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 Law and Judiciary
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Aide for Chief Justice
Appeals Courts Circuits
Barbiturate Abuse
Civil Rights Commission
Cooly Trade Laws
Court of Claims Commissioners
Crime Victims
Death Penalty
Federal Court Jurisdiction
Federal Criminal Law Revision
Federal District Judgeships
Gravel Case: Senate Interviews on Immunity Issue
Habeas Corpus
House Crime Committee
Hunting from Aircraft
Jury Selection Act
Juvenile Justice Institute
Kidnapping Penalties Dropped
Naturalization Fees
Omnibus Crime Victims Bill Approved by Senate
Parole Practices
Parole Reform
Pre-Trial Rehabilitation
Prison Grants
Prisoner Rehabilitation
Public Laws: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session
Reconfirmation of Judges
South Dakota Judicial District
U.S. Magistrates Salaries
U.S. Marshals' Pay
Voting Rights Enforcement