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 Foreign Policy and Intelligence
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U.S.-Vatican Relations
State Department Bill
Reports on El Salvador
Reagan Letter to Speaker of the House on Lebanon Resolution
Radio Marti
Presidential Statement: Reagan Signs Lebanon Resolution Into Law
Presidential Statement: Reagan on Nuclear Arms Talks
Presidential Statement: Reagan on Arms Control Agreement
Presidential Address: Reagan Speech on Central America
Presidential Address: Reagan on Nuclear Arms Control
Omnibus Bill Includes Foreign Aid Programs
Nicaragua Covert Aid Issue Compromised
Military Ties to Jordan
Kissinger Commission
Israel Ties Boosted
Invasion of Grenada
Foreign Policy, 1983 Overview
Foreign Aid Authorizations
El Salvador Aid Approved — With Strings
Downing of Korean Airliner
Democratic Response: Democrats Respond to Reagan's Central America Speech
Congressional Resolution: Text of “Multinational Force in Lebanon Resolution.”
Commerce, Justice, State Funding Cleared
Carlucci Commission
Aid, Arms to Guatemala
A Reluctant Congress Adopts Lebanon Policy