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Document Name
Select cqal45-1402879
Adherence to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Select cqal45-1402878
Agricultural Extension Service
Select cqal45-1402883
Amendment of Federal Farm Loan Act
Select cqal45-1402882
Bill to Authorize REA Appropriations
Select cqal45-1402880
Confirmation of Anderson as Secretary of Agriculture
Select cqal45-1402881
Confirmation of David E. Lilienthal and Claude Wickard
Select cqal45-1402876
Deferment of Farm Workers
Select cqal45-1403069
Establishment of Committee to Investigate Food Supply
Select cqal45-1403067
Extension of Commodity Credit Corporation
Select cqal45-1403053
Farm Acreage Allotments for Tobacco
Select cqal45-1402875
Major Actions, April-June
Select cqal45-1403066
Major Actions, January-March, 1945
Select cqal45-1403051
Major Actions, July-September, 1945
Select cqal45-1403199
Major Actions, October-December, 1945
Select cqal45-895-29602-1402760
Message to Congress: Truman's Post-War Policy
Select cqal45-1403068
Nomination of Aubrey Williams as REA Administrator
Select cqal45-895-29600-1402750
Roosevelt's Message on Food and Agriculture Organization
Select cqal45-1403080
Summary of Congressional Action on Bills Affecting Agriculture January-March 1945
Select cqal45-1403201
Summary of Congressional Action on Bills Affecting Agriculture October-December, 1945
Select cqal45-1402885
Summary of Congressional Action on Bills Affecting Agriculture Second Quarter, 1945
Select cqal45-1403200
Surplus Property for Soil Conservation
Select cqal45-1403052
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations