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January 4 - Bills to WatchPDF
January 4 - CalendarPDF
January 4 - IndexPDF
January 4 - Key Vote ChartsPDF
January 4 - Liberals Balk at Proposal for a Budget Commission
January 4 - The President and the Pocket Veto
January 4 - Putting Out a Welcome Mat for Air Force Fighter
January 4 - Recall a Senator? Never Yet.
January 4 - Struggle in the Best of Scenarios
January 4 - 'Change' Meets Legislative Reality
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Agriculture Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Fiscal 2010 Overview
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Commerce-Justice-Science
January 4 - Highlights: 111th Congress, First Session
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Defense Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Energy-Water Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Financial Services Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Homeland Security Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Interior-Environment Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Legislative Branch Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Military Construction-VA Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: State-Foreign Operations Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Transportation-HUD Appropriations
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Fiscal 2009 Omnibus
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Fiscal 2009 War Supplemental
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Credit Card Regulation
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Financial Services Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Union Organizing Rules
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Budget Enforcement
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Debt Limit Increase
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Expansion of the House
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Fiscal 2010 Budget Resolution
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: House Ethics Inquiries
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Senate Ethics Inquiries
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Defense Acquisition Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Defense Authorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Economic Stimulus Package
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Financial Industry Bailout
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Jobs Creation
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Vehicle Trade-In Program
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Student Loan Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Unemployment Benefits Extension
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Wage Discrimination Lawsuit Rules
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Climate Change Mitigation
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Iran Sanctions
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Pakistan Aid
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: National Service Programs
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: State Department Authorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: AIDS Programs Reauthorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Children's Health Insurance Program
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Health Care Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Medicare Physician Reimbursements
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Chemical Plant Security
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Coast Guard Reauthorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Immigration Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Hate Crimes Expansion
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Intelligence Authorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: 'Patriot Act' Reauthorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Supreme Court Confirmation
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Detainee Policy
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Food Safety Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Tobacco Regulation
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Estate Tax Extension
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Homebuyer Credit
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Digital TV Delay
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Tax Break Extensions
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Trade Agreements
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Aviation Programs Authorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Surface Transportation Reauthorization
January 4 - 2009 Legislative Summary: Two-Year Veterans' Health Care Budget
January 4 - Majority Sweats the Big Stuff
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 14: Wage Discrimination
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 5: Release of TARP Money
January 4 - Editor's Notebook: A Measure of Change
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 120: Limit on Discretionary Spending
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 31: Children's Health Insurance Program
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 59: Stimulus Compromise
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 72: Gun Rights
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 174: Mortgage Loan Modification
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 194: Credit Card Regulation
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 207: Tobacco Regulation
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 233: Hate Crimes Expansion
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 235: F-22 Funding
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 262: Confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 50: Children's Health Insurance Program
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 70: Economic Stimulus Conference Report
January 4 - 2009 Key Senate Votes: 385: Health Care Overhaul/Cloture
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 104: Mortgage Loan Modification
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 335: Tobacco Regulation
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 352: Rule for Appropriations Floor Debate
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 477: Climate Change Mitigation
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 680: Food Safety
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 682: 'Cash for Clunkers'
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 719: Student Loan Overhaul
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 884: Abortion Funding
January 4 - 2009 Key House Votes: 887: Health Care Overhaul
January 4 - Having It Both Ways on Federal Spending
January 4 - Political Economy: Turning Points
January 4 - Client of the Month Club: The Western Range Association of Salt Lake City
January 4 - Congress Looks at Security From the Air
January 4 - Wexler Leaves, Party Stays
January 11 - Bills to WatchPDF
January 11 - First Session by the NumbersPDF
January 11 - IndexPDF
January 11 - Seeking a New Pattern For Troops in Afghanistan
January 11 - Making Them Talk
January 11 - The Intelligence Apparatus: Key Players
January 11 - Some Vacant Seats
January 11 - Many Top Security Spots Still Empty
January 11 - Last Year's Top Cases
January 11 - Historic Success, at No Small Cost
January 11 - CQ Vote Study Guide
January 11 - Party Unity: An Ever Thicker Dividing Line
January 11 - Vote Participation: The Long Haul
January 11 - The Week Ahead: Jan. 11-15, 2010
January 11 - Tentative First Steps Toward a Deal on Health Care
January 11 - Two Senior Senate Democrats Will Retire
January 11 - Political Economy: Anchors Aweigh
January 11 - Editor's Notebook: A Superlative Year
January 11 - When Spying Is a Gas
January 11 - Lights, Action But No Camera
January 11 - Lobbying Sails Through the Recession
January 11 - Room at the Top in Justice Department
January 11 - Immigration's Crumbling Bloc
January 11 - Japan's Clunker Program Excludes Detroit
January 11 - Apologizing to American Indians, in a Defense Bill
January 11 - EPA Might Allow More Radiation
January 11 - Who's Guarding the Health Records?
