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July 2 - Court Rules Against Reagan in Power Clash
July 2 - Framers Made Conflict Between Branches Part of the Natural Constitutional Order
July 2 - Big Losers in Decision Include Nofziger, Deaver
July 2 - Dukakis Dominates Platform Drafting: Hoping to Attract More Votes, Democrats Offer Fewer Words
July 2 - Changes Will Affect '92 Process: Pressed by Jackson Demands, Dukakis Yields on Party Rules
July 2 - How States Allocated Democratic
July 2 - From Vanquished Governor to Presidential Nominee: Michael Dukakis' Phoenix-like Political Rebirth
July 2 - One-Time Insurgent Now Broad-Based Leader: For Jackson, the Promise of Something Greater
July 2 - Texas Treasurer to Deliver July 18 Address: Keynoter Richards to Aim Withering Wit at GOP
July 2 - Running the Show in Atlanta: Ringmasters Represent Geographic Mix
July 2 - Members Consider Honoraria Ban, Higher Pay
July 2 - Senate Stalled on Plant-Closing Notification
July 2 - Senate Committee OKs Minimum-Wage Boost
July 2 - Suit Filed Against Teamsters Union
July 2 - Moratorium Sought on Cashouts: Pension Surpluses: A Corporate Piggy Bank?
July 2 - Pension Plan Terminations, 1980-87 (chart)
July 2 - Sweeping Changes Proposed: Scandal Touches Off Skirmishing Over Procurement-Law Reform
July 2 - Pentagon Calls Amendments 'Death by Pinpricks': Members Go on the Offensive to Defend Bases
July 2 - 1976 Law Poses Key Hurdle to Closing Bases
July 2 - $282 Billion Spending Legislation: Contra, NASA Battles Loom on Defense Bill
July 2 - Seeking to Redress Burden-Sharing Imbalance
July 2 - New Program on Verge of Passage: Grants for Research Facilities: Experiment to End 'Earmarks'
July 2 - Manned Space Station in the Balance: Officials Consider Defying Hill on Private Station
July 2 - Senate Commerce Endorses Independent FAA
July 2 - Pell Grants Would Be Made an Entitlement: House Education Panel Seeks To Curb Student-Loan Defaults
July 2 - Angolan Gets Sympathy, Little Fresh Support
July 2 - U.S. to Fund New Missile for Israel
July 2 - Day-Care Package Clears First Hurdle in House
July 2 - Child-Care Benefits, Work Policies (chart)
July 2 - Community, Migrant Health Centers
July 2 - HEALTH/HUMAN SERVICES NOTES Congress Renews WIN Programs
July 2 - Deafness Institute, Trauma-Center Program Approved: House Panel OKs Bills on Nursing, Health Issues
July 2 - Prognosis Good as Housing Bill Goes to Senate
July 2 - NRA Promises a Battle: Handgun Waiting Period Added to Drug Bill
July 2 - SUPREME COURT NOTES: Abortion Statute Upheld
July 2 - SUPREME COURT NOTES: Congress Rebuffed on Libel Suit
July 2 - Energy and Water Appropriations (chart)
July 2 - Spending Bill for Energy and Water Approved
July 2 - Fiscal 1989 Interior Appropriations (chart)
July 2 - Interior Spending Measure Passed: House Meets Deadline on Appropriations Bills
July 2 - House Defies Reagan in Transportation Bill
July 2 - Bars Enforcement of Residency Rule: House Passes D.C. Funding Bill, With Rider
July 2 - Senate OKs Treasury-Postal Funding
