934 CQ Key VoteSep. 11, 1974Floor Vote
Investment Tax Credit. (in H.R.) H R 17607 CQ Key VoteSep. 30, 1966Floor Vote
Manufacturing Growth Strategy -- Passage. HR5865Sep. 12, 2012Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Advanced Technological Education Program. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Manufacturing and Technology Administration. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Minority-Serving Institutions. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Passage. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Recommit. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology -- Rule. (in H.R.) HR250Sep. 21, 2005Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology/Increased Authorization (in H.R.) HR 3598Jul. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology/Manufacturing and Technology Administration (in H.R.) HR 3598Jul. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology/Re-Competition for Funds (in H.R.) HR 3598Jul. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Manufacturing Technology/Recommit (in H.R.) HR 3598Jul. 9, 2004Floor Vote
Maritime Authorization (in H.R.) HR 16987Oct. 12, 1972Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Manufacturing Centers (in H.R.) HR 5231Sep. 22, 1992Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Manufacturing Programs (in H.R.) HR 820May 6, 1993Floor Vote
National Competitiveness/Manufacturing Technology Centers (in H.R.) HR 820May 6, 1993Floor Vote
National Manufacturing Strategy -- Passage. HR4692Jul. 28, 2010Floor Vote
Natural Gas Deregulation (in H.R.) HR 9464 CQ Key VoteFeb. 5, 1976Floor Vote
Natural Gas Pricing (in Sen.) S 2104Sep. 26, 1977Floor Vote
Natural Gas Pricing (in Sen.) S 2104Sep. 26, 1977Floor Vote
Natural Gas Pricing (in Sen.) S 2104Sep. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Natural Gas Pricing (in Sen.) S 2104Sep. 27, 1977Floor Vote
Noise Pollution (in H.R.) HR 11021Oct. 13, 1972Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling and Whistleblower Protections -- Rule. HR3534 HR5851Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Drilling Permits. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Financial Responsibility Pooling. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Funds for Public Recreation. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Land Acquisition Consideration. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Manager's Amendment. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Passage. HR3534 CQ Key VoteJul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Regulation Overhaul -- Recommit. HR3534Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Whistleblower Protections -- Passage. HR5851Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Offshore Drilling Whistleblower Protections -- Recommit. HR5851Jul. 30, 2010Floor Vote
Oil Refinery Construction -- Democratic Substitute. (in H.R.) HR3893Oct. 7, 2005Floor Vote
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation, Fiscal 1987 (in Sen.) S 2706Sep. 19, 1986Floor Vote
Omnibus Drug Bill/Plastic Guns (in Sen.) HR 5210Oct. 14, 1988Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/Claim Settlement Disclosure (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/Foreign Manufacturing Enterprises (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/GAO Claim Review (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/One-Year Authorization (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
OPIC Reauthorization/Passage (in H.R.) HR 1993Oct. 13, 1999Floor Vote
Regulatory Moratorium/Business Competitiveness (in H.R.) HR 450Feb. 23, 1995Floor Vote
Soft Drink Bottlers' Antitrust Immunity (in Sen.) S 598May 15, 1980Floor Vote
Soft Drink Bottlers' Antitrust Immunity (in Sen.) S 598May 15, 1980Floor Vote
Soft Drink Bottlers' Antitrust Immunity (in Sen.) S 598May 15, 1980Floor Vote
Soft Drink Bottlers' Antitrust Immunity (in Sen.) S 598May 15, 1980Floor Vote
Soft Drink Bottlers' Antitrust Immunity (in Sen.) S 598May 15, 1980Floor Vote
Steel Anti-Dumping Laws/Privileged Resolution (in H.R.)Oct. 10, 1998Floor Vote
Steel Import Quotas/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 975Jun. 22, 1999Floor Vote
Steel Imports/Passage (in H.R.)Oct. 12, 1998Floor Vote
Steel Industry Compliance (in H.R.) HR 3520May 28, 1981Floor Vote
Steel Tariffs/Previous Question. (in H.R.) HJRES84 HRES414May 8, 2002Floor Vote
Steel Tariffs/Rule. (in H.R.) HJRES84May 8, 2002Floor Vote
Steel, Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program/Authorizations (in Sen.) HR 1664Jun. 17, 1999Floor Vote
Steel, Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program/Cloture (in Sen.) HR 1664Jun. 15, 1999Floor Vote
Steel, Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program/Glacier Bay National Park (in Sen.) HR 1664Jun. 17, 1999Floor Vote
Steel, Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program/Passage (in Sen.) HR 1664Jun. 18, 1999Floor Vote
Supplemental Appropriations, Fiscal 1982 (in H.R.) HR 6863Aug. 18, 1982Floor Vote
Tax Overhaul (in Sen.) HR 3838Jun. 17, 1986Floor Vote
Tax Overhaul (in Sen.) HR 3838Jun. 18, 1986Floor Vote
Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Competition Act/Remove Domestic Content (in Sen.) S 173Jun. 5, 1991Floor Vote
Temporary Duty and Tariff Suspensions -- Passage. HR4318Jan. 16, 2018Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas. (in H.R.) HR 1562. CQ Key VoteOct. 10, 1985Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas. (in H.R.) HR 1562. CQ Key VoteAug. 6, 1986Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas. (in Sen.) HR 1562. CQ Key VoteNov. 13, 1985Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas/Cloture (in Sen.) S 2662Sep. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Textile Import Quotas/Profitability of Textile and Apparel Industry (in Sen.) S 2662Sep. 7, 1988Floor Vote
Textile Trade Act/Athletic Footwear (in Sen.) HR 4328Jul. 12, 1990Floor Vote
Textile Trade Act/Veto Override. (in H.R.) HR 4328. CQ Key VoteOct. 10, 1990Floor Vote