January 11 - Financial Overhaul As Dodd's Final Act
January 11 - A Democratic Party Split On Children's Health Care
January 11 - Two Views of CHIP
January 18 - Bills to WatchPDF
January 18 - IndexPDF
January 18 - Public LawsPDF
January 18 - Vote ChartsPDF
January 18 - Editor's Notebook: Help Wanted Signs
January 18 - Earthquake May Shake Immigration Policy
January 18 - American Unease in the China Market
January 18 - John McCain Gets His Golden Gun
January 18 - Carpe That Carp, Seize That Snake
January 18 - Pentagon Buys Russian Helicopters Despite Sanctions
January 18 - Documentary Casts a Paul
January 18 - Engineering Terrorism
January 18 - Nebraska's Nelson Won More Than Medicaid Deal
January 18 - Fiscal Hawks Urge Holistic Treatment
January 18 - Jim DeMint's Mission: To Strike the Big Tent
January 18 - Bio on James Warren DeMint
January 18 - Ideological Battle Spells Trouble for Vouchers
January 18 - Small Program, Big Controversy
January 18 - The Price of Perception
January 18 - The Week Ahead: Jan. 18-22, 2010
January 18 - Deal Struck on Overhaul's Funding
January 18 - Pelosi in Search of Democratic Converts
January 18 - House Tests President on Pocket Veto
January 18 - Reid's Senate Standing Stays Intact Despite Comment on Obama's Race
January 18 - House Votes to Boost GAO's Agency Oversight Power After Pulling Provision for Auditing of Federal Reserve
January 18 - Measure Seeks Release of FDR Memorabilia to Public
January 18 - Restored Ban on Vertical Price Fixing Is Aim of House Bill
January 18 - Shadegg Says He Won't Run Again for Arizona 3rd
January 18 - Political Economy: Just the Facts, Ma'am
January 25 - Bills to WatchPDF
January 25 - IndexPDF
January 25 - MidwestPDF
January 25 - NortheastPDF
January 25 - SenatePDF
January 25 - South and WestPDF
January 25 - Vote ChartsPDF
January 25 - Editor's Notebook: Not Just for Wonks
January 25 - Worrying About a Big Shakeup
January 25 - Five Questions for Celinda Lake, Democratic Pollster and Strategist
January 25 - Mark Dayton Tries Again
January 25 - Working on the Writers' Bloc
January 25 - How Neutral Should Net Neutrality Be?
January 25 - The Rules Aren't in the Mail
January 25 - Big Money From Small Packages
January 25 - Information Overlord: Congress Wants to Keep Censorship Off the Internet
January 25 - A Question of Commitment
January 25 - Climate Change Pledge Is No Easy Sell on Hill
January 25 - Blue Skies Over K Street: The Top Firms Stay Busy
January 25 - An Imperfect Storm
January 25 - 2010 Senate Election Outlook: Wide-Open Field Favors GOP Gains
January 25 - 2010 House Election Outlook: Northeast: Democrats Defend Their Dominance
January 25 - 2010 House Election Outlook: Midwest: Can Recent Democratic Gains Hold?
January 25 - 2010 House Election Outlook: South: Probable Republican Comeback Territory
January 25 - 2010 House Election Outlook: West: Democrats Play Defense
January 25 - The Week Ahead: Jan. 25-29, 2010
January 25 - Election Upsets Overhaul Plans
January 25 - Loss Forces Democrats To Adjust Their Agenda
January 25 - Court Loosens Campaign Spending Law
January 25 - Federal Radio Spectrum Measures Would Attend to Broadband Demand
January 25 - Bio: Scott P. Brown
January 25 - GOP Captures Kennedy's Senate Seat
January 25 - Senate Moderates Push for Commission As Vote on Increasing Debt Limit Nears
January 25 - Haiti Donations Will Be Tax Deductible for 2009
January 25 - House Panel Wants to Impeach Louisiana Federal Judge
January 25 - Reauthorization to Fight Nuclear Terrorism Passes
January 25 - TSA Nominee Withdraws After Multiple GOP Holds; Democrats Call for Action Without Further Delay
January 25 - Political Economy: Surface Appeal

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