July 2 - $6 Billion in Revenue-Raisers Added: Tax Panel Nears Completion Of 'Technical Corrections' Bill
July 2 - Difficult Road Ahead: House Banking Panel OKs World Bank Funds
July 2 - Veterans' Panel OKs Limited Judicial Review
July 2 - Panel Approves Agent Orange Benefits
July 2 - Energy/Environment Notes: Congress Gives School Districts More Time to Clean Up Asbestos
July 2 - Text of the Opinion: Supreme Court Upholds Independent-Counsel Law
July 2 - PUBLIC LAWS: (Previous Public Laws, Weekly Report p. 1477)
July 2 - Congress Clears Student-Loan Changes
July 2 - Congress in Brief: The Week's Highlights
July 2 - Congress in Brief: What's Ahead
July 2 - House, Senate Panels OK Public Broadcasting Bills
July 2 - Senate Panel Approves NBS Reauthorization
July 2 - Court Blocks PLO Office Closing
July 2 - House Panel Approves Satellite TV Measure
July 2 - House Passes Bill to Protect Workers From Suit
July 2 - Panel OKs Bills on Ex-Presidents, Investigations
July 2 - Procurement Office Renewal Wins Committee OK
July 2 - Senate Passes Government Ethics Reauthorization
July 2 - Dukakis Puts Glenn in Spotlight
July 2 - Maryland GOP Picks New Senate Nominee
July 2 - President Signs Polygraph-Limit Bill
July 2 - Rail-Line Aid Wins Committee OK
July 2 - Reagan Signs Catastrophic-Care Bill
July 2 - Tennessee 2nd Special Election Primary Aug. 25
July 9 - Who Will Running Mate Be? Scrutiny of Dukakis Campaign Covers All - Including Dessert
July 9 - Democratic Convention Delegation Profiles
July 9 - Primary Recap:
July 9 - Taking Stock of the Jackson Districts (chart)
July 9 - 1988 Democratic Primary Results (chart)
July 9 - 1988 Democratic First-Round Caucus Results (chart)
July 9 - 1988 Republican Primary Results (chart)
July 9 - 1988 Republican First-Round Caucus Results (chart)
July 9 - A Two-Year Odyssey to Nomination:
July 9 - 17 Counts Cited: Panel Calls for Impeachment, But Hastings Vows to Fight On
July 9 - Nixon Impeachment Hearings to Continue
July 9 - Congress Sheds Few Tears: Meese's Resignation Marks End of an Era
July 9 - Gun Lobbies Take Aim at Drug-Bill Provision
July 9 - Plane Incident Raises Questions on Gulf Policy
July 9 - Text of Reagan's Letter to Congress
July 9 - Congress Could 'Disapprove' the List: House Edges Closer to Easing Base Closings
July 9 - Defense Bill Conference Completed
July 9 - Controversial Issues Sidestepped: Senate Easily Passes Foreign Aid Funding Bill
July 9 - Hill Opposition to Kuwait Arms Sale Grows
July 9 - Multinational Sanctions Encouraged: House Panel OKs U.S.-South Africa Trade Ban
July 9 - Davis-Bacon Revision Pulled From Defense Bill
July 9 - Minimum Wage: Too Hot to Handle?
July 9 - Members of Congress Included: House Version of Lobbying Bill Less Restrictive Than Senate's
July 9 - Southern Democrats Bolt: House Orders Its Conferees To Slash Cost of Welfare Bill
July 9 - Health Corps, Animal-Drug Bills Approved: House Panel OKs Health-Professions Subsidies
July 9 - Interior's Motives Questioned: Alaskan Land-Exchange Plan Criticized as 'Unfair to Public'
July 9 - Senate OKs Advance Notice of Plant Closings
July 9 - Who Switched Votes in the Senate?
