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 Oil and Gas: Supply, Production, and Delivery
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Year Sort ascending Sort descending
Natural Gas Bill1947
Natural Gas1952
Natural Gas Amendment1954
Gas Pipeline Safety1967
Congress Approves Gas Pipeline Safety Measure1968
Alaska Land Claims, Pipeline1969
Oil Import Policy1970
Pipeline Safety1971
Alaska Pipeline: Back to Court Despite Interior's OK1972
Gas Pipeline Safety1972
Natural Gas Shortage1972
Congress Completes Action on Alaskan Pipeline Bill1973
Deepwater Ports1973
Elk Hills Oil Production1973
Mandatory Fuel Allocation Program Approved1973
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Energy Crisis1973
Congress Authorizes Deepwater Ports1974
Congress Creates Federal Energy Administration1974
First Emergency Energy Bill Vetoed1974
Fuel Allocation Act1974
Gasoline Retailers1974
Independent Refineries1974
Oil Imports on U.S. Flagships1974
Pipeline Safety Act1974
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Energy Proposals1974
Revised Emergency Energy1974
Naval Oil Reserves Bill Sent to Conference1975
Alaskan Gas Transport1976
Alaska Gas Route1977
Congress Clears Emergency Gas Bill Quickly1977
Presidential Statement: Carter's Emergency Natural Gas Plan1977
Oil Reserves Plan Rejected1978
Alaska Gas Pipeline1979
New Standby Gas Rationing Powers Voted1979
Oil Company Mergers1979
Presidential Statement: Carter Proposes Alaska Gas Inspector1979
Presidential Statement: Carter's Gas Rationing Revisions1979
Presidential Statement: Carter's Gasoline Rationing Plan1980
Alaska Gas Pipeline Waivers Approved1981
Emergency Oil Allocation1981
Veto of Standby Oil Allocation Bill Upheld1982
Oil Company Mergers1984
Bush Signs Bill To Expand Oil Reserve1990
House-Passed Octane-Labeling Bill Dies1990
Panels OK Protection For Gas Stations1993
Alaska Oil Export Ban Lifted1995
Congress Unable to Satisfy Gas Industry and Farmers Concerning Possible Ban of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE), a Clean Gasoline Additive and Reputed Carcinogen2000
Lawmakers, White House Spend Much of the Year Wrangling Over Oil Reserves2000
Oil Refineries Bill Dropped in Senate2005
Offshore-Drilling, Keystone Bills Stall2013
Congress Urges Oil Train Rules2014
GOP Passes Energy Bill Package2014
House Passes Natural Gas Export Bill2014
Offshore Drilling, Keystone Bills Stall2014
Obama Nixes Keystone Pipeline That GOP Had Tried to Force Him to Approve2015