July 9 - Life Insurance Industry 'On Notice'
July 9 - ECONOMIC AFFAIRS NOTES: Markey Presses Market Bill, SEC Backs One Vote Per Share
July 9 - House Panel Nears Action on Bank Regulation Bill
July 9 - Couple Gets Heard With Persistent Lobbying
July 9 - Bill Headed for Conference: Senate Agrees 92-0 to Revamp SBA Minority Business Program
July 9 - Stance on FY 1988 Spending Reversed: OMB's Miller Backs Away From Report-Language Battle
July 9 - Abortion, Residency Rule, Gay Rights: Senate Snarled Over D.C. Funding Measure
July 9 - Senate Clears Energy/Water Funding Bill
July 9 - Congress in Brief: The Week's Highlights
July 9 - Congress in Brief: What's Ahead
July 9 - Cost of Closing Thrifts Put at $15.2 Billion
July 9 - Drought-Relief Legislation Planned
July 9 - Real-Estate-Appraisal Reform
July 9 - Filing Surprises in Wisconsin, Rhode Island
July 9 - House Panel Approves Health Bill
July 9 - Senate Republicans Offer Anti-Drug Proposal
July 9 - Shaw Gets Slot on Ways and Means
July 9 - Congress Clears NTSB Reauthorization
July 9 - New Copyright Fees for Satellite TV Operators
July 9 - Panel Approves Funds for Superconductivity
July 16 - Dukakis and the Search for a New Hurrah
July 16 - The 1988 Democratic National Convention
July 16 - Insiders Seek Soul Possession: Democrats Struggle to Define Their Destiny
July 16 - Ethnic Whites Are Crucial: Dukakis Shows Potential for Broad Fall Appeal
July 16 - '88 Democratic Primary Vote: A Breakdown (chart)
July 16 - SAMPLE COUNTY VOTES (chart)
July 16 - Bentsen: Safe and Bold Hardball Tactics Carry the Day: Dukakis Plays the Texas Card
July 16 - Bentsen Lures Texans and Comforts Insiders
July 16 - 30 Years Later, Bentsen Uses Lone Star Loophole: LBJ Law Once Again Muddles Texas Politics
July 16 - Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: A Solid Establishment Man Able and Willing to Maneuver
July 16 - 'Tory' Bentsen Walked a Fine Line in 1970
July 16 - Bentsen's Key Votes Since 1983:
July 16 - 1980 and 1984 Presidential Elections (chart)
July 16 - State Delegations' Hotel Assignments (chart)
July 16 - Dispute on Minority Report: Comity on Platform Collapses As Angry Jackson Forces Dig In
July 16 - Hill Opposition Could Be Intense: Reagan May Bypass Congress On Iran Air Compensation
July 16 - Reagan to Press Arms Sales to Kuwait
July 16 - Hill Sets Stage for Contra-Aid Debate
July 16 - Hill Weighs Bills to Avert Procurement Abuses
July 16 - House Modifies, Passes Base-Closing Bill
July 16 - Senate OKs Cabinet Status, Judicial Review for Vets
July 16 - Simpson Fights a Lonely, Losing Battle Arguing That 'Veteran Mania' Must End
July 16 - Bush's Endorsement Is Added Bonus: Welfare Conference Begins, Buoyed by Bentsen's Selection
July 16 - House Votes New Deafness Institute
July 16 - Health Notes: Committees Seek to Promote Technology for Handicapped
July 16 - Health Notes: FDA Revision
July 16 - Health Notes: Health Professions
July 16 - Health Notes: Nursing Shortage
July 16 - Health Notes: Preventive Health
July 16 - Health Notes: Sexually Transmitted Ills
July 16 - Bentsen Selection Has Senate Reverberations
July 16 - Outlook Improved for House Bill: Senate Committee Approves Parental-Leave Legislation
July 16 - House Committee Approves Student-Loan Bill
July 16 - NASA Wins, UDAGs Lose in Senate HUD Bill
July 16 - Far More Than Administration Sought: Senate Approves $10.6 Billion For Transportation Programs
July 16 - Riders Burden D.C. Spending Bill
July 16 - New Clean-Air Compromise Put Forth
July 16 - Senate Shifts Oil Drilling Speedup to Alaska
July 16 - Prognosis Uncertain: House, Senate Move to Revive Pesticide Bills
July 16 - Energy/Environment Notes: Bills on Indoor Air Pollution, Manassas Battlefield Advance
July 16 - Both Votes Seen as Veto-Proof: Trade, Plant-Closing Bills Win Strong House Backing
July 16 - House Panel OKs Tax Bill; Senate Outlook Dim
July 16 - Economic Affairs Notes: Ruling Yields Windfall to S and Ls, Panels Back Canada Trade Bill
July 16 - Drought-Relief Bills Attract Scores of Add-Ons
July 16 - House Panel Approves Food-Stamp Bill
July 16 - Ambassadorial Nominations Advance
July 16 - Congress Clears Defense Authorization Bill
July 16 - Congress Clears S and L Moratorium Extension
July 16 - Congress in Brief: The Week's Highlights
July 16 - Congress in Brief: What's Ahead
July 16 - House Gets Peek at Supplemental Spending Bill
July 16 - House GOP Adopts Rules Changes
July 16 - House Panel OKs Animal Patent Bill
July 16 - House Republicans Want Fazio off Ethics Panel
July 16 - Judge Nixon Testifies at Impeachment Inquiry
July 16 - Senate Panel OKs Postal, Budget Bills
July 16 - Thornburgh Nominated to Succeed Meese
July 16 - Costello Wins Illinois 5th Special Primary
July 16 - Hearing-Aid Bill Passed by Senate
July 16 - Public Broadcasting Reauthorization Advances
July 16 - Senate Committee Prods States on Drunken Driving
July 16 - Senate Judiciary Rejects Siegan Nomination
July 16 - Senate Passes SBA Reauthorization
July 23 - Marching From Atlanta, Their Eyes on the Prize
July 23 - Some New Language Could Plague Dukakis: Platform Compromise Yields Benefits, Risks
July 23 - Three Minority Planks Rejected: Dukakis-Jackson Pact Yields Nine Platform Amendments
July 23 - Building a November Victory: Map Leaves Democrats Little Room for Error
July 23 - Favorable Sign for Dukakis:
July 23 - A Possible Democratic Target List
July 23 - Conversations With Delegates: Running With the Ticket, Not Away From It
July 23 - A Powerful Will to Win: From Day One, Unity is the Convention Theme
July 23 - Package Signed on Eve of Convention: Home-State Budget Crisis: A Test for Dukakis
July 23 - Key Ballots at the 1988 Democratic Convention (chart)
July 23 - McKay's Verdict on Meese Cuts Both Ways
July 23 - Lines Forming for Another Contra-Aid Battle
July 23 - Stinger Sale Proposed for Greece
July 23 - Congress Stalled on Market-Regulation Bills
July 23 - Securities Issues Confronting Congress
July 23 - 1988 Technical-Corrections Bill: Major Provisions
July 23 - Should It Go in Omnibus Bill? House Leaders Weigh Drug Tests For Air, Bus, Truck, Rail Workers
July 23 - Counsel Choice Nears in Wright Case
July 23 - Pentagon Ally Stratton to End House Career
July 23 - Over GOP Protest, Hill Clears Defense Bill
July 23 - Iran Reverses Stance on Gulf Cease-Fire
July 23 - Defense Authorizations for Fiscal 1989 (chart)
July 23 - 'Race to the Finish Line': Nomination in Hand, Dukakis Pledges 'Era of Greatness'
July 23 - Accepts Veep Nomination Bentsen Calls for 'Equality of Opportunity'
July 23 - Stresses 'Common Ground': Jackson Talks of Hope, Dreams As He Weaves 'Quilt of Unity'
July 23 - Richards Sets the Stage: Keynote Speech Skewers Bush, Stirs Democrats
July 23 - Text of July 18 News Conference: Dukakis, Jackson, Bentsen Team Up in a Show of Unity
July 23 - PUBLIC LAWS (Previous Public Laws, Weekly Report p. 1854)
July 23 - ACLU Comes to North's Defense
July 23 - CONGRESS IN BRIEF: The Week's Highlights
July 23 - CONGRESS IN BRIEF: What's Ahead
July 23 - Moratorium on Welfare Penalty Payments
July 23 - U.S. Support for Angola Rebels to Continue
July 30 - Both Parties Seek to Patch Gaps in Their Image
July 30 - Vying for a Political Edge
July 30 - Child-Care Measure Faces Floor Fight: Senate Labor Committee Approves ABC Bill
July 30 - House GOP Adopts Old Democratic Plan: Tax Credit Pushed as Alternative to Wage Hike
July 30 - Still Exceeds Senate Version by $1.6 Billion: House Offer on Welfare Bill Pares Total Costs Somewhat
July 30 - Drought Bill Would Help Farmers, Incumbents
July 30 - Senate Passes $1.5 Billion Food Bill for the Needy
July 30 - Contra Aid Entangled in U.S., Regional Politics
July 30 - Covert Action Plan Against Noriega: When a Secret Is Not a Secret, Hackles Are Raised on the Hill
July 30 - Troubled Future in Senate: Ways and Means Backs Apartheid Sanctions Bill
July 30 - Bentsen Gets Panel Support for Narrow Tax Bill
July 30 - $5.9 Billion Left for All New Programs: OMB Fiscal '89 Budget Report Puts Hill Democrats in a Bind
July 30 - Republicans Split as Reagan Eyes Defense Veto
July 30 - Canada Bill Submitted, OPIC Measure OK'd
July 30 - Some Consider Vote Fruitless: Judiciary Members Reluctant To Deal With Insurance Issue
July 30 - Weary House Panel OKs Bank-Deregulation Bill
July 30 - Highlights of the House Bank-Deregulation Bill
July 30 - Judiciary Committee Votes to Impeach Hastings
July 30 - Conyers Hears Echoes of Civil Rights Struggle
July 30 - $1 Billion Over Two Years: Homeless-Aid Reauthorization Readied for Quick Floor Action
July 30 - Chicago Lawyer Will Conduct Wright Inquiry
July 30 - Labor-HHS Funding Bill Passed: Curbs on Abortion Funding Relaxed Slightly by Senate
July 30 - Penalty Urged on Pension Cash-outs
July 30 - Amendments Held for Second Measure: House OKs 'Dire Emergency' Supplemental Bill
July 30 - Appropriations Set at $15 Billion: Commerce, Justice, State Funding Approved
July 30 - Senate Passes Agriculture Spending Bill
July 30 - Health Notes: Crisis Nurseries
July 30 - Health Notes: House Passes Bill to Tighten Regulation of Medical Devices
July 30 - Health Notes: Public Health Programs
July 30 - Bill to Protect Aviation 'Whistleblowers' OK'd
July 30 - Government Operations Notes: Boost in Transition Funds OK'd; House Raises Veterans' Benefits
July 30 - House Gives Nod to Land Exchange
July 30 - Park Service Reorganization Sent to Senate
July 30 - House Passes Fish and Wildlife Bills
July 30 - Veto Predicted: House Votes to Limit Logging in Alaska Forest
July 30 - Endangered-Species Bill Passed: Senate Votes for Shrimpers Over Sea Turtles
July 30 - Two Upscale Colorado Districts in the Spotlight (chart)
July 30 - FEC OKs Money for Democrats: Protesting Bentsen's Funding, GOP Seeks Court Intervention
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Corporations and Businesses
July 30 - Clean Air Act, Banking Action Interest Lobbyists During April
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Foreign Government
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Interest Groups
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Labor Organizations
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: State and Local Governments
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Trade Associations
July 30 - April 1988 Lobby Registrations: Miscellaneous
July 30 - Congress Clears Hearing-Aid Bill
July 30 - Congress in Brief: The Week's Highlights
July 30 - Congress in Brief: What's Ahead
July 30 - Senate Banking OKs Two S and L Bills
July 30 - Senate Panel OKs International SEC Action
July 30 - House Panel Approves Bill to Lessen Radon Threat
July 30 - Interior Panel OKs Bills Reorganizing Two Offices
July 30 - Panel Weighs Options to Enforce North Subpoena
July 30 - Senate Approves Internment Conference Report
July 30 - Del. Sunia Charged With Payroll Fraud
July 30 - House Votes to Extend Anti-Drug Programs
July 30 - Senate Panel OKs Trauma-Care Bill
July 30 - Ways and Means Voices Reservations on Drug Bill

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